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Showing posts with label Ascendant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascendant. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 May 2024


Neptune, the planet of illusion, fogginess, disillusionment, as well as transferrable insight, mystical alignment, vision, and psychic intuition, in square often brings forth vague or ambiguous insight.  This is a time when clarity is certainly not at its peak, and we need to be informed usually by others what exactly is transpiring in our lives. 


Our clarity is distorted because what is in front of us, we might be unwilling to accept.  We cloud our viewpoint because we don’t want to be informed of challenges.  Our objective should be to see things as they are and to not let our imagination run wild or to not allow our minds to bend the truth to fit our wants or perspectives.


Neptune square the Ascendant may have us confused on who we are or the way we should be representing ourselves.  Are we being real or is there some imagined concept that we present to the public?
When Neptune is connected to the Ascendant, this energy is often very important to us and what we are experiencing is open to the world to see.  This can be relationships, but in many cases, it may be about our career, our objectives, goals in life, the home and/or family concerns. 


There are roadblocks in the way and challenges to meet. These need to be met and they need to be met head-on even if what is taking place is unpleasant.


Neptune square the Natal Ascendant may have us confused on who we are or the way we should be representing ourselves in public.  Are we being real, or is there some imagined concept that we wish to present to the public? 


Are we seeing ourselves clearly? 


Can we make changes to be who we are? 


Do we know how we want to be perceived? 


These are all questions we may be asking ourselves, and in many cases, this could be our career or home environment or with family. 


If, for example, Transiting Neptune is in the third house, perhaps this is about the way we communicate daily or the way we view our relatives.  Are we in conversation with these people and what can we do to make things clearer? 


If Neptune is in the ninth house, perhaps there is litigation that needs addressing, or travel plans that are not working out as we might wish or perhaps our perception regarding our own personal philosophy on life is going through some alterations because it needs to be more clear and concise.


Much will depend on the house transiting Neptune is moving through and what natal aspects our Ascendant is receiving.  Viewing the whole chart will help define what to expect and how you might handle what is going on.  The natal chart tells the story, and the transits engage the action.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #aspects #square #neptune #Ascendant #NeptuneSquareAscendant #illusion #facetotheworld #Seethingsclearly #roadblocks #clarity #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 1 May 2024


Transiting Jupiter moves approximately 1° every five days, so its impact, giving a 5° approaching orb and a 2° separating orb, will be approximately one month.  If it goes retrograde, this period can last longer.  Jupiter goes retrograde for approximately four months moving about 10°.  While in retrograde, quite often we will gain increased recognition and some luck in obtaining benefits.  While direct, its energies are more rewarding and it provides growth, expansion and general good luck.


With Jupiter Sextile Natal Ascendant you may find that you change your appearance or the way you present yourself or you may become more confident and because of this, advance in life.

Jupiter sextile Natal Ascendant promotes a general feeling of good luck.  It feels like a lucky time and often opportunities flow in your direction.  This is often quite personal but may also involve those close to you, especially important relationships.  Opportunities are at hand but in many cases, we just feel lucky and do not necessarily do too much to help things happen.  We feel that if we just go with the flow good things are likely to happen, and you might just be right, but sextiles want you to push ahead to achieve what you want.


You may find that you also change your appearance, some put on weight as Jupiter contacts the Ascendant.  Some make changes to the way they present themselves.  Others become more confident and because of this, advance in life.  Some advance in their career especially if the Midheaven is activated in a positive manner.  Some purchase a home or move into a new residence, especially if the fourth house is involved.  Much will depend on the sign that your rising sign (ascendant) is in and the natal placement of your Jupiter and its aspects.


This placement of Jupiter is a positive alignment, and when in place opportunities are at hand but utilize these energies in order to advance with whatever your plans involve.  Sitting idle is a complete waste of these energy. In some cases, however, things just seem to fall in place on their own, especially if what you have been doing leading up to this have been tedious and it now seems as though things have settled down.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #Astroworld #zodiasigns #astrologypost #psychic #oracleCards #aspects #sextilee #Jupiter #anglesinastrology #Ascendant #Asc #appearance #facetotheworld #expansion #growth 


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III courses are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 15 January 2024


Transiting Saturn rarely makes things easy, but its energies do work in a more favorable manner when it is in its retrograde cycle.  When Saturn makes a Trine to a planet, however it often suggests that the potential for a favorable outcome is better than when it is making a challenging aspect such as a Square or Opposition and in many cases the Conjunction.  Trine aspects indicate easy flow although that flow will be disrupted because of Saturn’s natural tendency to slow progress down and delay the result.


The Ascendant is a personal sphere of influence in our lives.  It has to do with our personal expression and even our appearance, although modern physical adjustments have an impact on this.  The Ascendant is the way we represent ourselves especially when we first meet someone.  It is our outer expression while the Sun is our inner expression and who we are deep inside.


Saturn will build a more solid foundation with the proper effort and will secure things for your self-expression and self-worth over time when trine the Ascendant
Saturn’s influence will push you to have a close look at yourself. It will influence how you define who you are and whether you are comfortable with your self-expression and may challenge you to be honest about this to yourself.  You may even talk openly about this to others and may feel somewhat down about what you see.  Saturn will point out all your so-called short comings and push you to do something about them.  This will likely be difficult, but if you don’t cut yourself short and follow through with the hard work, your chances of success are enhanced but will likely take some work and time to accomplish.


Saturn will build a more solid foundation with the proper effort and will secure things for your self-expression and self-worth over time.  It may affect your relationship with others and make you more reliable and secure if this is something that needs refurbishing.  The ramifications for a job well done can work in many ways.  If the Ascendant is connected to the Midheaven, this turning point could enhance your career or if connected to the IC, it can make things better with family and build a more secure structure in the home environment. 


A full look at your chart would be required to get the full picture but in general this Saturn connection to the Ascendant is a favorable aspect if the required work is carried out and can help make many positive changes in life.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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