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Wednesday, 1 May 2024


Transiting Jupiter moves approximately 1° every five days, so its impact, giving a 5° approaching orb and a 2° separating orb, will be approximately one month.  If it goes retrograde, this period can last longer.  Jupiter goes retrograde for approximately four months moving about 10°.  While in retrograde, quite often we will gain increased recognition and some luck in obtaining benefits.  While direct, its energies are more rewarding and it provides growth, expansion and general good luck.


With Jupiter Sextile Natal Ascendant you may find that you change your appearance or the way you present yourself or you may become more confident and because of this, advance in life.

Jupiter sextile Natal Ascendant promotes a general feeling of good luck.  It feels like a lucky time and often opportunities flow in your direction.  This is often quite personal but may also involve those close to you, especially important relationships.  Opportunities are at hand but in many cases, we just feel lucky and do not necessarily do too much to help things happen.  We feel that if we just go with the flow good things are likely to happen, and you might just be right, but sextiles want you to push ahead to achieve what you want.


You may find that you also change your appearance, some put on weight as Jupiter contacts the Ascendant.  Some make changes to the way they present themselves.  Others become more confident and because of this, advance in life.  Some advance in their career especially if the Midheaven is activated in a positive manner.  Some purchase a home or move into a new residence, especially if the fourth house is involved.  Much will depend on the sign that your rising sign (ascendant) is in and the natal placement of your Jupiter and its aspects.


This placement of Jupiter is a positive alignment, and when in place opportunities are at hand but utilize these energies in order to advance with whatever your plans involve.  Sitting idle is a complete waste of these energy. In some cases, however, things just seem to fall in place on their own, especially if what you have been doing leading up to this have been tedious and it now seems as though things have settled down.


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