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Thursday, 18 April 2024


On April 23, 2024 at 7:48 p.m. EDT, we will be having a Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio at 4°. 


With this current Scorpio Full Moon, it is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.
The Moon in Scorpio is in its fall position suggesting, although you will need to look at the natal aspects to your Moon for further ramification, that this is not an easy position for the energies of the Full Moon.  There may be some struggles attached to this energy. The energies will only be strong for those who have a planet or an angle either in conjunction to this position or in opposition to this position. 


Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio may indicate something of a challenging situation connected to sex, anger, disputes, ego interchange and a need to go deep within to find a resolution to a situation which likely began some six months ago when we had a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio.  This energy, which many experience shortly prior to the exact Full Moon timing, can be tumultuous and indicate a culmination of what has been in place.  Again, it is time to reap the harvest of what took place some six months ago.


Changes are likely in store. This positioning is square to Transiting Pluto, so it speaks of something ending in order for something new to begin.  In many cases, people tend to swim upstream and fight the current of change which creates more disruption to what was in place. Once this change has taken place, down the road, we will realize we are right where we need to be.


In many cases, there are no halfway measures with Pluto’s energies, and substantial transformation is at hand.  This may take some time to take in but again, it is taking you to where you need to go.  Some of the steps along the way may not be overly pleasant but what was in place no longer suits your new place in life.


With this Full Moon in Scorpio, it this is a time for integration, a time for regeneration, a time of transformation.  You are ready to advance to the next stage of life even though you may not believe this currently.  You should make adjustments, take control of the situation, be patient, learn the lessons that have unfolded, stand tall and never give up. Be sure to move ahead with confidence knowing that at times life dictates and we follow because of our own best interests.  Processing events will be important but do not dwell on the negative as it only brings you to an unpleasant place. Learn from the process and release.


Check your whole chart for the full story as no one influence gives the full picture.


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