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Monday, 15 April 2024


What does Transiting Jupiter square Natal Midheaven suggest in your chart?

Jupiter Square Natal Midheaven suggests a time of testing and hard work to reach your goals with your career.

Transiting Jupiter carries with it potential for growth and expansion when it touches other planets or angles in the natal chart.  All angles from Jupiter promote the potential for something good to come out of almost any situation.  The planet or angle which is aspected by Jupiter will of course have to be evaluated within the framework of the natal chart, but in general, Jupiter’s energies are what we look forward to while in transit.


When Jupiter makes a square to our midheaven, although the square is considered a challenging aspect, with some work, we now have the possibility of promoting ourselves in our career, with our goals and aspirations, potentially with our status in life and getting recognition where we might not have had received credit previously.


Jupiter moves relatively quickly, usually moving about 1° every 4-5 days, and we allow a 3-5° approaching orb and a 2-3° separating orb of influence. Accordingly, this aspect might last 3-4 weeks.  Much will depend on whether Jupiter moves into retrograde while passing over our midheaven degree.  If it does, the energy created by Jupiter will extend a little longer, and we will have time to review what we are setting out to accomplish.


Jupiter promise growth and potentially favorable conditions, but because of the square, there may be obstacles in the way or what you might define as slow progress.  There may be times when you feel as though you will not accomplish what you are trying to do, but, with the right amount of perseverance and a steady approach, your chances of success on some level are good. You may not reach your highest objectives, but you can still achieve during this period.


There may be difficulties getting your point across or you might find that if you are applying for a promotion or raise that you have other people competing with you or perhaps someone in authority may question your abilities.  The worst that can come from this period is a time of testing, or a time of lessons learned through this experience. The lessons learned can be used as steppingstones maneuvering your way forward.


If you have planets connected to your MC (Midheaven), especially those that are conjunct, you will need to take into consideration what these planets’ impacts may be on your MC. The sign on the cusp of your MC along with other significators within the chart will also add insight into the potential of what your aspirations might be. Take everything into consideration within the chart to help define what you should be doing with respect to your career options. 


The midheaven extension is a process that helps define what our objective in life might be and what type of work would be best suited for us.  Sometimes our goals and objectives do not line up with our choice of career.


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