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Showing posts with label Midheaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midheaven. Show all posts

Monday, 29 July 2024


Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal Midheaven is a great time for advancement in career-oriented ways. The potential for your status to improve and to gain recognition is enhanced. Use this energy appropriately.  The energy is in your hands.
The transit of Jupiter to Natal MC is one of the great transits we look forward to in life.  Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal MC (Midheaven) provides opportunities for recognition, achievement and potential success in anything that is connected to your career.  Your goals also have the potential to reach higher heights now.  The path ahead seems clearer (unless Neptune is connected by a poor aspect to this placement as Neptune can blur our vision). You could now move forward as prior to this either the potential was gathering speed or it was not in sight at all).


On a deeper level, because you now feel more generous and luckier, you have the opportunity to find greater meaning to life.  If you are of a spiritual mindset, now is the time to advance this focus.  Spiritual practices are often enhanced as Jupiter meets up with the MC, and goals which have been part of the process leading up to this time now can move forward. 


All in all, Jupiter sextile the Midheaven is a prosperous and achievement-oriented aspect, which requires effort on your behalf.  If we sit back and do nothing with this very beneficial configuration, the likelihood of advancement is diminished.


For those with their own business, you may find opportunities to enhance your professional goals.  You may find that you are getting recognition for your efforts from clients, and they may be letting others know that your business is worth their attention.  Your business may grow, or you may find opportunities at this time for expansion.  Jupiter often makes things run more smoothly and goals that we set for ourselves can be easier to reach.


Transiting Jupiter sextile Natal MC is a great time for advancement in career-oriented ways. The potential for your status to improve and to gain recognition is enhanced. Use this energy appropriately.  The energy is in your hands.


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Wednesday, 10 July 2024


With Saturn opposition Natal MC, outside influences in a challenging manner push us to adjust, to reevaluate and to challenge ourselves to work through adversity that is present within our occupation.
Before we go into transiting Saturn opposition Natal MC (Medium Coeli), we should also understand that it will also be making a Conjunction to the IC (Imum Coeli).  The Conjunction is actually more powerful than the Opposition and changes will take hold primarily within the family unit, the home environment and who we are in personal terms, perhaps a part that only we know. 


Saturn can be very discriminating and astute with letting us know, through challenging conditions, where we need to build structure and what needs to be defined clearly.  It does not hold back anything when it comes to the truth and will create what is needed, which may be through painstaking effort.


When we look at the opposition to the MC, the likelihood of this being stimulated by something that is taking hold either from within (the individual) or from outside influences, especially from family is strong.  Perhaps the family moves, and the career or life objectives will also have to adjust along with this move.  Perhaps the changes that are taking place at home cause an adjustments which  affects the occupation and your goals in life.


Outside influences in a challenging manner push us to adjust, to reevaluate and to challenge ourselves to work through adversity that is present within our occupation.  This is a challenging situation because perhaps things have been moving along smoothly and then there is a shift and work becomes a hinderance or our goals and aspirations may be difficult to follow.  We might even have to adjust because our superiors or a parent now needs our care.


Perhaps the home front changes, and we now need more financial support to make things work more favorably.  We may have to take on extra work or adjust our spending habits to make things work.  Outside influences cause concern within our occupation, and because of others, we will be challenged.  This can create more work, less time to be spent with family and more concerns about where life is taking us.


Remember during these challenges that Saturn is the teacher and will help us to build a solid foundation that we can rely upon in the future.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 15 April 2024


What does Transiting Jupiter square Natal Midheaven suggest in your chart?

Jupiter Square Natal Midheaven suggests a time of testing and hard work to reach your goals with your career.

Transiting Jupiter carries with it potential for growth and expansion when it touches other planets or angles in the natal chart.  All angles from Jupiter promote the potential for something good to come out of almost any situation.  The planet or angle which is aspected by Jupiter will of course have to be evaluated within the framework of the natal chart, but in general, Jupiter’s energies are what we look forward to while in transit.


When Jupiter makes a square to our midheaven, although the square is considered a challenging aspect, with some work, we now have the possibility of promoting ourselves in our career, with our goals and aspirations, potentially with our status in life and getting recognition where we might not have had received credit previously.


Jupiter moves relatively quickly, usually moving about 1° every 4-5 days, and we allow a 3-5° approaching orb and a 2-3° separating orb of influence. Accordingly, this aspect might last 3-4 weeks.  Much will depend on whether Jupiter moves into retrograde while passing over our midheaven degree.  If it does, the energy created by Jupiter will extend a little longer, and we will have time to review what we are setting out to accomplish.


Jupiter promise growth and potentially favorable conditions, but because of the square, there may be obstacles in the way or what you might define as slow progress.  There may be times when you feel as though you will not accomplish what you are trying to do, but, with the right amount of perseverance and a steady approach, your chances of success on some level are good. You may not reach your highest objectives, but you can still achieve during this period.


There may be difficulties getting your point across or you might find that if you are applying for a promotion or raise that you have other people competing with you or perhaps someone in authority may question your abilities.  The worst that can come from this period is a time of testing, or a time of lessons learned through this experience. The lessons learned can be used as steppingstones maneuvering your way forward.


If you have planets connected to your MC (Midheaven), especially those that are conjunct, you will need to take into consideration what these planets’ impacts may be on your MC. The sign on the cusp of your MC along with other significators within the chart will also add insight into the potential of what your aspirations might be. Take everything into consideration within the chart to help define what you should be doing with respect to your career options. 


The midheaven extension is a process that helps define what our objective in life might be and what type of work would be best suited for us.  Sometimes our goals and objectives do not line up with our choice of career.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Beginner’s and Level III courses are began last week but this will be the last week we will accept registrations. Visit for course details and to register.


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Thursday, 11 April 2024


Transiting Neptune making a square to our Natal IC (Imum Coeli) will affect our family and home life, and in rare cases, when someone has been ill for a very long time, it speaks about the end-of-life conditions.  At the same time transiting Neptune is making a square to our IC, transiting Neptune will be making a square to the MC (Midheaven).  So, at the same time, our career, life path, goals and life’s status will be affected.


Transiting Neptune making a square to our Natal IC (Imum Coeli) will affect our family and home life, and in rare cases, when someone has been ill for a very long time, it speaks about the end-of-life conditions.
The contacts that are made to the IC within the natal chart as well as other transits making aspects to the IC will also have to be determined and taken into consideration. Look at aspects that are within the 3–5° of being exact, although of course, the closer they are to being exact the more powerful their influence will be.


Neptune in challenging aspect will tend to make things very uncertain and often creates worry and anxiety because of concerns about the outcome of matters (within the realm of the IC as discussed).  “What am I going to do about my mother or father because they now seem to be displaying dementia?”, “Should I look for a home where they can be looked after?” or “Should I move them from their home to my house?” are perfect examples of questions that may arise. 


“How might this affect the family and what will I need to do within the framework of my home to accommodate them?” would be the next question. You can now understand the energies of Neptune influencing these areas of life in this example.


Neptune in challenging aspect can make things difficult, and there will likely be other hinderances along the way.  You may make a plan of action and then it must be changed because of unforeseen circumstances.  You may have to shift because of this, and your original plans will need to be adapted for the new circumstances. 


It is not easy to find solutions to problems when things are unclear and the road ahead is uncertain.  However, the energies of the square aspect are challenging enough that these challenges will likely force you into action because of the disruption that they cause.  You must find a way through the adversity, and it is likely in your hands, although of course you can ask for help.  You, however, will have to make the final decision. 


If we were speaking about the opposition aspect, you would find that other people are often part of the issue, and it may be these individuals that decide which way to turn.  This is quite different from the square which, because of the situation at hand and how irritating the situation is, the situation itself forces you into action.


All energies are temporary but bring with them valuable lessons for moving forward.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s classes and our Level III classes began this week but there is still time to register if you are interested.  We have limited space available. Visit for course details and to register.


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Monday, 25 March 2024


When Transiting Neptune makes a Trine to our Natal Midheaven, it often opens the door to our visionary goals and aspirations.

When Transiting Neptune makes a Trine to our Natal Midheaven, it often opens the door to our visionary goals and aspirations. The mystic is often part of the process, that is for those so inclined.  Those individuals that have musical or creative potential will find that these abilities are now enhanced.


The MC or Midheaven has to do with our career as well as our goals and ambitions. When Transiting Neptune comes into contact by Trine aspect to our MC our dreams just might come true. Sometimes these things just fall into our lap. Other times, it takes a push from us to make things happen. Under the energies of this aspect, the potential is often in place for you to advance on some level.


Your status in life may blossom due to objectives that are now available (which prior to this time were just a dream).  Perhaps recognition for your creative abilities will materialize and those in authorities may now recognize your contributions. For those that have musical or acting abilities, the time that you are under the influence of this aspect may be the time to advance your cause. Again, this is the time to obtain recognition. You will have to take into consideration the natal aspects to the MC as well as any transits in place to get the full story, however.


There is something magical about what is unfolding but make sure you are seeing things as they truly are and that it is not just wishful thinking. Neptune, in a challenging position in the birth chart, can make things a little uncertain or obtuse. Ask your superiors what they think about your goals. You likely can get some good advice from clearheaded individuals not being influenced by this aspect. Advance with some caution if your birth chart and the ongoing transits make that suggestion.  Clarity can be an issue.


If you happen to have a Grand Water Trine attached to this position or at a later date when Neptune moves into Aries (when writing this information) creating a Grand Fire Trine, you can spring into action with the Fire Trine or find intuitive inspiration with the Water Trine.  This is a time where the energies flow easily and you can take advantage of what is in place for you. Push things into action and see what takes shape!


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our Spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now under way. Space is limited. Visit for course details and to register.


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Monday, 29 January 2024


We will focus on Transiting Saturn trine the Natal Midheaven (MC) in a chart.


With Saturn trines the MC in our chart, we work to establish a good foundation with our career, career, goals, aspirations and life status
Saturn, even in trine to another planet or angle, still suggests some challenges although this is usually indicative of hard work and being disciplined in your endeavor.  The outcome, however, offered up by the trine is usually more positive, bringing with it more staying power and the construction of a solid foundation for what you are trying to accomplish.


When we are speaking of the MC or Midheaven in Astrology, this is often linked to career, goals, aspirations and life status.  In many cases, when a positive influence is connected to the MC, you often get recognition for your efforts.  In some cases, this can lead to being published, especially if the ninth house is also part of the profile or being noticed by the public.  Much will depend on the enterprise that we are speaking about.


If this is your career we are talking about, you may find that your superiors have now come to the realization that you are important to their success, and you may now receive some acknowledgement for your efforts.  If this is your own business, although hard work and potential slow progress might be indicated, the outcome looks promising especially if other indicators are telling the same story in your chart.  Don’t forget you need at least three aspects in the chart pointing in the same direction for something to manifest and become noticed.  Without this, the opportunity may slip by with only minor notice or effect.


If this has to do with life status and the seventh house or fifth house to a lessor degree are also part of the profile, perhaps you are now ready to move a relationship to the next level.  Marriage is possible and an elevated status may come because of this.  Now there are two of you making your mark in the world in your own way. 


If Pluto is also crossing the Ascendant or making a positive aspect, this may assist in what unfolds or if Pluto is being challenged, perhaps some ego intervention or power struggles might be indicated.  Much depends on the whole picture.


For those with a good Astrological understanding, I would like to emphasize that because of the delaying effects of Saturn, you must give your MC position a 2° orb after it is direct for this positioning to have an impact in your chart. For example, if you have your MC at 23°Libra when Saturn makes its trine, it will have to be 2° past being direct so at 25° either Aquarius or Gemini.  You may have some minor impact around the direct degree but 2° after is usually when the impact is the strongest.  If you have other indicators in your chart, this degree may be slightly off.  An example of this might be using the same delineation of 23° Libra as your MC and transiting Pluto was at the 23° and Transiting Uranus was also at the 23°.  I use Uranus because it is often a timer in Astrology.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 24 January 2024


Saturn square our Midheaven suggests obstacles connected to our career, our goals, aspirations and our status in life.  Recognition may not come easily, and work can be disrupted or even challenged to such a degree that changes must be made.

Currently (January 2024) Transiting Saturn is in early degrees of Pisces.  If you have your MC (Midheaven) in the Gemini or Sagittarius depending on the degree of your MC, you will be experiencing this square in your birth chart.  Saturn does not move into Aries on a permanent basis until February, 2026, so you will be under this influence at some point during Saturn’s stay in Pisces.


Pisces is a gentle, peace-loving sign and thrives on service on some level.  Pisces is spiritual and religious in many cases and is a strong believer in the unseen. It goes with the flow and avoids conflicts of any kind.  It is the dreamer of the Zodiac and many with strong emphasis of this sign in their charts are the visionaries, the mystics, and the escapists of the Zodiac.  The escapist characteristics stem from the want for peace and tranquility. Many with a strong Pisces’ influence can use drugs or alcohol to escape, at least temporarily, from some of the harsher realities of life.  Of course, you will have to review the whole chart to see if this holds true.


Saturn on the other hand has to do with reality and security and the stabilization of activities often related to securing structure that has a lasting potential.  Saturn is also associated with challenges, stumbling blocks, tedious obligations to get the job done and reliability.  Saturn often indicates hard work and discipline and is known as the teacher of the Zodiac. Saturn pushes us to move out of complacency and urges us to stand strong again the pressures of life.


When Saturn makes the challenging square aspect to our Midheaven, this often suggests that there are obstacles in the way.  Hard work is indicated, and setbacks are often part of the picture.  This can lead to concern and worry about where life is taking us, especially connected to our career, our goals, aspirations and our status in life.  Recognition may not come easily, and work can be disrupted or even challenged to such a degree that changes must be made.  There are no shortcuts, and you will not find the road easy.


If, however, you decide to challenge the situation and work towards building a solid foundation that appears to be falling apart, the rewards for hard work and diligence can be great.  Saturn insists that you work for a result even if you can’t see the end game in the near future.  Sturdiness and stability are often built into what you have committed yourself to accomplish.  You will learn patience, perseverance and gain inner strength even if you fall short of your endeavors as long as you keep working towards an end result.


It likely will not be an easy road and much will depend on the natal potential and how Saturn is aspected along with the other transiting aspects.  Stay the course and work your way through adversity and remain true to your ambitions.  Do not get caught up in any negativity that might befall you and stay strong and focused.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 13 December 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto Trine the Natal Midheaven.


Pluto, the agent of transformation and creator of regeneration through acts of transformation suggests that now is the time for constructive and easy flow generated into the area of career, goals, and aspirations that in some way might bring gains with insight and opportunities in these areas.

With Pluto Trine your Midheaven, some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand.

This is a good time to make constructive changes to the career and to push forward to make significant changes where needed.


Trine aspects indicate easy flow, positive energies, and productive, beneficial outcomes because of actions you take now. There will be a general feeling that things might unfold well over time, but the willingness to advance and push ahead might not be overwhelming. You may feel as though the energies will push themselves and you just might be right, but you will miss an important opportunity if you just sit and let these energies pass you by without putting forth some type of effort.


Pluto will probably bring an end to things that no longer are suitable for life moving forward and changes are evident, if not most likely. That which no longer suits your evolution involving your goals and life objectives must now go through major alterations if not complete teardown and rebuilding.  What is in place now likely will no longer work and, in some cases, this could mean a complete change in occupation, or if you own your own business, a change of direction or the way your business is being handled. Perhaps with your own business, you have been ruling with an iron fist and now you have come to understand that you get things done when using a more calm and gentle approach. It would be important to take a step back and recognize that power can be used in many ways. The scenario may be quite opposite to this suggestion. You may need to push ahead with a firmer hand. Power struggles or power lessons are often part of the profile.


There are no halfway measures when it comes to the energies of Pluto and sometimes even the trine aspect, which is the most hoped for aspect, must go through some challenges to reach the outcome which over time will prove beneficial.


Some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand. You will feel these energies up to three years prior to this aspect being direct and it may take as long as two years to see the final results. Have patience and know that you are moving in the right direction.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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