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Monday, 27 May 2024


We are reviewing the aspects to Sun in Gemini to give a mini forecast for our Geminian readers. We focused on the square to Neptune on May 20, 2024 which can be read at and the square to Saturn on May 22, 2024 which can be read at .


There are no halfway measures about Pluto’s action. It's best to go with the flow with this change.  Trines are what we wait for, and the Sun is our vital energy and defines our goals in life.
Today, we will focus on the trine from transiting Pluto. 


Pluto is in the very early stages of Aquarius and will move into retrograde from September 2 until November 20 of this year.  You will have plenty of time to transform and regenerate your goals, who you are, your aspirations and objectives and learn to let go of what no longer serves you and begin anew. 


The trine is a favorable aspect supplying energy in a positive direction, often opening doors, and helping to move things ahead in an easy manner.  Trines are linked to good fortune, easy flow, and opportunities and should be utilized during their formation in the Zodiac regardless of what planet is involved.  The problem with trines is that the energy seems so easy that at times we just sit back and do little or nothing and waste the time and energy while it is available.


Pluto can dictate your life’s direction at this time, letting you know what you need to do on an internal level at first and as you begin the process, it becomes more relevant and lets you know what is expected.  Sometimes the change is not an easy one.  In many cases, something is lost or left behind in order for something new to begin.  This can be revealed in many ways, but much will depend on the houses involved in the equation. 


There are no halfway measures about Pluto’s action, and it is best to go with the flow rather than try to swim upstream against the current of change.  As time passes, which in many cases can take as long as two years, you finally see why things went the way they did and you will get an understanding that whatever took place was exactly what needed to happen.  This is particularly true because of the nature of the trine aspect.  Trines are what we wait for, and the Sun is our vital energy and defines our goals in life.


Again, happy solar return to our Geminian readers.  Use the energies available to the best of your abilities.


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