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Monday, 13 May 2024


Saturn sextile Natal Mercury suggests challenges and lessons attached to your goals. If you do your homework and are diligent go for your goals. Having the support of those in positions of authority would certainly help with the outcome.
The sextile aspect is known to bring compatibility and harmony. The sextile from Saturn to Mercury is not always about opportunities and easy flow.  Saturn is connected to struggles, lessons, obstacles, a slowing in action, concerns and worries about doing things correctly. Even with this positive sextile aspect, there will be struggles tied to opportunities that may come your way.


Saturn does offer opportunities for learning and understanding when it is sextile to Mercury but not without some lessons along the way.  Perhaps an opportunity presents itself to assist in furthering your education or you need to make a presentation to someone in authority. You have done your due diligence, and you are ready to move forward, but there may be postponements or setbacks due to unforeseen circumstances that delay the process.


If you have truly done all your homework and know what you want and how to advance, and you have not taken any shortcuts, then that opportunity might still be available.  You cannot cut any corners, or you will fall short. You really need to be prepared in all ways to set things in motion.


You may be worried about possible outcomes.  You may have worries and concerns which are often part of the process. You may ask yourself, “Is this the right course for me?”  “Am I jumping too fast?”  “Am I prepared for this?”  “Will they even listen to my suggestions?”


If Transiting Saturn is in retrograde motion at this time, then unlike other planets in retrograde, you will find that things move along much more smoothly.  Your chances for recognition or advancement are now stronger than if Saturn were in direct motion.  Sometimes it might be wise to wait until Saturn is in retrograde, but if a date is set to move ahead with whatever you plan on doing, do not let fear stand in the way.  Go for it and see what happens.


Looking into the movement of Saturn is important, but you also must take into consideration what the rest of your chart implies.  The whole chart must be explored before taking action to get a clear picture of the full potential. 


Superiors are likely part of the picture and in some cases depending on your age your father may be part of the picture moving forward.  Saturn often speaks of these people and being in the right place at the right time and having the support of those in positions of authority would certainly help with the outcome.


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