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Showing posts with label Cancerian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancerian. Show all posts

Monday, 24 June 2024


Here is our Cancer mini forecast for 2024. See our post on Sun in Cancer here.


We will have a look at the Sun in the sign of Cancer and the effects that Neptune and Saturn might have on those affected by these placements during 2024.
We will have a look at the Sun in the sign of Cancer and the effects that Neptune and Saturn might have on those affected by these placements.  Allowing an orb of up to 7° (and there will be individuals feeling the effects of this energy before this orb), we see that Transiting Saturn will move into retrograde on the June 28 and Transiting Neptune, already in its retrograde cycle, will move back into the sign of Capricorn early in September, 2024.


Transiting Saturn will be moving from 19° down to 12° in Pisces and stay within this range until early 2025.  Neptune is in the final degrees of Pisces moving into Aries at the end of March 2025.  By reviewing these degrees, you can see if your Sun will make a trine to these planets.


Saturn and Neptune carry very different energies.  Saturn has to do with focus on reality, with our feet firmly planted on the ground. It is practical and has to do with responsibility and the building of structure. 


Neptune, on the other hand, has to do with the spiritual realm, artistic abilities and those things that are deemed supernatural.  It also has to do with the escape of reality, illusions and vagueness.


The trine of Cancer Sun with Neptune can create a magical energy of spiritualization and the door opening to the psychic realm.  The creative potential can also be heightened, and Sun in Cancer may be able to visualize possibilities that to others may seem rather illusive.  Sun in Cancer’s goals may be tied to understanding what it is to be attuned to other dimensions of reality and the unseen.  It will be up to Cancerian to follow a train of thought that promotes such activity. 


On the other hand, Neptune and the Sun can make Sun in Cancer’s vision of the future and its life’s plans rather misleading or unrealized.  They might have trouble finding their way forward in life and may not be sure which road to take. Cancerians may be concerned that mistakes will be made along the way. 


Saturn, while in its retrograde cycle, works much more favorably than it does when direct.  This may be a time of stabilization and concrete results based on what Sun in Cancer individuals have in mind and where they want to go.  Their goals, although challenged, may be workable and they can reach higher than expected.  Cancerians may experience a stabilization period where they are in touch with what they want for themselves and achieve what they set out to achieve. 


With Saturn, this period can produce rewards for hard work and disciplined efforts, although Cancerians may find that they have more responsibility than they might want. This may result due to the Cancerian’s superiors being attuned to what the Cancerian has been putting in place over the long haul. 


Much will depend on how these planets are aspected in the natal chart alone with the aspects they make to the Cancer Sun. In general, the trine is a positive aspect and will promote easy flow and favourable conditions as time passes.


Happy solar return to our Sun in Cancer readers.  Utilize the energies available.


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Wednesday, 19 June 2024


The Sun moves from the Mutable, Air sign of Gemini into the Cardinal, Water sign of Cancer on June 20, 2024.  This is a huge transitional position when you think of the personalities involved.  Gemini is inquisitive and thinking and very much into communication, while Cancer is emotional, sensitive and very much into feeling.  The senses are open and operating at full capacity when we speak of the sign Cancer.


Those individuals that are born on the cusp of Cancer and Gemini will share some of each sign’s character traits; while the deeper we go into the sign of Cancer, the more the qualities of Cancer become apparent. 


The Sun has an orb of influence of 16°.  There will be individuals that have other indicators within the framework of their chart that puts emphasis on different signs and the Cancer traits may not shine through (as with any sign).  Much depends on the overall picture of the natal or birth chart. 


An example, someone who has their Sun in the very early degrees of Cancer (therefore having some Gemini traits) may also have Mercury and Venus in Gemini and the rising sign of Gemini. All of these planets in Gemini emphasize the Geminian traits but being in the first house (with Gemini rising) ignites Aries tendencies as well because the first house is naturally ruled by Aries.


Cancer is a sensitive sign, emotionally driven & has strong nurturing tendencies.  Family & friends are important factors in their lives.
Those with their Sun in Cancer, the rising sign of Cancer or an emphasis of the fourth house will share some of these traits that we are about to discuss.  The Sun sign is always tied to who we are on an internal level, the rising sign is the way we represent ourselves especially when we first meet people, and the fourth house will have some traits similar to Cancer’s and much will depend on the planets found in this house as to how these energies and traits play out.


Cancer is a sensitive sign, emotionally driven and has strong nurturing tendencies.  Family and the family of friends are important factors in their lives.  Cancer individuals would likely consider themselves homebodies and their home environment needs to be peaceful and comfortable as this is where they can recharge their emotional batteries.  They are often quite affected by their surrounding and some take on the energies of others, so they need a place where they can unleash and rewind.


Cancerians can be action oriented and restless under the right conditions but also prefer to sit in comfort and watch TV or settle into gentle conversation with those that matter.  Their children and often their parents play an important part in their lives. Being a mothering type, Cancerians would like to help where they can.  They feel deeply and have a hard time keeping emotion inside although their symbol, the crab, can put up defense by going within the protective shell.  They are more sensitive than they would like to admit.  Some see their emotions as a vulnerability and do their best to show strength by hiding their emotions somewhat, but this can also be quite difficult.  Emotion is a virtue not a vice.  As much as they need to nurture, they also need nurturing themselves.


Heritage and the past are important to a typical Cancerian and their memory is usually quite factual as they remember more than most.  They are also very much into cooking, at least most of them, and they can be quite the master chef.  Some are also into antiques and have a close tie with the past. 


When emotionally hurt, Cancerians don’t forget.  Hurt runs deep and although they try to hide it, they hold on for far too long.  It is not that they can’t forgive but emotional hurt takes a long time to heal.


Many Cancerians are kind, gentle individuals that will do almost anything for you.  They are a friend that you can rely on, but stand on the wrong side of their temperament and you may not remain a friend for too long.  As they mature into themselves, they often learn to curb their emotion or at least try to accomplish this.


Cancer individuals should recognize that their emotional response is a strength and not a hinderance.


Happy solar return to our Sun in Cancer readers!


This is our general post for Sun in Cancer 2024. Watch for our post focusing on the 2024 forecast for Sun in Cancer individuals next week.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring Beginner’s and Level III classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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