Who are you and why have you come for this incarnation?
Are you here
to second guess your capabilities?
Are you to live
this life in fear or with regret because you weren’t sure about what it was you
were supposed to be doing or because your mind convinced you that you didn’t
have what it takes?
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boundaries you set limit or enhance your abilities. This can be material advancement, after all
we have chosen to come back into this material life, and/or it can be spiritual
Don’t limit
yourself with beliefs of what is possible for you. Know that you are so much more than your
mortal self. What are you capable of doing in this life?
Do not waste
precious time limiting your possibilities. You will be pleasantly surprised at
what you are capable of doing in this life. After all, how much experience do
you have behind you?
You are the
only one holding you back. You hold the key to the door of expression and
advancement whatever that may look like for you personally.
Now is the
time to take that next step, without fear, without guilt or preconceived
notions. Believe and build the momentum that is necessary. One step forward and the journey begins. Remember you are a spiritual being in a
physical body.
#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality
#themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #fear #learning
#growth #possibilities #Newblogpost
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Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit www.holmastrology.com/astrology-classes for course details.