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Showing posts with label Sagittarius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sagittarius. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 November 2024


As promised on November 18, 2024, we are going to look at the transits for those with their Sun in Sagittarius for 2024/2025.


The Sun in Sagittarius transits include Neptune, Saturn and Pluto and these will have the biggest impact in the coming year. Life lessons, uncertainty and transformation are all part of the bigger picture. Work with these energies to experience your intended growth.
These transits speak directly to those with their Sun in the sign of Sagittarius at varying degrees.  We will be primarily speaking about the transits from Neptune, Saturn and Pluto as they are the most influential.  As Neptune, Saturn and Pluto move forward (in direct motion) or appear to be moving backwards (retrograde), they will have an impact on those with their Sun in Sagittarius when they hit the same degrees as the Sun in Sagittarius is in the birth chart.  You will have to look up in an ephemeris the timing and actual degrees of the planets to know if/when they have an impact in your chart.


Saturn in the mid-degrees of Pisces will be in force throughout 2025, bringing with it a time of testing and lessons on resilience and patience. Those affected by Saturn will have to dedicate much time and effort towards life objectives during the contact time period.  Saturn works with a more easy flow when it is in retrograde (September 3rd to November 28th, 2025 while moving through the later degrees of Pisces).  Check the houses involved along with how Natal Saturn is aspected in your chart to see how these energies might play out specifically for you.  Saturn will be in Square to those with this position of their Sun throughout its stay.


Neptune makes a Square to those with their Sun in the later degrees of Sagittarius and it moves into Aries at the end of March, 2025 and back into Pisces in late October, 2025.  Neptune also makes a Trine to those with their Sun in the very early degrees of Sagittarius as it moves into Aries, after making its way through Pisces.


For those Sagittarians that have transiting Neptune squaring their Sun, this will be a time of confusion around your objectives and perhaps the way you feel about who you are as an individual.  It can influence your health, especially if you have already had a period of illness.  This illness may be hard to diagnose and cause worry and anxiety.  You may feel listless and not have much energy but make sure that you are not completely focused on being ill as this will only help it grow.


For those with their Sun In the early degrees of Sagittarius, Neptune will be making a trine to this position and those affected may find that the potential for moving towards with their objectives is increased.  Sometimes something almost mystical enters the equation as the psychic realm is enhanced when there is an interest in this directions.


Going a little deeper, transiting Pluto will also make a sextile to the Sun in Sagittarius.  This aspect provides an opportunity to make changes and transform your goals and aspirations in a more positive direction. The changes can be subtle in the beginning, but positive transformations are at hand.


There will be mitigating influences by other transits going on throughout this timeframe. These transits we have highlighted are general energies and much depends on the rest of your chart and how it is being impacted during these transits.


The Sun in Sagittarius transits include Neptune, Saturn and Pluto and these will have the biggest impact in the coming year. Life lessons, uncertainty and transformation are all part of the bigger picture. Work with these energies to experience your intended growth.


Again, happy solar return to our Sagittarian followers.


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Monday, 18 November 2024


On November 21, 2024 the Sun moves from Scorpio (a Fixed, water sign) into Sagittarius (a Mutable, fire sign).  Sagittarius, being a Mutable sign, can mold easily to life’s situations whereas Scorpio, under most conditions, does not like change.  Sagittarius enjoys exploration and the excitement that new things can bring.  These two signs are quite different from one another.


Happy solar return to our adventurous, kind and caring Sun in Sagittarius followers
Sagittarius loves wide-open spaces, and many enjoy travel especially when it comes to long distance travel.  They marvel at the experience that travel can bring and enjoy meeting new people and sharing events. 


Sagittarians enjoy conversation but it does not need to be overly deep; although where philosophy comes into play, they can speak their mind. This can apply to any religious inclinations or spiritual insight. 


Many Sagittarians are fun-loving people who generally feel good about their lives, especially when their interest is aroused.  They often have a very positive attitude and believe that even under the harshest of conditions something good lies just around the next corner.  This is due to their ruling planet, Jupiter (the planet of good luck and expansion). 


Many Sagittarians are considered happy-go-lucky and although they have little problem expressing themselves, at times, they may experience “foot-in-mouth” disease and wish they would have thought a little deeper before opening their mouth.  They do speak their minds, and this can at times get them into trouble.  Sagittarians usually learn from their mistakes but still seem to speak before thinking. 


Sagittarius individuals love the great outdoors and are often interested in sports.  If they do not play sports, they are likely avid sports spectators. 


Some Sagittarians may have trouble settling down and can get bored with some people.  However, a Sagittarian may need grounding and, in some cases, can get that from their significant other.  A variety of experience can mean a great deal to a Sagittarian.  This would also include, to some extent, those with a Sagittarius rising sign or those with many planets in the ninth house which is the natural ruling house of Sagittarius.


Those people with strong Sagittarius tendencies can be idealists, open-minded, kind and caring individuals.  Some find spirituality fascinating and want to delve deep into this side of life, preferring to learn through experience rather than from the written word.  This does not mean that schooling will not appeal to them only that they truly want the experience for themselves so they can make their own commitments or resolutions on any given subject.


Happy solar return to our adventurous, kind and caring Sun in Sagittarius followers.


We will post the transits that may affect our Sagittarian readers on November 20.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Tuesday, 21 May 2024


On May 23, 2024, we will be experiencing the Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius at 2° at 9:53 a.m. EDT. 


With the Full Moon in Sagittarius, work towards improvement both emotionally and physically. Be positive and take advantage of the opportunities at hand.
Those individuals that have planets especially by conjunction or opposition to this placement in their natal charts will be affected by this, the Sagittarius Full Moon.  You can give yourself a 3° orb of influence so planets 0° to 4 ° in Sagittarius or 0 to 4° in Gemini and back to the 29 ° of Taurus and Scorpio will have an impact. 


This Full Moon brings to focus the higher principles of life.  It can deal with your life’s philosophy, your religious outlook, your spiritual beliefs and the education of life that begins with your attitude about what the plan is for you.  The house position along with the planets or angles in question will play significant roles with the energies available.  The house positions, as the Full Moon has the Sun and Moon in opposition, will determine the areas of life involved and the planetary energies or the angle (if this is part of the picture) will combine and enhance the equation.


The Full Moon speaks about what began approximately 6 months ago and is now reaching its culmination point.  What started at that time, depending on the efforts used will now either enhance your life or will need to be revised or let go of in order for your to advance in life. 


If connected to the MC angle, for example, this may speak directly about goals and achievements especially related to your occupation and how this affects your home life and family.  If on the Ascendant, for example, this will deal primarily with a personal connection and have something to do with a relationship of importance, often the partner.  We do not have enough space or time here to incorporate all the other potentials. 


Plute, the planet of regeneration and transformation, is in the sign of Aquarius and currently (May 2024) is around 2°, making a sextile to the positioning of the Full Moon.  Pluto is currently in its retrograde cycle and turns direct on October 12, 2024.  During its retrograde cycle, Pluto’s energies are not working to their full capacity.  After the October date when Plut turns direct again, its energies are working to their full capacity.  During the retrograde cycle, this may be a time of regeneration but may be from a deep and personal perspective.  Once it goes direct, this may be the time when you begin to see how your life was transformed and what Pluto’s objectives might have been.


The emotional makeup is part of the picture, and with a Sagittarius perspective, you might believe or work towards making things better and there is a potential that you will find what you are wanting to find.  Sagittarius is very optimistic in its approach to life and looks to expand and make things better over time by looking at things from a realistic approach and knowing that the mind’s focus is of extreme importance.


The sextile from Pluto to this Lunar placement speaks of opportunities and is considered a favorable aspect which often suggests that things could fall directly in your hands, although it is always suggested that we work towards making things happen to our advantage and not just wait for them to happen.  Sometimes without working at our hopes and wishes, things do not work as favorably as they otherwise could have.  These energies are quite positive and should be used accordingly. 


In a nutshell, with the Full Moon in Sagittarius, work towards improvement both emotionally and physically. Be positive and take advantage of the opportunities at hand.


To get a better picture of how things might unfold in your personal life, you might wish to have a full chart prepared.


Wishing those affected by this Full Moon all the best. Move forward with a positive approach.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes are now underway.  Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 11 December 2023


On December 12, 2023, we will be having a New Moon at 20° Sagittarius at 20° at 6:32 p.m. EST. 


This New Moon will be making a quincunx to Uranus at 19° in the sign of Taurus. 


New Moon’s energies are about new beginnings and often indicate a surge of activity or energy directed at making new plans of action, setting goals and aspirations, and moving in new directions within the framework of the sign and house position indicated by your natal chart.


Because this New Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, our focus should be in areas related to the traits of Sagittarius.  If you have planets within 3° (17°-24°) especially by conjunction or opposition and any planets in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), this New Moon will affect you.  If you have other planets in these degrees but not in the mutable signs or in Opposition, you can also be affected by this positioning but not to the same degree.


This will be the best time to begin your focus to expand your horizons and plan action that is optimistic in nature and viewed as though you will gain perspective and advancement.  The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter and Jupiter bestows good luck and often fortunate conditions especially when we are being honest with ourselves and others and making plans that not only move us in a forward direction but also have a positive impact on those around us.  You can be independent in your approach but keep in mind that what you start at this time can also affect others.


You may have a more adventurous spirit and feel a greater sense of confidence under this influence, and because of this broader perspective and optimistic view, your chances of success may improve.  You may find that you are more open to new concepts and outspoken when it comes to your opinion.


On the negative side, you may have exaggerated expectations.  Over exaggerated ideals may not be reached but the higher your aim, the greater the potential.


Transiting Uranus is in quincunx to this positioning, and this often suggests that you must adjust to what is taking hold.  Perhaps jumping into situations is part of the problem.  Uranus will provide a push to find something new and sometimes without due consideration.  Take your time.  Don’t jump, but you should still advance with optimism and open doors that might otherwise have been closed. 


You have a more open adventurous spirit at this time, and you might want to travel and broaden your horizons.  This might not be a bad idea if you can prepare for it and can afford to take this trip.  A part of you wants to move ahead without too much forethought, so think things through before jumping.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 22 November 2023


Much of what we will discuss here will influence those with their Sun in Sagittarius at varying degrees.  You will have to check the degrees of influence in your natal chart along with the degrees of the transiting planets to get a clear picture of whether these positions will influence your chart and when they will highlight the areas of life suggested in your chart.  We will only look at the outer planetary positions because their influence is long lasting; the inner planets move quickly and have only a slighter influence compared to the outer planets.



Pluto is all about transformation and regeneration and will highlight individuals in a positive way providing opportunities and advancement with goals, life objectives, career path and changes of a personal nature especially those energies that needs revamping from an internal perspective.  Pluto will be in Aquarius for many years and is currently making its final pass in the sign of Capricorn.


Pluto will move very slowly creating many occasions when you will feel its influence. This will create inner reflection, with a need to dive deep within to gain clarity, especially on the parts of yourself that could be deemed dark or undesirable.  You will be asked to face the truth and although it may not be overly pleasant, now will be the time not only for reflection but for change either with or without your approval.  Pluto’s action is definitive and there are no half measures.  Something will end so that something new can begin.


If this timing fits your chart, it can affect not only your life’s path but also enhances your position for advancement in your career or with plans that you have been tossing around for moving ahead. 


The sextile is an opportunity aspect and although life can offer up situations that are appropriate for change and transformation to take hold quite often, you will need to set the action in motion.  Without a push from you to advance your cause, there is a chance that nothing will take hold.  With the sextile aspect, a push from you is often a requirement for advancement. 



Saturn remains in Pisces into early 2026 and during its time spent in this sign, it will be making a square to those with their Sun in the degrees associated with its placement at that time. 


Sagittarius is a free roaming sign that loves adventure and exploration.  It is mostly adaptable to life’s situations yet wants its freedom.  With Saturn making a square to those with their Sun in Sagittarius, there may be feelings of being held back or being slowed down when it comes to the desire to move ahead in life, especially with new adventures.  Saturn likes the tried and tested and is not overly interested in moving in new directions. Saturn will likely do its best to stop you from advancing into new areas.


Sagittarius does enjoy free spirit and the wide-open spaces, and Saturn, the teacher and disciplinarian, will want to teach important lessons while Sagittarius finds room to move.  These lessons and teachings can be quite valuable when we look back, and over time, will create a solid foundation for the information or experiences taken.  It lays the groundwork for further advancement, but you will have to work hard to advance whatever your objectives may be.


Enjoy your new solar year, Sagittarius.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Sun in Sagittarius will have an influence from Pluto and Saturn in the coming year bringing opportunities for advancing and lessons for building a new foundation.

Monday, 20 November 2023


On November 22, 2023, the Sun moves from the fixed water sign of Scorpio into the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius.


Mars and Mercury will also both be in the sign of Sagittarius forming a conjunction with anyone with their Sun sign in Sagittarius.


Mercury is at 17° Sagittarius and then goes into retrograde on December 14 (although at 8° Capricorn) but will move back into Sagittarius on December 24 still in retrograde. Mercury goes direct on January 2, 2024, and returns to Capricorn on January 13. Mercury during its retrograde cycle will move from 29° back down to 22° Sagittarius. As a result, anyone who has their Sun in these degrees will experience the conjunction as well as the retrograde cycle.


Mercury retrograde suggests a time for evaluating situations and making plans. Many say that it is not a good time to move ahead with plans, but it is a time to get ready to move ahead with these well-thought-out plans, once the retrograde cycle is over.


Mars will be in direct motion and goes into Sagittarius on November 24 and moves through this sign entering Capricorn on January 4, 2024.  Mars is about drive and activity.


After Mercury has finished its cycle of retrogradation, those with this connection in their chart can move ahead.  Those that have an earlier connection may find it somewhat challenging to move ahead as there may be obstructions or delays along the way especially if natal Saturn is part of the picture.


Sagittarius is about being attracted to wide open spaces and perhaps the Sagittarian has been thinking about taking a vacation.  This might be a good time to travel but there may be some disruptions or delays along the way because of Mercury.  It should be noted however that unless you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart and it is affecting the natal positioning of other planets, this energy is not overly powerful.  Many individuals feel no effects from Mercury retrograde, however many fear it unnecessarily. If you are planning a holiday don’t worry about it and have some fun.


Sagittarians love to travel, have an open mind, and enjoy the great outdoors.  Sagittarians generally have an optimistic attitude and often believe that the best is yet to come.  They truly believe that there is always something good right around the corner.


Sagittarius’ energies are about expansion and often these individuals seem to have good luck following them around.  Jupiter is the ruling planet and brings with it fortunate conditions.


Life’s philosophies are important for Sagittarians, and they learn by experience.  The conquest for the truth is part of their journey, and they learn from what they see in front of them due to their involvement. 


Sagittarians are in it for the long haul but may be a little impatient when things move too slowly.  They are a fire sign and that should be expected. 


Excitement and enhanced experience are what these individuals love.  Some become the wanderers of the world, ever seeking life’s magnificent experience.  Others are the studious type always wanting to learn more.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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