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Showing posts with label mutible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mutible. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.
The Sun moves from Taurus, a fixed earth sign, into Gemini, a mutable air sign, on May 20, 2024.  Gemini is said to be one of the most curious signs of the Zodiac.  It is naturally ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind, and these individuals need constant mental stimulation for life to have meaning to them.  They get bored easily and as children need constant attention or many toys to capture their attention. 


Gemini individuals are changeable, versatile, and adaptable.  They can fit into almost any situation and love conversation and intellectual interchange.  They have an interest in learning, and many can have an education that surpasses the norm.  Those that do not fit into this category may have left their schooling early because of a lack of interest.  Gemini needs to focus their attention and would do well if they could only focus on one thing at a time and then finish what they started.


They know a little about many subjects and love teaching, learning, and studying.  Most have many acquaintances.  Many have friends from all walks of life.  They love interchange and interaction that stimulates their gathering of information and in order to find out what is going on within their environment.  Gemini loves adventure and wants to explore what life offers.  Many love the great outdoors and sports and participate in anything that involves movement.


This post will likely attract many Gemini individuals because they are inquisitive and want to learn about themselves almost as much as they love to learn about others.  Some are prone to gossip while others listen well to what is shared with them.  If someone needs their help, Geminians may not be the most emotionally supportive, but they will come up with ideas that can help solve many problems.


We wrote a post earlier about the influence of planets entering the final degree of Taurus. At a later date, as the planets go into Gemini, we will go into detail about some of these planets as the planets  interact with the ever engaging sign of Gemini.


Happy solar return to our Gemini readers.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall registrations. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 20 November 2023


On November 22, 2023, the Sun moves from the fixed water sign of Scorpio into the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius.


Mars and Mercury will also both be in the sign of Sagittarius forming a conjunction with anyone with their Sun sign in Sagittarius.


Mercury is at 17° Sagittarius and then goes into retrograde on December 14 (although at 8° Capricorn) but will move back into Sagittarius on December 24 still in retrograde. Mercury goes direct on January 2, 2024, and returns to Capricorn on January 13. Mercury during its retrograde cycle will move from 29° back down to 22° Sagittarius. As a result, anyone who has their Sun in these degrees will experience the conjunction as well as the retrograde cycle.


Mercury retrograde suggests a time for evaluating situations and making plans. Many say that it is not a good time to move ahead with plans, but it is a time to get ready to move ahead with these well-thought-out plans, once the retrograde cycle is over.


Mars will be in direct motion and goes into Sagittarius on November 24 and moves through this sign entering Capricorn on January 4, 2024.  Mars is about drive and activity.


After Mercury has finished its cycle of retrogradation, those with this connection in their chart can move ahead.  Those that have an earlier connection may find it somewhat challenging to move ahead as there may be obstructions or delays along the way especially if natal Saturn is part of the picture.


Sagittarius is about being attracted to wide open spaces and perhaps the Sagittarian has been thinking about taking a vacation.  This might be a good time to travel but there may be some disruptions or delays along the way because of Mercury.  It should be noted however that unless you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart and it is affecting the natal positioning of other planets, this energy is not overly powerful.  Many individuals feel no effects from Mercury retrograde, however many fear it unnecessarily. If you are planning a holiday don’t worry about it and have some fun.


Sagittarians love to travel, have an open mind, and enjoy the great outdoors.  Sagittarians generally have an optimistic attitude and often believe that the best is yet to come.  They truly believe that there is always something good right around the corner.


Sagittarius’ energies are about expansion and often these individuals seem to have good luck following them around.  Jupiter is the ruling planet and brings with it fortunate conditions.


Life’s philosophies are important for Sagittarians, and they learn by experience.  The conquest for the truth is part of their journey, and they learn from what they see in front of them due to their involvement. 


Sagittarians are in it for the long haul but may be a little impatient when things move too slowly.  They are a fire sign and that should be expected. 


Excitement and enhanced experience are what these individuals love.  Some become the wanderers of the world, ever seeking life’s magnificent experience.  Others are the studious type always wanting to learn more.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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