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Showing posts with label easygoing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easygoing. Show all posts

Monday, 18 November 2024


On November 21, 2024 the Sun moves from Scorpio (a Fixed, water sign) into Sagittarius (a Mutable, fire sign).  Sagittarius, being a Mutable sign, can mold easily to life’s situations whereas Scorpio, under most conditions, does not like change.  Sagittarius enjoys exploration and the excitement that new things can bring.  These two signs are quite different from one another.


Happy solar return to our adventurous, kind and caring Sun in Sagittarius followers
Sagittarius loves wide-open spaces, and many enjoy travel especially when it comes to long distance travel.  They marvel at the experience that travel can bring and enjoy meeting new people and sharing events. 


Sagittarians enjoy conversation but it does not need to be overly deep; although where philosophy comes into play, they can speak their mind. This can apply to any religious inclinations or spiritual insight. 


Many Sagittarians are fun-loving people who generally feel good about their lives, especially when their interest is aroused.  They often have a very positive attitude and believe that even under the harshest of conditions something good lies just around the next corner.  This is due to their ruling planet, Jupiter (the planet of good luck and expansion). 


Many Sagittarians are considered happy-go-lucky and although they have little problem expressing themselves, at times, they may experience “foot-in-mouth” disease and wish they would have thought a little deeper before opening their mouth.  They do speak their minds, and this can at times get them into trouble.  Sagittarians usually learn from their mistakes but still seem to speak before thinking. 


Sagittarius individuals love the great outdoors and are often interested in sports.  If they do not play sports, they are likely avid sports spectators. 


Some Sagittarians may have trouble settling down and can get bored with some people.  However, a Sagittarian may need grounding and, in some cases, can get that from their significant other.  A variety of experience can mean a great deal to a Sagittarian.  This would also include, to some extent, those with a Sagittarius rising sign or those with many planets in the ninth house which is the natural ruling house of Sagittarius.


Those people with strong Sagittarius tendencies can be idealists, open-minded, kind and caring individuals.  Some find spirituality fascinating and want to delve deep into this side of life, preferring to learn through experience rather than from the written word.  This does not mean that schooling will not appeal to them only that they truly want the experience for themselves so they can make their own commitments or resolutions on any given subject.


Happy solar return to our adventurous, kind and caring Sun in Sagittarius followers.


We will post the transits that may affect our Sagittarian readers on November 20.


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