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Showing posts with label betterment. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 May 2024


On May 23, 2024, we will be experiencing the Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius at 2° at 9:53 a.m. EDT. 


With the Full Moon in Sagittarius, work towards improvement both emotionally and physically. Be positive and take advantage of the opportunities at hand.
Those individuals that have planets especially by conjunction or opposition to this placement in their natal charts will be affected by this, the Sagittarius Full Moon.  You can give yourself a 3° orb of influence so planets 0° to 4 ° in Sagittarius or 0 to 4° in Gemini and back to the 29 ° of Taurus and Scorpio will have an impact. 


This Full Moon brings to focus the higher principles of life.  It can deal with your life’s philosophy, your religious outlook, your spiritual beliefs and the education of life that begins with your attitude about what the plan is for you.  The house position along with the planets or angles in question will play significant roles with the energies available.  The house positions, as the Full Moon has the Sun and Moon in opposition, will determine the areas of life involved and the planetary energies or the angle (if this is part of the picture) will combine and enhance the equation.


The Full Moon speaks about what began approximately 6 months ago and is now reaching its culmination point.  What started at that time, depending on the efforts used will now either enhance your life or will need to be revised or let go of in order for your to advance in life. 


If connected to the MC angle, for example, this may speak directly about goals and achievements especially related to your occupation and how this affects your home life and family.  If on the Ascendant, for example, this will deal primarily with a personal connection and have something to do with a relationship of importance, often the partner.  We do not have enough space or time here to incorporate all the other potentials. 


Plute, the planet of regeneration and transformation, is in the sign of Aquarius and currently (May 2024) is around 2°, making a sextile to the positioning of the Full Moon.  Pluto is currently in its retrograde cycle and turns direct on October 12, 2024.  During its retrograde cycle, Pluto’s energies are not working to their full capacity.  After the October date when Plut turns direct again, its energies are working to their full capacity.  During the retrograde cycle, this may be a time of regeneration but may be from a deep and personal perspective.  Once it goes direct, this may be the time when you begin to see how your life was transformed and what Pluto’s objectives might have been.


The emotional makeup is part of the picture, and with a Sagittarius perspective, you might believe or work towards making things better and there is a potential that you will find what you are wanting to find.  Sagittarius is very optimistic in its approach to life and looks to expand and make things better over time by looking at things from a realistic approach and knowing that the mind’s focus is of extreme importance.


The sextile from Pluto to this Lunar placement speaks of opportunities and is considered a favorable aspect which often suggests that things could fall directly in your hands, although it is always suggested that we work towards making things happen to our advantage and not just wait for them to happen.  Sometimes without working at our hopes and wishes, things do not work as favorably as they otherwise could have.  These energies are quite positive and should be used accordingly. 


In a nutshell, with the Full Moon in Sagittarius, work towards improvement both emotionally and physically. Be positive and take advantage of the opportunities at hand.


To get a better picture of how things might unfold in your personal life, you might wish to have a full chart prepared.


Wishing those affected by this Full Moon all the best. Move forward with a positive approach.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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