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Showing posts with label CapricornForecast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CapricornForecast. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 December 2024


We continue our post from December 16, 2024   


Sun in Capricorn aspects include Saturn & Uranus; together they will create a push & pull. You will want things to remain steadfast & at the same time want change.  This can be difficult, but life will take you where you need to go. Make the move before life forces it on you. The outcome can enhance your life.
The sun goes into Capricorn on December 21, 2024 and the following aspects will relate to those individuals that have their Sun in Capricorn at the corresponding degrees.  You can allow a 5–8° orb of influence. Within this range, the aspects will be in effect in your chart and will automatically strengthen as they near  the exact degree of your Capricorn Sun.  Review an ephemeris to get the exact degree and timing of the planets that we are about to speak about.


We will look at transiting Uranus and Saturn as they have a greater impact than any of the inner planets to this position.  The inner planets move too quickly to have any type of lasting influence, whereas the outer planets move much more slowly and will therefore have a longer and more lasting impact in your life.


Currently (December 2024) we see Uranus at 24° in the sign of Taurus and Saturn at 13° in the sign of Pisces.  Both contacts or aspects to Sun in Capricorn are considered positive in nature and carry with them the energies of easy flow, opportunities, change and stability.  Saturn and Uranus will be making a tight sextile to one another as well from March to September of 2025 becoming exact March and April of 2025 in and around 24/25°.  If your Sun is around these degrees (and taking into account the orb of influence), then this will be a prime time for needed change and then a stabilization period shortly thereafter.  You will likely have known that a change of direction was coming prior to this time frame.


From the time of this post (again December 2024), Saturn will move through the sign of Pisces entering Aries for the first time towards the end of May, 2025.  Saturn in Sextile to your Sun suggests that there may be some extra lessons that have to be undertaken with your spiritual connectedness and a stabilization period connected to these goals if this is part of your current assignment.  (The reason I use the term “assignment” is due to the fact that Saturn is known as the teacher and also the disciplinarian. Although it often indicates more duties and some testing along the way it also brings with it, using a steadfast approach, the opportunity to build a solid foundation to whatever you might be trying to implement into your life’s lesson).  This aspect is goal oriented and can also suggest changes to your path or changes coming from within.


During December 2024, Transiting Uranus will be at 24° Taurus moving into Gemini, which is a much more comfortable place for Uranus, in July 2025.  It moves back into Taurus in November 2025, and then will finally stay in Gemini towards the end of April 2026.


Uranus is making a trine to your Sun if your sun is in the later degrees of Capricorn from about 20° onward.  The trine is indicative of easy flow, good opportunities, promising outcomes through change and reorientation.  This may be a time of looking at your life’s path and making changes because where you are no longer suits your current path forward.  Change can be difficult especially when we speak of Uranus in Taurus as Taurus likes things to remain the same but Uranus’ upcoming position in Gemini will likely foster in change in a much easier manner.  Much will depend on the areas of life affected (house positions involved) and the other aspects within your natal chart.  You can expect some disruption and perhaps some of these changes might take place with little notice especially if you have been putting off what needs to take place. 


Sun in Capricorn aspects include Saturn and Uranus and together they will create a push and pull situation where you will want things to remain steadfast and at the same time want change.  This can be difficult, but life will take you where you need to go. Make the move before life forces it on you. The outcome can enhance your life.


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Wednesday, 27 December 2023


This post focuses on the Transits for individuals with their Sun in Capricorn for 2023/2024. For details on the Sun in Capricorn visit our blog post


In this post we will be discussing those who have their Sun in the sign of Capricorn and have transiting Uranus in trine and Neptune sextile to their Sun.  Neptune is in the later degrees of Pisces (25° at this time), while Uranus goes direct on January 26, 2024, at 19°.  Both planets will be in direct motion into the later stages of January 2024 although Neptune is direct when we discuss these interchanges taking hold.

T Uranus trine & Neptune sextile Sun in Capricorn will be a gateway to learning about your own capabilities through the channeling of these two giants in Astrology.

 Both the trine and the sextile aspects are considered positive in nature.  Both planets relate to insight and clarity while in direct motion.  Neptune can be a little foggy at times depending on its connectedness with the rest of the chart but is usually considered insightful under all conditions due to its connection with the psychic realm.

 Uranus in trine to the Sun (19° and moving forward) suggests that the timing is ripe for change and new beginnings when connected to who you are and the path ahead.  This can include your objectives and in some cases what you wish to change on a personal level.  Who you are and the way you react to life may take shape now, and you can be ready for the unexpected in positive terms under these influences.  You may wish to change jobs or the path you are on in a completely new direction.  This new direction may be one that was not considered just a short while ago, although in the recent past you may have had inclinations that things needed to change. You may have felt that life was becoming stagnant, and a change was necessary.  This may come as a surprise to others and this move is normally not like you, as you like the tried and tested and wish for things not to change.


Uranus is known as the awakener and makes you aware of a change requirement so that you can move in the appropriate direction.  Neptune on the other hand, which is in the late degrees of Pisces, will form a tight bond with Transiting Uranus towards the end of the summer and into the fall of 2024.  Neptune will move into its retrograde cycle at 29° Pisces on or about October 24, 2024, and form a tight sextile with transiting Uranus. They will both make aspects to anyone with their Sun in the later degrees of Capricorn at this time. 


While Neptune is in its retrograde cycle, if you are planning on making important changes to your life and paths direction, things may be a little unclear under this energy.  You should, if at all possible, make significant changes before this time to get the most out of what you have in place.


Neptune can open doors to discovery and the psychic side, and intuitive understanding may be primed before Neptune goes retrograde.  Look for insight into the psychic realm if this is your inclination and be ready for prophetic dreams under this influence. 


Uranus can open doors and Neptune can provide the needed insight to comprehend what is taking hold in life.  This can be a gateway to learning about your own capabilities through the channeling of these two giants in Astrology.


Take advantage of the energies available to you this upcoming cycle.  Happy solar return Capricorn.

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