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Showing posts with label LunarEclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LunarEclipse. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 March 2025


Something needs to change, and this is the energy that will make it happen.  There are valuable lessons being formatted under this influence, and it is wise not to just let things blow over. Do not ignore this energy.  Act accordingly with the energies of the Lunar Eclipse March 2025 or the action may be taken for you.
This post is a continuation of the article posted yesterday, March 12, 2025, focusing on the Full Moon on Friday.  It is not only a Full Moon, but also a Lunar Eclipse which is 24° Virgo.  The total Lunar Eclipse locally will begin today at 11:57 pm, be at its maximum on March 14 at 2:58 am and will end 6:00 am lasting approximately six hours.  See for details in your area.


As mentioned in our previous articles, you will have to have planetary links or angles close to this degree for the energies to impact your chart and therefore your life.  The rest of the chart must be delineated as well for a full picture of who everything ties in together.


Lunar Eclipses always take place during the Full Moon.  They can be quite emotional in nature. Sometimes what is experienced is completely unexpected and often create endings so that something new can begin.  The energies and events can present themselves in a rather shocking manner, at times, but always takes things forward.  You will not have the opportunity to go back to whatever situation is effects as new beginnings are now at hand.


A Lunar Eclipse is known to be three times stronger than traditional Full Moon.  Often, we begin to feel the effects of the eclipse weeks prior to the event. Perhaps you might think that this early recognition may prepare us for what is in the making, but it usually doesn’t. 


The events that take place will not be forgotten as they are very important stages in our lives.  Review the house, the sign and other planetary energies to define what is likely to unfold over time.  It can take up to six months for things to completely take place, but many Astrologers agree that the length of time the Lunar Eclipse lasts in hours is the length of time they affect our lives in months and weeks. In this case, about 6 months+.


There is an energy that is suggesting things need to change, and they will.  In some cases, what takes hold is out of our hands.  This speaks of major turning points in life, eye-openers and culminations of what has been leading up to this energy. 


With this Lunar Eclipse taking place in Virgo (and as mentioned the house will be very important as this will be the area of life affected) we are likely to go through some deep evaluation.  We need to come to a conclusion based on what now has no relevance in our lives.  We will decipher the area of concern in great detail due to the Virgo influence and will try to find the perfect solution.  In some cases, we will over-analyze and never reach a culmination point.  It will be emotional in nature but does not mean that this period in life is a bad thing. 


Something needs to change, and this is the energy that will make it happen.  There are valuable lessons being formatted under this influence, and it is wise not to just let things blow over. Do not ignore this energy.  Act accordingly with the energies of the Lunar Eclipse March 2025 or the action may be taken for you.


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Monday, 16 September 2024


This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted. You may be pushed into action and other may be involved. Is your chart being influenced?
A Lunar Eclipse always brings to the surface the end or culmination of events.  It marks a time when we reap the rewards for our hard work or when we conclude that it is time to let go of something because what we began did not materialize or reach a viable conclusion.


Eclipses often bring a turning point and news of events that are far reaching.  If you find that during this period that nothing significant is happening to you, it is likely because the eclipse degree does not interact with your Natal Chart.  However, you may find that your friends or family members do experience events at this time.  A Lunar Eclipse’s energies influence last as long in months as the actual eclipse lasted in hours.  So, if a Lunar Eclipse lasts 3 ½ hours, it will have influential energies for approximately 3 ½ months.


This partial Lunar Eclipse will be visible over Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic and Antarctica, according to   You do not, however, have to have visibility in order to be influences by its energies.


Often something must come to an end for something new to begin.  A Lunar Eclipse is emotional in its nature, and we can feel sentimental.  Many times, the events that do unfold, if our chart is affected, can take place when you are not expecting them.  Quite often things that do unfold seem predestined or out of your control. 


This Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at 10:34 p.m. EDT on September 17, 2024 is in the sign of Pisces at 25°.  This highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted.  We feel more and want to assist in matters that not only affect us but may also affect others.  We want to be of help and almost feel the anxiety that others feel because of what they are experiencing.  We are more in touch with our intuitive expression and insight is heightened.  Those that are already attuned to the higher vibrations of life will feel these energies strongly if the natal chart agrees.


This Full Moon is making a distant sextile to Pluto which is at 29° Capricorn and makes a Sextile to Uranus which is at 27° Taurus.  The Sun, Pluto and Uranus make a Grand Earth Trine, and the Sextiles from Pluto and Uranus make this configuration a Kite formation. 


The Kite formation is often in place when Fate and Destiny seem to take hold in life’s events.  Because this Kite formation is enhanced by the Grand Earth Trine, quite often this energy can speak of opportunities and easy flow when it comes to matters related to growth and development in earth type ventures.  Perhaps this speaks of goals or objectives that now have a chance to grow.  Perhaps this is work related or related to the purchase of material goods.  Something along these lines has the potential to materialize if your chart is activated.


The Opposition produces tension but brings forth action on your part as you strive for perfection or attempt to make things work.  You need the tension from the opposition and the sextiles to implement what you wish to set out to do.  The Sextiles present opportunities, and the opposition pushes you into action and often other people are involved.


Usually when we are looking to see if our chart is involved in the equation, we allow a 3° orb of influence and if you noticed that Transiting Pluto is 4° from exact which is rather far reaching but still activates the kite formation.  The conjunction, opposition and square from the natal chart to the position of the Moon (25° Pisces) are the most influential aspects in this configuration. If you have a planet or angle within this orb, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is affecting your chart.  For further insight, you can contact a professional Astrologer. 


This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces highly suggests that sentimentality and emotional expression is highlighted. You may be pushed into action and other may be involved. Is your chart being influenced?


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #FullMoon #LunarEclipse #PiscesFullMoon #Pisces #action #emotions #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 21 March 2024

Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra

With a Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra, push to reconnect with loved ones.

We will be experiencing a Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25 at 5° in the sign of Libra at 3 a.m. EDT.  This is a precise alignment of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon in that order, where the earth obscures the Sun creating periods of darkness for those that are influenced by this alignment. 

Because it is in the sign of Libra, there is a degree of peace and a soothing energy which often surrounds us during this event.  This is a time to bring harmony and balance into anything that we have not yet brought to the surface in our lives. This can be emotional issues and it is time to look within even when what surfaces may not be overly pleasant. We must see things as they are and face these parts/issues to deal with them.  Some of this may stem from our past and anything that has been left behind and is currently unresolved will now surface into our conscious self.

We can become more self-aware of our lives and its circumstances, and this applies particularly to relationships, hopefully finding a balancing point where we can reflect on what has been unsaid and now needs to be spoken.  You must be honest but at the same time remember that others may not have that strength. 

This Eclipse may activate current transits or progressions that have been in place in our personal charts, and it will be important to find meaning behind what these charts indicate.  The house placement of the Eclipse will speak in terms of the area of life involved. If it activates any other significators in the chart, you will have to carefully evaluate what this might mean.  It is time to assess life’s conditions and reflect and then take action to eliminate any current issues left unresolved in order to move ahead in your life’s journey.

This can be an important period in life, and it would be wise to use these energies to advance and remove what no longer needs to be in place.  Always use the energies in their ultimate best expression and take into consideration the effect that your actions will have on others. Connect with the ones you love!

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 Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

 Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our spring classes is now underway. Visit for course details and to register. Class sizes are limited.

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Wednesday, 25 October 2023


On October 28, 2023, we will be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse. In the Toronto area it will be a partial eclipse reaching maximum at 6:10 p.m. EST. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse begins at 2:01 p.m. (not visible in our area) and ends at 6:26 p.m. (which will be close to the horizon in our area).


The Lunar Eclipse will occur at 5° in the sign of Taurus.


All eclipse’s suggest heightened energy and with the Lunar Eclipse, in particular, the energies suggest a time of releasing and endings. It operates like a super-charged Full Moon and will create major changes and the finality of what has been in play for approximately the past 6 months.


Because it is in the sign of Taurus (a fixed, earth sign) it often speaks of material or objective matters. You will need to go slow but be steady in your approach. This is not the time to rush into situations. Be practical and make sure that over-spending is not part of the scenario as you may want to buy expensive things on impulse or spend money when you likely should not.


When these energies are working well, although the Lunar Eclipse is attached to endings of some sort, there is often an advancing stage in the evolution of what is unfolding now in life. The area of life affected by this positioning will depend largely on where Taurus 5° is found in your birth chart (which house) as well as any planets in the natal chart or current transits that are affected by this position.


There is an opposition coming from Mercury and from Mars so in many cases this suggests that others are involved in the equation.  Taurus is a very sensual sign and perhaps some interchange with an individual has the potential to unfold or the relationship moves to its next stage. This could include an ending of sorts such as the end of a sexual union, or, perhaps on the other side of the coin, the end of a platonic relationship that morphs into a sexual relationship.


Oppositions are not overly pleasing exchanges, and some friction might be involved. This can be a time of great change but not without some type of hard work or interaction that is not unfolding in your favour. Others may play a clear part in what unfolds. Relationships of all kinds might be part of this.


The energies may take several months to completely unfold, but you will often notice that during the week or two prior and the first month following the eclipse is often the peak time for the experience defined by the positioning within the birth chart.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Eclipses suggest heightened energy. With a Lunar Eclipse, it is a time of release and finality related to Taurus energies for October 2023