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Tuesday, 26 March 2024


We can’t emphasize enough how important attitude is when it comes to our daily living.  It is the key to happiness; it is not the events, but your attitude towards them.  You will most certainly have your ups and downs no matter how much you concentrate on the good in life.  You will still encounter life’s challenges from time to time, but it is important to pay attention to the good that is around you.  You do reap what you sow, but you also gain momentum when it comes to your focus.


Each stage of our lives contains unique lessons, and we will learn the lessons of existence! 


Each stage of our lives contains unique lessons, and we will learn the lessons of existence!

As a child, we understand this.  We get upset, we get distracted, we move on.  There is so much to learn and experience.


As we mature, we learn from life’s experience, and gain more insight and knowledge on how best to move ahead regardless of the difficulty of the lessons (as we are not so easily sidetracked at this age).  You hopefully gain understanding of life’s intricacies and learn better how to deal with adversity.  But it takes time, and we must be patient, particularly with ourselves, as we struggle through adolescence.


When we reach adulthood and later begin to enter our golden years, we now should have a wealth of knowledge and experience behind us. We can reach out to others to share the knowledge we have gained through our experience.  We can teach our children and others, or we can keep our gained knowledge within and use what we have been taught for ourselves.  In most cases, we incorporate a little of both. We will however slip up even with out own lessons and that is where we learn the important lesson of forgiveness, of self and of others.


On your death bed, we can review our life, how it was lived and reflect on the lessons learned.  At this point, we are ready to move into our next stage of existence. We let go of this material world as we have passed all our required earthly lessons and move on.


What comes next, we each have our own ideas, but we will find out for certain eventually. It is the natural progression of the lessons of existence.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #psychic #OracleReading #lifelessons #learning #lifesprogression #lessonsofexistence #existence


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