We posted our article on Sun in Pisces on February 12, 2025. Here is a link for your convenience. www.holmastrology.com/post/sun-in-pisces-2025
Today, we are reviewing the more significant aspects that will be affecting Sun in Pisces over the next solar return.
Saturn will
be transiting through Pisces making a Conjunction for those with their Sun in
the mid to late degrees of Pisces. Saturn
moves into Aries at the end of May, 2025 returning for its final pass-through
Pisces in early September and finally stay in Aries from mid-February of 2026
forward. Neptune will also be moving
into Aries towards the end of March, although it does return to Pisces for a
short stay from October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026. Saturn and Neptune will make a tight
conjunction in Aries from February 15 to February 21, 2026.
Conjunction of the Sun with Saturn suggests that although you may have certain
goals in mind, the way forward will likely be linked with some sort of adversity
or lesson. Perhaps the goals seem to
have obstacles in the way and reaching them requires much work and
discipline. It might be like having to jump
through hoops and nothing seems to go as smooth as you wish. These goals will require a lot of
attentiveness and if you are thorough and don’t try to fast-track or jump
required steps, the potential to reaching your goals is heightened although the
outcome may not be exactly the way you had planned but good none-the-less. You may feel that the work required is too
strenuous or too challenging. If you
follow through, however, the results are reliable and often working towards
your objectives can bring solid results that may have a lasting influence or
Neptune in
Pisces will conjunct the Sun in the end degrees of Pisces as well. This suggests, without using the influence of
Saturn, that your goals and the road ahead may be tied closely with the
energies of Pisces. Make sure that you
are seeing things clearly and be objective, especially when Saturn is also
involved in the process. Spirituality
can be heightened and once you see things clearly, Saturn will help to
determine what is useful and reliable and also what is real and what is
imagined. This is a revolving door that
can lead into clear perception and spiritual enlightenment depending on what
the rest of the chart is implying at the same time.
When these
two planets (Saturn and Neptune) move into Aries, they will make a semi-sextile
to those with their Sun in the early degrees of Pisces. This aspect is considered a minor aspect and is
only given an orb of influence of one to two degrees. The energies of a semi-sextile have been
known to be a little irritating or slightly positive. It can bring confusion as there is difficulty
involved due to both planets (the Sun and transiting Saturn as well as
Transiting Neptune) are in completely different elements and modalities. They often do not work well together although
it has also been linked to being in the right place at the right time
regardless of whether this is considered favorable or not so favorable. In most cases, the Semi-Sextile is of little
importance as it is not considered an energetic or important aspect. Again,
sometimes, however, what seems like nothing of importance becomes much more
significant later.
Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries will likely have quite an
impact. Neptune’s link with the
otherworldly, sight unseen, mystical side of life will be working with Saturn,
the planet of reality, sight seen, worldly and very concrete. Together they will open the door to seeing
things as they are through our spiritual connectedness, and being in Aries, you
may be pushed to act in a more aggressive manner in using what you have learned
while both Saturn and Neptune were in Pisces. Hopefully, this will be brought forward
into our personal lives ultimately affecting those around us in positive terms
as well.
The aspects
for Sun in Pisces 2025 might be challenging but what is learned will
stand the test of time and you can move forward with clear perception.
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