Full Moon’s
energies are about harvesting our efforts or the completion process of what was
begun in the New Moon phase under the same sign (six months earlier). An orb of 3° influence to any planet or
important angle is used to verify if the New or Full Moon’s energies will have
an impact in our charts. Planets or
angles within this 3° either by conjunction or opposition will be an important
influence. To a lesser degree, we can
also use the Square, Trine and Sextile, but it should be noted that the
Conjunction and Opposition have the greatest impact.
In the case
of this Virgo Full Moon, you are looking at an influence of between 21° to 27°.
A Full Moon
in Virgo often has to do with service or in some cases health and our
work. Virgo seeks perfection in whatever
it is trying to achieve and now will be the time to reap the rewards of the efforts
we put into our objective. If this
influences your chart, you may be goal oriented and have pushed very hard to
get recognition and there likely were no shortcuts available in the
The houses
involved in your astrology chart will define the areas of life involved.
What was brought
into motion now becomes visible and will have purpose.
The North
Node as well as Saturn are within orb of this placement and these transiting
influences will reflect what is needed to move ahead. The North Node has to do with our path moving
forward and there are times when other individuals come forward offering their
advice especially if you have planets in the natal chart that are in opposition
to this placement. The North Node is at
27° in the sign of Pisces and Saturn is at 22° degrees also in Pisces.
The North
node is often a favorable placement when in influence, and Saturn implies hard work,
so disciplined effort will be a requirement.
Nothing comes easily or without diligent effort, and patience is often
being taught in this process. Some
obstacles may be part of this equation due to Saturn’s involvement. The fact
that Saturn is in opposition to the Moon may also mean that others stand in the
way or at least seem to be in the way of your progress.
They may be
there to help the situation, but you may want to do everything yourself. You may have put a lot of effort into this
focus and what they recommend may not suit your intentions. In some cases, someone who is in a position
of authority might be hindering your advancement although working with them
might lead to greater results in the long run.
You can reap the rewards under this Virgo Full Moon 2025 if you have put forth the
effort necessary around service, health or your work, but you might have to
involve others to make it happen.
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