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Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 August 2024


Sometimes we need a little interlude from our active life. 


We never seem to set aside time for ourselves. You are not too busy to make it happen. You must make yourself a priority, just as much of a priority as you do with every other task and responsibility you take on.
We never seem to set aside time for ourselves.  There always seems to be no rest, no time to reset our emotional batteries, no time for relaxing meditation, no time for what is needed for our inner self. 


It is imperative to make the time, particularly when it seems as though we don’t have any time to spare. 


We can put down the phone, put the kids to bed a couple of minutes earlier, leave the dishes for later, leave the television turned off, etc. Make time just before bed for at least a five-minute meditation.  If we really want to find peace, we need to take that first step. No one else can do this for you. You must make you a priority.


There are tranquil moments within the busy schedule, but they can sometimes slip by unnoticed.  Again, hold off turning on the television or connecting to social media. When sitting waiting for a meal pickup, waiting to pick up the children or waiting for a doctor’s appointment, utilize the time to release and let go.  We do not need a long time but the longer the better. Five minutes in quiet meditation is helpful, half an hour is advantages, an hour is invaluable.


We must make time for ourselves. How can you create the time your mind, body and soul needs?


You are not too busy to make it happen. You must make yourself a priority, just as much of a priority as you do with every other task and responsibility you take on. When will you start?


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #inthemoment #stress #peaceofmind #downtime #timeforyou #priority #meditation #quiettime #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 1 August 2024


Even with the smallest of effort, we will experience positive change which will provide strength and focus to address our lessons in life no matter what they may entail. Amidst ongoing disruptions, with the right attitude & focus we will more than endure, we will rise above.
Amidst ongoing disruptions, both personally and globally, we can often struggle within ourselves to find a place of peace. 


Our busy minds tend to interfere with what we would like to be experiencing. The mind’s chatter can create worry and anxiety. Over time this chatter creates a must for quiet. Peace and quiet are an inside job; they always are created from within.


We can get caught up in the fast pace of life and we forget we are not our thoughts. We are the ones listening to the chatter.  Many of us know this but somehow get lost in the hustle and bustle. We are lost because of our loss of attentiveness to self and our requirements.


Take a couple of moments to reflect on how you are feeling and where your focus is. What have we buried deep within or let slip because of our endless struggle to try to keep up in this fast paced world?


Our thoughts and focus create our own personal reality. Whatever our focus we attract into or amplify in our life. Let’s be mindful and curtail our negative thoughts and our thoughts of lack of time and ease. Let’s open the door to peace and enjoyment no matter what the circumstances of our life.  These are a choice!  


Our quest is to rise above life’s hard lessons and overthrow negative influences by refocusing our attention on the benefits of the lessons and to see the creativity and positive energy in all that influences us.  This is not to say that we should not dealing with reality. We cannot ignore what we must learn in this life, but we can choose to enjoy the lessons and slow down to “smell the roses”.


There will be many struggles in life, if we choose to see them as struggles.


Work your own little magic by living your life with a positive focus and with mindfulness, not blindly rushing through routine and reacting to life events.


By being the agents of change simply by being our authentic selves and focusing on that which brings peace of mind, we take control and build on peace and enjoyment rather than stress and anxiety.


Even with the smallest of effort, we will experience positive change which will provide us with the strength and focus to address our lessons in life no matter what they may entail. Amidst ongoing disruptions, both personally and globally, with the right attitude and focus we will more than endure, we will overcome and rise above.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #disruptions #anxiety #inthemoment #stress #peaceofmind #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 23 July 2024


Remember our focus is in our hands, and we choose what to hold on to and what to release even with senseless acts. We will have scars but how will we allow these scars to affect us?   Will they stagnate us or catapult us to great growth?

If you have been the recipient of a seemingly senseless act, my heart goes out to you.  These acts can be very intrusive and, in many cases, can set someone in a spiral causing great grief and anxiety.  If we cannot comprehend the why behind an act, it can be hard to process.


Unfortunately, there are perpetrators and there are those who care little about the effects their actions have on others.  Instead of using this energy constructively, they indiscriminately unleash their fury on others.


For those that have been the recipient or outlet for someone’s fury or have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, most often these acts are not against you personally. Regardless, however, these acts take place without warning and can have powerful side effects. 


If we want to return to any sense of order in our lives or enjoy peace of mind, we must learn to process, let go and move on. Holding on to these injustice only causes us heartache and anguish for longer than necessary. They hold us captive to the past.  We must live through adversity but then learn to let go and move on with our lives.  We can’t change what has happened and we cannot blame ourselves in any way for the actions of others.


There are always life lessons to be learned from whatever unfolds in our lives, but in many cases, we may not understand the why behind the incident. 


What did we learn from the event?


Can we make any type of change to avoid such an incident occurring again? 


Whatever happened is likely not to happen again so the worry and anxiety created by the event must be dealt with head on so these emotions can be released and we can move forward in our life’s journey. 


Life can have unbearable events at times, but these are temporary and a steppingstone to growth if we can take the lesson and turn it around. Remind yourself that the overall conditions in lives, in most cases, are quite promising. 


Remember our focus is in our hands, and we choose what to hold on to and what to release even with senseless acts. We will have scars but how will we allow these scars to affect us? 


Will they stagnate us or catapult us to great growth?


We can never ignore what has taken place in our lives. Life has lessons, whatever they may be, including those that seems to be a senseless act. Learn what you can from any incident, whether we determine them to be good or bad. Do not focus on where you do not want to be; focus on where you want to be.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #fear #anxiety #inthemoment #stress #knowing #senselessact #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 16 November 2023


In the past, the be all for everyone would most likely be a woman but in recent years, this applies to men as well.


Theses individuals are the  caretakers of family, the helpers of friends, the worker that takes on any task, and the list goes on (and we are speaking of one individual doing all these tasks).


Most of us live busy lives and it is hard enough to take care of our own needs, never mind the needs of family, friends, co-workers, etc.  Life can be a struggle at the best of times as we find that there are not enough hours in a day to do what we feel needs to be done.  For many, this can take a heavy toll on them emotionally, physically and mentally. Not knowing how or where to say “no” causes worry, anxiety and stress which serves little purpose other than to cause dis-ease.


Are you one of these people? 


Do you find that you are running around for everyone else and have little time for yourself?


Perhaps it is time to review your priorities. Can the kids drop one activity, can everyone chip in with the housecleaning and yardwork, can another co-worker step up for the overtime, etc?


What is pressing and what is not?


Ask for assistance!  Take that 10-minute break to sit and meditate, take a walk in nature or around the block. Make a plan and go out on that date night.


Make yourself a priority. It may take a little time to begin to feel the effects. There is always a way to work it in.


There is a resolution to your stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. You must make yourself a priority. Make the time for you. You and your health are important.  Do it!


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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There is a resolution to your stress & feelings of being overwhelmed. Make yourself a priority; do not be the be all for everyone.