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Thursday, 1 August 2024


Even with the smallest of effort, we will experience positive change which will provide strength and focus to address our lessons in life no matter what they may entail. Amidst ongoing disruptions, with the right attitude & focus we will more than endure, we will rise above.
Amidst ongoing disruptions, both personally and globally, we can often struggle within ourselves to find a place of peace. 


Our busy minds tend to interfere with what we would like to be experiencing. The mind’s chatter can create worry and anxiety. Over time this chatter creates a must for quiet. Peace and quiet are an inside job; they always are created from within.


We can get caught up in the fast pace of life and we forget we are not our thoughts. We are the ones listening to the chatter.  Many of us know this but somehow get lost in the hustle and bustle. We are lost because of our loss of attentiveness to self and our requirements.


Take a couple of moments to reflect on how you are feeling and where your focus is. What have we buried deep within or let slip because of our endless struggle to try to keep up in this fast paced world?


Our thoughts and focus create our own personal reality. Whatever our focus we attract into or amplify in our life. Let’s be mindful and curtail our negative thoughts and our thoughts of lack of time and ease. Let’s open the door to peace and enjoyment no matter what the circumstances of our life.  These are a choice!  


Our quest is to rise above life’s hard lessons and overthrow negative influences by refocusing our attention on the benefits of the lessons and to see the creativity and positive energy in all that influences us.  This is not to say that we should not dealing with reality. We cannot ignore what we must learn in this life, but we can choose to enjoy the lessons and slow down to “smell the roses”.


There will be many struggles in life, if we choose to see them as struggles.


Work your own little magic by living your life with a positive focus and with mindfulness, not blindly rushing through routine and reacting to life events.


By being the agents of change simply by being our authentic selves and focusing on that which brings peace of mind, we take control and build on peace and enjoyment rather than stress and anxiety.


Even with the smallest of effort, we will experience positive change which will provide us with the strength and focus to address our lessons in life no matter what they may entail. Amidst ongoing disruptions, both personally and globally, with the right attitude and focus we will more than endure, we will overcome and rise above.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #disruptions #anxiety #inthemoment #stress #peaceofmind #Newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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