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Wednesday, 8 November 2023


We will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio @ 20° on November 13 @ 4:27 EST.  This New Moon is highlighted by its opposition to Uranus and its conjunction with Mars.  Transiting Mars and Transiting Uranus are in tight opposition to one another. 


This Scorpio New Moon sets the stage for new beginnings often associated with occult energies (due to its placement in Scorpio).  All water New Moons are “feeling” focused but this positioning of the Moon being in the third decant suggests that not only is there the influences of Scorpio, but there is also a connections to Cancer.  This proposes that the family might be involved as well. There is intensity and the potential for power struggles because of the tight connection with Mars.


Pluto rules Scorpio, and Pluto and Mars together can indicate quite the power struggle. There will likely be no halfway measures associated with this connection. 


The opposition from Uranus suggests that we expect the unexpected and that change may be part of the process. Also, an awakening on some level has great potential for unfolding.


There may be sexual overtones connected with this New Moon’s placement.  Don’t forget this is the start of something that will reach maturity, or a culmination point in about six months from now when we have the Full Moon in Scorpio. 


Change can be disruptive and take place when you least expect it.  There may be something about what unfolds that is unexpected and it pushes us in new directions. 


This is likely to be a deep psychological time when we are asked to reach deep below the surface to uncover anything that has not been dealt with properly.  We may not like what surfaces, but it will be important to deal with it.  Watch for any form of violence or aggression, and do not put yourself in harm’s way.  Be especially careful when operating heavy machinery and when driving.  If by chance you get into an argument, do not take your aggression out while driving your vehicle. 


Check if this New Moon affects your chart.  For this New Moon to have an overriding influence in life, it should either be in conjunction with a planet or angle, or in opposition. Keep the orb of influence rather tight (no more than 3°).  Check also which houses are being influenced and how these other indicators might affect the overall picture of the potential in your chart particularly with what we have touched on in this post.


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This Scorpio New Moon is likely to be a deep psychological time when we are asked to reach deep below the surface to uncover anything that has not been dealt with.  Emotions will be involved and possibly the occult, sexuality and all things Scorpio.

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