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Wednesday 19 March 2014


When your world turns upside down and all your effort and hard work seems to slip to the wayside, stay strong and believe.  There are times in life when the world seems to fight back and it appears that all your efforts leave you feeling empty and alone.  These are life’s obstacles and have been placed in front of you to make you review events and ultimately overcome the hurdles.  You are not to bow your head in surrender and allow setbacks to steer you off your course.  Your convictions are truly shown when the going gets tough.  What good are beliefs and character traits when you do not enforce them when there are trying times?

We are all faced with difficulties and deep within we know that these difficulties have been put in our path for us to overcome.  When life events are allowed to offend your present state of being, you know instinctively that you have to fight back and stand up for your character and beliefs.  You also know that challenges are placed in front of you so that you can find inner strength to move forward in your life’s objectives.  We unfortunately allow life to torment us at times and we feel that we will never survive the onslaught of the events that our attitude sometimes terms as inequities.

When you are at your weakest moment and you are ready to give up, this is when you must call on the inner strength and the fortitude needed to overcome any situation.  You are not born into this existence to be overcome and knocked down.  You are meant to stand tall and recover from all situations (lessons).  We all have the strength to carry on, no matter how unjust you may think the circumstances.  Without lessons would we not stagnate? 

You must believe in yourself and find that thread of hope that is always there; then give it your all.  If you maintain this objective, you will succeed even when all else fails.  When you stand alone in the face of darkness or at your journey’s end, there is always life beyond the next door.  You can withstand anything as long as you focus your mind.  You have to believe in the unbelievable.  Strive to attain the unattainable.  The door will open.

Never go to extremes with life, but believe that you will overcome.  The hardest of life’s events hold the most valuable lessons we can learn.  Events do not always end in the way we had envisioned (this is what creates the disappointment) but remember the events of our lives are what we need to fulfil our purposes.  It may not seem fair.   Who can define “fair” in your spiritual development?  Who can define “justice”?  Life’s incidents do not dictate who we are but they certainly can mold our character.  We must stay strong in the face of adversity and believe.  Never sell yourself short.  There are always options especially with your response to life.

When this life’s journey is ending, for one day we will all succumb to this right of passage, ensure that you have no regrets, no grudges and know you have done your best to learn each lesson that has come your way.  Understand that life goes on (maybe not as we currently know it) for energy is perpetual.  Until that final day comes, be ready and stand tall.  Know that you will recover.  Allow your inner strength to guide you.  Know without a shadow of a doubt that you are able to overcome anything that is placed in front of you.  Above all else, simply believe!        

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