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Tuesday 18 March 2014

The First House in Astrology

The cusp of the first house is known as the Ascendant or Rising Sign, which defines how we present ourselves to the outside world.  It is the first impression we displays to the world.  The sign on this cusp will provide information as to how others perceive us.  There are twelve signs in the zodiac.  Each house has its own persona.  The first house has a lot to do with our identity.  This personality is not necessarily the individual we are on the inside, (which is represented by our Sun sign).  The Ascendant often identifies us through physical appearance.  For example, Taurus individuals are either a little shorter than most or average in height and have a strong body, while a Gemini is usually taller than average and slender in build.  Astrology is a science that has been around for a very long time and due to our current world of fast foods, unfortunately, the physical characteristics of the Ascendant do not always apply.

As all houses represent an area of life, the first house is defined as a house of action--where things happen.  When planets through transit or progression pass over the Ascendant or cusp of the first house, things happen, changes occur and transformations take place on a personal level.  This house rules your personal self and everything we reveal to the world.

When Venus passes over the first house cusp for example, (depending on the individuals age when this happens), we could meet and fall in love with someone and begin a new life.  When Mars passes over this same area, we may experience some type of confrontation or action which forces us to make some type of decision on what we need to do.  When Saturn passes over this same area, we may feel restricted or as though we are being tested.  We may be forced to make changes to who we are or our way of looking at the world.

The first house often has to do with our vitality and describes our physical demeanor.  It may also be reflective of our health, although the twelfth house deals with health as well but often chronic conditions.  When a planet moves from the twelfth house into the first house, it is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts and depending on the planet involved, one feels regenerated and ready to begin anew.  This is an angular house which strongly suggests an area where life is activated, and many times it is not hidden or repressed.  Others will be aware that something has happened as we make changes in our life or even make appearance changes.  Our personality undergoes transformations especially when Pluto moves across the Ascendant.  Many times our lives go through transformations and relationships alter significantly.

Find out more about the planets located in your first house in your Natal chart and the affect that transits will have on your life as they move across this very sensitive area.  Astrology can pinpoint when these changes will take place and how they will affect you as well as the time frame involved.  It should be pointed out that these planetary energies affect us, but ultimately we decide what to do with the energy of these planets.

Visit Holm Astrology at for more information on Astrology and to read our food-for-thought posts.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us at

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