Uranus has a cycle of 84 years when it
returns to its natal position. The half
way point is known as the opposition which occurs around the age 42. This is what is referred to the mid-life
crisis; in astrological terms the Uranus opposition. This is a dynamic period for most people as
not only do we experience the Uranus opposition but we are also experiencing
transiting Saturn squaring its natal position at the same time.
Uranus has to do with changes of direction
often due to a need for freedom in some aspect of our life. In many cases certain aspects of life have
become dormant and we are no longer growing in the way we should. Perhaps life has become routine and it seems
insignificant in some way. We need a
change of direction, something new and exhilarating, a new focus and this is
when we make changes that to others may seem radical and often sudden or
This can be a time of upheaval and dynamic
change which in some ways feels out of our control although in many cases we
make the move. This could involve a
relationship, a career, the home and family, love relationships, spiritual
unfolding and the list goes on. Much
will depend on the house transiting Uranus is moving through and also the house
where you find your natal Uranus.
There are difficulties in place and this
will usually not be a pleasant time in your life although we must also have a
look at the aspects in place to the position of natal Uranus and other natal
positions. The whole picture always has
to be reviewed to determine what is taking place at that moment in time.
You will feel the energies of transiting
Uranus up to about 5 degrees approaching and it will last until it is about 2
degrees past being direct. Often you can
pinpoint when the energies are the strongest as it approaches becoming direct
and something happens in a rather unexpected manner and sometimes we are not
well prepared. Jumping is never
suggested but you just might and sometimes have regrets immediately after doing
so. Usually over the long haul you
realize that the steps taken at this time were actually meant to take place and
put you more in line with the path you are supposed to take. Uranus is the awakener and that is just what
it will do.
Be prepared if you can that is and expect
the unexpected at this time in your life.
This is a very significant time.
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