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Monday, 7 July 2014


Meditation is a wonderful tool for self-discovery.  There are different techniques and one method often used is the breathing in of positive energies on the inhalation and the release of negative energy on the exhalation.  It is a good tool to assist in the clearing of the busy mind and focusing on your objective.


Would it not be beneficiary to integrate this technique into your everyday life?  Could we not programme the mind to utilize this technique routinely until you are capable of carrying out this procedure on a sub-conscious level?  This practice will become automatic as you strive to create a harmonious and peaceful co-existence with all the surrounds you. 


Remember you are the creator of your own destiny.  You hold the key to opening your own personal doorway.  Life is always in your hand.  Make it work is such a way that you draw to you all “aspects” that you wish to make a part of our united whole.  In the end, each of us become the individual we have always dreamt we wanted to be and always knew that we could be.


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Friday, 4 July 2014


In desperate times when the world around us is seemingly collapsing, many of us will reach outside of ourselves for assistance.  In the hope of finding a solution, we look for assistance from others or search for a guiding light to help us through our predicaments.  We sometimes lose hope and do not know where to turn so we seek assistance or spiritual insights from others.


There are times when we become lost in life’s tumultuous conditions and at a crucial moment a specific individual magically appears to give us support or advice that just did not seem available before.  In times of great stress, we often draw to us a guiding light either through an individual or some other force that seems to show up just when we need the guidance most. 


Sometimes these individuals seem to come into our lives and once our crisis is over, they leave our lives just as quickly.  It is as though they simply have been sent to us to help us through the current conditions.  We can become so caught up in our current situation that we do not see our life events clearly and require guidance and vision from outside forces.


Under most conditions, we are able to find resolution from within but there are times when we become so wrapped up in life’s lessons that we are blinded by our focus and the stress.  It is amazing and certainly empowering that the right people just seem to show up at the right time--sent from our source to help get us back on track and in focus.  Co-incidence......I think not!


At times in life, we will experience conditions or circumstances when solutions evade us and although these challenges provide us inner strength and insight, they can still overwhelm us.  It is reassuring to know that, when in our darkest hours, someone or something will come along to guide us.  Remember this when you are at the “wall” and cannot find a resolution.  Do not give up.  The answer is just around the next corner.


Visit for more information on Astrology, information on the charts we offer, to read our food-for-thought posts and to become a member. 
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If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please Contact Us on our website.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Transits in Astrology

To continue our brief explanation of the workings of Astrology, we are going to touch on what transits actually are and how they affect the Birth chart.  As explained a couple of days ago, the Birth chart or Natal chart is a snapshot of the heavens at the instant of birth.  Time was literally frozen at the moment of birth to create this chart.  Upon the continuation of the movement of planets after the instant of birth, we have what is referred to as transits or transiting planets.


Transits are the movement of planets through the Zodiac or Birth chart from the instant after birth and onward.  All the planets move at various speeds.  The inner planets (the ones closest to the Sun) move more rapidly than the outer planets.  Their cycles vary due to the gravitational pull from the Sun.  The inner planets, including the Moon, move rapidly and their influence through transit are important but do not hold the significance of the outer or slower moving planets.  The reason that the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) have a greater significance in the horoscope is due to their slow speed of movement.  Neptune and Pluto move about one degree per year; therefore, you feel the energy of these planets in your life for a very long period of time.



As these planets continue on their rotations, they create aspects to the planets in the Birth chart (angles or degrees from the birth positions).  These angles are called Aspects and are defined by the degree apart from the original birth placement of each of the planets.  There are many aspects but the strongest Aspect is called a conjunction (0-10 degrees apart).  The closer this aspect is to exact which would be when the planet in transit sits directly on the birth planet, the stronger its influence.  This exact aspect is also used as a timing factor when determining events along with other mitigating factors in the horoscope.


Transits are used along with progressions, (discussed at a later date) and the solar chart ( also to be discussed at a later date) to determine potential events in the lives of those where the transiting planets are making aspects.  This is how astrological forecasting works and each planet along with the house it is in will define potential energies and the areas of life which will be affected.


It should, however, be understood that although Astrology does provide timing factors and describes the area of life involved as well as potential outcomes and how things work out, your attitude towards these events is the underlying quality that has the greatest effects on your life.  Astrology points the way and outlines potential events, but your attitude defines how it affects you.  Astrology does not dictate although it will define events, but in the long haul, you are always the master of your own destiny.  Life may be predetermined, but you hold the key to your reaction.  In understanding this, you will gain insight and strength.  These life events facilitate inner strength and an opportunity for growth.


There are also aspects which indicate a positive energy coming into your life and Astrology can predict when these energies are enhanced and can prepare you so that you can use the energies in a positive fashion to make the most out of the opportunities.  To open yourself to more information and indications of potential events into your life, an understanding of the working of Astrology will help in facilitating these opportunities and assist in promoting avenues of expression.  Using Astrology as a tool or reference guide can be a wise decision to assist in preparing and organizing for coming events.  Be prepared when these opportunities knock.


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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The Journey

Take a ride on the wave of life.  Travel though the most dense forest and walk the paths least trodden.  Life is yours to discover, yours to enjoy and yours to share.  Enjoy every moment, every experience and let life lead the way.  You are here for the ride so ride it with enthusiasm.  It is yours to conquer, yours to experience and true living will stimulate simply from the experience.


There is no bad ride.  There are only bumpy roads that eventually lead to soft and gentle slops and lush valleys.  Every ride is beautiful, filled with splendor.  Live your life to the fullest.  Enjoy every moment. Do not let it pass you by!


Remember you are the captain.  You are in control.  As you create your life and learn through experience be open to the lessons life is constantly teaching.  No lesson is beyond your limits and the higher you set these limits, the further you will go.  In reality, there are no limits only the restrictions we place on ourselves.


Stay in tune with your life and listen to the music it is playing.  It is calling you to dance.


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Tuesday, 1 July 2014


We have had enquires on whether we would consider instructing Astrology courses.  We are contemplating an Astrology course starting with the basics, progressing to an intermediate level and then finally offering an advanced course. 


We would like to get an idea of how many people would be interested in participating in courses, at what level and whether they would be more interested in a classroom setting or online.  If you have are interest, please private message us on our FB page – or our website (We do not see comments made from shared posts on FB).


Once we have gathered some information, we will work out the details and keep you informed in future posts. 
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Monday, 30 June 2014


When you first meet others or are interacting with others, allow these individuals to clearly see the inner you.  Fabricated or strained characteristics do not endorse the true you.  Although you may feel that this facade is necessary, being true to your real self is much more important than what others might think of you.  If you ask five different individuals what their opinion is of you, you will get five completely difference answers.


As we age, more and more we become more comfortable with our inner self.  Nothing is fictitious and we radiate something that is perfectly genuine.


When we present the true self, there are no false pretences and we emit a confidence that others easily pick up on.  We can be poised and nothing has to be hidden or altered.  We are who we are and this inner self is who we are supposed to be.   We are not meant to “play a part” so as to constantly adjusted to fit the occasion. 


Each one of us is perfect just the way we are.  Realize this.  All of the qualities that we wish to have are already part of who we are.  We are constantly growing and the end result will be exactly what we want it to be.


If you find a characteristic within yourself that you do not like, do not own it.  Simply acknowledge this quality and then let go.  Holding on to less than desirable traits or by identifying with them, you give these traits life.  When you choose to identify with positive characteristics, you build on them.  What you believe becomes reality.  Let’s make real those characteristics that bring us happiness.  The real you is the most positive and balanced individual you could possibly be.  There are no limitations to who you are.  You alone place limits on yourself.


Visit for more information on Astrology, information on the charts we offer, to read our food-for-thought posts and to become a member. 
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