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Monday, 3 November 2014

Unbounded Potential

Do you find yourself somehow always falling short of your expectations and there appear to be very few potential opportunities?  Are you caught in the crosswinds of change?  Does your life seem fated and predestined? 

Could these feelings of “lacking” or “missing” result from your approach to or attitude towards life?

Perhaps you can review all potential opportunities that lie ahead.  Do not limit your outlook by what you see today.  Understand that life continually offers crossroads.

When we feel that we are under assault and our options are few, more often than not these are the most opportune moment to discover our hidden strength.  We can learn much about ourselves at these times.  We cannot view these moments as times of weakness or think of ourselves as caught up in life’s turmoil conditions.  We are just at a crossroad.  Life is building momentum to enter a new phase and with this new phase, we will be offered broader horizons.  How we deal with these opportunities or approach these opportunities is our choice.  We have to choose to take that first step towards freedom from restrictions.  We just need to have a little faith and strength to move forward into our most precious objectives.

Believing in opportunities and knowing that they are in place so that we can grow and move forward is often something that we have to work on.  Without challenges, we stagnate.  We do not examine ourselves and our traits.  Without examination, we will never understand ourselves.  Limited perceptions or confined points of view stagnate our progress.  Out-dated belief structures limit our advancement and only we can free ourselves of these ideologies and concepts.  

Change is always guaranteed in life and we must change to grow. We are our own life’s directors and we control our advancements or our stagnations.  These choices have always been in our hands and always will be.

In reality our opportunities and creative talents are boundless.  There is no limit to our potential; however, we hold the key to unlock the next door. 

There is no need to feel alone, unaided or deserted.  There are countless individuals ready to help us with our objectives in life.  Some are physical and some are spiritual, but they are always at our disposal and will often come into focus when we need them most.  They are our eternal companions and we are never alone or apart from them.  They always have our best interests at heart; however their assistance comes in many forms.  The answers to our next lesson may not be the one that we expect or want.  We must not limit our growth by our limited focus. 

Their willingness to be of assistance and guidance is never short and their patience is infinite. We can always count on their assistance but we alone make the required moves to facilitate forward action in our lives.  

We can spend our whole life fighting transformation and being caught between expectations and reality. We may believe that life should be offering one things and due to our expectations, we have failed to see the resolution that has been waiting right in front of us. 

Our lives rest in our hands and we can open that door to a fuller and happier existence but we have to believe in ourselves and know that good things are just around the next bend. 

You set your own limits through your ideas of how you “think” life should be.  Inner peace is an attitude and it is always within your grasp.

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Friday, 31 October 2014

Parents with Children Maturing into Adulthood

It is challenging yet very exciting times as our children mature and develop into independent, responsible adults.  We have experience with life lessons, and for most of us, our objective during this stage of our children’s evolution is to lend a gentle hand of guidance and offer the security and support that they still need, although apparently they may not perceive that to be the case.

They are entering life with their eyes wide open and willing and able to grab hold of opportunities as well as take gambles with relative ease.  They will learn valuable lessons because of this attitude.  In our opinion, our input as parents is to stand by them and offer objective advice in a gentle fashion to guide them along their venture.  They are open to everything although it may not appear this way. Everything we say and do provide them with something of significance even though they may seem reluctant to accept this.

It can be a difficult at times as a parent to stand back yet support them with some of their undertakings knowing that this adventure is going to be a challenging one.  It is wise to offer advice and then step back for a moment and allow them to digest.  Persistence on your part only initiates rejection and aggression.  In many cases, at this age our children are head strong and will follow their hearts and their own judgement (but remember we have had an influence in the creation of this judgement).  They will advance in their own chosen direction regardless of our input, so we have to know when to let go and have faith that our example over the years will be part of their deciding factors.  Have faith that what we have taught them will surface and be second nature in their decision making.  If their decisions create hurdles, these are lessons that will carry them forward in life.  These are the lessons that will not be soon forgotten and will help with their growth and maturity.

As far as assistance and we are primarily speaking of financial assistance right now, it is important to teach them financial responsibility.  The lessons of “no” early in life help them to be able to say no to themselves when trying to budget later in life.  We as parents want the best for our children and some parents feel that by giving their children everything they request materially, somehow they are assisting in making their children happy.  Do “things” truly make us happy?

There is nothing wrong with helping our children when they are struggling.  Hopefully they are mature enough to use our assistance in appropriate ways.  If they acknowledge that we have provided them with assistance that stems from the heart and can assist them not only financially but through providing  guidance and support to ease their burdens then our assistance has fallen into the right hands. 

On the contrary, if they waste these opportunity and squander our efforts then you will know better when the next time arrives, as undoubtedly it will.  The expression “easy come, easy go” certainly has merit. 

How do you feel when you have worked hard and accomplished a goal that you have set for yourself?  These accomplishments build character and belief in self.  Do you want your children to be able to experience fulfilment through reaching their goals and accomplishments?  Is it right that we take these opportunities away from our children? 

There is a fine line between assisting our children and stealing their self worth. 

When these young individuals meet up with life’s challenges which you know they will, the best we can do is offer our emotional support and guidance and then stick with them through thick and thin regardless of their decision.  They need support during these trying times and we are well equipped to assist them in this manner.  We love them unconditionally.  When they make mistakes and take what we consider wrong turns in life, they need to know we are always there, but we also have to keep in mind that all things happen for a reason.  Their lessons in life are invaluable and are often in their best interest in the long run.

There comes a time that we have to recognize that it is time to allow their personalities to bloom and to let them stand on their own two feet.  We have to have faith in their ability, to stand back and let them take life by the horns and run with it.  Being a parent and offering loving support never ends.  They have to know that they can always depend on us for this type of support. 

Whatever you were missing in your youth has taught you and helped you to grow.  We have learned our mature insight and worldly education through each lesson we have experienced in life.  We have all walked similar roads just as our maturing children are now venturing down.  Have faith in their abilities and do not stagnate their growth.

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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Transitting Neptune Conjunct Natal Ascendant

Transiting Neptune conjunct the Ascendant is a nebulous connection.  If you were born with a Pisces Ascendant at 3-5 degrees, transiting Neptune has been playing havoc in your personal life.  It has been within orb since about March, 2013 and will not be totally out of the orb of influence until January, 2016.  You might, however, be getting some reprieve soon as Neptune finally goes direct at 4 degrees 47 minutes Pisces in November, 2014.   It does go retrograde one more time in June, 2015 and then turns direct again in November, 2015, moving forward and continuing completely out of orb.

Transiting Neptune on the Ascendant is a place of delusion and often misconception when dealing with life matters that are directly related to you.  This could be your marriage, life changes, physical transformation and in general, just getting to understand the true you.  This is often a time of great inner-reflection and misguided intentions.  This creates difficulty in seeing the real you and understanding your life and your mission.  This is a time of self-searching when you have to go deep beneath the surface to figure things out.

It is best not to become overly concerned with trying to understand the workings of your psyche during this time frame, but it is almost impossible not to get lost in the search.  Life may seem very illusionary and you may have gone through many facets of yourself trying to uncover more of what lies inside.  The best guide during this time is the unconscious mind and potential self-understanding through mystical channels and meditation practice.

This can be a very delusional period with feelings of being lost or off track.  Many turn to the spiritual paths to find enlightenment.  There are other channels that can provide you with a deeper understanding of your life purpose, but it will not be found in mundane activities.  Because of these deep seated questions, some will find that they have ongoing complications with their spouse or close relationships.  You may have trouble seeing things clearly, and you make a different impression on others.  Your greatest problem is that you could be faced with some deception and this can come from outside of self and inside as well.

Many become very idealistic during this time finding a sort of transcendent state of being where they feel very in touch with the mystical side of life.  Some will actually find that place although it should be understood that it is a reflection of what is taking place within.  Others can put life and its moments on a pedestal and then when the fog clears become disappointed with the actual results.  Try not to expect too much of yourself and be sure to view yourself with as much clarity as possible.

Some have a need to help others during this time and to join in group endeavours where they can be of assistance to others such as hospital work and volunteer work, where they can work with the poor and disenchanted or take on a ministering role.  Neptune is altruistic in its alluring nature and does often bring out the best in us.  Holding on to this may be difficult as the light begins to shine clear, but you will learn something of importance about yourself that you can take with you, even if only on a more mild scale.  You can be sure when Neptune has completed this transit that you will feel enlightened or disenchanted, but you will have learned a valuable lesson-- that being the power of the mind and its influence on you. 

Using this ingrained life lesson, you can begin to mold a new life with some of these higher motivations.  You may have experienced, during this time, feelings of being lost and then gaining ground in a spiritual connection.  Most will experience both sides of the coin during Neptune’s transit.  How will you be influenced during this time?  Look at your Astrology chart.  It will guide you.

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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

What is Your Perception of God

There are times when our world appears to be under siege.   There are terrorist acts carried out in various regions of our world.  Violent acts are carried out in the name of religion and God while others figth in the name of justice and equality.

My God, pure essence, highest light (call it, him, her what you will) is a loving energy.  How can anyone fight in the name of love? 

What is your perception of God?  Is this energy a violent tyrant that seeks revenge and worship at any cost?  Is this righteous and just?  Would a loving God stand behind such atrocity? 

So once again, how can one fight and murder in the name of God? 

God is the loving energy the burns inside each and every one of us.   There is not an ounce of violence in God, the Godhead, our pure essence, I am, Father, Mother, etc., etc.  God is love and compassion.

Standing up for our rights has a place in our world but violent action and acts of barbarism cannot be connected to God. 

Will you be the example of love and compassion to all that surrounds you even in the face of violence? This can certainly be a difficult task.  Let compassion and love for all mankind be your motto, be your hymn of justice.  Lead others with your pure light so that all can see your brilliance.

Our hearts go out to everyone that is and has been affected by these segregated individuals that try to tear away at our fabric of peace and freedom of choice.  We hope that you can find a place of solitude and grace; a place where you can hold on to love.  Do NOT allow these acts to rob you of your core love and compassion.  If you do allow this, the acts of violence and terror have succeeded!

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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Transitting Pluto Conjunct Natal Sun

This post applies to those who have their Sun in Capricorn, Libra, Aries and Cancer although we are primarily focusing on the conjunction aspect. 

There are various different aspects and each has its own abilities.  The conjunction brings an emphasis while the square often brings challenging and often chaotic conditions.  The opposition brings awareness for dynamic change to the self but often through other people’s interactions. 

If you have your Sun Sign in any of these cardinal positions listed in the opening sentence and your Sun is between 8-17 degrees in one of these signs, you will be experiencing the transit of Pluto accentuating your Sun sign. 

Pluto’s action begins in a subtle manner but gradually increases in its intensity.  Many of those who are sensitive to its influence can feel its approach often as far away as 5-6 degrees and 2-3 degree when it is separating.

Transiting Pluto has been moving back and forth between retrograde motion and direct motion for some time now and its impact is probably well known at this point.  It finally went direct on September 23, 2014 and will remain in direct motion until June 2, 2015.  After this later date, it will  return to retrograde motion.

This period has been noted as a great time of change and transformation in the lives of those that Pluto has touched.  It is a time to orchestrate your ambitions and move forward with your objectives, but often you will have to delete obstructions to your desire to move ahead in life.  This obstruction is now old and outdated and must be dealt with and seen as it truly is.  If these states of affairs are no longer viable and do not serve some real purpose, you will have to disengage from them and move in a new direction.  They no longer serve you and in order for a new birth to begin, you have to remove these obstacles that now stand in your way.  They have served their purpose and no longer have significance in your life.

You will find (particularly with the conjunction) that you now seem to have powerful energies that can keep you going and help you to eliminate these objects or habits that stand in the way of progress and achievement.  You can reach your objectives as you are more prone to decisive action and assertion in the areas of life ruled by the house transiting Pluto is in and the house your Sun Sign is in.  If your Sun is in Capricorn as this conjunction implies, you can move forward in your career objectives and personal sphere of activity with a new found enthusiasm and strong push to make things happen in your life.

If you are experiencing the square or opposition aspects, you may find that it is more difficult to achieve these objectives, but you will have the push required to make sure that these inner and outer changes take place, although not without some challenges along the way.  You can now remove old outworn and outdated parts of yourself that no longer serve you and you are the orchestrator of these actions, unless you are experiencing the opposition then someone else may be assisting you with the changes that need to happen. 

Understand that in most cases, these changes are what need to take place and you will gain momentum as this transit begins to unfold.  You will eventually reap the rewards and understand the process completely when Pluto is out of range permanently, which can take up to two years.

During this transit, you may uncover facets of your personality that might not be too pleasant to confront, but confront them you must, as you cannot eliminate or transform any part of yourself until you first acknowledge what exists.  It is best to concentrate on yourself during this time although you can also be of assistance to others.  You can challenge and transform obstructions in your life although you will have to watch for ego intervention.  All must be done with good intentions and push you in positive directions.  Facing yourself objectively and honestly may be a difficult task although a necessity in order to foster this transformation that now needs to come to life.  Stay true to yourself and be strong during this time of massive transformation and get ready for a new you to emerge.

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Monday, 27 October 2014

Living in Divine Light

In prayer we reach out to our living messenger and holy minister of truth that light be spread over our consciousness and bring us in touch with our destiny.  We pray that the path of righteousness be clear in our knowing and that we administer these traits into our being.  We ask that the truth be given and that all of mankind find a place of solace and contentment and that we may dwell in comfort and safety among our fellow brothers and sisters during times of strife and anxiety.

Please teach us, and deliver us to a place where we can be at peace with one another across our world and spread true harmony to each and every living soul.  Please help us recover that place of attunement with our higher self and spread the word of love in our entangled world.

Bring us ever closer to the wisdom of the ancient teachings that lie dormant in so many and allow our world to flower.  Let each of us find our path to enlightenment and truth in our own particular way and help us attain a state of peace and tranquility of lasting quality that encapsulates us to our very core.

We open ourselves to the truth and envision the glory of what lies ahead with clear insight and transformative opportunity.  We ask this in the name of pure essence and our holy ancestors without judgement, this day and forever more.  Amen.  

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