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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Treating Others as Your Equal

As we proceed on our ongoing life’s quest, we will meet other individuals that walk a different path than the one we walk.  Some individuals are here to completely focus on this material world.  Other individuals have their feet in two different worlds, living within the material confines of life but also living with a different approach quite separate from this material existence.  There are others that have mastered the ability to live seeing through the veil of the material world and walking this earth with as full an understanding of our eternal life as humanly possible.

Some individuals become fixated on everyday drama, some are lost in confusion and some are just searching as they have stifled the concept that their focus and attitude impacts all that surrounds them. 

It is important to live in the moment – the now.  It is important to understand that our reaction to life’s events and our reaction to those that share this existence with us are completely within our control.  Our focus simply magnifies and gives extreme importance to that which we are focused on.

For some individuals, they feel lost.  They suffer mental anguish and confusion.  These individuals have become overwhelmed by what they perceive as life’s drama and their current conditions.  Their focus in life causes them to experience great difficulty in finding their way back to their true selves.  Because of their beliefs, their focus and their fixed mindset, there is no chance of their regaining control without change.  Unfortunately, they drift aimlessly through life oblivious to all that they have to be grateful for.

There are many others individuals with their own stories (too many to mention), however, the ventures of each and every one of us are all joined and weaved together creating the fabric of our consciousness.   We each, individually, walk our own path but together these paths create a highway we traverse together in this moment in time.  Each one of us is an eternal soul living an earthly existence without exceptions.  We are all brothers and sisters regardless of religious beliefs, skin colour or ethnic backgrounds.  We are all part of the whole.

We are all equal.  Each one of us offers a unique talent or gift. Should we not celebrate our similarities and respect our differences?  Release the ego’s need to be segregated and to be superior in some manner. 

We are one—each part of the whole.  Some of us take the direct route; others meander slowly towards our single destination, and then there are others who are standing still waiting for directions as they have lost sight of this destination. 

Allow your inner light to shine and guide those that could use a helping hand through example.  A loving gesture, as simple as a smile or a gentle word, can shed the required light to help these individuals along their path. 

Albert Einstein said “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”  Accordingly, everyone’s soul will end up at the same destination, but if you judge others by the different route that they are taking, they will believe that they are alone and if they come upon an obstacle, and they will never expect to reach their destination.

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Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The Grand Trine in Astrology

The Grand Trine is a relatively common configuration.  It is divided into elements, Water, Fire, Air and Earth.  The Grand Trine consists of three planets or significant points (Midheaven, Ascendant) all linked together in trine to one another, separated each by 120 degrees.  You can allow an orb of 8 degrees when determining if the trines form part of the Grand Trine configuration.  For example, you have the Sun at 20 degrees Cancer, the Moon at 16 degrees Scorpio and the Ascendant at 23 degrees Pisces.  This would be considered a Grand Water Trine.

The strength of influence is increased the closer these trines are to being direct.  For example, if all these planets and points are within 1-3 degrees in separation, the trine has a stronger influence in the life of the individual concerned.  The weakening of a Grand Trine happens when one of the planets or points is in a different element than the other two, for example the Sun in Cancer, the Moon in Scorpio and the rising sign being in Aries.  These configurations make a triangle in the portrait of the birth time captured at moment of birth but only two are in water signs and the remaining is in fire.

The positive influences of the Grand Trine include free energy flow which in turn assists the individual in gaining benefits.  Inherent good luck seems to follow these individuals, particularly when the Grand Trine is activated through transit or progression.  They seem to have more prospects than most others and attract good fortune and opportunities into their lives easily in areas related to the element the Grand Trine is in.  For example a person with a tight Grand Earth Trine (especially if it connected to the Midheaven or Ascendant and Venus or Jupiter) will have more opportunities to move ahead in their life’s endeavours related to finances, business and occupation.

Grand Trines, however, also have negative connotation to them because the energies flow so well that the individual can lose their push or motivation.  They become lazy or they refuse to take on challenges that enter into their lives.  Some become trapped in self-sufficiency which is also suggested by the Grand Trine, either working for you or against you.  Those individuals that are not using these energies become stuck and often feel as though they are not going anywhere in life.  Some become so self-sufficient, (for example someone with a Grand Water Trine has such a strong emotional foundation that even when confronted with emotional trauma will not reach out for assistance from others) can become overrun with their own emotions and have great difficulty moving beyond any trauma that may appear in life.  Some become closed in the element the Grand Trine is located and become, as Astrologer Noel Tyl refers to, “Closed circuits of self-sufficiency.”

People with Grand Trines are very motivated in the element that the Trine is in, but when confronted with life’s difficulties, they often are not comfortable with these issues and have difficulties with them.  Grand Trines work very well most of the time and when a challenging condition comes their way, they are not used to this type of energy, (unless they have many challenging aspects within their birth chart) and are not sure how to handle this energy accordingly.

When deciphering the Grand Trine within the framework of a natal chart, you will have to take into consideration which element it is in and also the planets and houses affiliated with this energy.  Often one of the Planets in the configuration is linked strongly to another planet in the configuration by aspect, especially by square or opposition that particular planet will be the motivating factor behind this Grand Trine.  This often becomes the pivotal point of expression and can be used as an inspiring point which imitates the source of action to the Grand Trine and the area of life it resonates with.
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Monday, 15 December 2014

Forever Young

Take a close look at the young and innocent people around you.  Pay attention to what they are conveying to you in their eyes and pay particular attention to their reaction to you when you become face to face with them.  Their reactions will define how you reveal your sensitivities in the world around you.  They are mostly untouched by human conditioning and what you see is genuine. 

Their approach to life is found in the moment.  There is no concern for what comes next and the past has no place in their lives other than a lesson learned.  I am speaking of the very young, not newborn but those that are beginning to learn how to focus in the here and now.  When they see you often their reaction is one of joy and love.  There is something very gentle and loving about the way they look at you. 

With most younger children, we get the feeling that there is much wisdom within, as if they are deep souls and have been in touch with something far beyond that of this material world.

They are unscathed and untouched by material world intervention and simply live from one moment to the next with no concern about where they are heading.  They are in total acceptance of the life force that radiates within and around them.  They have complete and total acceptance of life without question. 

Some may call this innocence and naivety, but for a moment imagine how much worry and anxiety would be removed from life if we viewed our lives as a child through complete acceptance.  Imagine letting go of the need to control and having faith that all of our needs will be met.

Under normal circumstances, children believe in their parents.  Most young children hold their parents up on a pedestal, because there is no need for them to analyse life or its events.  They simply see the best and even when they receive discipline, they accept their fate and take life as it comes.  In general they forgive what we might consider injustice for they do not have to judge.  They are open minded, accept and are always ready to learn.  They know that their needs are being met and generally ask for very little accept your unconditional love.

As parents, most of us genuinely try our best to meet their needs and often put their needs ahead of our own.  We also love them unconditionally and always have their best interests in mind. 

How wonderful would be if we had a guardian angel or guide (parent) that looked after us and always had our best interests at heart?  Imagine yourself having this protection, this guidance... a force that is always working on your behalf; always.

Should we not become like children once again and become open to the understanding that life is moving as it should and we are always being guided and protected?  Even in the face of adversity we are following our path and receiving valuable information in the process.  Life does provide some challenges from time to time, but these challenging or limiting conditions do not take away our life.  They are in place to teach us valuable lessons that we can take with us on our road of life.  These lessons are part of our life.

Letting go does not mean that we stop trying or that we are standing still, but it does imply that we are in a place where we will learn the lessons that life offers, regardless of our intent.  We are just as on path now as we were when young.  We are ever changing in our perspectives, but still on path.  Have faith that your life will mold you into the individual that accepts others even without understanding their path, that helps without expecting anything in return, that sets that example for those around you simply by being the example that others need to help them see your reflection within themselves. 

Stay young in your approach to life.  Believe that your needs are being met, that you are on target and that you are safely protected by your higher self and those guides that mimic your concept of a good parent.

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Saturday, 13 December 2014

Gift Certificates are available in any demonination and can be used in full or in part towards the cost of an Astrology Chart Report

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Friday, 12 December 2014

Adjustment Call

There are times in life when the signals get crossed and our judgements can be clouded.  This could pertain to many of life’s issues and even our judgement of others which we unfortunately form from lack of full information or by misinterpreting events. 

I am sure you have heard it said that we should never judge others unless we have walked a mile in their shoes.  Even if we have walked a mile in their shoes, we still should forego the judgement.  We will never be aware of their full life’s circumstances and will never be able to understand their life’s experiences from their point of view.

We can never imagine someone else’s elation or their sorrow.  There are far too many variables for someone else to understand the complexities that have been influencing them over many years.  What kind of experiences have they had in life and how often have they been abused or mistreated?  What are they going through on a regular basis and how does their mind react to these conditions?

Frequently early childhood experiences set the stage for our response to interpersonal relationships and our way of responding to events and people.  Physical and emotional abuse, alcoholism or drug abuse by loved ones leave lasting impressions on developing minds if these events and the emotions they create are not discussed and released. 

Each and every one of us have core reasons for our behavior and even a hard day at work or challenging conditions with the children can influence the way we respond to events throughout our day. 

With this in mind, how can we possibly judge others on their personality traits, their reactions or responses? 

We should take the time to make the effort to study our own personal responses to events.  These are the actions that we have control over and can change if need be.  Our expectations of others are truly unrealistic and simply set us up for disappointment and anguish.  If we cannot control our own responses at times throughout life, how can we place expectations on others?

If you are looking for compassion and understanding from others, set the example without expectation.  Your own reaction to events can either stirs up more of what it is you do not want or it can start a new focus of love and forgiveness.

Our reaction to life events and our interaction with others is a personal choice.  We have the option of making a decision that provides positive outcomes or positive alternatives under any conditions.  The next time we experience ego interference, stop for a moment.  Offer the energy conducive to support, peace and enlightenment towards this individual.  They in turn can use this positive reaction to assist in lifting them out of their place of confusion or frustration. 

If your offering is not utilized and this person allows themselves to continue on their stressful path, do not judge.  Send love their way; turn away and remove yourself from their choices.  Their actions are their choice; your reactions are yours. 

Bring this awareness to the surface and realize your true purpose.

“To love a man enough to help him, you have to forfeit the warm, self-righteous glow that comes from judging.”   ― Ron Hall

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Thursday, 11 December 2014

Jupiter Retrograde

Transiting Jupiter went into retrograde motion on December 8, 2014 and stays in retrograde until April, 2015.  It moves as far as 22 degrees into the sign of Leo and then retrogrades back as far as 12 degrees of the same sign.  You can use an orb of 3-4 degrees when determining if it will affect any of your planets or important points in your natal chart.  As it crosses these placements, the energy of Jupiter will increase.

Under normal direct motion conditions, Jupiter is known as the great benefactor, but it is said that when it moves into retrograde motion, these characteristics seem to fade and its normal opportunistic energy will be felt on an inner level while on the outer material side of things, it is less effective.  It is suggested that if you are in the mind set of buying property or big luxury items that you reconsider and wait until Jupiter moves direct again.  Much depends on the natal aspects to your Jupiter, but during this retrograde period, Jupiter is not as lucky as it is under normal conditions.

When a planet moves into retrograde, its influence is felt on an inner level rather than felt through our outer material world.  During this retrograde cycle, you can benefit greatly if you focus on inner growth and awareness.  Get in touch with self.  Objectively viewing self and making alterations along the way would be very beneficial. 

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is connected to spirituality and the philosophies of life that have meaning.  If you have a look at the house it is transiting through as well as the house it is located in your natal chart, these will be areas of life that you can work on and transform in ways that will suit you better down the road once Jupiter goes direct again.  A time of introspection is highlighted and should be viewed on a positive note, even if what you see or your life’s direction is not what you thought it was.  This is a time when you can review the past and make constructive adjustments to the way you have been living your life, transforming your life’s direction, and putting yourself on route to the most productive road in life.

This transit of Jupiter will be closely connected to the lessons in life that are required at this time.  Make sure that you are honest with yourself and you can truthful examine your current choices.  Honestly gage these choices with an open mind and decide what you want to change and what is worthy of keeping.  These are often aspects of self that need some tweaking.  Once tweaked, these changes will alter your route to put you on a more direct path for your life’s course.   Look inside yourself and rediscover these inner riches.
If you are making plans to enter into a business venture make sure that you take the time to consider all the aspects connected to this decision.  You may find that you will make large expenditures during this time which may not be such a good idea.  It is actually best to wait before making any decisions, unless your natal Jupiter and the planets connected to it in the natal chart are really well aspected.  Check to see what the natal chart is saying and then make your decisions.  This is not to say that every interaction will turn out negatively, but often under this retrograde positioning, there are exaggerations of the potential fortune awaiting your approval.  Just make sure that you are viewing these contacts with clarity and watch for overly expanded optimism.

Once Jupiter has gone back into direct motion and it is making aspects to other planets in your natal chart, you can re-examine your potential and choices.  You will undoubtedly be able to make a clearer decision on the potential outcome of these proposed material ventures.

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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Recommendations for Living

Live your life with purest of intentions and know that life is always taking you in the right direction.  Follow your heart.  Believe in the existence of pure love and know that it resides on every level. 

Stay true to yourself and love who you are.  Know that you have a purpose and believe you will fulfill it.  Remain calm in the face of adversity and believe that you have the strength to overcome anything that life brings your way.

Have faith in all upcoming life events.  Know that these events will help you foster acceptance and a stronger purpose in your life.  Know that every twist and turn in the road leads to the same destination. 

Live life with the most purest of intentions possible.  Acknowledge “mistakes” (which are only diversions from our direct route) but do not own them.  Learn from these diversions.  Know that you are not perfect but are on the way to perfection. 

Let love guide you and believe in your dreams for dreams do come true.

Always leave room for exploration but understand that you will never know the complete story of life.  Live life to the fullest and know that you can live each and every moment this way.  Enjoy your life as there is nothing wrong with this.  It is part of your inheritance—your entitlement. 

Find the moment and dwell within it.  Return there every moment. 

Pay attention to your life’s experience.  Know that each event is preplanned.  Nothing is by chance.  We learn from these experiences-- each and every one of them.

Know that you are part of a bigger picture and acknowledge that you are part of the living God, our pure essence.  Do not be uncomfortable when using the name “God”.  Know that a higher source does exist. 

Know that your guides and guardians walk this journey with you and that you are never alone.  Know that, if you ask, they are always there to lend a helping hand.

Understand your connection with spirit and know that you are only housed in this body and that you are not this body.  You are spirit living a human existence and will return to spirit when this particular journey is complete.  Take care of the vessel that is on loan to you, as it houses you, the spirit. 

Above all else, love yourself for who you are.  Allow this love to flow and spread outside of self.  Be as willing to receive love as you are ready to spread it.  Know that you deserve to be loved regardless of who you think you are.  If you do not like what you see in yourself, know that it is only there for the moment and you can change it if you decide to do so. 

Know that each day is a new beginning and yesterday is a memory.  Live now and to the fullest.  Enjoy your life.  It is yours to enjoy.  Celebrate every moment whether labelled exciting or sorrowful for each moment is for our greater good and we do not understand the bigger picture.

Take an honest look at yourself and relinquish any facet of that self that you do not emanate with.  Do not identify with anything that you do not feel belongs.  You already know who you are and that individual is the best person you can be, but be true to who you are. 

The true self is not seen by all.  What others think about you is not important.  These are only opinions. 

You were never meant to suffer, but you were meant to live in accept.  The true self lives in that place within that holds love and the promise of love.  When living from this place, we only can know contentment.  Believe!

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