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Sunday, 4 January 2015

Cancer Full Moon

Cancer Full Moon, Sunday January 4, 2015

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Friday, 2 January 2015

Ascendant Sign in Astrology

The Ascendant Sign or Rising Sign is descriptive of our outside personality, the one we reveal to the world.  This will usually differ from our Sun Sign and this is a sure reason why some individuals are seen as quite different from the typical characteristics associated with their Sun Sign personality.  The Sun Sign still resonates and is usually more prominent as we get to know and fulfill the characteristics of our true selves.   The Sun Sign is you’re inside personality while the Ascendant sign reveals an outer personality that we are willing to reveal to the world.

The Ascendant Sign is often depictive of our appearance and the way we carry ourselves in our outside environment.  It is believed at least by this Astrologer that we are meant to merge our Sun Sign with our Rising Sign as well as the sign and house placement of the Moon as we develop and mature.  It is with this merging that we can distinguish our true more complete selves and we can represent our true selves in a more authentic manner.

The Ascendant sign is also a very significant point when transits and progressions move across or make important aspects to it.  The changes and transformations that are often accompanied through the transit connections to this point are very significant to our overall development.  Changes in our appearance, our evolution, our ideologies and life concepts as well as changes to relationships with important people all come under careful scrutiny during these transiting times.

For example, Uranus crossing over the Ascendant often correlates with major wants for something new and exciting in life.  We are often viewed from the outside world as being rather eccentric in our behaviour during powerful transits or progressions affecting this area of our chart.  The want to break free from restrictive or old outdated ways or relationships that fall into this category are often by-products of a Uranus transit especially when in Conjunction, Square or Opposition.  Uranus is also known as the awakener and many will go through an awakening process as Uranus transits this placement.

It is important to also look at the opposing house cusp (7th) and the ruling planet and house placement of your ascendant sign to gain further insight into potential changes taking place in your life.  The aspect that the planet is making will define whether it is stressful or an opportunity or just plain easy flow, while the planet will define the type of action that can be anticipated.   The house placement of the Ascendant’s ruling planet will also define the area of life that will be affected.

Any outer planet that transits this placement will have significant influence on your life.  It often takes several years for these slow moving bodies to move out of the orb of influence.  Those that are sensitive can feel the approach of the planet by as much as 4-5 degrees and the separation of the link by up to 2-3 degree.  The affects will be felt for a long period of time and will change life’s conditions significantly.  Often these outer planets signify a complete change in your life’s course and a new beginning.

Have a close look at any outer planet making a conjunction in particular, as this is the most powerful of the major aspects.  The planet and the sign on the Ascendant will merge and act as an intensifying agent of the conditions already in place in the birth chart.  Be ready for change, transformation and a new beginning as these powerful entities begin taking hold in your life.

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Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Beginnings

Every single day we awake is a new beginning but January 1 always seems to be a day that the majority of us more clearly understand this concept of a fresh start for life. 

We envision the new year as an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, to choose to move forward in a more mindful way. 

What are your resolutions, your intentions, your goals?

Could we not also use this opportunity as a time to reflect, to look back on the year that has just past?  We can use this opportunity not as a time to beat ourselves up but as a time to reflect on all that we have accomplished.  All too often, we are critical of ourselves.  If we want our children to grow and feel better about themselves, do we not praise them for all that they have accomplished?  Do we not make them feel better about themselves so that they can strive even more to grow and move forward?

We never get more bees with vinegar.  We can only attract them with sweet pollen.  We as adults are no different. 

Take the time to review the past 12 months.  See all that you have accomplished.  Look at how you have grown.  Acknowledge your movement forward on your life’s path. 

If we do not know where we are now, how can we plan where we want to be in twelve months from now?

Be kind, loving and forgiving to yourself.  If you cannot do this for YOU, how can you offer these to others? 

Happy New Year.  We wish you love.  We wish you contentment.  We wish you direction.

Love and Light from Holm Astrology, Peter and Angela.

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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Life and Love

We are one, co-existing within the framework of our consciousness, always reaching to connect with our pure essence.  Our sacred and sanctified unity with our source is also a connection with all that is.  We are to live in harmony with all of life.

We build on this unity as we mature into ourselves reaching ever further into our most intimate being.  We are a spiritual connection dwelling momentarily in an earthly vehicle.  We are not our bodies.  We are not our thoughts.  We are eternal beings.  We explore to learn of our essence.  We join forces to help coordinate a universal movement of pure love.

Our essence resonates on an internal level but reveals itself through an ongoing process to those that are ready to experience it existence.  Remaining open to this eventual awakening, releases our bondage to material concerns.  It is within our grasp to realize our true objective and help facilitate the ongoing awakening taking hold in our world.  We are the facilitators of peace.

We are to open our hearts and to resonate the love that is our core and in so doing, we awaken the same in others.  We are not segregated or separate from each other.  We all share this life together regardless of distance and we are molding a future for the next generation.
We are the facilitators and the manufactures of peace and love, regardless of our earth’s condition and what we experience through media and other external influences.  It is not hopeless unless you allow this expression to exist.  These are the early days of the evolution.  You are the pioneer.

Our purpose in this life is to keep the process moving forward regardless of obstruction and challenges that lie before us.  We must push forward in the face of adversity regardless of the current conditions that are thrown our way.  Live by example and be the light for others.  Find your true essence simply by living within its framework. 

You are the light.  You are joined through your light with others.  This is your essence and your purpose.  Live it; be it and above all else, believe!

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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Midheaven in Astrology

The midheaven also known as the cusp of the tenth house is a very sensitive area in the natal chart.  Any planet in transit (the movement of planets through the zodiac) particularly outer planets, (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) or inner planets that are in retrograde motion (appear to be moving backwards) that conjunct, square or are in opposition to this point have powerful influences in our lives.

In many cases Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will remain in this critical degree for a year or two having a significant influence on our occupation, our standard of living, our goals, aspirations and our status in life. 

Uranus often produces unexpected, sudden events when it makes a significant aspect to this critical degree.  Neptune tends to cloud these areas of life making things unclear or it can add a mystical approach, while Saturn tends to create challenges, obstacles or lessons that need to be overcome.  We are tested in these areas.  Pluto transforms and may cause disruptions although much of what happens is beneath the surface until it makes a direct contact to this degree.

The trine of these planets to the Midheaven or also known as the MC often provides opportunities and good luck with an easy flow into these areas of life, depending on what other aspects within the chart.  The opposite house (4th) is often also affected, as when these aspects are making contact to the MC, they are also making an aspect to the fourth house cusp.  The fourth house deals with the home and family particularly the mother while the tenth house usually identifies the father.  The tenth house usually identifies the most dominant parent while the fourth house is usually the more submissive and protective parent.  A conjunction to the tenth house will also present an opposition to the fourth house cusp and oppositions usually deals with something related to or coming from someone else.

The MC, the Ascendant, the Sun, the Moon and the progressed Moon are often used to rectify a birth time, especially when Uranus and Mars conjunct the MC.  Uranus and Mars often indicate something happening on the exact day when it becomes direct especially in conjunction.  The progressed Moon moves one degree a month also assisting with pinpointing a birth time.  Uranus really seems to disrupt activity related to the specific house cusp.  The only guaranteed is something unexpected and sudden will occur with Uranus making contact which often causing disruption into that area of life.

Be ready for change, disruption, transformation and activity when the MC becomes activated through transit or progression.  Although the changes that take place may be disruptive, agitating and sometimes chaotic in their nature, in most cases, these changes are a requirement.  It is best not to put up too much of a struggle, especially when Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are making contact to this area of life.  In a year or so after the contact, you will realize that the transformations to your life and disruptions were beneficial to your overall evolution and were requirements brought on to enforce growth on a subconscious and soul level.

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Monday, 29 December 2014

New Relationships

For those that are in a significant, special or any relationship for that matter, it is important to share and express your feelings, opinions and experiences.  By opening the door to your intimate feelings and thoughts, you allow the transformation required to transcend the relationship to the next level. 

Many of us have experienced tumultuous relationships where sharing information of our inner self might not have been beneficial and because of these past experiences, we may now feel that in sharing personal feels much of the same that was previously experienced will occur again. 

In order to activate the bonding in a new relationship however, it is important, even though we may feel uncomfortable or worried that we may get hurt or used in some way again, that we share our inner self in order that our relationships not stagnate and eventually disintegrate because of this fear.  We have to realize that conditions from a past relationship no longer hold true for our new ones.  These new relationships undoubtedly will offer a new definition of what a meaningful relationship should look like.

Fear is often an offshoot of past experience and we learn through our mistakes as we move along in life, but we have to allow ourselves to open up again in order to move forward within important relationships.  This new relationship may provide us with something that we have never experienced before and moving to the next level is often what is required in order to go deeper into this new union.

This is something new and may not reflect anything of the past in any way.  It may actually provide us with a comfort level that we have never experienced before.  We must let ourselves go a little.  Weigh out all the facts and move forward with the objective of creating a loving experience shared by two souls.  We are not thrown together by chance.  Everyone we meet that becomes significant has a purpose and we have chosen beforehand to come together to grow and merge our individualities into a more full, single entity so to speak.

It can be difficult and sometimes frightening to move forward and open ourselves up to the unearthing of the secrets that are buried within.  When the time is right and we have had time to look deep into our prospective mates and our instinct and gut draws us to this individual, take the chance.  We might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. 

If we never take chances in life, we will simply live our sheltered lives with regrets.  We can never grow without stepping forward out of our comfort zones.  We must always listen to our gut and that quite voice within.  Yes, there is always a risk in each thing that we do in life, but there is also an opportunity that life will move forward in a new and wonderful direction and it will hold rewards beyond our present imagination.  The choice is ours.

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