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Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Full Moon in Leo

Today, February 3, 2015, the full Moon is in Leo.  At the same time, Mercury is in retrograde in Aquarius in opposition to the Moon for a few days into February (direct on the 8th).  The Sun is always in opposition during full Moons and is in direct opposition when the Moon moves into the 13-14th degree.  Transiting Jupiter will also be in conjunction at 18 degrees Leo with the Moon.  Together, these influences can enhance this period, in particular if you also have planets in the 13-18 degree corresponding with Jupiter or 5-6 degree corresponding with retrograde Mercury.

Full Moons are often linked with the conclusion of intentions that were set during the New Moon phase.  The new Moon is considered a time to make things happen or to set into motion or make goals.  It is believed by this Astrologer that the intention can be in place during that initial new moon phase and activated or set into action during the Full Moon.

It is often linked to the feeling of reaching the end of a condition when the ideas come together and you can visualize the whole picture and instinctively know what the next steps should be to reach your goals. 

Mercury retrograde is also a time when you should be laying the foundation for something of importance down the road.  The two will interact with each other and with Jupiter attached to the equation, the ability of reaching these objectives and promoting something worth-while is enhanced.

The cause could be humanitarian in some way (Mercury and Sun in Aquarius), reaching out to the masses, or it could include something that you feel would be very important to you (Moon and Jupiter in Leo).   The overall impact should affect you personally and come from the heart but should also be directed outward in an expression to those around you.  In your Natal chart, refer to the houses that transiting Mercury, transiting Moon and transiting Jupiter are in for further definition.  You should also look at the placement of your natal Moon by house and sign placement to make the picture a little more clear.

During this full Moon phase, you will instinctively know which path to take and you now have the ability to take that next step towards reaching that objective.  It is time to act and promote your ideas, especially once Mercury moves out of retrograde on the 8th of February.  Look for a philosophical truths to follow and align with a set goal that will facilitate such growth.  Outline for yourself what you can do to bring this idea into fruition. 

If you have outer natal planets in the 5-6 degree as well as the 13-18 degree, the transformations unfolding could be internal and very significant, as well as long lasting.  The Full moon happens every month but this one is particularly strong because of the links to Mercury retrograde and Jupiter.  You should not expect the experience to be life altering or even outwardly significant, however.  The effect is very subtle but as time passes, things become more apparent as you link up with your intentions in the future.  Your life’s path in some unique cases has the potential to unfold especially if connected to the Moon’s Nodes and even with Pluto and linked by conjunction.

Pay particular attention to this short time frame and set goals into action.  Watch as these goals materialize on some level down the road.  Life is filled with opportunities and this time frame is one of them.  Look inwardly for some guidance but to outside influences and external guidance, as both areas of life are highlighted.

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Monday, 2 February 2015

Inner Peace

Do you want to reach a state where life’s challenges are understood to be simply testing grounds to confirm that you have reached peace and tranquility? 

Do you feel as though you have ventured off path and are having difficulty finding your true path again?  What can you do to final peace and tranquility?

These states of peace and tranquility never suddenly appear.  These states are not something that you can search out and find.  For most, these are states of existence that materialize over time through a change of attitude and focus and normally these slowly manifests.  They will not be found outside of ourselves through a loving relationship or through the perfect profession or even from a guide who appears to have all the answers.  No one can take you to these states of attitude.

You can meditate, practice self-sacrifice and walk the humble path, but inner peace is not found in any of these practices.  Neither people nor things will magically create this state that many long for. 

Inner peace is a state that radiate from within.  It is part of the process of living and growing.  The peace that we seek it not found in any of the above manifestations, but this goal and way of living is actually the glimmer of inner peace. 

Being humble, compassionate and filled with love are the outer edges of inner peace.  Having faith and openly accepting life and its lessons nurtures inner peace and allow is to bloom and flourish.  Struggles, non-acceptance, stress, frustration, anger are the clouds that block the light of inner peace.  Allow the winds of faith to remove these storm clouds. 

All the wonders and beauty of life are reflections of inner peace. 

Inner peace, no matter how turbulent our current conditions in life, is simply a change of attitude towards these conditions, an allowance of faith that all conditions in life are lessons for growth and that our pure essence will guide and mold us into the best that we can be.  We are capable of learning and expanding from each and every one of these lessons. 

As we allow inner peace, we feel a deep love and compassion towards our outer world.  Happiness is an offshoot to this unfolding.  

Inner peace is within your grasp.  You are love.  Allow your true essence to thrive.  Have faith that you are guided and that you are protected.  You have nothing to fear.  Yes; life will teach you difficult lessons but these are in place to allow you to grow.  Accept (do not judge or control), have faith, let go of worry and stress, be content, enjoy and live within each moment, see the beauty and the good in ALL people and things.....these are the ingredients for inner peace. 

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Saturday, 31 January 2015

Innate Abilities

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Friday, 30 January 2015

Yesterday's Truth

As we delve deeper into our mystical pursuit, we discover new truths as they unravel.  These gradually intensify and deepen with time and commitment.  During meditation, we unlock these channels and perception increases as does are our alignment with source.  It is an ongoing venture.  We gather momentum for change and growth as our knowledge expands, knowledge that at one time was not forefront in our lives.

In the past, we may have been caught up in the crossfire of material living.  We moved from pure innocent spirit at birth into a disfigured form of illusion as we became more aware of our material world around us.  This illusion was also a tool for learning but learning to adjust to this material world.  As we mature, most of us have an inclination that there is more to this existence that our material focus.  Some know that there were other dimensions and alternate realities that are far more significant than the current one we living in, but also understand the relevance of living in this current environment.

Many have belief structures that are simply focused on everyday living and the struggle to survive in the material world.  Some became obsessed with the gathering of material things and financial hoarding.  Once consumed by this reality, it is difficult to see beyond this preoccupation.  The focus on collecting causes a longing for more and more.  We are under the illusion that by gathering things we could facilitate a sense of fulfillment and a longing for happiness that we so needed.

After spending wasted years wrapped up in material gathering, the lack of fulfillment aids us to embark on a new journey.  This is a journey of self-discovery and awareness as we understand that there is something beyond this tedious repetition.  The gathering of material abundance no longer provides happiness, for the happiness and fulfillment, if at all, was short lived.  This is when the search for a deeper meaning to life can begin.  Some explore traditional religion, spirituality, mysticism......our intuition becomes stronger and it pushes us forward into new and exciting realms.

Yesterday’s truths no longer fulfill our internal needs and the material world began to lose its stronghold.  As we slowly realize this new truth and open to its potential, we are enticed to continue.  We somehow appreciate that this line of expression and understanding prevails over anything from our past.  It is new yet comfortable.  It is as though we know this understanding instinctually.  It fits perfectly and we began to sense a new order of things that far outdoes anything of significance previously.  A forgotten truth is emerging and our footprints are imbedded within its framework.

As time passes, we no longer recognize past obsessions as part of our reality.  There is no reason to look back but if we did we would find just how far removed that once encompassing reality is from our present focus. 

Letting go and moving into the unknown can be unsettling.  We can resist initially but the need for peace and fulfillment pushes us to abandon our fears.   We are now forever transformed.

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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Between the Ages of 38 & 44

We are going to take a look at what is called the beginning mid-life turning point at ages 38-44. This is a turning point when we grow from early adulthood personality into a more evolving personality--reconciling and developing into a personality with which we are more comfortable.  This is a time when we are restructuring ourselves on a more profound level.  A sense of individualization is starting to shine through due to the major influences taking place in our lives. 

We are experiencing transiting Saturn in trine to its natal position and Neptune in square to its natal position.  These signify inner transformations and a realistic approach to who we truly are. 

There may even be a feeling of urgency with our quest at this point in our lives.  Our ego and the ongoing search for “who am I?” are undergoing alterations in our consciousness, for those individuals that feel they need answers. 

There are neither formal guidelines nor a book called “Mid-life Crises 101”.  No one can say they are prepared, particularly because no one knows exactly what to expect.  Each individual goes through their own personal challenges and then an awakening takes place.  This is a time of great soul searching and a desire for inner change which often coincides with outer change, as one seems to affect the other.

The body is also undergoing physical changes during this time in our lives, and those who have placed too much attention on physical appearance may become depressed with what they see in the mirror.  Many will now go deep within to find out what they actually have to offer, as the appearance has been held in an elevated position most of their lives.  The ego is actually in a somewhat delicate state, as the inner self gains supremacy and control, at least for those who are searching for something more.

This is often considered a turning point as we truly begin to question who we are and relentlessly want answers.  Many turn to deeper subjects such as astrology and the mystical side of life, furthering their pursuit and hoping to find answers to some truly profound questions.  This is an awakening stage as many who have been wrapped up in the material world now somehow come up feeling empty and want greater meaning to their lives.

Doors that have been locked are now beginning to open and a deep restlessness is awakening within.  The search continues and those longing for answers begin to question their existence.  They open the channels from within and make more intimate contact with the inner self.  The process has begun.  We raise our consciousness and continue on with our mission.

At age 42, we are also experiencing the Uranus opposition with itself.  This intensifies the search and often we reach for something new to bring to the forefront of life.  Some reach out radical solutions and this is when people become bored with life and want something that is exciting and exhilarating.  There is a bit of an eccentric flavour bursting within our personality.  Many find this newly found personality which is developing within reaching out to find satisfaction beyond the normal material confines of life.  Their outlook becomes a bit erratic and different.

These life expressions are sprung on us and we make untimely changes that will affect those around us.  This is often quite disruptive for family members that are accustom to life being steady, solid and secure.  Some leave their marriage partners and start a new life.  In many cases, the change is sudden and comes without much warning. 

For those that have not yet experienced this life event, you should be ready for change and transformation as this is a very intense period.  Be ready for disruption in all that if normal.  You will welcome change and that which is new.

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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Fear Factor

As we venture deep within, the mind begins to shift from the reality of physical and material living into the fields of mystical and spiritual insight.  This is known as the awakening phase and creates a clearer connection with source.  It is our birth right to capture this connection and experience it to the fullest; however, there is one small detail that has to be recognized and controlled....and that would be the relentless struggle of the ego. 

The ego can be an unyielding force that has to be put into its appropriate place and used in a positive manner to gain insight and clarity.  The ego’s true purpose is to assist us, not interfere with our journey. 

As we move through our evolving story of spiritual awakening, there are times when fear stands in the way of progress.  Fear holds us back and presents us with obstacles and challenges that distort our true consciousness.  Some of us allow fear to grow as we open up to the forces inherent in our unfolding evolution.  Hollywood has planted the seeds of demons or outside influences that threaten to pierce our armour of light and love.  If allowed to flourish, fear can halt us in our tracks.

Some fear encounters of beings along their path which might threaten their otherwise pure journey.  It is essence to confront this fear head on.  Are you not on a spiritual journey?  Do you have faith?  Are you in the hands of God?  What are your motives for making this journey?  Do you question your own motives? 

If you conclude that your ongoing awakening is pure in spirit and you are working from beyond the ego’s interference, then you need to ask yourself if the powers that be, the God force around us, the pure essence we strive to return to, would permit any dark interference.   Would a spiritual being allow harm to take place?  Would pure essence not protect you from such forces, if they were to exist?

Because you are on this quest for love, enlightenment and joining in oneness with the source of this expression, you are protected.  Nothing can penetrate this barrier and infiltrate your beingness.  You are protected by the greatest source of all. 

The distorted ego understands that it is losing control and fears this.  Because of this instinctual reaction, it uses whatever means it has to get the control back.  Fear is the ultimate weapon.

The controlled ego is actually a wonderful companion.  It can guide you through self-doubt and strengthen your resolve in the face of any adversity once it regains its rightful place.

Ego’s controlling fear has been fed by Hollywood and its man-made fictional characters.  These concepts are foreign to our actual process of finding our alignment with the one within, with the rejoining once again with our source and the light. 

Let go of the fear that holds you back and know that you are protected by your source.  Negative elements in life are not real in the sense that they hold little relevance in our ongoing journey.  They have no stronghold on you and the only thing you need to fear is fear itself.  You are held within the grasp of holiness and love.  Peace is yours if you have conviction in that which you trust.

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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

The Sun Sign vs the Rising Sign

The difference between the Sun sign and the Rising sign is that the rising sign defines how we express ourselves to the outside world and our reaction to life events as seen by others; whereas the sun sign defines our inner most self which those that do not know us would not see. 

An individual may have their Sun sign in Aquarius but may have an extreme influence from another sign.  For example this Sun in Aquarius individual may have a Taurus rising sign with several planets in the second house, which is ruled by Taurus.  This individual would express themselves with strong Taurus tendencies, although the Aquarius overtones would still be present but much more subdued.

An individual with a Sun sign in Aquarius and other links in the same sign or in the eleventh house would be considered somewhat of a bohemian, an eccentric and perhaps even odd in comparison to someone with a strong link to Taurus.  Whereas, the Taurus tendency individual would not be as freedom motivated and would prefer stability in life, such as having a secure foundation to live within.  This person would be more reliable, consistent and would be security oriented.  The Taurus tendency individual would seek a profession that would provide this and would support the need for financial security.

Someone with a strong Aquarius emphasis in their chart would be more inclined to reach out into uncomfortable areas where the need for evolution and knowledge would far outweigh financial security.  They would have their heads in the clouds and would be considered by those that are able to digest their complex nature as being ahead of their time.  Their ideas might seem far-fetched and future oriented.  They would be the bearers of knowledge that might be unattainable for many and difficult to digest.  They would be willing to share their ideologies with anyone willing to listen.

The strong Taurus individual would prefer to be more down to earth and would digest information on a different level and probably keep a lot of what they would have learned contained within.  This information would be only available to the selected few.  The Taurus individual would be quite comfortable within the confines of their home and would be slower at digesting information although they would probably hang on to this knowledge and understand it on a deeper level.

Aquarius individuals are group oriented and enjoy the company of likeminded individuals, while the Taurus individual may be more of a loner, although many Aquarius people are loners as well but in their own way.  The Taurus individual would be a little less comfortable sharing their ideas which would be based on a much more solid foundation and would have more merit to the average individual than the lofty ideals that the Aquarius individual might possess. 

Aquarius individuals know they are unique and do not mind being thought of in this manner.  They are intellectuals and freedom seekers and their wish is to dissect pertinent information and then spread this knowledge to the world around them.  Their astrological symbol of the Man pouring water out of a pitcher, spreading his wisdom to the masses clearly tells this story.  Aquarius wants to shake our foundations and make us look close at our objectives in life, ever reaching for higher ground and establishing ourselves as unique individuals.  The Aquarian wants humanity to climb the mountain of life, released from the burden of material and obstructive living.  They are known as the awakeners and strive to create a new found freedom which will release us from the bounds of habitual thoughts that stagnates growth.

This Aquarius Sun, Taurus Rising individual would have a push and pull conflict on occasion due to the varied qualities of the two signs.

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