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Monday, 16 March 2015

The Interchange of Understanding

Knowledge is either gained through others (verbally, written, intuitive, etc.) or the experience of life.  The school of life is undoubtedly the greatest teacher although one might be familiar and very educated through the written word.  There are many who are book smart and have educated themselves through various learning techniques.  This should be used in harmony with life’s teaching to produce a very viable and conclusive life education.

As we begin the process of gathering knowledge, it is important to utilize these learning tools in such a way that it not only facilitates growth on an individual level, but also invites others to open channels to learning that might otherwise be closed to them.  As knowledge was never intended to be stored away for safe keeping, we must share our insights with others once we truly understand the relevance of the knowledge.  Remember, however, the best teacher teaches through example.

Books and writings are especially significant to the author.  The initial opening up to and understanding of the concepts and truths revealed in writings are always for the writer first.  The information then is delivered to the outside world.  Most creative or spiritual writings come from higher sources first and are then transcribed.  The receivers/authors then integrated their own additional information.

Believing that the written material comes exclusively from oneself is simply ego.  We have a connection with spirit and can join forces with these energies to formulate transcripts that can be shared with others.  As our writing practices progress, it becomes apparent that much of the information comes from higher sources and our input becomes less and less.  Eventually, we become aware that we are simply the conduit for information.

How often have you been in intense conversation and felt or received from outside of your own mental capacity?  How often do you seem to find the perfect words to get a point across or comprehend a subject which you normally could not comprehend?  We all share in this regularly but may not consciously realize it.  Ego wants to accept control and we hold on to the feelings that are generated through the ego’s interaction. 

Understanding and knowing comes when we realize the interaction that takes place on many levels throughout our lives is initiated from either our higher self or energy of a higher nature.  We are being showered with intuitive understanding throughout our busy day.  We are receptors and unknowingly direct this intuitive based feedback into conversations on a regular basis.  Because of this, it is important to truly pay attention to the dialogue that is taking place on a higher level.

Understanding this connection to spirit also opens the channels of communication even further.  Sharing this knowledge and information not only enlightens others but also enhances the life experience for ourselves. 

Pay attention to your inner dialogue and utilize the information being offered.  Know that it is always intended for you first.

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Saturday, 14 March 2015

Astrology CTI Readings


We offer a traditional mathematically calculated Astrological report reading partnered with Astrology Oracle cards which are based on the same premise as Tarot cards but specific to Astrology.  The guidance and insight in the Astrological oral reading is obtained from the traditionally calculated Natal Astrology chart as well as from your higher self as reflected by the Oracle cards you turn up from the deck.

These are oral readings but you will be provided with a point form print out of all things that were touched on in the reading.  

Tradition and the higher self come together to reveal what you need to know.

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Friday, 13 March 2015

The Teacher and the Student

There are many individuals born to be teachers who will cross our paths during life.  They come into our lives bearing the knowledge and truths that we need to hear for that moment in our lives.  Some enter quickly but leave us just as quickly.  Some teachers are part of our lives for years.  Some are significant to us for very apparent reasons but these important teachers’ time with us can last only minutes.  Most of our teachers are with us in our lives on a regular basis. 

As we mature into ourselves, we teach our children just as our parents taught us.  Then as we begin to age our children in many ways become our teachers.  They teach us on many levels.  We can see our reflection in them and realize how we helped shape who they are now, or even possibly how we disrupted their growth in some way.  There are times when they teach us valuable lessons but it can be difficult to stand back and accept the information that they are providing because of our egos.  We are accustomed to being the ones assisting our children as they grow, not the other way around.

Our spouses are probably one of our more important teachers and we receive knowledge from them on an ongoing basis.  We are always learning from each other.  This is why we have been brought together or at least part of the reason.  We also come as a couple to experience life together and share our love and appreciation for one another.  There will be times when we will be faced with issues and confrontations, but if we let go of our ego and stay open, we will allow the growth from these lessons to take hold.

Life is the greatest teacher of all.  When we are faced with challenges and even tragedies in our lives we often wonder what possible good could come from these experiences.  Yet upon reflection, we come to realize that the lessons although hard learned were valuable.  These challenging conditions that we are faced with from time to time can be very testing.  These conditions can be heart wrenching; but we cannot deny that on other occasions during life, events could not be sweeter.  Grab hold of all these moments for they cumulatively make us who we are today.

There are many life lessons that we have to experience and the everyday experiences that we so often take for granted are very important too.  Take the time to reflect on our experiences and utilize what we have learned.  Be sure to take the time to stop and smell the roses along life’s busy road.  Being here in the moment and experiencing each moment as it happens is the key to truly living life. 

Take hold of the lessons learned.  Handle life with loving care.  Enjoy all of life’s lessons, even the challenging ones because we know that those are the ones that have the biggest impact.  Above all else be happy with each and every life experience and know that they are meant for us to experience and learn from.  We are here to experience and to balance the student and the teacher within us. 

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Thursday, 12 March 2015

Composite Astrology Charts

The Astrology Composite chart is a report that provides information on the interaction of two individuals as a couple, either through a romantic relationship or business partnership.  This chart can also be used to determine the union between any two individuals, such as a parent/child relationship.  The Composite charts define any personal relationship between any two given individuals.

The chart is determined by the birth chart of the two individuals and the midpoint between each planetary placement as well as the midpoint between the ascendants and midheavens.  An example of this would be someone having their Sun in Capricorn at 15 degrees and someone else having their Sun at 25 degrees Aquarius.  There are forty degrees between the two solar locations and dividing this in half, you would have 20 degrees, making the midpoint 5 degrees Aquarius.  You would include the minutes as well as the degrees to come up with a midpoint .  This is completed for the Moon’s midpoint and all the other planets midpoints, as well as the ascendant’s and midheaven’s midpoints.  Most astrological sites will provide you with this chart as long as you have the correct birth times for each individual involved.

Upon completion, you now have one chart which could be viewed as an auxiliary natal chart which describes the union of the two individuals involved.  This chart describes the assets and the challenges that are apparent within the relationship.  It describes how the two interact as a couple internally as well as externally.  Much of the overall condition of the relationship can be defined as well as its apparent attributes and how the two will mingle and interact as a unit.

Many desire to have this chart completed when beginning a meaningful relationship or starting a business partnership.  It provides a comprehensive look at the overall compatibility between these individual and if there are deficiencies within the union.  There are always strengths and weaknesses apparent within all horoscopes, and this chart defines those particulars.  If applied in a unified and appropriate fashion, the information this chart would contain can promote a lasting and opportunistic union that so many individuals seek.

Although this type of chart is very descriptive and definitive, as always, we have free will.  If both parties are willing to make compromises within the union, the chances for survival and longevity of the relationship will have greater potential than if one of the parties decides not to function on a level that the relationship needs to survive.  This chart details will identify such shortcomings and apparent roadblocks that can be met and possibly conquered during the forming of any relationship.  This chart also offers potential solutions for shortfalls within the union that once recognized can be faced head-on, challenged and then overcome, that is again if both parties are willing to make adjustments for the betterment of the union.

Some relationships contain all of the ingredients for a long and loving partnership or prosperous venture, while others seem to present the individuals with obstacles and challenges that will require appropriate action in order for success of the union.

Investigate the potential between any two charts and discover how they meld with each other.  You can gain insight and assistance that will assist in alleviating or activating the potential that will enhance the relationship and produce the ultimate outcome.

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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Our Example

How do you fit into the world around you?  The media perpetually focuses on violence, hate, corruption, greed, war and the list goes on.  What can we do to offset this less than positive energy that exists?  What can we do as just one individual playing such a minute part in the overall scheme of things?  Can we have a meaningful impact and sway these energies in the world?

There are so many actions and events that take place in our world that we are not about to list or place our focus on.  How do we prove to the world that humanity is truly good at its core?  We prove this through our actions.  We mirror all that we want to see in the world.  We can make a clear statement through our actions based on peace and love.

The human race has thrived through countless wars, injustices, imbalance, corruption, pain and the list goes on.  If the human race can live and thrive under these conditions, imagine how life could be if we live our lives letting our hearts be our guides. 

We are great in numbers and can make a difference today and every day.  Lead by example.  All that is not positive energy in this world is simply a lack of love.  If our thoughts, actions, reactions, etc. were all based on love for self and for others, negative energy would not exist.

It is time to plant a seed of hope, love and peace.  Stand tall in your beliefs and help shape a new world, a world where injustice is unknown, where love and compassion are the hallmarks of our civilization.  Peace and love are ours to give. 

Use today as your starting point.  Plot your course and help make this happen.

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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Transiting Neptune Conjunct the Midheaven in Astrology

If you have your Midheaven in Pisces in the early degrees, (2-9 degrees) you have had transiting Neptune influencing your Midheaven ( also known as the MC) for approximately 2 years.  I am sure you will have experienced notable effects on your occupation, your status in life, as well as some of the goals you may have set for yourself during this period. 

Check to see how Neptune and the MC are influenced by other planetary links in your natal chart to evaluate their overall condition.  If Neptune is generally well placed in the birth chart, this period might express itself in very positive ways, although probably somewhat cloudy or unclear.  You might even be experiencing some psychic inspirations or enlightening dreams and visions.  It might be a time of inspiration and the emergence of latent artistic abilities.

Neptune might have a tendency to cloud over areas of life defined by the Midheaven and will often make things very unclear and decision making can be tough.  It is as though you are not sure of where you are going and might be afraid of making the wrong moves or wrong choices.  Neptune is a mysterious planet and it is linked to such subjects as psychic intuitive perception, religious inclinations, martyr type tendencies and inspiration among other things.

If your judgement is clouded right now, your Midheaven is probably within these degrees.  Some very receptive individuals can feel its approach as far away as 5-6 degrees but commonly you will feel its vibrations although very subtle about 2 degrees approaching and it will continue to be in the orb of influence for about 2-3 degrees once past direct.

The working environment is usually the highlighted area of life for most individuals when the MC is activated.  You are unwise to decide on a course of action regarding your occupation during Neptune’s influence.  It is far better to wait until it has passed completely before making any rash decisions.  If you have made some moves, you will only discover what the reality of these moves are when Neptune’s energy no longer has influence.

Some people get married when the MC is activated and especially when it is connected to the Ascendant or any planets in the seventh house.  These marriages are usually felt like a match made in heaven and this could most certainly be the case.  However, if you find your partner is a little bit different and not actually that individual you had placed on the pedestal previously, you should not be too surprised.  Although the truth of the matter is that if someone does decide to marry under this influence it is quite often a special union regardless of how they view one another.  There is something spiritual about the whole experience; it is pure and unfiltered.  It just might be one of those special moments.

Enjoy this Neptunian transit with all its glitter and be open to anything mystical and inspirational that might come your way.  Just make sure you have at least one foot firmly planted on the ground.  Reality can be transcendent during Neptune’s visit.   One thing is for certain, you will neither forget the experience of Neptune’s magic nor the feelings of light entering your life--that is if you are one of those that are so inclined.

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Monday, 9 March 2015

What Are You Avoiding?

Have you caught yourself in the act of avoidance lately?  Are some of your life’s cornerstones becoming a bit hard to keep in their appropriate place?  Are you somehow out of alignment?

There are times when life’s events approach us in such ways that they seem just too difficult to digest.  We take a protective approach by trying to ignoring or push aside these issues rather than dealing with them in more appropriate manners.

We push these conditions or issues aside hoping that they will disappear or at the very least lesson in intensity.  However upon reflection, we realize that they cannot be pushed aside as they will return again and again until they are faced.

Facing challenging conditions in life can be very trying and at times extremely difficult, but running away from life’s challenging conditions never solves the issues.  We have to come face to face with each hurdle in order to deal with it, learn and then move on.  It will be difficult but sometimes ignoring an issue only invites a larger, harder lesson in the future.

Often when one finally decides to deal with the issue, we recognize that the problem is not near as difficult as it appeared.  The mind has a tendency to exaggerate things and often blows many issues out of proportion.  When we face issues, we see them as they truly are.

Confronting our fears always lessons our anxiety to any situation although the ego would like us to think otherwise. 

How often, for example, do people worry about health issues and become completely distracted from life as a result of their focus on “maybes” and “what ifs”.  Many will spend timeless days worrying about something and then eventually discover that there was actually nothing wrong.  The stress of worry can manifest many symptoms and if not kept in check, can manifest true “dis-ease”.

Power of suggestion such as those suggestions through media advertisements can plant seeds of worry.  With the continual, repetitive suggestions that we are bombarded with in all types of media, we can develop physical conditions and believe that the feelings we are experiencing are real.  If left long enough we experience prolonged agitation and nervous anxiety builds and then we can become obsessed with an idea.

If we take control of our thoughts and fears to focus on more positive ones, we can ease many situations and finally release ourselves from any perceived physical conditions.  If, however, you feel that there is actually something physically wrong, a physician should be consulted.  If there is a health issue, it can be dealt with immediate.  If there is not a health issue, you will be reassured that there is nothing wrong and remove the worry.

Often times, we will come to realize that our concerns are ego generated and once this is acknowledged, the conditions will usually fade spontaneously.  If we find the conditions persist, talk to someone.  Finding relief should be our primary concern either through medical avenues, if warranted, or through focusing our thoughts in a more positive, grateful direction.  The mind can interfere on many levels and physical ailments are just one example of many.

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