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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Clearing Blocks

Lack of action on detrimental ideologies and inherent conditions tends to hold us back from our natural growth or progression.  At times, we accept concepts and take them on as our own without interpretation and then struggle to integrate these concepts into our lives.  Many of our personal concepts are based on ideas that we have set for ourselves possibly through expectations of others or what we have been taught in younger years; and we process them as part of the foundation of our ongoing, forever adjusting belief structures.
These personal concepts can range from what we believe is attainable, what we believe we are capable of receiving, to beliefs that are reflective of outside conditions which are created or stem from internal views of the self.  We categorize who we are becoming and what life has in store for us based on standards we set for ourselves without realizing that we are putting limits or restrictions on what actually is available for us in this space in time.

These conditions adjust as we set new standards in motion through the ongoing search for self.  We become lost in this search because we believe it is something that we are not.  As a result, we continually search.  If we were to stop for a moment and ease up on this relentless pursuit, we would come to the realization that what we search for is already part of who we are.

Everything we want for ourselves is attainable as it lies in waiting within us.  The only thing that holds us back is our belief structures through conditioning from our past. 

Are you willing to review the structure of your mind?  Do you have a willingness to go beyond the confines of what you consider or have been taught is acceptable for the apparent time in life? 

Each day brings something new for us to ponder and we take on whatever we wish to make our own.  We can be forever lost in the search and can be unaware that the search itself is what is hindering our awareness of where and who we actually are. 

The key is in our belief structures and if we can hold on to this truth, we can facilitate change in accordance to what we want our lives to be.  Taking control or at least understanding the control we have in the process begins a spiral of effects that are more in line with where we aim to be in your life.  It is all a matter of focus and the ability to determine what direction we want to go.

Based on these concepts of truth, we can help facilitate an ongoing process leading to the place we have set for ourselves which we refer to as our future.  This term future is a man made concept of time and space.  In reality it is found in the moment.  Following instinctual reasoning, we can push forward with this in mind, knowing that the moment is the goal and what will follow is determined by that moment and nothing else. 

Typically, patterns of thinking are always based on previous conditions or alternate potential realities that will follow a pattern linked to our expectations.  In reaching the now, or actually finding or accepting it, we let go of any thoughts pertaining to the future or the potential future, as well as all past conditions.  Living in the moment should be our prime focus as it is truly all that matters and all that is real.  It is the now that holds all the ingredients and insights that are required--nothing else matters.  Nothing else is required.  We will experience what it is we are meant to experience in the here and now, this ever present, this eternal moment.

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Monday, 23 March 2015

Aries in Astrology

We moved into the sign of Aries on the 21st of March this year.  Many Astrologers believe that Pisces is the final stage of evolutionary growth at least on our particular level.  When we enter into the sign of Aries we begin anew, at a different stage of evolution.  At the Aries level, we evolve starting at a new chapter from where we left off in the sign of Pisces. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it is the sign of the starter, the imitator and the first one in.  Aries individuals are self-starters, and they aggressively pursue a course of action as soon as it is set into motion.  Those with strong Aries tendencies include people with many planets in the first house, (which is ruled by Aries) and other planets in the sign of Aries in their birth chart.  Aries is particularly powerful when the Sun, Moon and the Ascendant are found in this sign.

Aries needs to be the first one to react and they are not afraid of moving in new directions.  They pursue their personal interest with great enthusiasm and an exuberant energy that is easily noticed by others.  Their ruling planet is Mars, the planet of energy expulsion and there is no shortage of energy with these individuals.

They love to be on the go and move into something new with little regard to where they have come from.  If a door closes, their philosophy is that a new one will open.  This is their forte in life and because of this adventurous spirit, they usually learn a lot, experience a lot and live a lot.  Personal growth is an absolute and their pioneering spirit will usually provide them with plenty of opportunity to facilitate growth on some level.

When life throws a twist at them, they quickly turn to something in an alternate direction.  Planning ahead is not their strongest point as they live in the moment and know that what they seek is found in that moment.  As a result, they do not waste time finding their opportunities.  They tend to rush into situations and therefore may discover that they have to redo some steps, if they have enough patience to begin again, which is often not the case.

They have little patience and this leads to mistakes and incorrect judgement, but also pushes them into the mainstream of activity.  They hate boredom and repeat activities.  They often need something new in their lives.  Patience is not a strong point, but usually they learn from their mistakes.  There are exceptions to this however, for an Aries individual may not learn a lesson even if they make the same mistake several times.

They are self-promoters and belong at the top of their own business or at least in the forefront and leading role in an enterprise.  They do not make good followers and have a challenging time listening to advice.  They believe that they know best and often the ego gets in the way.  When this occurs, they can lose their true path easily.  Concentration is not a strong point either, unless there are other mitigating factors in their birth chart such as Mercury in Capricorn or Virgo.

Some when angered have a challenging time controlling their temper and can act out in an aggressive manner.  They are usually hot heads, but let go of life issues just as quickly as they heat up.  Forgiveness is usually a common trait, but do not repeat your mistake towards an Aries individual as they might react in a fashion that may be somewhat unpleasant.  They are quite willing to speak their mind and often with little forethought on the outcome to the recipient.  This is mainly due to an aggressive temperament and a quick reaction time. 

Know that if you make a friend with an Aries individual that life will never be boring, but make sure you keep up with their exuberance or they just might leave you in their tracks.

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Saturday, 21 March 2015

Our Natal River

Our personal river is depicted in our Natal or Birth Charts. 

These chart reports contain a wealth of information.

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Friday, 20 March 2015

Remember Your Connection

It can be easy to get caught up in everyday life.  The hustle and bustle of our day can take us away from our ultimate link with our soul’s mission.  We have been brought into this life to live our physical existence, but this encompasses other things besides, working, sleeping and eating.   It may seem as though this is our current focus but there is a much greater spiritual link that co-exists with everyday life.

Venturing forward in life’s journey, we often gets caught up in the little nuances of routine living.  It is sometimes difficult to move beyond life’s obligations and necessities, and we can often find it a difficult task.  However regardless of life’s intrusions to our essential course, there are times when we question these everyday facets of our lives and ponder what lies beyond.  Most of us feel that there is much more than what meets the eye and somehow intuitively understand that the façade of everyday living is not the essence of our true mission.

As our lives continue to unravel, we will enter periods of self-reflection and self-integration.  It is during these times of awareness that we may gain some insight into our connection to the greater whole.  Do not be dissuade by the constant barrage of life’s everyday events and the undercurrents of affairs that seem so prevalent in our lives.  Know that they are not real, in the sense that they are feathered in their effect of the overall picture that is beginning to unfold.

Life runs much deep.  Our vantage point is obscured by the flow of the tide that we seem to be caught up in.  Internally or instinctively we are ever drawn to the true adventure unfolding and we are seemingly living a life of illusion that is created for this moment in time.  This illusion is so deep that it appears real and we get caught up in it through our own fascination and obscure behaviour.

We are in fact a spiritual being living a material or physical life.  We get caught up in the drama of everyday experience.  This is fine for the moment, but as we awaken to reality and living beyond survival something begins to happen to the fabric of life.  We begin to sense other dimensions that co-exist in our life, but these are on a different frequency, one slightly different from our own.  Some of us become sensitive enough to perceive this on our own level of awareness and we know of the “other world’s” co-inhabitants living side by side with us.

These are our guides, friends and relatives that have completed their earthly task and have now passed over into their next phase of existence.  If we listen carefully but not with our ears, we can sense their subtle vibrations all around us.  Some have the ability to communicate although on a very different level.  Others can infiltrate our space and provide us with information and guidance to assist us in our journey.

Remember that you are a spirit energy living a physical existence and this life is so very temporary.  Do not waste this gift.  Live it!  Enjoy it!  Experience life to its fullest.  We are here to enjoy life and gain insight as we venture forward.  Do not forget your connection to spirit and know that this is what you truly are.  

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Thursday, 19 March 2015

Timers in Astrology

When creating an Astrology chart report and deciphering the aspects, there are several areas in the chart along with planetary influences that trigger events.  Some of these points or intensity areas of the chart which define activity are the:

1. Midheaven (MC or Medium Coeli tilted vertical axis in your chart from the 4th house cusp),

2. Ascendant (AC which is the rising sign),

3. IC (Imum Coeli which is opposite the Midheaven tilted vertical axis in your chart from the 10th house cusp); and

4. DC or Descendant (opposite the AC). 

These areas in Astrology often indicate areas of activity and when linked with planetary influences will often depict timing of activities.

The closer a planet moves into aspect to these zones, the stronger the potential for something to happen as described by the area of activity.  The planetary link and the aspect that these planetary links are making to those sensitive points will determine what takes place.  Activities often take place when these aspects are direct or exact and the areas of life indicate what will be affected.  (For example if the MC is affected, the area of life affected could be your occupation.  If the DC is activated, the activity could have something to do with relationships).

These are timing factors when an Astrologer is deciphering a Natal chart.  Transits (moving planets) also promote activity in the Birth chart at specific times.  These planets include the transiting Sun, transiting Mars, transiting Uranus as well as the progressed Moon.  These celestial bodies intensify activities and often are used conjointly with other aspects taking place in the chart to determine the timing of actual events.  Uranus and Mars are particularly powerful as each one pushes us into action.

The outer planets (including Pluto) are significant in that they are in aspect for several years.  They are often felt up to 5 degrees approaching and as far away as 2 to 3 degrees separating.  Using the outer planets alone will make it very hard to come up with the exact timing of events although as mentioned earlier the closer to exact the aspect the more powerful is its influence. 

The inner planets (including the Sun) move rapidly through the zodiac and will only have an impact on the days they are direct.  As a result, it becomes easier to define when an exact time is appropriate for activity.

The progressed Moon moves one degree per month, taking 2 1/2 years to move through a sign.  The progressed Moon’s influence is powerful for a full three months but intensifies in the middle month and can also be found when areas of life are being activated.

Using these timing influences, we can determine relatively closely when events will happen; however, there are always other mitigating factors, such as Saturn as it delays the activity, or Uranus as it causes impulsive actions.  One thing is certain with Uranus - you can expect the unexpected. 

Some of the planetary sign positions also play a part in the equation.  Capricorn and Virgo often delay activity because of the need to re-define and to ensure it is best to make a move, while Aries and Gemini will push things forward into action.

All these influences are used in determining the type of activity anticipated and will determine who, when and in what fashion the energies of the activity might play out.  Some planets are very forceful in their actions, such as Pluto and Uranus, while other planets are laid back and reserved or slow in their action, such as Saturn and Neptune.  It should, however, be understood that in most cases Astrology indicates activity in life, but our reaction to these events will determine the effect that they will have on us.

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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Do You Speaking Your Truth?

Express yourself in an open and clear manner with no regrets.  This is not to say that you should talk without some type of forethought.  Speak your truth with respect and love.  Do not be afraid of other people’s reaction to your truth.  Do not be upset if other people do not seem to understand what you speak of.  Some will be open to receive it and others will not.

We should always respect that others may not be able to hear our truth.  In their defence, who are we to say that they are not in a completely alternatives state which is perfect for their life’s lessons at this point.  Our statements or belief structures hold truth for us.  Some will be on a similar path to us but others will have their own unique path.

We all learn from our lives’ adventures and through these adventures, we gather information essential to our growth.  By being faithful to our own truth, our example will mirror our inner truth.  If we speak one way but act in another, we are not speaking our ultimate truth nor are we living within the realms of that truth.  We can speak our truth as much as we want, but if we are not living it, how can we call it truth? 

We are human.  We WILL stumble and fall but these stumbles are valuable lessons.  Human earthly consciousness is not eternal, but does have its part to play. 

Accept your true nature and understand the importance of speaking your truth but more importantly understand that it is of utmost important to walk your truth.  This is your tool to growth.  Others will use their own unique learning tools that are appropriate for their journey.

Live your ultimate truth.  Be your ultimate truth.  Do not be ashamed of your truth. 

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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Pluto's Role in Our Lives

Pluto plays a significant role in our lives regardless of its new classification as a dwarf planet by NASA.  Some individuals question if it should still be used in Astrology chart analysis.  It is this Astrologer’s opinion that regardless of its size classification, it has not lost its significance in Astrology chart readings and it plays a very significant role.

Pluto regenerates and revolutionizes our lives as does the other outer planets; yet Pluto’s influence is more powerful than most.  When it is time to review our lives and transcend from previous conditions, Saturn and Uranus have their part to play, but the agent of change is often the energies of Pluto.  Pluto transforms our lives and its influence is not something that we can take lightly.  Its impact is often subtle in the beginning but becomes more apparent as time passes.  Pluto’s impact is so powerful that it often takes several years to fully comprehend its influence on conditions in our lives.

Pluto causes you to face reality in a more powerful way than any other planet and forces you to dig deep before there is any chance of regeneration and transition to take place.  It can be quite disruptive in action similar to the energies of Uranus.  Uranus’ action, however, is usually instant and you cannot prepare for what is about to take place.  You do not even really know how Uranus will affect you, but one thing for sure is that the unexpected will happen. 

Pluto does not suggest that you reflect and take notes.  Pluto demands action and if you choose not to react appropriately, it fosters change and transformation in a more aggressive ways than its first demand for change.

Pluto is important in many ways.  It opens the door for required change and puts an end to conditions that no longer serve a purpose.  It is evolutionary in its design and will help you facilitate the growth that is required in your life.  Pluto is a powerful agent for change and transformation.  When it crosses your Ascendant or MC, you will realize its presence.  Life will undergo massive changes and the changes are designed to move you in the direction that is appropriate for you evolutionary growth during that point in time.

Once Pluto is activated in your life, it is hard to ignore.  When Pluto has completed its cycle, things will pass away or be massively transformed.  Pluto will not be ignored and helps you to uncover any deeper facets that need to surface, either by challenged or by removing them from your life.  It is a necessary ingredient for evolutionary growth and its influence is very powerful and affluent for your life’s progress.

Pluto transforms, regenerates, and underlines all of life’s complexities.  It forces you to make alterations and often presents you with obstacles or challenging conditions to help you facilitate this growth.  Pluto is often present during times of death as it is suggestive to transformation on the highest level of existence.  It propels individuals to the next stage of evolution beyond that of the physical reality.  Pluto is never a negative factor.  It always has its place and is a required element in our lives. 

When Pluto is activated in your chart, be ready for transformation and know that you are in the right place at the right time for this to take place.  Welcome Pluto’s impact into your life and take in all the energies and life changing elements that it offers.

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