We often cannot help but wonder why our
world is under such duress, and why a heavenly God would allow these events to
unfold. At times these matters seem
relentless and so many are filled with sadness, hatred and confusion. It seems that there is never a day that
passes without some momentous event taking place somewhere in our world.
Many of the tragedies that occur involve
individuals that seem to have no connection with the cause of the events taking
Violence evokes more violence and so the circle
of vicious activities continue without resolution, without find peace.
Why does ruthlessness come so easily to
some with total disregard to our fellow brothers and sisters and these actions
are called justice? If we humans can
behave in such ruthless fashions, then why is it so difficult for we humans to
behave in more peaceful fashions? Why
can we not live side by side in peace and align with our true purpose of love
and compassion? If it is so easy to
create havoc, surely it is just as easy to create harmony and balance, for God
has allowed us free will.
Is it not possible to live in peace and
offer one another the support, compassion and respect that is so desperately needed? Can we not find peaceful resolutions and
common ground for all to share? Why does
there have to be violence and vindictive behaviours? Why is it so difficult to create a peaceful
resolution and to help one another? Do
we not believe that this is our purpose, or are we here to hurt others and create
greed and hatred?
It all begins with each one of us
individually. We are the starting point. We can start within our own little circle of
acquaintances. Family and friends are
often where the battle grounds are initiated.
If we cannot be tolerant with our biological brothers and sisters, how
will we ever learn to be loving and compassionate with strangers? Have we not evolved as a peaceful race?
Love is our core. It holds no grudges and causes no intentional
pain. It comforts the suffering and
satisfies the hungry. It is boundless
and ever present. It shows no prejudice,
eliminates no one and is committed to peace.
Love is not something that has to be worked
on. It naturally is. Love resides within each of us and is available
always. Ignite the spark of love and be
open to its flame.
Be one with the truth. Spread love through forgiveness,
peace, tranquility, sensitivity and compassion.
It begins with you and you alone can bring it to the surface in your
life, simply by being love. It is yours
to share. Be the example of the change
that is needed in our world today.
www.holmastrology.com for more information on Astrology and
information on the Astrological charts we offer.
If you have
confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us
concerning the preparation of a chart, please
visit www.holmastrology.com/contact-us