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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Acknowledgement of Our Abilities

As you begin acknowledging your abilities whatever they may be, it is important to follow through with these thoughts.  In other words, do not deny these abilities.  Provide them with the proper foundation so they can grow and flourish.  You will start to notice these abilities are developing but will hesitate to accept them.  Some of us may feel unworthy.  Some of us just cannot believe what is happening and will dismiss our abilities over and over again.  Our God given talents are not going to go away so we might as well explore them.  They will continue reminding us of their presence with some frequency even when our mind tells us that they cannot exist.

These abilities and talents are real, and we should allow the intentions to set in and accept the fact that this is happening.  Our mind or egos tends to interfere.  They will try to deny these and to rule them as impossible or not meant for us.  If we can push ourselves beyond the limitations of our minds, we can create a sustained feeling and comfort level.  We are ready for this so we must believe in ourselves.  It would not be happening unless the timing was right, so allow yourself to pursue all enlightening conditions in your life.

This is part of the unfolding process and those of us that are ready will begin to capture these innate qualities although they seem new and foreign to us.  In reality, they have been dormant just waiting for the appropriate moment to be released and be put into force once again.  These talents do not make us special in any way.  Everyone has these abilities within.  Now is the time to open up to these channels once again.

We each have our own unique part to play in the overall formulation of events taking hold throughout our world.  We all hold key ingredients that foster growth not only for us but also for all those who surround us. 

We do not have to explain these qualities for they simply will just emanate from us.  Of course there are many other individuals that we meeting in our journey that are in similar consciousness levels.  We can share our insights and practice these new found abilities with each other.  Acknowledgement of our abilities and sharing all that we can in these adventures will enhance these abilities even more.  We just need to practice our gifts and apply them as often as possible.  The talents will then have no other direction to go other than further enhancement.

Remember your innate connection with spirit within your own personal world.  The natural steps that we make in our progression and advancement during our journey is more and more apparent the further we allow ourselves to go and develop.  Disregard the mind’s interference and understand that it stems from ego which has no part of the true you.  When we become inept at shutting off the interference, the door gradually opens wider and more information is allowed passage.  It is about trust and belief.  Trust in life’s process and remain open to all possibilities.


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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Sun in Taurus in Astrology

We move into the sign of Taurus on April 21 this year and as we leave behind the sign of Aries the initiator and the first one forward, we take a much more conservative approach with the sign of Taurus.  Taurus prefers the tried and tested route and is not comfortable rushing into situations as is an Aries individual.  Taurus wants things to be measured out and needs solid ground from which to work.  Taurus understands that hard work and perseverance provides a much greater chance for achieving your objectives than most any get rich quick schemes.

These individuals want to build a solid foundation and will work tirelessly in life to achieve this.  This entails building a foundation on security and usually this relates to the security that finances can bring although they reach out for security in other ways as well.  They do understand that security comes from within first, and they will work on themselves to find this place.  They will then build security around them, such as a good solid career as this is a structured way of building up the finances either through adding a little bit to the bank role or by something that will not falter over time.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign.  This means that they are stubborn and as most of us know, Taurus is known to be as stubborn as a bull.  Once they make up their minds, it will be on very solid ground and they cannot easily be swayed.  They learn from their mistakes although they are very careful not to make too many.  They may even have to figure out things carefully before they move forward.  This is not to say that they will not move ahead on their ideas or that their ideas may vary from one thing to another like many Gemini individuals, but that things have to be right and surety has to be in place before they will make their move.

Taurus individuals are slow to anger but beware when they do.  They also take a long time to cool down.

As a friend, they are reliable and a constant companion; however once slighted, it may be difficult for them to forgive.  They can hold on to grudges and slights far too long.  Letting go of injustices against them in life is a hard lesson well learned. 

Taurus is an earth sign suggesting that they are usually comfortable in the material world and will work diligently towards achieving something worthwhile on a material level in this life.  They are practical and insistent on following a structured way of thinking, steadfast in their approach and secure in themselves.  They are earthy individuals and enjoy the pleasures of the finer things in life, like a nice automobile, a beautiful home, comfortable furniture and good foods.  They are also often quite sensual as they are connected to the earth.

In their sensuality, they will seek a reliable partner, one who is surefooted and willing to make sacrifices to continue moving in a foreword direction in life.  Money is important to them but so is beauty.  They will often be found buying luxury items and surrounding themselves with beauty.  Venus is their ruling planet and Venus deals primarily with love, material rewards, and social conditions, especially when Venus is in transit.

Taurus individuals are strong, dependable and practical.  You can count on your Taurus friend to have your back in times of trouble.


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Monday, 20 April 2015

Your Perception of Your Life

We begin to gain an understanding of our world and our part in the process when we focus on facts, not fiction.  We slowly realize and truly understand the significance of our beliefs and their influence on our life.  We not only realize that our mind constantly creates our world, but also that we can alter our consciousness and our attitude so that we are not overly influenced by life’s events and conditions.

We are not suggesting that when we experience traumatic events that we ignore the details and avoid any grief or loss associated with the event.  We are suggesting that we understand that the mind can be guided, and we do not have to get caught up in the ongoing story.  We can choose to let go when it is appropriate to let go and we can push forward when it is appropriate to do so.  In essence, we understand our control in our input and reaction to each and every event that takes place in our life.

With this concept of control in mind, we can take it one step further.  We can acknowledge and understand that we actually creating the atmosphere of our lives simply by our outlook and reaction we give to these life events.  If we immediately respond negatively to an event, our response can be corrected immediately.  It is our prolonged responses that mold our reality.  So have no fear of manifesting unwanted circumstances due to automatic responses for with practice and patience these responses can be controlled and changed. 

Today’s reality has originated from our life’s beliefs up to and including this point in life.  We are creating in some form or fashion our potential future through our concentrated focus of where we believe we are heading.  It is our belief structure and our expectations that are generating an effect in our lives now and in our futures.  We are continually molding potential futures by what we believe is possible.

It is an unfolding story.  Deep within our subconscious, we are already aware of our next steps and lessons.  We are being guided in certain directions but we also always have free will and our choice of attitude, reaction and focus are ours to choose.  Spending countless hours worrying about negative outcomes is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of creativity.  By shifting your attention to potential positive outcomes, we will actually be facilitating positive attitudes, reactions and focus for our future.

The process can be a slow one but as we begin to not only understand the process but also know it to be true, it will quicken.  Our world can change to a positive vibration at a much more rapid pace.  Imagine if we could activate the understanding of how life works and push ourselves in any direction, without limitations.  Now go beyond imagining this to knowing this without question.

It is so very important to place our focus on our betterment and the betterment of all concerned.  It is not greedy to accept happiness and joy in our lives nor is the acceptance of comfort and contentment.  Happiness, comfort and contentment are obtained through our attitude towards life and its experiences.  These can never be bought but many try.  We do, however, live in a material world and there is a reason for this.  It is not greedy or sinful to enjoy all of the positive aspects that life offers us. 

We are meant to share all that we have and as we share (be it love, knowledge, money, etc.) so much more begins to unfold.  Giving without measure reflects back quality in our lives on so many levels.   


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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Astrology Oracle Readings

Subscribe as a member of Holm Astrology's website. Once Holm Astrology achieves 250 members, we will draw a winner from the 250 members for a free Astrology Oracle Reading valued at $60.00 CDN.  The winner will be contacted by email.

Good Luck!

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Saturday, 18 April 2015

CTI Reading Testimonial


Just spent some time with Peter Holm of Holm Astrology (for a CTI Reading). I'm almost at a loss for words to describe how I'm feeling right now but it's so incredible, very uplifted and feeling more aware and connected. I love it! I know that the guidance he brings with his work is definitely going to allow me to experience my journey to it's fullest and with a better understanding. There is so much more to life than we allow ourselves to see at times. You need to experience his knowledge and understanding of astrology.  It truly is amazing!

MA, Midland, Ontario


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Friday, 17 April 2015


In this transcendent journey we have embarking on, it is important to reflect on the various steps we have taken to arrive at our current state.  We often forget where we once were and how we have moved forward throughout various stages.  Some of us feel disheartened with the progress we believe we have made but if we were to look back even a few years, we would realization that we have actually come a very long way.

It is a continuous and gradual evolution, at least for the majority of us, and this is why we feel as though we have stagnated or at the very least, we are crawling along our path of enlightenment. 

Each of us move along at our own pace and only when we are ready to move into the next phase will we actually enter into that realm.  Impatience and the very desire to “run” forward is a great part of why we feel so limited in our progress.

In general, we actually are progressing quite rapidly.  It is only the human condition of always wants more (which is rarely satisfied) that creates these feelings of frustration.  Have a close and realistic look at how much you have grown, of how far you have travelled. 

For instance, look how you may be able to quiet your mind when meditating.  How long ago was it that you could barely keep the inner voice silent for more than a few seconds?  Silence is no longer a silent that it once was.  The empty space between thoughts is actually alive with information coming from higher sources and is now more readily available. 

For those who have just embarked on this journey, remain patient and accept the fact that it has taken you a long time to get to the state of mind you are in now.  It will also take a long time to move away from this.  In hind sight, you will realize it took only mere moments for you to begin to experience the feelings of the slow moving train to which we speak. 

Stay focused on your pursuit, and understand and accept that it will take time.  The earlier we can let go of our desire to move ahead, the sooner we will move forward in our objectives.

Spirit guidance takes you where you need to go every step of the way.  Understanding this might quieten the ego a little and provide more patience along the way. 

This also applies to experiencing spirit and our inner communication.  These only take place as we become aware and raise our vibration to the proper frequency to pick up the subtle vibrations of the higher realm.  It is very subtle and can easily be missed at least in the beginning.  We do not hear spirit as spirits quite messages are such common please.  We have been witness to the subtle communications all of our lives and because of this they go unnoticed.  Like the sound of traffic in the city, we become so accustom to these sounds that our conscious mind no longer hears the noise.  Spirit and our inner voice are so common and we are so accustomed to their input in our lives that we tend to ignore the messages.

Focus on the infinite barrage of information that comes through.  Do not tune it out but do not become consumed by it either.  Find that perfect balance of spirit and earth for we are meant to live our earthly lives.  We are meant to experience life’s challenging conditions as we all know these are our learning tools and stepping stones.  Life is like a long walk on the beach.  There will be days of wonderful sunshine but there will be days that storms will blow in.  If you take the time to actually witness the storm, it too is often quite beautiful and very awe inspiring.  Once the storm has passed, the view is enhanced, and much more clear. 

Enjoy the walk of life.  Stay in the moment.  You are spirit living in a temporary physical form, so take advantage of this opportunity.


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Thursday, 16 April 2015

The Moon in Astrology

The Moon in Astrology is the ruling planet of the sign Cancer and is affiliated with the fourth house.  It represents the mothering instinct and is linked to the feminine energies within each and every one of us.  The Moon deals with primal emotional needs.  It is where we nurture ourselves and take care of ourselves on an emotional level.  It is where we feel safe within.  The Moon is reflective of our emotionally reaction to life’s problems and also where we find the answers.  It provides us with a safe haven--a comfortable and secure emotional foundation that feels like home.  It is where we can go and reside in a gentle manner away from the intrusive forces of life and secure a place for ourselves during times of strife.  We call this the emotional home or safe haven.

Feelings of security are linked to the Moon and along with the 2nd house can provide the deepest emotional support that each of us so fundamentally require.  The Moon sign and its house position depict our emotional reaction to outside stimuli in our lives. 

For example, someone with the Moon in Taurus, or in the second house, will find emotional security through building a foundation often based on material gatherings and monetary comfort.  Someone who has the Moon in Pisces will secure this emotional structure through an interaction with the higher sources and will find peace through communication with spirit and with having an inclination to psychic linking and intuitive perception.

The Moon also rules the basic habits we form in our formative years.  The Moon is reflective of our upbringing and often relates directly to the most nurturing parent and how they provided us with early support in childhood.  The moon is linked to the past and memories from the past and also how the past has affected us in our world today.  We carry with us how we were comforted through “mothering” and how our emotional requirements were taken care of.

The Sun in Astrology has to do with our ego, our will and our conscious selves, while the Moon has to do with instinctual response on an emotional level, the unconscious mind and letting go of the ego and its intervention.  The Moon is responsive, reactive and instinctual.  It often deals with our inner selves, our emotional being and our sense of self-worth.

The Moon is our deepest emotional self and describes our needs, our emotional wants and how we emotionally react to the world around us.  The Moon is our mothering side, our nurturing side and our response to the environment.  This mothering and nurturing response to the world deals with how we tend to our own emotional needs as well as how we tend to the needs of those that are important to us.

In its positive responsive state, the Moon fosters emotional interaction, sensitivity and the need to assist others on an emotional level.  This in turn provides us with self-assuredness also on an emotional level.  The Moon is representative our nurturing requirements being met and then our natural response to the world around us in times of need.  It fosters emotional kindness, emotional sympathy, emotional compassion and love.

In its more negative expression, the Moon has to do with feelings of unworthiness, self-insufficiency, emotion worry, excessive emotional responsiveness and a general feeling of anxiety about the world around us.

The Moon by sign, house placement and aspect will define our emotional reactions, the emotional state of being and the emotional instinctive reactions to life itself. 

We should also check the Moon’s position by the element (Air, Earth, Water and Fire) and modality (Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable).


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