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Thursday, 30 April 2015

Transiting Jupiter is Now Direct

Transiting Jupiter went into retrograde motion on December 8, 2014, and stayed in retrograde until April, 2015.  It moved as far as 22 degrees into the sign of Leo and then was in retrograde as far back as 12 degrees of the same sign.  You can use an orb of 3-4 degrees when determining if this had affected any of your planets or important points in your natal chart.  As it crossed these placements, the energy of Jupiter was increased. 

Jupiter has now moved direct once again and its positive expansiveness is now considered to be alive and well.

Under normal conditions Jupiter is known as the great benefactor, but it is said that when it moves into retrograde these characteristics seem to fade and its normal opportunistic input is felt on an inner level while on the material side of things, its energies are less effective.  It is suggested that if you are in the mind frame of buying property or big luxury items that you wait until it had moved direct again.  That time is now.

When a planet moves into retrograde, its impact is felt on an inner level.  During the past retrograde cycle, you may have benefited greatly if you had focused on inner growth and awareness.  Getting in touch with yourself and objectively viewing yourself making alterations along the way would have been very beneficial. 

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and is connected to spirituality and the philosophies of life that have deep meaning.  If you have a look at the house Jupiter is transiting through as well as the house it is located in your natal chart, these will be areas of life that you can do work on and transform in ways that will suit you better now that Jupiter is direct again.  A time of introspection was highlighted when retrograde and should have been viewed on a positive note.  That was a time to make adjustments to the way you were living your life in order to transform your life’s direction.  This would have put you on track for where you should be going now.

This transit of Jupiter will be closely connected to the lessons that are required at this time in life.  Make sure that you are honest with yourself and you can re-examine truths and gage these with a keen eye.  Decide what you want to change and what is worthy of keeping.  These are often aspects of yourself that need some tweaking, in turn creating a higher version of yourself and allowing you to be ready to move in your intended direction.    Look inside yourself and find those inner riches.

If you are making plans to go into a business venture, make sure that you take the time to consider all the aspects connected to making this decision.  You may have made great expenditures during the time when Jupiter was retrograde.  The affect of this may show up now.  Now that Jupiter is direct it is more beneficial to make these.  Always ensure that you are viewing these contacts with clarity and watch for expanded optimism.

Now that Jupiter has gone back into direct motion (which was on April the 8th) and is making aspects to other planets in your natal chart, you can gauge what areas of life might be affected and the potential outcome of actions now that Jupiter is direct.  Jupiter is a very positive influence in your life and will enhance most experiences, especially when linked to higher forms of activity.


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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Transiting Neptune Conjunct Natal Jupiter

If you have transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Jupiter, you will have noticed an increase in the interest of the mystical side of life as of late.  Spirituality may become highlighted and depending on your mental focus and your belief structures, you can experience vivid dreams and visions that are relevant to the world around you.  Your insight and intuition might be focused higher, and you will find that you are getting messages from outside of the normal realms of earthly living.

Neptune is tied to spirituality and the psychic realms of existence.  Jupiter tends to expand on things.  When these two planets form a close link like a conjunction especially when the separation is less than 2 degrees, you will begin to get a clearer picture of the subtleties that life has to offer.  If your North Node is tied into this configuration, you will also experience a clearer picture of the why behind the life purpose brought forward into this incarnation.

Neptune is in the sign of Pisces and it entered this sign in April of 2011.  Neptune will remain in this mystical sign into the year 2025 re-entering again in 2026 and then staying in the sign of Aries from that point on.  Pisces represents the deeper dimensions of life and although its normal influence is quite subtle, you will notice that events involving the mystic side of life keep surfacing.  Neptune asks you to delve a little deeper and search out life’s questions linked to spirituality and religious doctrines.  Jupiter is also linked to the higher learnings connected to the higher realms of spirituality and these two planets linked will enhance these areas of life.

The opening of channels will occur for those that are ready for this step in their evolution.  For those not ready for such steps, Neptune can point towards self-denial, self-avoidance, and even self-undoing often through the use of drugs or alcohol.  In less than perfect conditions, Neptune is often linked to avoidance and with some individuals although the door opens wide up, they may choose to ignore this new dimension presenting itself.  It may feel as though it is something new but we are all spiritual beings living a physical existence and if we were to dig deep enough, the door to this type of perception is actually a passage way to self-discovery.

To add clarity to this combination, you will also need to have a look at what house is being influenced through this transit and also the natal house placement of Neptune in your chart.  This will help you decipher more meaning into the areas of life that will be transcended during the conjunction of these two planetary energies.  The conjunction adds emphasis, the square adds some challenge, and the opposition often deals with a relationship and sometimes a confrontation or involvement that eventually brings out more clarity after a period of illusive behaviour.

To uncover the importance of Neptune and its transit through your chart and how it affects you on a psychic level, have a look at other connecting influences and weigh out any significant positions being affected while Neptune and Jupiter are in aspect with one another.


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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Nepal Needs Our Help

In general we are fortunate in our fairly calm little corner of the world, but there are many others who are not as fortunate as we are.  Their lives are riddled with traumatic experiences and often they find themselves at the mercy of life events. 

Take a moment to truly count our blessings and focus on just how fortunate we are to live the lives we do.  We could be living under conditions that are far less than ideal.

There are times when the forces of nature wreak havoc.  Especially during these events, we need to stand together as a force to do what we can for those individuals experiencing these catastrophes.  Many people lose their loved ones, their homes, their belongings, and their hope.  Unfortunately many of these life shattering experiences happen in undeveloped or developing countries.  These individuals who have very little to begin with are now faced with far worse conditions.

The wealthy nations of our world ought to play an important role in the rescue and rebuilding projects that these people are faced with.  Remember a little goes a long way in these nations and what you can do regardless of how insignificant it may seem can have profound effects for these people.

It is marvelous how the human race can pull together during extremely trying times. 

It begins with you.  If you can do something, anything, regardless of how small you “feel” it may be, do it!  Our prayers, energy, financial support, hands, etc. have ramifications far beyond our comprehension.  Individually each and every one of us is powerful and can have an effect; but when our energies come together, the affect is immeasurable.

There are those that will say that much of the money or aid does not reach these individuals.  However, even a little, does a lot.  If only one-tenth of any financial assistance you decide to give reaches the affected people then at least some support is making its way to assist our brothers and sisters.

With the recent earthquake in Nepal in mind, for convenience, we are including a link from CTV who has put together a list of organizations in Canada assisting the victims of Nepal -   

For our American readers’ convenience, we also include a link from USA Today -

We have no idea of what our assistance will generate for these individuals.  Know that you might be saving someone’s life or at the very least helping victims get through just one more day. 

Remember to give thanks for our lives and to appreciate all that comes our way.  Then set the foundation in place for assisting others in their struggle to survive.  Their future and eventual spiritual growth might rest on a single action taken today by someone like you.  Do what you can, whatever that may be.  Life is yours to give when we take action from our hearts.


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Monday, 27 April 2015

Teaching Our Young

Many of us question what it is that they have come into this life to do.  There are many answers to this question from obvious simple answers to complicated underlying answers.  Today we are going to look at teaching our young that there is more to life that simply eating, enjoying and sleeping.

There is a bigger picture and putting this simply, we are here to spread a consciousness of love.  This is the basis to all happiness and it is not found outside of oneself.  Self-love is the first step to loving others.  How can we love others if we have not found a way to love ourselves?

This is the simple message that we must provide to our little ones.  We can only do this through teaching them to have self-assurance and be comfortable with self so that they too learn self-love.  We can help them understand that they have to love themselves before they can spread that love outwards.  We can reassure them that there are wonderful qualities within and that it is okay to bring these qualities out regardless of what others may think.  The earlier they realize that expressing themselves in an open manner without restriction, the earlier they will value their personal qualities.

As they learn early in life to undo some of the handcuffs that we as an earlier generation had to unlock later in our lives, the sooner they can come to terms with their true identity.  Reassure them that it is perfectly normal to express their most secret world with those that will listen without judgement.  Allow them to share their knowledge and experiences with spirits as they are so open and familiar with this truth.

Introduce them to the recognition that ego does not have to have a strong-hold on them like it did on those born earlier than them.  Reassure them that mistakes are stepping stones to learning and they are not wrong but that they can be misled.  Be the example for them of what a positive attitude can provide so that they are confident individual far beyond the ego.

Allow them to build on their own dreams and teach them the positive use of dream making.  Ensure them that they are their own creators in life and that we manifest in our lives all those things through where our thoughts are focused.  Allow them to understand that they can channel their lives in any direction they want.

Allow them to see the real world around them so that they are aware that there are lost individuals in this world but that they do not have to join these individuals for their journey is a choice.  At the same time, we must allow them to respect others and their beliefs.  Allow them to realize that their expectations will eventually mold their reality. 

The earlier we can allow them to realize these truths, the earlier they can begin to mold their reality.  Allow them to realize how the mind works and what focuses are required to manifest the positive in life.  Let them accept that when hard lessons are presented that they will learn and then bounce back from any adversity.  Allow them to understand that life moves us in many directions and it will push us in many ways but it is always the journey we are supposed to take.

Above all else, allow them to see that perfect example before them.  Live your life to prove to them the truths of life so that they learn directly from your example.  Give them the tools early in life so that they can become masters at creation early.  Always remain their teacher and their companion.  Always be ready, willing and able to help them whenever called upon for this is what a parent should be.  Sometimes, being that perfect teacher we must allow them to make their own mistakes to build stepping stones to their next leg of their journey.  We cannot take their lessons away from them but we can assure them that these lessons will mold them into the perfect person they are suppose to be.


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Saturday, 25 April 2015

Extensive Chart with Insights - Testimonial

I have just finished reading my Astrology chart by Peter Holm -- it is an extensive chart with insights that only Peter has been able to articulate in a way that I can understand and use to continue my personal journey! Peter has a special talent that comes from a very special place.

I feel that Peter has given me a 'map' of who I am, where I can go, why I am and how to move forward! Fundamental questions that we're all seeking to answer... Thank you!

C.C. Barrie, Ontario

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Friday, 24 April 2015

We Are All Equal

The revolving door of life presents us with opportunities to meet up with many different people throughout our visit here in the earthly realm.  Some of these individuals we come to know and grow very close to and others are with us for short wavering periods of time.  There are varying degrees of mental alertness within each of the various individuals we meet.  Some of these individuals are extremely intelligent, some are book smart, some spiritually connected but many of us are challenged in some way or another.

There are still others who are physically restricted with various struggles with mobility and different ailments.  These individuals have chosen a demanding life specific to their physical, mental and/or emotion challenges.  These people have decided to come into this life to learn from restrictions and challenges.  These challenges are filled with immense growth for these souls.  At times is can be difficult to understand the why’s behind these challenging conditions but many with disabilities do not see themselves as disabled and actually feel enriched by their adaptability and strength.

Most of us who experience these challenges, regardless of the specific challenges, want to be treated as equals.  The vehicle used in this earthly existence is just that, a vehicle and has no reflection on the soul utilizing it.  Each and every one of us living this earthly experience requires and is entitle to compassion, respect and love. 

Do not, however, assume that someone with a disability is bitter or angry.  Do not assume anything!

Next time you are out and meet an individual with a disability, see beyond the physical, mental or emotional.  Experience and enjoy the person for who they truly are.  Do not be afraid to say or do the wrong thing but do not assume either that they require your help.  Always apply the same rules as you would to anyone you meet on this road of life.  A true human experience hinges on caring.  It costs nothing. 

So many of us fear our reactions to or do not know how to act around those people with challenges.  As a result, we avoid making contact with them all together.  Remember that we are all linked together and how we live our lives affects each and every one of us on some level.  How you treat others defines you, not them.  We are all brother or sister, little pieces of a greater whole.  Recognize this unity and celebrate it with every brother and sister you meet in life.


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Thursday, 23 April 2015

The Quincunx or Inconjunct Aspect in Astrology

The quincunx or inconjunct aspect in Astrology is an aspect between two points of interest (example the MC or ASC) or two planets that are 150 degrees apart.  The 150 degree separation does have an orb of up to 10 degrees in either direction (140-160 degrees) and those that are sensitive will feel the energy of this aspect in transit or progression up to and including these degrees.  In general, however, most individuals will feel the quincunx or inconjunct about 5 degrees approaching and about 2-3 degrees when separating.

In the birth chart as well as through transit or progression, the intensity increases the closer the angle between the two significant points.  In transit as well as in progression, the quincunx or inconjunct speaks of adjustment and then the formulation of the experience and creation of changes either through mental attitude or actually physical maneuvering.  In the birth chart, this aspect speaks of mental adjustments in connection with the energies of the planets or points of interest involved.

In most cases, this aspect has some challenges attached to it and the activities the individual will participate in or initiate can be stressful but usually a requirement.  Much, however, depends on the planetary energies involved and how tight the aspect is to being direct, at least when it comes to the birth chart.  An example of this might be Saturn quincunx or inconjunct Venus in tight orb of 25 minutes applying.  This would suggest, among other things, the need to make adjustments to how this individual reacts or perceives love and affection.  The applying aspect also suggests something that this individual has brought with them into this incarnation to face and address.  It is something that a remedy or answer need to be addressed.  While a separating aspect of a few degrees would indicate that the formulation has already been found and will be available in this life upon request, even though the aspect still implies a challenge and required adjustment.

In transit or progression, once the aspect tightens and becomes direct, the influence becomes very apparent and even extreme.  The awareness of an adjustment becomes apparent at as much as 7-8 degrees approaching and then when the aspect becomes exact or within a few minutes of exact, something usually unfolds in the individual’s life and an adjustment period will usually translate into either mental adjustment and transfiguration or an actual physical change.

Quincunx/inconjunct is often not a dramatic as let’s say a square or opposition, however, it is not wise to push the influences aside.  It is best to deal with the problem rather than having to deal with it as it strengthens and matures.  The quincunx/inconjunct is less intrusive than the square or opposition and often adds some sort of additional stress to an already stressful condition.

Some Astrologers have linked this aspect with possible illnesses.  This may be more heightened if the link is between the Sun and ascendant or somehow linked to the sixth and/or eighth houses. 

The twelfth house may indicate inherent or chronic conditions.  Please keep in mind, however, that the nature of our thoughts can and will play an important role in any health conditions.  Your chart would have to indicate several links dealing with health issues throughout the chart to verify inherent or chronic health conditions.  Stressful conditions in life can certainly add to the strength of the quincunx/inconjunct which is just another reminder that we should strive to change our attitudes towards what we term “stressful” situations in our lives.

Although the quincunx/inconjuct could be considered somewhat uncomfortable in the larger scheme of things, these aspects and the situations they predict are in place so that we make the proper adjustments to our lives to facilitate growth in some form.  Quincunx or inconjuncts supply us with the uncomfortable and challenging conditions that push us to make these required changes.


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