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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Inner Transiting Planets in Astrology

There are some Astrologers that write daily posts concerning the inner transiting planets and their affect on your overall development.  They speak in general terms on how they affect you in your day-to-day life and exaggerate their actions.  These references are far too general and without knowing the houses of involved, it is impossible to speak of the area of life influenced.  These transiting planets are relatively neutral in their actions within your horoscope.

Mercury, Venus and Mars all move approximately one-half to two degrees per day.  The orb of significant influence in a chart is about 5-6 degrees, approximately 3-4 degrees applying and then 2-3 degrees when separating.  Therefore, the influence of each planet is roughly 2-3 weeks at best and accordingly, the strongest influence would be one to two days.

In order for these planets to have an impact in your life, they would have to cross one of the angles, (the ascendant or midheaven and to a lesser degree the IC and DC).  They would also have an impact if you had a Stellium or several planets in the same degree.  Without this, their influence would be very fleeting in nature and they generally pass with little affect noticed.

Mercury goes retrograde usually 4 times each years and it lasts about 2-3 weeks while in orb and then goes direct again. 

Venus does not go retrograde very often.  Venus went retrograde on December 21, 2013, and turned direct again on the last day of January 2014.  Venus will not go retrograde again until July of 2015. 

Mars rarely goes retrograde, but moves into retrograde motion on April 2 of this year and remains in retrograde motion until it goes direct on May 21, 2015.  Mars will not go into retrograde motion again until April of 2016.

During these retrograde periods with any of these planets, their affects will be experienced for a longer period of time and usually it is somewhat strengthened.  The influence is felt or experienced again when it crosses the same degree while moving direct.  If the angles in your chart are in these degrees, you will experience the energies of these planets more intensely but once again for a relatively short lived time frame. 

Once again when these retrograde planets pass over a Stellium or planets in the same degree, their influence will again become known to the individual concerned.

These influences are generally minor in nature except when in retrograde and rarely used in comparison to long term transits.  The outer planets, because of their slow movement, can be felt for years and have a great impact in our lives. 

Transiting Mars and sometimes the transiting Sun are used as timers for major events linked to the outer transits or progressions.  In order to ascertain accurate trends and occurrences in your life, an accurate birth time is essential.  The time of birth indicates the placements of the planetary positions in each house at birth.  Transits determine potential events.  Therefore, when you read your daily horoscope on the internet, understand that this is an extreme case of generalization.  These horoscopes deal strictly with common character traits, at best, for any given Sun sign.  

A true Astrological chart report is drawn up from your specific date, time and place of birth and as such is a very specific and individual report. 


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Monday, 18 May 2015

The Road to Discovery, Part II

Today we are continuing from Friday with our looking at our road to discovery.  As mentioned we slowly begin to recognize the difference between our imagination and actual messages of truth from our higher self, our guides, our source, etc.

Most of us find it difficult to have patience.  We will need to stay open and to let the information and awareness enter as it will.  Once we make the decision to continue on this quest for truth and the door opens, which it will, be patient.  There will be no turning back. 

The biggest lesson that many individuals on this route has to learn is patience.  Nothing happens until it is meant to happen.  We cannot rush things.  One thing is for sure the truth is available to everyone if they choose to open that door, no exceptions. 

There are many living the life of illusion.  The material world has them caught up completely and they see nothing else beyond that.  Because of this, there will be days that we feel so alone, longing for someone to share our wealth of information with.  However as we progress, we will naturally draw others to us with similar interests and belief structures as our own.

It is a magnificent journey we have embarking on.  Periodically take time to stop and realize just how fortunate you to have your awareness. 

It does not, however, always work in ways that are easy.  As a matter of fact it is a challenging road, especially silencing the ego and keeping your focus on the greater good.  In the beginning during our major adjustments to our lives and during the discovering period of our qualities that we might not like too much, it is especially challenging.  With practice and change and when it becomes clear that the ego is the only thing that makes us feel uncomfortable, it is much easier to understand our road and the why behind our life’s journey.

Stay alert.  Live in the moment.  Always enjoy life and the opportunities it offers.  Realize that gratitude and enjoyment is a choice.  Help others as much as possible.  Love completely.  Be contentment.  These are the true gifts of living our earthly existence.  The door is wide open all you have to do is take that first step.


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Earlier posts can also be read on our blog –

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Astrological Oracle Readings May 23, 2015

Holm Astrology is offering Astrology Oracle readings at Positive Pathways Barrie on Saturday, May 23 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. by appointment.
"Oracle" is from Latin "to speak". Oracle cards are an inspirational tool and speak to the recipient of information that is pertinent only to them. Holm Astrology's Oracle Card readings are based on astrological information provided by the cards. These readings are not based on your birth information as an Astrology chart report would be. The cards herald messages from your higher self and/or guides as revealed by the cards that turn up and their house position in the specific Astrological layout.
The readings are 40 minutes in length and they are being offered at a discounted rate of $50 for the readings at Positive Pathways. A portion of this fee will be donated to Positive Pathways not-for-profit organization to purchase items for the Children in Peru.
What is your path of least resistance? We can offer insight to assist in your choices.
To register for your reading, please contact me at or contact Darlene at

Friday, 15 May 2015

The Road to Discovery Part I

Without imagination, inspiration would not have a catalyst.  Artists use their imagination to create magnificent pieces of work.  This is the starting point.  It is where the idea begins to manifest.  When it comes to imagination and psychic potential, the gap is very narrow.  As a result, it is important to examine our messages to ensure that we are not putting our mental thoughts into the message.  Are we receiving from our mind, our imagination or both?

How do you tell the difference? 

When spirit is speaking through us or our higher self is communicating to us, for most of us, the communication differs from the ego.  Again, the receipt of information is different from how we carry on a conversation with ourselves.  When we use our imagination and pay attention to how we converse internally, the words are normally defined in time frames no different from a communication between two people.  We hear the words and each one is separated by time.  A sentence or a thought may take seconds and sometimes even minutes to unfold, while communication on the spiritual level happens without any passage of time.  Everything is said and completely understood in a spit second.  It is as though it happens in an instant and even if the process should otherwise be drawn out, you understand what is being conveyed immediately.  Please remember, we are speaking in general terms and this may vary from one individual to another.

This is part of the problem when we are hearing spirit speak to us as in most cases it sounds like our own inner voice, but if you truly examine the message there actually is no voice, as words and voice are earthly and message from spirit cannot be described as “earthly”.  Because the messages are not of this place, it is almost impossible to describe them with words. 

Similarly, when we try to describe something that we are seeing, it is not of this place so although we see it, in general we do not see spirit as we see everyday visuals, although again with some individuals there are exceptions even to this.  Sometimes we see spirit as flashes or movements.  Once again, it is almost impossible to define because when we say flashes or movement it is not as we would terms these things in our earthly way of expressing them, but there are no clearer words to describe it.

There are some individuals who do see spirit in forms that are very much like that which we see when we see people of this earth, although generally there is something different that helps us distinguish between material people and spiritual energy. 

Generally, some of us see spirit as a bluish material or cloud-like.  Others have described them as orbs, round circles and bluish in colour.  Still others see a cloudy material as thought the room is smoky with the energy of these higher sources.

Their words are direct, yet it is very subtle, almost not noticeable at all.  As a matter of fact, in general, the whole experience of psychic phenomena is extremely subtle and almost unnoticeable.  Of course, the experiences can vary somewhat from person to person.
Address all conditions entering your life with some type of questioning.  It is healthy to have some scepticism and not to follow anything blindly.  We are our own best guides, and we will learn in our own way and in our own time.  One thing is for certain, you cannot rush the experience.  All things happen as they should and they will never happen before we are ready for them, even if you believe the contrary. 

Monday, we will continue with our road to discovery topic.


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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Transits Within Transits in Astrology

In the past we discussed the importance of transits linked to our natal chart.  It is also important to add that transits that are connected to other transits also play an important role in our lives.  For instance we have had in the recent past, Pluto transiting in the sign of Capricorn square to transiting Uranus in the sign of Aries.  Currently these contacts are out by about 3 degrees which is still relevant and will intensify and be within one and one-half degrees of one another towards the end of 2015.  They were more tightly intertwined particularly towards the end of 2014-through to early spring of this year.

Uranus and Pluto together are a powerful force and are suggestive of a drive towards the new, through transformation that runs deep into our very psyche.  It reaches our core and will push out issues from the past that have been dormant or pushed aside.  This contact will ask that we deal with these buried issues appropriately now.  In many cases these issues have had effects on us for much of our lives and had their origin in our childhood.

Uranus with Pluto will push these issues out into the open for viewing from a new perspective and they will force us to move forward and usually in an aggressive approach so we will act.  These issues will stem from deep inside and need to be acknowledged and then released so that a new approach from the ashes of what has been left behind can become our building block for the new voyage forward.  The lesson may be difficult and it may be challenging to address but it is a necessity that we look at the issues with clear insight and see where they stem from so we can move ahead with our lives.  In some cases these issues have been a hindering factor and we need to put them to rest and in their appropriate place.

Uranus tells us it is time to move in a new direction and open our eyes to the truth.  It wants us to venture forward without fear of ridicule even if others feel that we are behaving somewhat erratic and out of our normal character.  Pluto reaches deep within for the answers and pushes us to release ourselves from the grips of the past.  The changes could be classified as revolutionary and once we move forward and past our preconceived notions of what was into what is, the transformations can have profound effects on our being and once accepted can also be permanent and fixed into our psyche.

The changes are positive in their nature although often very disruptive, but they are required changes.  Digging up the truth might be challenging but it is necessary in order to move beyond any limitations that they were imposing.  Now is the time to dig deep and find the resolutions that we need.

To understand the areas that might be influenced in your life, look to see which houses transiting Pluto and transiting Uranus are moving through.  You will also have to check to see which natal houses Uranus and Pluto are located in.  These will all be areas that will be affected.  Remember that if these transiting planets are forming an aspect to the natal planet, it will activate any aspects connected to the natal planets involved in the transit.  For example, if transiting Uranus is in conjunction with natal Jupiter and natal Jupiter is also in aspect to Saturn and Mars, the effects of transiting Uranus will not be complete until it has finished making aspects not only to Jupiter but also to Saturn and Mars.


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Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The Mind's Focus

In our quest for understanding, it is important to realize the part our mind’s focus plays.  The mind tends to create not only our immediate surroundings but also the events that show up in our future.  In other words, we are constantly creating the next adventure through unconscious awareness and conscious focus.  Our thoughts, expectations and attitude have GREAT power!

This unfolding process in its infancy always begins with our perception and gradually materializes one step at a time.  We are molding our tomorrows by the mental building blocks and foundations we are pouring today.  Belief structures manifest our reality and our expectations materialize over time.

This might seem far-fetched when we begin to question the nature of reality, but over time we begin to realize that this is in fact the case.  Our expectation slowly unfolds over time.  It is not that we think about something and then it materializes instantaneously, although the potential eventually at some point in time might be just that.  We gradually manifest many of our realities.  Belief structure plays an important role in this process, so it is important to always place our focus in positive areas.

We draw to us what we concentrate on.  It is as simple as that.  If we stray from our positive focus and concentrate on any form of negativity, we are slowly manifesting this focus into our life.  The creative process is an unfolding story and we have the decision on which course of action, or mental focus we are to follow. 

If you make mistakes and repeated tell yourself that you are stupid, even if only as a reaction, you are programming yourself to believe that you are stupid.  This WILL have repercussions over time.  As mentioned, our reality manifests slowly, so if we venture off course now and then, which is quite normal, we will not create a continual negative state in our lives.  Repeated negative habits and focus are what we want to be aware of for these are the creators of a negative state of life. 

The more we understand and accept in this process, the more we begin to see the ramifications of our thoughts and expectations.  It also becomes easier to focus our attention as we become familiar with this process.  We can train our minds through gratitude and love.  In reality, it is an amazing opportunity we have been given and we are fortunate enough to have this realization.  If this process were not for us to learn and appreciate, it would not be in front of us now.  The longer we reject this idea, the stronger our egos’ hold becomes.  Non-belief will not stop the process as nothing can alter the truth, but we are then at the mercy of our ego and risk the manifestation of negativity to rule our journey.

The first step is to accept responsibility for your life, then build your future with the power of your positive thoughts and gratitude.  Focus on having the intention of creating the best possible scenario for your live and those around you.  It is also important to keep in mind that your thoughts gradually do materialize and this manifestation affects you as well as those around you.  We can take our focus one step further to world peace, balance and love for all. 

We are in control of our destiny through our attitude and expectation; therefore, we can build our life on a solid foundation and create a world of peace that not only nurtures us individually, but fosters this on a grand scale for everyone.


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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Pluto in Retrograde Motion

Pluto moves in and out of retrograde several times each year.  It is in retrograde for several months at a time each year.  It has been in retrograde since April 17, 2015 and remains in retrograde until September 25.

Transiting Pluto is a powerhouse in the horoscope and it intensifies in strength when it makes aspects to the natal chart or the progressed chart.  The orb in the transit of Pluto should be no more than 2 degrees, while in progressions it is most significant when it comes within 15 minutes of being direct.  When Pluto moves into the retrograde motion its affects intensify and becomes very powerful.  The transformational abilities linked to Pluto increase and the regenerative abilities are enhanced.  Any power struggles can also become much more apparent when in retrograde so it is wise to avoid interaction that could lead to intense situations.

It may be very challenging to avoid life situations that require change especially when Pluto transits a planets while in retrograde.  It could be considered a time for cleansing and a time to release any worn-out or outdated attitudes that you have fostered and hold onto.  It is the same idea as addressing and revising a list that needs updating to reflect information that is more meaningful and relevant in your life today.

It is a good time for inner research and investigation and for digging up of issues that have been buried for far too long.  It might not always be pleasant what you initially find but these challenging conditions will need to be confronted and dealt with eventually.  Any patterns in your life that have reached a state of uncontrolled persistence can best be addressed now, challenged, and then changed, usually on a permanent basis.

Much depends on the house Pluto is transiting and also the house that Pluto is located in, in the natal chart as these will be areas of life that will experience Pluto’s transformative energies.  You may be forced to challenge any issues you dig up and bring to the surface.  An example might be communicative challenges if transiting Pluto is moving through the third house or if natal Pluto resides in this house.  Also you should look to see where Pluto’s ruling sign (Scorpio) is found as this will also indicate where these changing conditions might become apparent.

Those with Pluto retrograde at birth are known to have great recuperative abilities and they can withstand illnesses that might be considered permanent for many others.  You should also have a look at how Pluto is aspected in the natal chart and the aspects linked to the planets that transiting Pluto is making aspects to during its cycle to see how these areas of life along with the energies associated with the planets involved will affect the overall conditions of this very significant transit of Pluto.

In general, it is a good time to get in touch with any issues that need cleansing and to identify your inner needs.  It is a time for inner evaluation and transformation that usually take a year or two to unfold.  It is also a good time to begin exercise programs and detoxifying diets that help cleanse the body along with the spirit. 

Enjoy the rather intense transformation that often takes place as Pluto moves into direct and retrograde motion affecting planetary links and important positions in your birth chart.


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