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Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Entering the Foothills of Knowledge Part II

We are continuing from our post on Monday with our look at this journey we have embarked on

As mentioned in Monday’s post life as we once knew it, although it may not have been long ago, now seems quite separated from our current life.  Our world is slowly opening up on different channels and knowledge is filtering through.  We are beginning to conceive the oneness of life and are aware that there is something bigger than self.  Call this God, call it love, call it our source, call it what you will, but we recognize its existence.

Although we feel as though we are completely through that threshold, we also understand that we are actually only a few steps in and there is so much more ahead of us.  Relinquishing ego interference becomes the primary focus and in understanding how ego works, we filter through concepts we have held about ourselves and life in general.  We are gaining a vantage point that was not available before and using the information learned to further our evolutionary growth.

It is a wonderful journey and we are at the early stages.  Imagine what lies beyond that next corner.  Actually do not allow your imagination to venture down the road.  It is totally new.  Allowing anticipation and “wanting” only serves to slow down progress. 

We understand that we will learn in our own way and only when we are ready, regardless of where we are and what we think we are capable of attaining.

The path is brand new to us although well-trodden.  This journey feels totally new yet at the same time so very familiar.  Understanding these concepts is a little foreign to us initially, as in earth terms we have great difficulty explaining anything that we are experiencing as it is not of this world, yet totally connected to it.  Definition of the experience is so very challenging with our earthly limitations.

Walk along the road that is now before you (yet “ahead” and “behind” is not a clear description either).  It is an exploration of new concepts and understanding that is familiar and yet new at the same time.  Trying to define this only leaves us lost in translation so we will leave it as such.

Understand that the road we now walk has many others on its path.  We must embrace and enjoy our place along that road, and realize how wonderful and adventurous that road is.  We are fortunate to be at the stage we are at (not matter what stage it is), as there are countless others that may still be sleep.

We can express ourselves by being the light that now shines brighter in our very core.  We are to allow that knowledge, that understanding to drape us.  We do not have to act in any particular way as what radiates outward is only an expression of what is taking place within.  If we find that the outer expression seems to waver, do not be dismayed.  Letting go and moving forward is a struggle for the ego.  Its expression can be released on many levels.  Do not identify with it, however; and do not make it your own.

There is no particular way to respond to what is taking hold in our lives, although it does encompass the main ingredients of love and compassion.  We simply live our lives and enjoy every minute.  Understand and accept this.  We must live our lives in pure wonderment of what life is for each of us.  It is our life to experience and share.  It is our life to enjoy.  Reflect the pure force radiating within. 

Let your pure core flow, and do not worry what others may think.  You are who you are.  That is that.  BE!


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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Transiting Saturn Conjunct the Ascendant

Transiting Saturn has been hovering around the 0 degree Sagittarius since the end of 2014.  It goes back as far as 28 degrees 17 minutes into the sign of Scorpio at the end of July before it returns direct in early August (the 2nd).and by the end of 2015 it will have moved forward by as much as ten degrees into the sign of Sagittarius.  If you have your Ascendant within these degrees, you will have Saturn conjuncting this placement for much of the time period mentioned.

Saturn conjunct the Ascendant can be a very trying time.  Many individuals will experience times of strife, setbacks, challenging conditions and delays during much of this aspect.  The period involved will vary depending on the sign and degree of your Ascendant.  It should be noted that Saturn’s strongest affects are often felt when it is 2 degrees past your Ascendant position.  This differs from other planetary influences in that the most powerful influences are when they are exact to the degree.  An example of this would be with an Ascendant of 2 degrees Sagittarius, the strongest impact would be when Saturn reaches 4 degrees of Sagittarius.

Saturn is a powerful agent for change, structure, discipline and challenges in your life.  It often makes things rather trying when it touches areas of your chart and the areas of life affected may feel a little restricted or delayed.  The degree of irritation varies from one chart to another, depending on the condition of Saturn in the natal chart.  Any other planetary influences in the birth chart being transited by planetary links will also play a role in how Saturn’s return will influence you. 

Since the Ascendant deals primarily with personal issues, (some out in the open, others more private), relationships and changes within your life’s structures are areas of concern or challenged during this period.  Saturn seems to test your resolve and challenges you to review your life’s conditions.  It pushes you to make honest evaluations on where you are at present and what you may want to do in years to come.

Saturn restricts, delays, and makes life challenging, but it also offers rewards for your hard hard work.  It provides structure and creates a solid foundation in your life as it passes across your Ascendant.  It may present challenging conditions that you will have to deal with and alter or change completely, but if you abide by the rules and do not cut corners, Saturn’s influence will produce solid and rewarding outcomes down the road. 

Whatever house Saturn is found in your birth chart, this area will also be under the same scrutiny and challenging conditions and these areas of life will also be affected as it crosses your Ascendant.  For example if Saturn is in the tenth house in the birth chart, the transit of Saturn may affect your employment and also your status in life as well as relationships with people of authority.  Because the seventh house is opposite the Ascendant, you might notice challenging conditions to your marriage partnership and also any potential partnerships involved in business related manners.

Saturn obstructs and produces times where you will be put to the test, filtering through the areas of life that are highlighted.  It will challenge you to change what needs changing and delete anything that hinders personal growth in your life. 

Be careful not to become depressed during these trying times and rest assured that it is only a temporary state of affairs.  The process might be difficult but these steps are necessary for you to move in the intended direction of your life’s path for a positive outcome.


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Monday, 25 May 2015

Entering the Foothills of Knowledge Part 1

Moving beyond the confines of what was once thought of as comfortable, we realize that the door closes behind us once we walk through.  It is almost impossible to go back to where we once where, knowing what we know now.  For most of us, it seemed to take a long time to get through that door.  Upon entering, we left behind our past truths and the knowledge that we took for granted.  Most of our past truths we followed blindly and it felt comfortable until we started to question.

Our past life felt comfortable because it felt normal.  These conditions were cultivated over our lifetime.  As we began to realize that there actually was a door to a different way of thinking and a different way of living, we realized that once we crossed that threshold that what once was would no longer have much relevance. 

The material world (which is one definition although it encompasses much more) was a place of comfort simply because we did not know anything else existed.  We always questioned or felt that there was more to life than the mundane day-to-day existence but for so long we were complacent enough to stifle our inquisitiveness.

Upon taking that first step, we began to acquaint ourselves with new ideologies and concepts, such as the ability to create our own world and manifestation.  We became more comfortable in this new skin that we have taken as our own.  The fact is, it is our own skin.  We belong in this place and we can now call this home.  We are more aware of other dimensions of reality.  We each experience our own gifts but we all experience an awakening that is taking place on a very deep level.

We must always be satisfied in our progress.  How we once thought and what our beliefs once were have changed significantly.  We no longer feel victimized by life and are beginning to understand the important part we have in the creation of our world.  We know that our thoughts, over time, create and materialize our reality.   We also are quite aware that there is guidance available if we chose to ask for it.

Life as we once knew it, although it may not have been long ago, now seems quite separated from our current life.  Our world is slowly opening up on different channels and knowledge is filtering through.  We are beginning to conceive the oneness of life and the awareness that there is something bigger than material existence and the existence of self.  Call this God, call it love, call it our source, or call it what you will, but we all know of its existence.

We will continue our look on this new journey we have embarked on in our Wednesday post.


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Saturday, 23 May 2015

Rise Above the Clouds

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Friday, 22 May 2015


It is suggested that we pay particular attention to the significant events that transpire in our daily lives.  This may refer to someone coming into our lives for a specific reason or an incident taking place that somehow seems co-incidental to that which is transpiring in our lives in this particular moment. 

Have you noticed that there are times in life when you are speaking to someone and having a relatively normal conversation when out of nowhere they just seem to say something that makes you stop for a moment and ponders its deeper meaning?  This can come at any time and from anyone.  It does not have to be during a deep conversation.  In many cases, the life changing information comes out of the blue and is rarely expected.  It may even come from someone that you would never expect it to come from, such as a child or passing stranger.

It is important to remain open to these valued moments, but at the same time, we cannot look for them.  They usually happen when they are least expected, but somehow when we receive the information, we know that what is offered to us has great meaning, far more than the messenger realizes. 

Sometimes these “openings”, if you will, do come during deep conversation with informed individuals and when we are learning something of significance, we know it on an instinctual level.  Most times the information fueling our awakenings is via higher realms and the messenger is not even aware of the significance of their message.  The information comes from many channels and on many different levels.

As mentioned, it is wise to not get caught up in trying to initiate these moments.  They will happen when the time is appropriate and not a minute before.

In most cases, no one else hearing the conversation will experience the same enlightenment and even if we try to translate or restate the message to others, it is a wasted effort as the message was meant for us and us alone.  Sharing this experience or information is fine, but certainly not necessary.

Many will define these brief moments as coincidence and they will often just let them pass by with little focus.  There is no such thing as a coincidence in reality.  Almost without exception every event in our lives has some level of importance.  We should never allow the experience and the information to simply pass us by.  Of course the actions taken during these relevant times in our lives are always up to us.  We can deal or not deal with the situations and the information as we choose. 

In order to continually move forward in our journey, when someone or something (information) enters our lives regardless of how short or long the duration, in it beneficial to pay heed.  If we truly listen to what others have to say to us (so many individuals are busy during conversations thinking about what their responses will be instead of truly digesting the information offered), we will continue to grow.  Each and every conversation we participate in has valuable information for us.  Nothing is by chance.


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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Sun in Gemini

The Sun moves into the sign of Gemini on the 22 of May in 2015.  Gemini is a mutable sign and rules the third house.  Those that have the Sun in Gemini, the Ascendant in Gemini and Planets located in the third house will resonate with some of the following characteristics.  If you find that some of these qualities do not apply to you, there will be other strong influences in your birth chart that moderate some of the Gemini characteristics or which may overpower them.

Those with strong Gemini in their birth charts are known to be versatile and adaptable and find it easy to move from one topic or event to another.  They enjoy being on the move and love change and variety in their lives.  It takes a lot to keep a typical Gemini entertained for long periods of time.  If you are trying to find something that stimulates their attention, you will need to activate their busy minds with things that arouse their intellect.

Gemini love to explore different facets of life.  They are adventurous and easily stimulated but have a short attention span, so you will have to keep them entertained with many topics to hold their attention for extended periods.  They need stimuli and variety in life or they become bored.  They are busy people and love to stay on the go most of the time.  Travel and education are areas of life that hold their attention.  You will enjoy time spent with them while on vacations and sharing learned knowledge through communication.

Communication is the key to much of their happiness and the majority of Geminians have some knowledge on a variety of subjects.  The only problem is that they scatter their energies so much that they rarely have deep knowledge on anything specific.  They like to skim the surface on many subjects and can be quite knowledgeable on many varied subjects.  They know a little about almost anything.  If they were able to keep their focus on one subject for an extended period of time, they would be amazed at how much information they could gather and how extensive this knowledge could become.

Geminians’ beliefs are subject to change. 

Those with strong Gemini in their charts can begin to read a book, be quite entertained by its contents and find the information fascinating but it is not always that they will complete this book.  If something else draws their attention, they can easily be swayed off topic and move to something in a completely different direction from what they were doing just prior.  They truly believe that variety is the spice of life.  These individuals make great companions if you want variety and adventure in your daily life.  You will not have a chance to become bored and you can spend much of the conversation time listening to what they have to say about most any subject.

Life has to be exciting and stimulating and should be adventurous and even extreme at times.  If this is how life is, they would be quite happy.  They are intellectual and love conversations on many levels.  They will never be short on words or information and usually retain quite a bit of information during these intermittent explorations. 

Gemini is a very inquisitive sign and they are also very interested in their own personal lives.  Many will read this post, partly for entertainment and partly from being inquisitive and wanting to learn more about themselves.

Gemini people are changeable but they are also adaptable to these changes.  They are ready for almost anything and will be willing to venture far and wide both physically and mentally to learn more of what life has to offer.  Geminians will be quite willing to share themselves and their lives with those that matter to them.


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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

How Can We Help?

As innocent and pure of heart that we may be, it has to be acknowledged that there are dangers in this world.  There is always the potential for violence and disruption to the relative calm we experience in our day to day routines.  There are individuals who are violent in nature and certainly lost in their perceptions.  Many of these individuals have never had experiences of true bliss and tranquility that many of us experience due to our practices and efforts.

We are very fortunate that our experiences have opened the doorway to greater understanding and these experiences offer peace in our lives. 

All too often violent individuals practice less than ideal behaviours often brought forward from childhood.  Unfortunately, they live a life of turmoil and sorrow.  This has been the “normal” experience and they know little else.

Some reach out to our world looking for support and love only to find aggression, offensive conditions and violent behaviours which are regularly directed towards them.  How can we help these individuals and lead them into the light of consciousness without putting ourselves into harm’s way? 

We have the potential to change their lives through volunteer work, counselling, financial assistance or recognition and kindness. 

Through loving examples we can prove that there is more to life than their “normal”.  That people do care about others.  Without compassion and caring, these individuals could live out their entire lives living in fears of others, bathed in anxiety and knowing nothing more than to fight to survive.  Many end up in jail for crimes committed and violent behaviour.  This environment does nothing to break their understanding of fighting to survive.

Hatred and fear does not correct anger and violence.  Violence does not solve violence.  If we had the opportunity to show love and caring to someone who has never experience love and caring, would you seize to the moment? 

We can help move these individuals out of their learned behaviours simply by being an example of something different.  Be that example.  Provide hope and love to those that do not believe that these gifts exist. 


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