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Wednesday, 24 February 2016


Many have shared their experiences of visits from those on the other side.  It is actually more common than you would think.  Many individuals rarely speak of their experiences due to what others might think.  However, when in the company of those that openly discuss their experiences, those that are more hesitant will share experiences of various types, of contact from family members, close friends and guides from the other side of the veil. 

Many wonder why these events seemingly are more commonplace and why the veil between existences appears to be becoming more thin.  It is has been suggested that the human race as a collective whole is evolving on a subconscious and a conscious level.  In the past many might have kept quiet about their experiences, whereas now we are more comfortable and not intimidated to speak our truth.

Our loved ones are never far away and many of us feel their presence regularly.  Some believe that this is another reality or another dimension in time and space which vibrates slightly higher than our own existence.  When we raise our vibration and shake off the shackles of day to day living, we can parallel the subtle vibrations of those on the other side.  It is during these moments that we experience their presence.

Some individuals have witnessed the passing of an individual.  When the time comes when this individual is ready to pass over, there is a feeling that something is about to happen.  Some have even witnessed a grayish-blue smoky material being released from the body at the moment of passing.  Others speak of seeing a light leave the body.  When the energy leaves the body, there remains but a shell and their presence has gone completely.

Some believe that at our passing from this earthly plain, there will be those souls that have passed before us patiently waiting for us.  Energy never dies.  How can we, as energy, as pure essence, cease when we die?  Do we begin anew?  Do we awaken from our earthly life? 

We will never truly know what life after this earthly existence actually is until we experience this guaranteed life event.  I personally have no doubt that there is existence after this life.  I have seen things that have eliminated any doubt. 

Stay open to all possibilities.  We are evolving on a global level, each at our own rate of speed.  Many of us feel this shift. 

Allow the truth to find you simply by being open and letting go of control.  The door opens only when we are ready.  No amount of “wanting” can force this to occur faster.  Seeking love and making connection with our source helps to open the door to perception.  Listen to the subtle voice that speaks so quietly for it may be missed.
Although life as we know it will end one day, our energy will continue on.  Being in the moment helps us to live a true life experience.  Our loved ones are always with us.  We are never alone.

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Tuesday, 23 February 2016


Do you have dreams?  What are they?

It is important to follow your dreams.  Do not allow obstacles to stop you from seeing your dreams through.  Pushing forward and manifest your dreams.  By setting your intentions and allowing the process to unfold at the appropriate time, you allow the opportunities to present themselves.

Are you willing to follow through on your dreams?  Will you stand the test of time or will you bend under pressure? 

We all have the ability to make things happen. We are the only ones that will inhibitor the unfolding of our dreams through fear, through disbelief, through attitude.  Follow through especially with the belief that your dreams are possible is the key to success and every person that has ever made something happen has held on to the belief that it can and will happen.

Set your course.  Entertain your thoughts.  Believe that you are in a position to accomplish these dreams.  You hold the key.  You have the answer.  Nothing will stop you if you remain steadfast, openly believe and focused.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by following your dreams.

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Monday, 22 February 2016


As we have stated before, a Full Moon brings to fruition our intentions placed when the New Moon was in the same sign.  The New Moon was in Virgo in September, 2015. 

The February full moon is called the Snow Moon.  According to the Farmer’s Almanac some North American native cultures refer to the February full moon as the Hungry Moon due to the harsh conditions for hunting.

Virgo energies assist us to put things in order, to create detailed accounting and then offer the ability to put these focuses into practice.  The house where the new Moon fell in September, 2015, will be the area of life that needed order and disciplined action.  If, for example, you had your seventh house involved, relationships (most likely the specific individual you were involved with) would be the areas of life that would have needed focus or more structure or organization.  If the area of life involved were the second house, the focus would be on financial security. 

The Full Moon in Virgo will be at 3 degrees and 34 minutes.  The efforts you used over this whole period since the new moon will now be evident.  If you have other planets in close proximity to 3 degrees, these planetary energies will also be affected and the houses will represent the area of life that will be part of the process.

As suggested, the New Moon phase is a time to set your intentions and start moving forward in a chosen direction.  By setting your intentions, you actually set things in motion.  Again, the Full Moon can be the harvest time for those intentions or if the intention is quite involved, it can be a time when you can move one step further in the development of what was set in motion at the New Moon.

You may feel more ready to act and this lunar influence will provides you with the push you need to take that next step.  You will feel energetically more capable and energized to handle what is taking place in your life and you may be compelled to push forward in anticipation of what lies ahead.  Watch out for fears of potential failures as this will limit the outcome.  Fear holds you back and as long as your intentions are honourable and will not harm others, release fear and you may now feel more able to complete these tasks.

This is a harvest time but also a time to act.  Sometimes you may feels that you are finished and now is the time to take a new direction or focus and often this is the case.  This most certainly is a time to take that next step forward.  Some important connections can be made during this lunar influence.  Many of these individual that have been brought to the forefront of your life are here to help and assist you in what lies around the next corner. 

Remind yourself of what it is you intend to manifest.  Re-evaluate what you are utilizing to make these intentions materialize. 

Virgo is always looking for perfection.  Virgo wants life to be orderly.  This is essential and what must be done under the influence of Virgo.  With order, you can put the final touches on you intentions.  As a result, you move forward with a clear slate and focused mind.  However, watch for becoming too nitpicky and finding all the small faults in the process at hand.  Virgo can go to the extreme and tear things apart and view life and its events with far too much focus on what is seen as faults.   Look for the middle ground.  We can expect some challenging conditions in our journey but these are only lessons not walls.  Accept, release and move forward in your chosen direction.

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Friday, 19 February 2016


It is hard to shake some of the events that take place in our world especially if they happen right at our own front door.  It is difficult to stay neutral and not be affected by these events as some are so incomprehensible.  We, at times, find ourselves directly on the stage of these events or captivated by their energies.

When we allow our life to focus on stress and fear, our connection with source deteriorates.  We can be swept away by these events and emotions.  It is much more beneficial to step back emotionally and allow these events to bring out the best in us.  We have to look inward for strength and purpose for ourselves and for those around us.

Do not own these events.  We cannot allow fear to dictate our response.  Maintain an inner focus on all that allows peace and serenity.  It is normal to slip from time to time as we are all human.  A gentle reminder is important to refocus on all that is good in life as we know our focus creates our reality.  This is not to say that we have created these acts around us but we have created our reaction and emotional response towards them.

Stand tall in the face of adversity regardless of what that might entail.  Know and understand that we have the strength to rise above any event in life. 

Recognize your strengths.  Fortify your protective barrier through focus. 

We can make it through anything and gain inner confidence along the way.

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Thursday, 18 February 2016


The sun is now in the sign of Pisces. 

Those with a strong Pisces energy have been noted for being considered the dreamers of the zodiac.  In childhood, they are normally sensitive to their environment.  They feel energies, are susceptible to the vibrations of those around them and this includes a psychic awareness of those that are unseen.  Their dreams and visions are particularly clear and they are sensitive to the psychic vibrations around them.  This can be frightening for them, as they may be too young to fully comprehend their abilities.  It will be up to the parents to encourage and allow these sensitivities to develop.  Many Piscean individuals have the potential of being talented mystical teachers.

It is believed that many Pisces individuals have lived previous lives when they were attuned to the subtle vibrations of the psychic pathways.  They have come, as all of us, to live out their Karma and use these innate qualities to assist others in their life’s spiritual objectives. 

Many Pisceans feel energies on an intense level and this can become a burden if they get caught up in the material side of life.  Their symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions, suggesting the spiritual and physical side of life moving in opposite directions.  They have to find a balance between the two and until they do, they can experience confusion in their lives.

In general, and of course much depends on the overall condition of the rest of the birth chart, these individuals are caring, compassionate, kind and loving people.  They are extremely sensitive to their environment and never truly want to hurt anyone.  They will take on other people’s problems and make them their own with the hope of easing the burden for others. 

It is important for people with strong Pisces inclinations in their charts and/or an emphasis in the twelfth house to make sure that they are not too open and become overly engulfed and burdened by other people’s issues.

Some find their sensitivities so extreme that they have issues facing reality during challenging periods and are susceptible to become too fond of drugs and alcohol to “get away”.  This is not to say that all Pisces individuals have a tendency towards this form of escape, but there are some that certainly struggle with these habits.  Dealing with the harsher sides of human nature and challenging conditions are difficult for many Pisces due to their extremely sensitive natures.

Most Pisces are charming and quite likable and are helpful to those in distress, although as mentioned they must watch for taking on other people’s issues.  Some have a martyr complex and will carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, so that they can be of assistance.  More than any other sign of the zodiac, it is necessary to take a very close look at the rest of the Astrology chart to monitor many of these sensitivities defined by the sign itself.  A strong Mars and a grounded Mercury can do wonders for these highly complex individuals.

If you are Piscean or have strong Piscean influences in your birth chart, use your talents to assist others through their difficult times, but ensure that you take care of yourself first.  You have a lot to offer the world.  You only have to believe.  

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Wednesday, 17 February 2016


To begin....what is that “big step”? 

We are not talking about that promotion that you have been working towards or a commitment you are contemplating with your partner.  What we are referring to is our big step forward towards fulfilling our purpose....our divine purpose.   

We are living a material existence.  We cannot deny this.  Addressing our needs and concerns pertaining to this is important.  Should we be overly focused on moving forward in these earthly ventures?  Should we be spending countless hours pursuing a position that promises financial rewards? 

These are part of our day to day living and as a result, we do have to address these.  We were not put on this earth to ignore our survival AND flourish needs.  If part of the process is to attain wealth then so be it.  Find your fortune.  Address your concerns.  Learn and fulfill your earthly requirements.

In achieving life goals pertaining to physical manifestation, we recognize our capabilities to manifest and creation.  There is nothing negative or irresponsible with achieving and setting goals in life.  They can be quite rewarding.  The rush we experience from these rewards, however, is short lived and then we push on to the next goal.  Achieving these earthly objectives sets us up to recognizing our abilities to transform our lives and reach other important goals that are not focused on material gain.

The achievement we set out to accomplish may be a little more elevated but we trust ourselves as we have accomplished other goals that we previously set.  Perhaps now is the time to gather ourselves and reach out for something in life that not only brings us happiness and self-understanding, but advances us on our spiritual journey as well, a goal that connects us more securely to our core self.

In our earthy existence there is nothing wrong with working towards material expansion if that is on our list of important accomplishments.  It will serve the purpose for the time being.  Eventually we will tire of material success and work on other goals, spiritual, emotional, psychic, etc.  These goals have many different peaks.  The gratification experience from reaching each juncture will far outweigh any man-made material gain. 

We can claim our rewards for a life set in motion.  We can appreciate our connection with source for true happiness is not experienced through material abundance although it is our birthright.

If we have not already reach it, there will be a time when we have reached the summit of worldly achievement and the door will open so that we can delve within to find the answers for true living. This is the time to find a place of peace and true quiet, a place where we can make contact with our inner self.

We can manifest all that we need for a comfortable life.  We can move ahead in material abundance and helps those who struggle along the way.   While we walk this earthly journey, we cannot forget to manifest the needs of our higher selves as well.  Take the time to sit in quiet contemplation, to hear the messages of all of the other energies that share this existence with us.  Meditation, nature..... these too offer riches both to our earthly existence but also of a much higher value, one you cannot put a value on.    

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