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Sunday, 28 August 2016



We are excited to get started at the Body & Mind Psychic Fair today, Sunday August 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Barrie Legion, 410 St. Vincent Street, in Barrie. I believe you have to enter the parking lot from Ferris Lane.

To find our booth, when you enter the room, turn right and we are the fourth reader's booth on your right.

We will be offering card readings as well as crystal jewellery.

Admission to the event is free and there will be paranormal seminars from 12 until 4:45.

Hope to see you there.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

TOMORROW - Body & Mind Psychic Fair

A reminder of the Body & Mind Psychic Fair in Barrie tomorrow, Sunday August 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION at the Barrie Legion located at 410 St. Vincent Street, in Barrie.

To find our booth enter at the main entrance, turn right and we are the fourth reader's booth on your right.

We will be offering card readings as well as crystal jewellery.

You can pre-book your appointment at to avoid disappointment as our appointments book up quickly.

Admission to the event is free and there will be paranormal seminars from 12 until 4:45.

Hope to see you there.

Friday, 26 August 2016


As we become familiar with the fundamentals of Astrology, such as the signs, houses, and aspects, we begin to develop a firm foundation of the meanings behind the horoscope.  The birth chart is a precise tool which delineates the character traits of an individual.  There are unlimited combinations and variations found in a natal chart and this is what defines each of us as unique personalities.

Once you have a clear picture of what makes a person from the energies of say an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon different from someone with Aquarius Sun and Cancer Moon (which is only a part of the process) we can move on to delineate a chart for upcoming transits and progressions.  The tools used for transits and progressions decipher what potential future events or areas of life will be affected by the passing of the planetary giants in our solar system.

We have to take into consideration all the planets but pay particular attention to the outer planets, especially Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto together with any inner planet that is in retrograde motion (appears to be moving backwards) for a prolonged period of time.  The inner planets move very quickly through the zodiac and under most conditions, usually only impact us for a very short period of time and have little to no lasting influence.

The outer planets and retrograde planets passing over sensitive points in our birth chart, particularly the Ascendant and the Midheaven, can have profound effects on our lives and these often point towards turning points or significant life events that can alter our perception or instigate action that changes our perceptions or can point towards changes to our lives.

The most powerful transit is a transiting planet conjuncting (0 to 10 degrees apart) a natal sensitive point or planetary body.  The energies of the planets merge and become one and under many conditions, they intensify their energies when they are linked together.  The houses are areas of life and the transiting planet will intensify these points and may produce profound life altering effects especially when several transiting planets are saying something in the chart that is repeated.

The outer planets can be in an orb of influence for up to two to three years depending on when they go into retrograde motion and when they become direct again.  The first impact when a transiting planet makes an important aspect to another planet and makes a direct aspect to a natal point or planet will be the strongest.  An example of this might be Saturn conjunction Mars at 15 degree of Aries.  Both planets become direct when the transiting planet is exactly 15 degrees Aries (0 degrees difference).  This applies to squares, a 90 degree aspect, the opposition, a 180 degree aspect and all other major aspects, the trine, sextile as well as the minor aspects - semi-sextile, the semi-square and so forth.  The major aspects are more significant than the minor aspects and the challenging aspects usually promote transitional times in our lives.

There are several progressed aspects that are also important in determining factors in a chart and the potential for change in a person’s life.  We will look at the progressions at a later date.  The energies of a progression bring about more internal changes.  You will use the progressed Moon, transiting Mars as well as the transiting Sun and transiting Uranus as timers, as they often produce a push that activates the energies of the outer planets and often signify an event or a peak producing internal insight.

Today we have only touched on how to delineate potential life events as well as the timing as to when these events may unfold.  The area of life affected will be described by the houses involved in the transit or progression, as well as the natal placement of the transiting planets by aspect and house placement.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 25 August 2016


Many individuals are of the opinion that they are alone on this journey.  What is your opinion?

In many ways it seems as though we are on our own during this journey to awakening.  We do share this experience with many others and we are quite aware of this.  Why then do we feel alone and what is it that makes us feel apart from others?  Does ego have a hand in this?

We are all a part of the collective consciousness.  With this understanding, surely we can eliminate this feels we have and then provoke change in this world--change for the greater whole.

Have you ever thought of someone and then the phone rings and they are on the other end of the line?

How often have you been singing a song in your head and then you miraculously hear the song on the radio or the internet? 

These small incidences (often thought of as irrelevant) confirm our connection to the whole.

Do you wonder if you, as a single individual, can affect the overall condition of the world?  Have you decided that it would be insignificant if you were to partake in an effort to do something energetically worthwhile for our ailing world? 

If we feel this way, I am of the opinion that it is time to think again.  We share this world, we share this collective consciousness and we can and do affect each other.  The part that each of us play is important.  Not one person more important than the other.  It does not matter the state of our conscious connection although mental recognition is beneficial.

We are all part of the process and linked in consciousness.  Many are aware of the awakening taking place world-wide.  Some read about it and others feel it.  We form part of the ancestral group for this evolving story.  We are here to shake up consciousness and to awaken to our greater purpose of peace and love.

Will you do your part in this process?  Share your experience and knowledge and align with the universal principle of gratitude.  Help shake this world out of its complacency.  Belief structure forms our reality.  What are your expectations? 

We hold the key to the future and as a whole can bring forth the changes that are so desperately needed.  Acknowledge your part.  We are all one and our consciousness is connected.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


As a bit of a background, Saturn in retrograde often works in ways that most planets in retrograde do not work.  Most of the planetary energies are withheld when in retrograde, while Saturn (who’s energy is normally suspended) is quite the opposite.  Some consider its retrograde energies similar to the energies of Jupiter and its energies, which are normally withdrawn, are now softened.  When Saturn is direct in motion, its energies are restrictive and a disciplinary in nature and the urge to make deliberate plans of action are restricted and stifled.

Transiting Saturn makes things difficult especially when in direct motion and a square to Jupiter often denotes a time when plans are thwarted and very limited.  If you want to achieve while this square is in place, you will have to work diligently and will often be feeling limited with your progress.  Saturn will test your resolve and will cause a review of how your life is running up to this point in time, especially in areas related to business ventures and finances.  Your career options may also be under discrete dissection and people in authority will be watching your every move.  Be sure you do not miss any steps.  Progress is often stagnated if not completely stopped.  Taking on too many projects is never suggested when Saturn is involved and most certainly not when Jupiter and Saturn are in square with one another.

Seven years ago during the conjunct between Saturn and Jupiter or during the Saturn Jupiter opposition, you may have started a project or began something new.  This Square will bring it out into the open and subject it to intense scrutiny and observation.  It will be tested and if you did not look at it from every angle and make sure that everything was completed according to set standards, you may have to cut your losses and begin anew.  In seven years, things will once again be tested and if things are not working now, it is wise to just begin again using an alternate route, if the first one did not work.

During this square, Jupiter, which is all about expansion and freedom of movement, will be harnessed and tested.  The desire to move out into new directions does not sit well with Saturn and you will be wise to make sure that before you move ahead in life that you have taken the necessary precautionary measures and put them in place or you will be stifled and held back in your objectives during this aspect..  Obstruction and agitation, along with anxiety may all be part of the process, but the end result if you make sure that you crossed all the “T”s and dotted all the “I”s might well be worth the struggle.  The foundation that you build during this time will stand the test of time and be built on solid ground. 

It is often suggested that you wait until this transit is over before you make alternate plans or begin new projects.  There will be far less obstruction and fewer obstacles to overcome.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 23 August 2016


How would you finish off this statement – “One step forward...........”.  Would it be “and two steps back” or would you leave it as it is? 

How you finish that statement is a good reflection of how you are currently viewing life.  Is your current view a negative one of moving backwards (two steps back)?  Even when life appears to be moving backward, it is not.  Understanding that “every event holds within it a valuable lesson” would alter this view immensely.

Life is always moving forward even when it appears as though it is not.  We learn our primary lessons from life when it is seemingly in retreat.  These difficult lessons are actually stepping stones.  Most of our valued lessons stem from challenging conditions.  If we can maintain this perspective, we will not be affected in a negative way when life’s direction seems challenged.  Some individuals with complete faith in the process actually welcome hard lessons as they know they will grow in leaps in bounds when the lesson has been completed.  There are also some individuals that make negativity their identity and they believe unconsciously that by maintaining victim status this gives them an identity to the world. 

One step at a time is a great motto.  We can live by accepting what has happened in our lives and moving beyond those events.  How we react to anything in life is our chose.  Shall we allow an event to define us or shall we take from any event the lessons presented and grow from them?  Challenges in life are ideal tools to help us grow and expand our understanding or they can assist us to change our direction in life.  There are times that we need to start over again, beginning anew and changing direction from the course we were on.  Sometimes life events will push us in that direction.  Other times we are meant to stay determined and committed to what life has presented us with.  What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment when we have conquered a difficult situation.  What type of faith does this build in ourselves?

Our reactions are always a choice.  Even when life seems to dictate, our response is what we control.  Is  your response to life conditions “one step forward”?  Recognize the potential in this statement. 

Why would we want to view life from the perspective that we may move forward but then we move in reverse?  If this is your belief than this is how you will direct your life’s course.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Monday, 22 August 2016


The Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd of August this year. This post will help identify some of the very distinctive character traits of those individuals born with the Sun in Virgo (the inner self), a Rising Sign of Virgo (the face they show to the world) and/or several planetary links in the sixth house, naturally ruled by the sign Virgo.

Virgo is the sign of the virgin and many of these individuals are pure in their actions (not necessarily sexually).  They often remain true to their character and insist on truth and trust even after they have been betrayed by others.  This is not to say that they are naive, although there is something innocent about their demeanor. 

Virgo individuals are conservative in their approach to life and are rarely gamblers. They like the tried and tested route. Because of their intellectual approach to life and their ability to decipher even the tiniest of details, they are excellent problem solvers, although their approach may be considered by some as extreme. They are very service oriented and enjoy helping others and have an uncanny ability to create order out of chaotic conditions. They truly give of themselves to those in need and can be counted on if they give you their word. They will offer their advice and aid in almost any situation.

Many are truth seekers and information gatherers.  They enjoy study and getting to the core of issues.  They are perfectionist by nature and analyse those they meet by carefully dissecting them to the core, uncovering all the little flaws of their personality.  Many Virgos are somewhat nit-picky and do see faults in themselves and others, but can be open about it.  If they are open, they will speak their observations only to assist in some way.

They can be somewhat shy and retiring, although once you have their trust, they can be quite interactive.  They are studious and want to not only understand a topic of interest but want to understand these topics of interest thoroughly.  They are meticulous when it comes to their interests and will not miss anything.  This is where their perfectionist capabilities shine through. 

Although they digest most any information that is appealing to them, they always feel as though there is more for them to learn and they are rarely satisfied until there is nothing left unturned on the subject.

They are very body conscious and feel everything on an emphasized level.  Nothing slips by them and they digest everything on a physical level.  Many Virgo individuals will self-diagnose or read intensely about their body and its functions to understand its intimate workings.  This can lead to obsessive behaviour in some and worry in many.  They will have to find ways to overcome and alleviate these conditions.  Health consciousness and diet along with hygiene are key character traits exhibited by many Virgo individuals.

Rewards come their way when perseverance is required and they will often take on jobs that are too difficult for others to handle as they can make it work in the very best possible way. They also make excellent writers, analyzers and critiques because of their ability to stick with something until it is completed. They are usually good at handling money matters and make great financial advisers.

In the working environment, Virgos can be very fussy and critical of their own work.  They are meticulous about every detail and their working environment has to be in order, with everything in its proper place.  They also make great secretaries or assistants.  Order is essential for them and will help them in many of their endeavors in life.  When it comes to their work ethics and performance, there are few that can compare.  They will dissect everything with great enthusiasm and enjoy their work, even if they will not admit this.  They truly want to do their best at everything in life.

Many Virgos are living in the practical world of efficiency and the material world is right up their alley.  In general, they complete their tasks regularly and when things are left incomplete or messy, it is a sure sign that something in their life is out of balance or our of harmony.  This is often a by-product of being unhappy with their own efforts and they will criticize their own work to a fault.  It would suit them very well both mentally and physically if they could stop being so judgmental particularly on a personal level.

Virgo individuals are meticulous about everyday details and although they insist that they do not need applause or a complement for their work, they do appreciate being needed and enjoy helping.  They also want respect for their hard work. 

Those with Virgo dominant in their charts could learn to develop a more carefree attitude and learn to exercise forgiveness that stems from deep within.  It is always beneficial to relax and enjoying what life has to offer.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit