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Tuesday, 13 September 2016


The moments slip away without notice when we are not focused until one day we stop and see the moments have turned into years.  These moments are bitter sweet…filled with love and a sense of fulfillment but then we tend to long for more… more moments of new love, more moments of  life’s beginnings, more moments of accomplishment and reward…..We can look back with love and yet there can be a touch of sadness.

The only moment we have is this one…..right now.  Yesterday is but a memory….a good memory but just a memory.  Tomorrow is only made up of hopes.  Plan as we will but the moment will take the course that it must. 

What does “right now” hold?  What is here for you in this very moment…….this moment is what dreams and memories are made of.  What are you doing to make these come true?

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Monday, 12 September 2016


While Saturn is in opposition to the Midheaven (which identifies your occupation), it is also in conjunction to the IC (which identifies your roots and home and family).  The focus on these two aspects of Saturn is to make sure that one of these areas of life (MC or IC) does not interfere with your responsibilities to the other area.  You may find that you tend to neglect one in favour of the advancement of the other area during this aspect.

Quite often the emphasis is on the home environment and family and there seems to be a lot of energy invested in this area of life.  A conjunction always emphasized whatever planet or angle it touches.  The opposition draws attention to the occupation but it will often be outside sources that seem to bring this to your attention.  Perhaps your boss does not feel that you are doing your work diligently or that your family is getting in the way of your work performance.  You will need to rectify the issue. 

There are many who experience some challenging conditions before this opposition to the IC as life may seem to have its share of intrusions and obligations seem to take much of your attention.  Struggles are often associated with Saturn and restrictions and delays are common during this period.  Saturn unlike other planet because of its natural tendency to delay matters is often at its strongest 2 degree past its opposition to the IC.

This is actually a time when the home environment needs your attention and you will need to pay particular attention to the family and to family matters.  Although the occupational seem to pull at you, you will find that when Saturn comes to Conjunct the MC in some fourteen years that this will be an period of much significance.  The problem right now is that both areas are calling for your attention and you may feel a push and pull effect.

This is an important time in your life and as Saturn passes over this degree many people begin a new phase in their lives.  The decisions that you are making now will have significant influences in years to come, so lay down your roots and familiarize yourself with the obligations of home and family and set standards that will be beneficial for the future.  Saturn in this position is laying the foundation for what is yet to come.

Some begin anew at this time.  Starting families or changing homes is often a by-product of this aspect especially if there are other outer transiting planets making aspect to this position of Saturn or if transiting Saturn is making aspects to other areas in your chart.  Saturn makes things concrete and stable but not without work.  Make sure you are not missing any steps along the way.  Do not rush the process.  It takes time to build solid footings. 

You are on your way and where life will take you no one knows but prepare as best you can now while things are in motion.  The future looks bright as long as you take the proper steps necessary to secure it.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 10 September 2016


Holm Astrology is offering free intuitive oracle card readings for hosts of home parties. Invite a minimum of four guests (five including the host) for a party held in the City of Barrie area. The number of minimum guests is negotiable for parties outside of this area.

All party guests receive a one-on-one 30 minute private reading at a discounted rate of $60.00 each. Again, the host's reading is free!

Contact Holm Astrology to book your party

Friday, 9 September 2016


Jupiter takes approximately 12 years to move through the entire zodiac.  Jupiter will enter the sign of Libra on September 10, 2016 and remain in that sign for 13 months.  During this period, take a look at which house or houses Jupiter will be transiting and the aspects it will make during its cycle.  Any grouping of planets or angles in close proximity to the same degree will emphasize Jupiter’s energy and have an impact in your life. 

For example if you have the Moon, Mars, Neptune and Pluto all around the 23 degree mark, say within 3 degrees then when transiting Jupiter moves to this degree which will be in January/February of 2017 all of these areas of life represented by their energies will be affected.  This would be an influential aspect because Jupiter will go into retrograde at 23 degree and 8 minutes Libra and be very powerful if you have planets or angles at or near this degree.  This period will last from January to March 2017 and then return in September of 2017 once again.

Jupiter in Libra is often associated with balancing out life.  Sometimes this has to do with relationships, sometimes with business and most often with what you need to balance in your own life.  Libra is a balancing sign, not a balanced sign as many believe.  Jupiter’s energy is to make things expand or become larger in relevance and it enhance things.  Everything Jupiter touches expands and is often brought to a whole new level.  Libra’s energies relate to partnerships, enjoyment, social gatherings, parties, creating harmony and peace and finding a balancing point with life’s matters.  Jupiter promotes optimism and growth as well as an opening to higher plains of learning, often brought on through schooling or travel.

Jupiter’s rule of expansion is not always linked to happy times and depending on what your chart indicates, it can help to expand and create conditions that may be difficult to deal with.  This applies particularly if Jupiter receives hard aspects from other planets and angles during its transit.  However, the potential for positive end results has a greater chance of surfacing with Jupiter than if we were dealing with Saturn for example.

Jupiter often brings opportunities and in general good luck.  If for example Jupiter was to make a station (standing still just before going into retrograde) on your MC (Midheaven), the opportunities for success with your occupation is exaggerated.  Much will depend on the overall condition of your natal MC or your progressed MC.  Transits will also affect progressions.

If for example Jupiter is transiting through your ninth house and makes contact especially during its longer station in the winter of 2017, the potential for continued education increases.  The potential for travel especially overseas is also highlighted and a continued awakening to spirituality is possible.  If you have any court appearances these could also be affected with Jupiter transiting through the ninth house.  An enhanced learning of the philosophy of life with teaching on a religious or spiritual tone may also come about during its stay.

Jupiter’s aspect to Venus is something we all wait for.  Even the more challenging aspects can be released in a favourable way.  The greatest challenge for Jupiter would be its aspects to Saturn, as the energies of these planets together might stifle the properties of Jupiter somewhat. 

It is important to recognize that although Jupiter brings about good fortune and opportunities, we will have to utilize these energies in our lives to bring them to the forefront.  Work with Jupiter and see what it brings into your life.  You will be rewarded!

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Thursday, 8 September 2016


From a mystical standpoint, many of us might consider “Let ambition be your guiding force” as earthbound concept.  This may be true but much depends on what you choose to focus your ambitions on. 

If you are on a relentless pursuit to achieving monetary surplus and life is completely based on financial rewards, then yes from an evolutionary point of view you might be viewed as being a little overly focus on earthy obsessions, if spirituality or mysticism is your “wanted” mental objective.  If, however, part of your life’s lessons involve material objectives, who are we to judge these objectives which were chosen by our higher self?  How can we judge others and the path that they take?  Their path has to be their intended lesson in life.

Ambition can be linked to many avenues of achievements. 

We are spiritual beings living an earth-bound life but this is so very temporary.  Our lessons brought on through material and physical living are important to our overall development or we would not be here in the first place.  Allowing and having ambition is part of the process on whatever level we choose to focus.  Allow life to manifest as it should.  Allowing does not mean that we are at the mercy of life.  It is a reflection of our faith in the process.

We can live this life in a spiritual manner with ambitious effort to create that which benefits self and others, whatever that may entails.  We are constantly creating our reality one step at a time.  Why not be ambitious.  Utilize our precious moments without ego interfere.  Strive for the highest of highs.  Never have fear of failure as in reality there is no such thing.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Most individuals experience a mid-life turning point at ages 38-44. This is an evolutionary process where we move from early adulthood into a more evolved individual, an individual who should be fairly comfortable with whom they are.  This is a time when we are restructuring our association with ourselves on a more profound level.  A sense of individuality is occurring at a rapid pace, due to the major influences taking place in our lives.  We are experiencing transiting Saturn in trine to its natal position and Neptune in square to its natal position which signifies inner transformations and a realistic approach to who we truly are. 

There may even be a feeling of urgency with our quest in life.  Our ego and the ongoing search for “who am I?” are undergoing alterations especially for those individuals that feel they need answers.  There is no formal training when it comes to what many term as their midlife crisis.  No one can say they are prepared, particularly because no one knows exactly what to expect.  Each individual goes through their own personal experience and then an awakening takes place.  This is a time of great soul searching and a desire for inner change which often coincides with outer change, as one affects and reflects the other.

The body is also undergoing physical changes during this time, and those who have placed too much attention on physical appearance may become depressed with what they are starting to see in the mirror.  Many will go deep within to find out what they actually have to offer, as the appearance has been held in an elevated position most of their lives and now they must look for something with more meaning to feel good about themselves.  The ego is actually in a somewhat delicate state, as the inner self gains supremacy and control, at least for those who are searching for something more.

This is often considered a turning point as we truly begin to question who we  are and relentlessly search for answers.  Many turn to deeper subjects such as astrology and the mystical side of life, furthering their pursuit, hoping to find some answers to some truly profound questions.  This is an awakening stage as many who have been wrapped up in the material world feel empty, and now they want greater meaning in their lives.

Doors that have been boarded up are now beginning to open and a deep restlessness is awakening within.  The search continues and those longing for answers begin to question their existence which opens the channels from within and enables a more intimate contact with the inner self.  The process has begun, as we raise our consciousness and continue on with our mission.

At age 42 we are also experiencing the Uranus opposition with itself.  This intensifies the search and often one reaches for something new to bring to the forefront of life.  Some reach out for radical solutions and this is when people become bored with life and want something that is exciting and exhilarating.  There is a bit of eccentricity entering the personality.  Many find this new individual reaching out in need of satisfaction beyond the normal confines of life, a bit erratic and different.

These life expressions are often received on short notice and one makes untimely changes that will affect those around them.  This is often quite disruptive for family members that are used to life being steady and remaining solid and secure.  Some can leave their marriage partners and start a new life.  In many cases the change is sudden and comes without much warning.  If this time is drawing nearer, we should be ready for change and transformation as this is a very intense period.  Be ready for disruption to the norm and change.  Be prepared to welcome in the new.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


We all need time to process what goes on in our lives.  There are times when we experience traumatic events that even those that are very close to us have no concept of what we are experiencing emotionally.  Sometimes we just need time to adjust or to process the information.  There are many good-hearted people that will want to assist us during these times and there will be times when they seem to know the right words to say to plant the most appropriate seeds that assist us through to the other side of our difficult lesson.

If we happen to be that helping hand and truly feel compassion for our friend, our child, our partner or our parent, letting them know that we are there for them might be enough for that particular moment.  Perhaps later on they may be ready for assistance and will ask.  Even when our intensions are good, they are not always wanted and that is perfectly okay.

We all have our built in sensitivity meter and if we read the situation according to what we instinctively feel, we most likely will feel the energy coming at us suggesting that we back off for a little while or we move forward with loving gentleness and a compassionate ear. 

Most of us intuitively know what is appropriate and will be guided if we listen to our inner voice.  This also applies to those individuals who are experiencing the life event.  Follow your instincts and listen to the nudges you receive; then move accordingly.  If you feel space is required, it is perfect time to step back and allow.  Remind them that they are loved and that you are available if and when they need you.

Kindness never fails whether we see the fruit of its labour or not.  Respectfully, follow your instincts and allow your intuition to lead.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit