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Wednesday, 21 September 2016


In 2016, the Fall equinox is September 22 at 10:21 a.m. EDT.

Typically the equinoxes represent the equal division of day and night.  The Spring equinox (Ostara) celebrates new beginnings and fresh starts.  The Fall equinox (Mabon) celebrates reaping the rewards of your hard labour and gathering the harvest.  The Fall equinox is a time of reflection on the harvest of your achievements and often considered a time of change.  It is linked to the sign Libra which above all else is a balancing sign.  The balance that you need to strive for is the knowing of what you need to hold on to and what you need to let go of.

Some consider this a time of sacrifice as you now reap the rewards of your labour and if you have not sown the seeds of life in the manner you should have, you may have to sacrifice because of these shortfalls and count your losses. 

Astrologically, the Fall equinox represents a balancing point of our self-image and any disapproval that is found in our view of ourselves.  We should review our goals in achieving our life’s quest and the conquests we have made in our lives.  This review will assist us in recognizing our abilities and true selves.

On the opposite side, the spring equinox is linked to the sign Aries and Aries begins things and initiates action.  These two points (spring and fall equinox) are known as cardinal points.  The cardinal points in the horoscope are known as action points.  They are used as timing devices and lead to activity, drive, ambition, and involvement.  During these cycles, you should consider this as a time of action -- either related to the start of something or the end or culmination point of whatever action you have already taken.

It is a time to actively pursue a course of action, to take control of your life and push forward in the direction of your choice.  Cardinal signs are action oriented and strive for activity that is often personally initiated.  This will be the time for you to make things happen.  Do not wait for or rely on others.

It should also be noted that Mercury goes direct again on the September 22, 2016 so you can utilize this date in particular to move forward with the plans you have been putting in place.  Mercury retrograde often suggests that things do not move forward as planned.  Things seem to stagnate or actually go “no where”.  During Mercury retrograde life is to be studied and then when it goes direct sets these plans in motion.  Many may have felt these restrictive energies of Mercury in their lives over that past several weeks.  From the end of August perhaps you noticed that things did not move ahead as planned.  Some plans never even materialized.  The period of time that Mercury is in retrograde is a time of reflection and study and making plans that could be activated during the direct cycle, or at least this is the best way to use the energies of a Mercury’s retrograde cycle.

This will be the time to push ahead or count your losses and set new things in motion.  Use the energies of the equinox to push you forward and make the changes you need to and address any situation that needs addressing.  The time has come to move beyond any stagnated stages of life that have held you back.  Now is the time to reap the rewards after a busy season of planting the seeds and nurturing growth.  These efforts are now ready to be harvested.

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Tuesday, 20 September 2016


Do you feel comfortable being exactly who you are?  What is your answer?  Did you hear an answer from your inner self or from your mind?  There is a difference you know.  Will you heed the quiet deep answer or will you go on living a life to suits others? 

There are many individuals who are prisoners to what others want them to be.  Some live a life completely dedicated to other people’s wants and needs.  Some hardly even know who they are because they have become so wrapped up in living up to everyone’s expectations.  They have forgotten what they need and how to bring these needs to life.

Have you come into this life to be a servant to other people’s needs or are you here to direct your own life and live the life you want (which can certainly include a higher calling of service to others)?  You cannot feed the masses if the cupboards are bare.  Choose based on all requirements including your own, regardless of what you might think others may feel.  You have a voice and you matter.  Of course you can help those in need.  Of course you will be there when someone asks for your assistance, but you must also be there to fulfill your own wants and needs.

When you realize it is perfect to be just who you are, you can be your true self regardless of differing opinions.  You can never be happy or content pretending to be something you are not. 

Be yourself.  There is no one better to be.  Why would you want to be anyone else?  You have come into this life to express self, to acknowledge self and to grow self.  How can you do this is you are not “self”?

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Monday, 19 September 2016


Any transit of Pluto is considered powerful in its influence.  Since the Ascendant is opposite the seventh house cusp, this transit will affect you in a personal way with regards to others and particularly your significant other.  The people around you may influence you on a whole new level during this conjunction and because of this plus the tendency for Pluto to go beneath the surface (and in this case about who you are – the Ascendant), these people may be instrumental in creating changes in your life.

As mentioned, Pluto tends to make you go beneath the surface and during this phase, you may uncover elements of your life that you have subconsciously hidden from your awareness.  There may be qualities about you that you do not wish to acknowledge and have kept under wraps for many years, in some cases all your life.  This may involve issues from the past that have been hidden from your consciousness because of fear or discomfort with dealing with them.  Some past experiences can be very challenging to deal with, but in keeping these under wraps and not dealing with them can cause problems that seem more and more insurmountable as time passes.  They can affect you on a very personal level.  Pluto may now bring these issued to the surface so that you will have to deal with them in appropriate way and on a beneficial level.

It is a time for getting to know yourself and to become more in touch with how life events have affected you up to this point in time.  Pluto moves very slowly. If you are presented with this aspect (you will never have this conjunction again), deal with these life issues to rid yourself of their shadows.  This can have profound effects on your overall development.  You may have thought that there were some aspects of yourself which you may have considered or as termed as malicious or action taken earlier that are unforgiveable.  Now you will bring these issues to the surface and see them for what they truly are.  You may find that these past characteristics or events are not as corrupt and unforgiveable as you were imagining.  Dealing with them head on and in an appropriately manner offers the opportunity to put events in their proper place and to change our opinions so that they accurately reflect events without shame and put them in their proper perspective.

Pluto often works in subconscious ways and you may find that your actions or thoughts are rather obsessive or even uncontrollable.  If things seem to get out of hand, which in some cases they can but rarely, now would be the time to seek professional assistance.  Sometimes these thoughts and ideas can fester on subconscious levels and if we do not deal with things appropriately they may expand in their energies.  It is always suggested that you deal with life challenges when they first happen to rectify the situation before it has the energies to grow into something bigger than it has to be.  When you leave things unattended they have a tendency to grow in intensity and if left long enough to fester, can become monsters.  It should be understood that it is only ego that sees things in this way and you can detach from these points of view or opinions and deal with the matters at hand.

Many relationships go through huge changes during this period which can last as long as five years.  Pluto moves very slowly through the heavens--about one degree per year.  The relationships that have stood the test of time and are in fairly healthy condition will not suffer irreversible damage. 

A transformation is at hand and identifying any serious issues that have been swept under the carpet should now be brought out into the open so that healing can begin.  Pluto packs a punch and you may experience upheavals during it cycle.  Disagreements and ego disruption are quite common.

Much can be learned during this aspect and you now have the opportunity to bring things to the surface and change anything that needs changing once and for all.  The results of Pluto’s actions are quite final.

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Saturday, 17 September 2016

Lunar Node Chart

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Friday, 16 September 2016


There will be a lunar eclipse today, September 16, 2016.  The full moon will be in the sign of Pisces at 24 degrees.  This is a powerful Full Moon.  As with every full moon, this will be a time that you can reap the fruit of the seeds you sowed during the New Moon cycle six months previous.  This is a time when you should eliminate and release anything that was started earlier that no longer has a place in your life.  It is a time to cut your losses and let go of anything that no longer works for you. It is also a time when you can move forward in any direction that was formulated six months ago, but also that seems appropriate now. 

Because this is a Lunar eclipse, you should have a look at the house that this eclipse falls in your chart as well as any planet it touches.  These areas of life, determined by the house position, are subject to change.  If for example six months ago you started a new relationship, it is quite likely that your view of this individual was somewhat unclear at that time.  Now you may have to re-evaluate the circumstances of this relationship and focus on your current view of the situation.  Does this person have what you are looking for in a close and personal relationship?  Do you now recognize them for who they are and even though you now see the tiny flaws are you willing to accept what stands in front of you?  This will be even more amplified if Neptune is involved in the equation.

Remember the length of time this eclipse lasts in hours translated to the number of months this eclipse’s energies will affect you.  In order for this eclipse to have significance in your life, however, you will have to have a planet or one of the angles near the 24 degree and this will be particularly significant if you have a planet which is in conjunction to this degree (24 degrees Pisces).  The conjunction, square and opposition will be the most powerful of angles to this lunar eclipse, and the trine and sextile offer opportunities which should be taken advantage of.

At the same time this eclipse is in effect, Neptune is in opposition to the North Node and Saturn is square the North Node.  This could tie in to your life’s direction, potentially providing some resistance or obstacles to overcome during this period.  Your life’s direction may not be overly clear currently or you may feel as though you are being tested during this time.  This could be a turning point in your life. 

Mercury is also in trine to Pluto during this time and you should be able to figure out what direction would be best to take, regardless of any struggles at hand.  Pluto insists that you get to the bottom of the matter at hand and resolve the conflict or move forward with information at your disposal.  Remember this will be a time of changing circumstances that can last as much as approximately 4 months, so recognize that you are in this for the long haul. 

Please note that this Lunar eclipse will last 3 hours and 59 minutes and will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, West in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica according to “”.  For those that cannot see the eclipse, you are still influences by its energies.

Although many people fear eclipses, it should be understood that the final outcome always provide what is deemed necessary for the evolution taking place in your life.  Pisces’ energies are about spirituality and mysticism and these avenues could come to the forefront during this time.  You would do well to listen to the subtle influences being offered as time passes.

If the eclipse falls on one of your angles (MC, Ascendant, IC or DC) these areas of life will be in prime focus during the upcoming time.  The Ascendant suggests personal matters.  The MC represents changes taking place in the occupation.  The DC often speaks of changes within personal relationships or business partnerships and the IC suggests changing conditions with the home and family.

How will you utilize these energies?

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Thursday, 15 September 2016


What personal values are on your priority list?  What is the definition of a “Life of Quality”? 

Our values do help to define us, as these values are normally areas of life that we focus our energy on.  Although the opinions of others should be insignificant to our values, we may ask others what their perceptions are and this might influence our choices.  Do other people’s opinions have an influence on how you are living your life?

Are your priorities set in stone?  Are you flexible according to what you feel is important in life right now, at this moment? 

For most, priorities do seem to change as we mature, but the core focus often does not fluctuate.  If we depend on others to provide us with feedback as to how we are living our lives, then perhaps we need to have a closer and more personal look at what we are doing with our lives.

There is no right or wrong focus, but a change of direction in our attitude and our belief structure can filter into daily living.  We are not here to judge nor are we here to have to defend our way of living.  As a matter of fact if we have to defend our way of living, are we truly living according to our beliefs?  A set course of action based on love and compassion does not need to be defended.

We are creatures of habit and although we can become set in these habits we can also alter them if we so choose.  As soon as we identify an attitude or way of living that does not feel right for our objectives, we can make alterations to that condition to more suite our ever maturing goals in life. 

We are never at the mercy of others and we do not have to live our lives to suit others’ opinions.  The only opinion that matters is our own.  We are solely responsible for our actions and our journey.  If our choices do not match our objectives, are we truly living an authentic life?  What are your own personal goals?

Although we might be veering off of our own set course now and then, it is important to recognize where we are placing our intentions and these intentions will dictate our steps.  If we do not like the path we are walking, we simply need to adjust accordingly.  Set your vibrations to a higher frequency.  How do we do this?  We can devote more time to service to others in need and have gratitude for what life has brought to us thus far.  These are a very good start.

We certainly do manifest our lives according to our focus and efforts.  We also hold the key to any decision making while in that process. 

Are you happy with your journey? If not, what can you change to raise you vibration and feel more gratitude? (No one else can change this for you.)   If you are, keep up the great attitude! 

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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 If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


It is important when delineate an aspect between transiting Neptune to Mercury to take a close look at how Mercury is aspected in the birth chart.  The natal aspect can either soften the transit or challenge it, regardless of what the current transiting aspect is. 

For example, if Mercury is trine to Jupiter, sextile to the Sun and conjunct Venus in the birth chart, any transiting aspect would not be very challenging.  If, however, Mercury is square to Saturn, in opposition to Uranus and also square Neptune, this would cause great stress when activated through transit or progression.  Any aspect to Mercury in the birth chart will also be activated during this transit, especially so if in close aspect by degree of separation in the birth chart. 

It is also necessary to look at the house Neptune is transiting as well as its placement in the birth chart, as this will help define what area of life is being affected.

With this information at hand, a conjunction between Mercury and transiting Neptune can be quite difficult to handle.  As Mercury rules the mind and thinking process, analytical abilities can be misunderstood or unclear.  You can be “way off” in your rational of a situation and restructuring of your life is not recommended until this transit is over.  Decision making can be off and if in business you could not be getting the proper information or someone could be deceiving you.  Others may also have trouble making sense of what you might be trying to convey.

On the positive side of this aspect, the mind is now open to the subtle influences of mystical and inspirational messages from beyond.  You could experience amazing clarity in vision as your mind is more open to such things.  Your intuitive faculties are highlighted and although you might have found something very significant (unless others are in the same vibrational frequency and open to mystical events), you might want to keep this information to yourself as they may simply not be ready to hear what you now understand.

The square between these two planets is similar to when the thinking process is off or vague.  Your mental focus will be off, and what you think you feel may be way off as well.  It is wise not to make any important decisions during this period as mistakes can have profound effects.  You are most likely not seeing things clearly and it is easy to misjudge important matters.  Communication with others has its challenges as well and misinformation can be taken as truth and disillusion could be the result. 

You may also find that you worry about outcomes during this time or feel confused or even depressed.  It is important to recognize that this is as a result of the influence of Neptunian factors and the tests that you are experiencing will eventually lead to clarity and understanding.

The opposition aspect is often related to misinformation or lost communication with others.  Other people are usually involved in the equation.  This could involve partnership, family, friends and acquaintances and even co-workers.  There seems to be misunderstanding and you may have quite the time getting things in proper perspective.  It is usually about communication or false information and it may lead to actions that would not be suggested.  You may jump to conclusions or mistrust others.

The trine and sextile aspects can be very inspirational and offer potential insight into the workings of the subconscious.  You may find answers to questions you have had for quite some time and come to revelations about the workings of the hidden universal language spoken only by the few.  This can be an awakening time and also very noteworthy as you can easily recognize the difference between illusion and creative thinking.  Dreams could also be inspirational and you could use these energies to write a book or go deeper into meditation.  You could also share this information with like-minded individuals and learn from each other.  This can be quite the magical time and an open mind is suggested so that the information can come through.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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