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Thursday, 29 September 2016


It would seem that many of us have been brought into this life to work as healers, some as traditional health care workers such as a doctor or nurse and some as energy workers using hands-on healing modalities (Reiki, EFT, The Bars, etc.).  Some are gifted counselors and therapists and some bring with them psychic abilities and healing qualities brought forward from past lives or God-given talents.  Some use the gift of herbs, plants and nutrition to assist healing and keep the body and mind strong.  Some of us heal through simple gestures and kind words, and this form of healing should never be belittled or considered minor in any way.

There are the few who feel that they have no gift to embrace and nothing to offer.  If you feel this way, review the chatter of ego to rid doubt and maintain a positive mental focus.  We all have our gifts and special talents, and not one of these gifts outweighs any other.  We are all here to help others and to gain in insight and knowledge by practice and sharing our gifts as well as practicing self-healing.  Through selfless healing we not only help others, we are also helping ourselves.

Each of us can aid and lessen in the suffering that is around us using whatever gifts we have been provided.  Many individuals around us struggle (silently and alone).  We can break through this cloak of desolation, fear, pain.....through very simple acts of kindness.

No kind act is inconsequential and anything we do in a positive manner helps to raise the vibration of our existence and these positive waves ripple far beyond our reach. 

Currently, it feels as though we are in the midst of a transition.  Can we not lessen the burden of others by utilizing our personal gifts?  These gifts are meant to shine and be shared.  A gift is no longer a gift if it is locked away for safekeeping.  Humanity exists as one whole unit.  What we do for others, we also do for ourselves.  If we raise the energies of humanity, we are raising our own vibration. 

Let’s bask in the sea of giving and love.

Use our link to become a member of Holm Astrology website.  You will automatically be entered into a CONTEST being drawn January 1, 2016 for a free oracle card reading.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 28 September 2016


Pluto went retrograde on April 18, 2016 when it was in Capricorn at 17 ½ degrees.  It went direct once again on the September 26, 2016 and when it went direct is was almost 15 degrees. 

Pluto is in retrograde for approximately 150 days over the span of one year.  Pluto’s energies are very powerful and its influence begins as a subtle push and often ends with dynamic actions and transformations that often change things forever.  What once was, no longer prevails!

Pluto is defined by its power to raise or provoke matters to the surface and orchestrates action into whatever area of life is being focused on.  Pluto conjunct the Sun is the most powerful of these interactions in the horoscope.  Pluto moves forward approximately one degree per year as a result of it speed of travel and its retrograde motion.

Pluto, when direct, is power and mastery.  It leads!  Pluto in retrograde becomes what could be referred to as a follower.  Pluto’s energies reflect inner strength and the ability to go deep within and at times dig up unwanted matters that actually need to surface.  Pluto calls for these matters and the emotions attached to them to go through whatever it takes to make them work for you regardless of how intrusive its action might be at the moment.  Sacrifice and correct now to reap the benefits in the future.

Pluto leads to what could be referred to as an internal confrontation and uses its energies to force change.  Its energies push you to let go of things that no longer serve a purpose.  When direct, Pluto forces these issues and makes us act.  When in retrograde, often we are undergoing this process subliminally and we make decisions on an internal level which we can put into play when Pluto moves into direct motion once again.

Those individuals that are highly sensitive to the energies around them can feel Pluto’s energies while in retrograde as much as 5 degrees approaching and 2 to 3 degrees separating.  However, in general the most powerful period of Pluto’s influence will be when it is in a 2 degree approaching orb, becoming more powerful until it becomes direct at 0 degrees.

Pluto is highly influential when it is in conjunction or in any other major aspect with another planet.  It is never in retrograde when in conjunction with the Sun, but it is always in retrograde when it is in opposition.  It can be retrograde or direct when aspecting any other planet although its retrograde and direct motion to outer planets does not happen very often because of their slow speed of movement.

Remember that Pluto’s effects are related to power--sometimes power struggles, ego confrontation and sometimes the ability to lead the masses.  If Pluto was in any aspect to any other planets during its retrograde movement, it may now again join up and make these aspects again.  In many cases, the retrograde and direct cycle can affect a given planet three times before the planets or angles finally move out of orb and no longer have an influence.

When deciphering Pluto’s influence in your chart, check to see which house it is transiting, which planets or angles it is making aspects to and also where Pluto resides in your birth chart.  The house position represents the area of life being affected and the planetary energies will be highly affected by Pluto’s energies in passing.  The more challenged Pluto is during transit and the more challenged it is in the natal chart, the greater the chance of disruption on a very influential scale in your life.  The more aspects it makes, the more powerful the influence will be.  This also has affect when Pluto is forming positive aspects in your chart.  Even when the aspects are favourable, the residue from its connections still has some challenging ramification, but its delivery is more subtle and you can work your way through things in a much more gentle nature.

Review how Pluto is affecting your chart and see how it plays out especially if it makes a direct aspect to a natal planet. 

Have an open mind and be ready for change.  Understand that the whole picture will be revealed over time.  Sometimes it takes up to two years before you truly understand what took place as a result of Pluto’s influence.  Patience will be a valuable lesson during this period.   Remember these influences were needed and there will be benefits when all is said and done.

Use our link to become a member of Holm Astrology website.  You will automatically be entered into a CONTEST being drawn January 1, 2016 for a free oracle card reading.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


We are here to speak our truth and whatever you need to express, make sure you are clear and concise.  We all have a special message to share.  Our message may be one of hope; it may be one of potential; it may be one of love.  Whatever that message, do not think of it as meaningless or insignificant.

Your message may stir others to action.  You message may brighten someone’s outlook.  Your message may be the magic that lifts someone up who has hit bottom.  You may never know what you have stirred or what you might have inspired.

Share your message whether it is verbally or through example.  Your message has its place.  How we live, what we do and how we express ourselves always has an impact on others.  That is a big responsibility but we are up to the challenge. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 26 September 2016


Mercury has been retrograde since August 30, 2016.  It went direct on September 22.  We have discussed what Mercury retrograde represents but we have never discussed what to expect from the direct cycle.  Mercury does go retrograde 3-4 times a year remaining retrograde for approximately 20 to 24 days.  The remaining days in the year Mercury is direct.

Mercury is considered a neutral planet and is only activated when connected with some other planetary link.  It reacts in harmonious or discordant ways depending on the energies of the planet that touches it.  Mercury is known as the communicator.  Its energies are linked to the messenger of the gods.  If Mercury is trine (let’s say) to Venus, to Jupiter or to Sun in the natal chart or when making these aspects through transit, Mercury will be activated in a favourable manner.

Transiting Jupiter trine natal Mercury in the 3rd house, for example, may open doors to communication through publication.  Communication could be linked to higher learning through studies with topics such as philosophy, religious doctrines or spirituality.  If this is a natal aspect then the opportunities for success in writing or any communication techniques such as public speaking, or radio broadcasting could be areas of interest and even areas worth exploring.  This is a birth aspect so when it is activated through transit or progression in a favourable manner these avenues of expression may become activated.  Mercury in trine or sextile to the Sun, Venus and Jupiter often brings periods of good luck and opportunities.

Mercury is the planet of the mind and provides us with our ways of thinking.  Much of how the mind operates can be deciphered by Mercury’s links to other planets in the natal chart.  It also rules communication and the same rules apply in the way we talk with others and our style of communication.  The Astrological sign which Mercury is located in within the chart plays a big part in the process as well.

When Mercury is direct, it would be a time to sign agreements, move forward with plans, and in general take action.  When Mercury is retrograde many of these areas seem to be held back; strategies often do not go as planned or there are interruptions to plans that have already been set in motion.  Saturn by aspect can either hinder Mercurial things or bring more stability to them; much depends on the aspect between the two planets. 

Mercury is currently in the sign of Virgo and will remain there until it moves into Libra on October 8, 2016.  When in Virgo, it is a time to organize things in your life, to make any adjustments to your life that will make things run more smoothly, such as using an organizer or daily planner.  Virgo is also about detailed work, making sure all the “t’s” are crossed and the “i’s” are dotted.  If your plans include documentation or orchestrating something of importance, after October 8 (sign of Virgo) might be the time to move ahead in these endeavours.

#Astrology #Mercury #MercuryRetrograde #Direct #Communicate #Mind #Plans #MercuryInVirgo

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 24 September 2016


Subscribe as a member of Holm Astrology at
 and on January 1, 2017, we will draw a winner from ALL of our website members for a free Astrology Oracle Reading valued at $65.00 CDN. The winner will be contacted by email.

Good Luck!

If you host a home party in the Barrie area and have a minimum of four guests (five including the host), the host will receive a free intuitive/psychic oracle card readings. You will not have to wait for the draw in January. At home parties, Oracle Readings are discounted to $60.00 for each participant other than the host.

Astrological oral chart readings can also be received at home parties. The costs of a oral chart reading is $75.00. We require birth information including an accurate time of birth prior to the party for preparation purposes.

#Astrology #OracleReading #Member #FreeReading #HolmAstrology #HomeParties #OralChart #Host

Friday, 23 September 2016

Sun In Libra


The Sun moves into the sign of Libra on the September 23 in 2016. 

Libra is a sign of justice and equality.  Fairness and upholding what is best or desirable is what this sign stands for.  The “right way to live” is important to most Libra people.  This is not only emphasized inwardly and personally for Libra individuals but is also reflected outward to friends and further into culture and then even further to all of the human race.  This is the hallmark of this sign--justice first and fairness to all.

Libra’s ruling planet is Venus and the energy of Venus makes these individuals peaceful, harmony seekers and they are usually very social.  They love to please and will always take the middle ground on most of life’s issue.  In an argument or a difference of opinion, Libran individuals will stand behind both parties as they do not wish to stir the pot by supporting one person’s point of view over another’s, even if their opinion truly does sway in one direction.  They will back each person separately and stand by each one.  If by chance they happen to explore the same subject again when both parties are present together, some Libra individuals would say that they never supported one over the other.  They would try to push the attention away from themselves.  Harmony is the ultimate goal in life for these individuals and they will take whatever route that best accomplishes this purpose.

Libra is an air sign and most Libra people are intellectual by nature.  They enjoy communication although not confrontation.  They would not want to rocks the boat.  Most are very likable and pleasant in their nature.  They are friendly, social and easy to talk with.  Their aim is cooperation and will keep the peace and create harmony in life, as this is of utmost importance.

Their astrological symbol is the scales and this is how they want to live their life.  Life has to be balanced and when the scales are out of balance, life can be chaotic and they become restless.  Libra is not a balanced sign as many would think; Libra is a balancing sign. 

Because Libra is ruled by Venus, partnership and love are important factors in life.  Very few Libra people feel complete until they have met the perfect mate.  It is said that when they are in public, they are very peace-loving and will not rock the boat, but in close personal relationships that they would consider significant, they are not afraid to voice their opinions.  What they say matters and if it rocks the boat, so be but this is only with close personal relationships.  Many can actually be a little nit-picky when it comes to dealing with important partnerships in life.

When reviewing the Sun sign, look also at the house it is in.  Also check where Venus is located by house placement.  These will provide you with a clearer picture of how the Sun is manifested in the Natal chart.  Look also at any aspect from other planets making contact to the Sun.  Also, check on the aspects to Venus as these will provide further identification and also further define personality traits of the individual.  No wonder one Libra individual is so much different than the next Libra individual.  Ah, but this applies to any Sun sign.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 22 September 2016


Were you ever told when you were young to pick your friends wisely as you become what you friends are?

Those that you surround yourself with will certainly have an impact on you.  Not only do others affect us on a mental level, they can also have a bearing on our overall health.  This is not to say that the person who you invite over for coffee and a simple chat will greatly influence your physical conditioning, but they will have an effect on your overall being for that particular moment in time.  It will, of course, be in your hands just how much of an impact you allow them to have on you.

You may find that they have important information that resonated with you on a deep level and you may choose to utilize the information offered.  You will hold some of the dialogue in your conscious mind and you will also retain some of this information on a subconscious level.  Alternatively, you may decide that the conversation held little to no importance to you and you may decide to let most of it go.  How much of that information, however, is unconsciously retained? 

There are individuals, family, friends, co-workers that we spend many hours with throughout a week.  How much influence do they have on us subconsciously?  Their input is quite significant to our evolving story.  Is their influence positive in nature?

Family members are not always our best friends and some we may allow to produce much strife in our lives.  Do we wish them a loving farewell or are they part of our lesson to learn to overcome outside influences? 

To stay or to go is a very personal decision.  If we are able to block out their energies or influence, we are doing a great job.  Toxic relationships, however, can have an impact on our overall health.  No relationship should be allowed to rob us of our health and happiness.  If you find that your relationships need altering, have a look at what you can do to facilitate change on some level.  Remember, however, you cannot change someone else.  If change is to be made, it is up to you to make the adjustment.  If you have done all you can and the relationship is not improving, it is important to understand that you can only change yourself and your outlook.  You cannot force change on someone else.  If they are not willing to do the work, you have a decision to make.

On the other side of the coin, there are those relationships that simply feel good.  You feel wonderful sharing time and energy with these individuals.  Hold these relationships close and enjoy the experience.  They may be a passing encounter or a lifelong blessing.  No matter their length, they are precious. 

Each of our various relationships throughout life will offer many things and on many levels.  Do not take these relationships for granted, regardless of the challenging conditions that occur from time to time.  They are special and we are fortunate to experience them.  Some will be with us for a life time while others will have to leave far too our opinion. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit