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Friday, 25 November 2016


Jupiter is in the sign of Libra between 13 and 23 degrees from the end of November, 2016 to October 2017.  Jupiter will turn retrograde on February 6, 2017. 

While Jupiter is direct, it offers opportunities and good luck when connected with the Sun especially by Sextile, Trine or Conjunction.  When Jupiter is in Square or Opposition to the Sun, the opportunities are still present but you may have to push your way through some obstacles before you get the desired result.  The only Planet that is adversely affected to any degree is Saturn. 

Jupiter promises abundance and an optimistic approach to any projects that are undertaken while in direct motion.  It provides you with the sense that no matter what way you turn the outcome has potential.  The main problem with Jupiter in direct motion is overindulgence and a feeling that nothing can go wrong.

When Jupiter moves into retrograde motion beginning on February 6, 2017 and ending on June 9, 2017, Jupiter sometimes denies the luck and abundance that is mostly apparent during the direct motion.  It still provides an ability to achieve what you have set out to do, but not without some work on your part.  Its energies are similar to that of Saturn during retrograde motion, potentially putting up roadblocks and barriers to cross before achievement is possible.  It suggests that you do the work required to put something in motion and that it may take a little longer for you to succeed than anticipated.  In some cases things begin to move forward once the retrograde cycle is over.  Jupiter’s stationary position will be the most powerful. 

It is not advisable to move forward on a new project while Jupiter is retrograde but you can still achieve if it is something that is already in motion before the retrograde cycle begins.

When Transiting Jupiter is making an aspect to the Sun in your natal chart, you may feel so good about life’s plans that you feel as though you could just sit back and let life lead.  This is much more possible with the sextile than with the trine but it would be a much better idea to work on moving forward as this is an opportune time to make things happen, especially if Jupiter is in direct motion.  Do not waste the opportunity by sitting back and letting!

You may find that you feel quite healthy and even robust during this period.  Watch for putting on weight, and remember Jupiter expands all that it touches.  Set yourself up with an exercise program that you can follow and watch what you eat; be healthy.  Your energies might be higher than normal and you may find that you are more inclined to want to go for hikes, and attend sporting events, either as a spectator or actually participating.

If Jupiter is square the Sun, this is still an opportune time although you may feel restrained and tested during this period.  If you put forth the extra work efforts, however, you can still achieve what you set out to do. 

Watch for any feelings of over optimism or extravagance as spending can be a problem under this influence.  You may regret what you do under this influence so make sure that you are thinking in long terms and review the results of your plans before taking action. 

The opposition is usually suggestive of other people setting things in motion and in some way affecting you.  Watch for the carefree husband or wife that goes on a spending spree and you as their spouse might even encourage this.  They may be the ones making suggestions that are a little extravagant and out of proportion for what your needs might actually be.

In general, this will be an opportune time even when transiting Jupiter makes challenging aspects to the Sun as well as when it is retrograde.  Take advantage of these energies.  Remember your Sun can be within 4 degrees either side of Jupiter’s degree throughout its transit and its energies will still be in effect.  When Jupiter is direct to the Sun (same degree), the energies are the strongest.

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading?   All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a draw to win a free reading on January 1, 2017.  Become a member at for your chance to win.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Thursday, 24 November 2016


The centre of our being is a consciousness not defined by ego.  Our consciousness is ever lasting and knows no boundaries.  Some call this consciousness our soul.  Some call it our God consciousness.  Others call it our inner self.  No matter what we name it, it is our core.

You are directly connected to this inner energy and it represents the fundamental principles of who we are at the deepest level of understanding.  This consciousness is reachable even with the limitations of our human existence.  It lies in wait for a true conscious connection.  In recognition of its existence, we awaken to our true selves... our true complete and full selves.  Nothing is lacking.  There never was anything missing, other than the knowledge or recognition of this wholeness.

This inner self holds all knowledge.  It understands our journey.  If we care to listen and experience our inner consciousness, we will see the simplicity in all things... the natural state. 

This consciousness is aligned with source for it is source.  This holds each and every one of us within its being, for truly we are all one. 

In human form and with our attachment to ego, we feel that we are individuals, each separate from our connection with Source and the moment.  When we are connected to this inner consciousness, we recognize that we are one and indivisible.  When we open ourselves to this inner consciousness and silence the mind, we align ourselves with the whole.  We recognize that we can see and feel beyond the chaos and feel source inspired, source connected and source defined.

Be automatically entered into a draw to WIN a free oracle card reading to be drawn January 1, 2016 by becoming a member of the Holm Astrology website.  Enter at 

You can obtain more information on Astrology and our charts at

 Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


We are continuing our post from November 21, 2016 looking at the energies and trends for the next year for those with their Sun in Sagittarius.   For details and characteristics specific to Sun in Sagittarius please visit 

Uranus and the Sun will be in trine with one another in the upcoming year.  Uranus will be in Aries between 20 and 28 degrees.  If you have your Sun between these degrees you will feel the energies of this trine.  Remember you will feel the impact even if you expand these degrees by as much as 5 degrees either side.

Trines speak of opportunities and easy flow.  They are what we wait for in life.  Uranus nearly always speaks in terms of breaking free of restriction and changing direction.  This period can be a good time for this.  Remember to look at the natal aspects in your birth chart to ascertain the best potential.  You may seek out new ideas and new people that will bring about a needed change of direction.  Astrology and spiritual insight are often sidelines of Uranus; the awakening itself is tied to the planet Uranus.  Allow your consciousness to expand and stay open to all new ideas coming into your life.

As the Sun is also linked to your vitality, this is a good time to make changes to your overall well-being.  Begin a new exercise programmes and eating healthier but this will not hurt anyone.  Any habits that have been bad for you can now be released, and you can start something new.  This will be a very fruitful year as long as you are willing to make creative changes.  If you feel the urge to change, allow these changes to take place.  Do not stagnate.  Uranus calls for change and offers you the opportunity to make these changes.  If you refuse to make the necessary changes, Uranus will often bring them about in a much more abrupt manner than if you had initiated the changes right from the get go.

Neptune will square your Sun during this next year if your Sun is between 9 and 14 degrees Sagittarius.  Neptune can be rather illusive in its behaviour but can also lead to enlightenment.  Make sure that during this upcoming year you are viewing life clearly.  Do not put on blinders and do not try to escape from adverse conditions without at least acknowledging their existence.  Neptune can stand in the way of your ideals and goals in life by making you unsure of what direction to take, or by making you feel insecure about these plans. 

Make sure you take good care of yourself during this time as stressful conditions can be quite taxing on you.  Believe in yourself!  There is nothing more important at this time.

You may find that things that you set out to do earlier, now may not meet your overall expectations or requirements.  This does not mean that you should give up.  Keep pushing forward and believe in yourself.  But do not speculate or take chances.  Make sure you have weighed things out before plunging in head first.  Take the necessary time to study any given situation.  

Do not withdraw into yourself.  This can lead to loneliness and isolation.  Examine yourself, as well as your goals and aspirations, and then see what you can do to manifest these.  Be willing to put in the effort required.  Being lazy and expecting life to do all the work is never a good choice.

Transiting Pluto will be making a semi-sextile to your natal Sun if your Sun is between 15 and 19 degrees Sagittarius.  Semi-sextiles are similar in their action to sextiles as they do provide you with some potential and good luck.  This aspect also provides some easy flow.  You will be more apt to be in the right place at the right time and making things work because of this.  So if opportunities come your way make sure you take advantage of them.  It is not the time to sit back and do nothing. 

Pluto’s energies push transformation and this could include your life goals and your own unfolding as an individual.  Chances are that you will come to know yourself in greater detail after Pluto has crossed paths with you.  You might not always like what you see, but now will be the time to purge anything you do not like and get rid of it once and for all.  Pluto wants you to be honest with yourself and insists that you take a close look.  There is always room for improvement.  Now is the time for observation and to utilize what you have observed.  What a great opportunity!

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading?  All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a contest to win a free reading on January 1, 2017.  Become a member at for your chance to win.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Sometimes, we stand at the proverbial threshold and are hesitant to take a step through.  Why?  Something holds us back and as a result, we are held in a state of limbo.  Is it due to our frame of mind?  Could it be our belief structures? 

Do we have a hard time moving beyond limited visions?  Does this result from fear? 

What can we do for ourselves or for others who have opened the door but are reluctant to step through?

It can be difficult to watch someone we love resisting their journey.  We cannot actually do anything to help them move forward as this is solely their decision.  Most of us wish to help others with their struggles; however, the issue cannot be resolved by does not sit with us; it rests with them.

In the pursuit of spiritual growth, we have to allow others to experience their own journey.  Pushing them, if they are not ready to take that step, may only hinders their progress.  Everyone must be in a position of allowing before they can make their own personal moves.  We can remind them of ego and the fight to gain control of their thoughts and attitudes, but progress can only comes from their own efforts.

When people are influenced by ego, they usually are not aware of it influences or the choices available to move beyond ego.  Most people “own” the voice within that tells them they are not worthy, they are stupid, and they are useless.  They do not realize that this is not a part of them.  Making people aware of ego can be a touchy subject.  Our suggestions must come from genuine caring, from the heart without any involvement from our own ego.

We must remind ourselves that everyone moves at their own speed.  Rather than focus our sights on where others are in their journey, we will do far better by focusing on where we are in our own personal journey.  Be the light that brightens the path.  When we are in touch with our true nature the only thing that shines forth is truth.  When truth lights are path, we do not even have to explain what it is that might help others.  The information will be obvious for those ready to see. 

One tiny step over the threshold may feel like a hundred.  The information and understanding coming to us can feel so intense that where we once stood (one step back) has been left behind permanently.  We would never want to return to ego’s control and the confusion it provides.  Each step forward brings further enlightenment.  This is a feeling, a knowing.  It is not just information nor is it simple understanding.

If you are asked, it is fine to remind others of what is buried deep within.  Our prime focus should be personal which in turn will brilliantly light the path. 

May you experience the knowing and may it perpetually expand.

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading?  All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a contest to win a free reading on January 1, 2016. Become a member at for your chance to win.

#Astrology #Awaken #knowing #acceptance #truth #ego #shine

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 21 November 2016

Sun in Sagittarius 2016-2017 Predictions Part I

The Sun moves into the sign of Sagittarius on November 22, 2016.  For details and characteristics specific to Sun in Sagittarius please visit  As we did with Scorpio this year, we are going to take a closer look at what Sagittarius individuals might expect over the next year as opposed to focusing on the characteristic traits of Sun in Sagittarius.

Transiting Jupiter (the ruling planet of Sagittarius) will make a sextile to your Sun if you have the Sun between 11 degrees and 29 degrees Sagittarius in your birth chart.  Jupiter will make this sextile within these degrees from November 22, 2016 to October 11, 2017.  Transiting Jupiter then moves into the sign of Scorpio and forms a semi-sextile to your natal Sun if you have the Sun up to and including 9 degrees Sagittarius.
Sextiles speak of opportunities and often brings good luck attributed to reaching your goals and manifesting your objectives.  It speaks of being in the right place at the right time.  Sometimes opportunities seem to fall in your lap with little effort on your part, or they speak of opportunities that you have take advantage of. 

Sagittarius speaks in terms of spiritual awakening, insight and inspiration as well as an optimistic approach to the goals you set for yourself.

This period allows you to move in your intended direction and suggests that now may be the time to push ahead towards these objectives.  You might find that there are people who seem to assist you in reaching these goals, as your relationships with others are quite good, especially with people in authority.  It is okay to think big during this time as long as your goals are not too elevated and unreachable.  You may find that this is a great period of growth if you keep within the confines of what is possible, but do reach high.  You have the opportunity to go far.

Saturn will be in the sign of Sagittarius between 16 degrees and 26 degrees in this upcoming year.  This year marks a conjunction between your Sun and Saturn if you have your Sun close to these degrees.  You can always allow about 5 degrees on either side to establish a conjunction.  A conjunction brings the energies of the planets together and makes them work as one.  The conjunction is the most powerful of the astrological aspects and speaks of intensity and emphasis.

Your Sun and Saturn together, depending on the overall condition of your Sun in the birth chart, (always look at the overall condition of the planets involved) can either bring times when you realize your ambitions or times of challenging conditions.  It signifies a time for success if you have taken the necessary steps to fulfill the obligations required in making things happen.  You need to have prepared and set the stage so that failure is not part of the equation.  If you have missed any steps along the way you may have to rethink things and either start anew or make significant changes before you move any further forward.

This is more of a time for finishing off projects than a time of beginning new ones, although this is not to say that you cannot set the proper foundation for things to come.  If, however, you have a few more steps to take, now will be the time to take them.  Be sure to do it right. 

Patience will be a lesson during this time.  You may find that there are obstacles to overcome in pursuing these goals, but with perseverance you can make things happen.  You will need a concentrated effort to accomplish whatever you set out to do.  Do not allow yourself to become dismayed if things seem tough.  The harder you work towards an end, the greater the results.  If you fail or fall short, pick up the pieces and begin anew.  It is okay to cut your losses.

We will continue our look at the upcoming year for those with a Sagittarius influence on November 23, 2016.

Would you like a chance to WIN a free oracle card reading?  All members of Holm Astrology will be entering into a contest to win a free reading on January 1, 2017.  Become a member at for your chance to win.

#Astrology #Sagittarius #opportunity #goodluck #inspiration #foundation #hardwork  

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Friday, 18 November 2016


The North Node in your birth chart defines that path set forth at birth for you to follow. 

The South Node identifies where you came from in a previous incarnation and/or what you have brought forward into this life that you can use to help you in your life’s quest as described by your North Node. 

The Nodes also speak in terms of important people entering your life and how they can assist you in moving towards your true destiny. 

The South Node can be a little too comfortable because it is a place that you not only know from experience, but may wish to return to as it offer familiarity which feels secure and comfortable.  The North Node is unknown territory and may feel uncomfortable and seem very foreign, but you are meant to follow this path as it has been put in place for you to experience and gain insight and momentum on your evolutionary path.

The Nodes are always 180 degrees apart, so having a North Node in Scorpio means that you have a South Node in Taurus.  With the South Node in Taurus, you understand what it means to work hard for your end results.  There is a want for security and stability in life and a certain fixity in your nature.  You expect this to follow you in life.  However, the desire for things to remain stable and secure can stifle the need to learn through life’s experience.  With this example, the finances and material abundance were well in place in your previous life and you have brought with you the ability to assist others in this manner, although financial success may not be that important this time around.  Areas such as a financial assistant or dealing with banking facilities fit right up your alley because of the ingrained knowledge you have on these subjects.

In this example, you may find that there will be times when you experience financial setbacks as you are learning to let go of security in financial terms and are here to uncover your greater potential which resides in the spiritual realms of experience and mystical pursuits.  The occult/mysticism and its teachings are where you are heading in this life.  There are often periods of self-examination resulting in changes that take place in life and sometimes in dramatic and profound ways.  This is considered an intense position and the passions are heightened, sexuality is important and morality is deep in personal ways.  These are all lessons prescribed by the higher self in this incarnation.

There may be potential in areas related to research and investigative practices.  The mind runs deep and penetrating insight is often a link found with this North Node positioning.  The need to probe deep into the unknown is strong and you must learn to adapt to life’s conditions as your life transforms.  You have great staying power and have the ability to meet any demands placed on you from outside influences as well as any internal work placed on you that needs to unfold.  You are very resilient and possess powerful recuperative potential.  Your will is where you find strength and you can withstand most anything that is in your way.  It is best for others not to interfere when you are going through changes; you need to figure things out for yourself and adapt to the calling of life. 

You will also find that your go through periods of re-birth and the end of previous conditions and then the beginning of new ones.  Once you finish with something or someone, it usually suggests that the time is complete and something new is about to unfold.  The change is deep and personal and usually permanent.  If there is a need for regeneration on some level, then the process is complete and the ultimate change is a desired one although not often an easy one.  Transformation and absolute change is part of the process and it is better to move with the current of change than fight against it because of the need for security and steadiness.  

Be automatically entered into a draw to WIN a free oracle card reading to be drawn January 1, 2016 by becoming a member of the Holm Astrology website.  Enter at 

#Astrology #Surrender #Faith #Control #Release #LifeLessons #Allow

You can obtain more information on Astrology and our charts at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please