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Saturday, 29 April 2017


Holm Astrology offers free intuitive oracle card readings for hosts of any home parties.

Invite a minimum of four guests (five including the host) for parties held in and around the City of Barrie. The minimum number of guests is negotiable outside the Barrie area. We do travel to the City of Toronto.

All guests of the home parties receive a one-on-one minimum 30 minute private reading at a discounted rate of $60.00 each. As a thank you to our host, their reading is free!

These parties are quite popular and can be a night out or an afternoon "tea".

Contact to book your party or to obtain more details.

Friday, 28 April 2017


We have been asked to explain how the timing (of the outer transits to natal placements in the horoscope) for forecasting works. 

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto transit the heavens very slowly.  Pluto and Neptune only move 1 to 3 degrees each year.  The normal influence of transits of the outer planets to natal placements (ascendant and midheaven) and Planets is approximately 3 to 5 degrees approaching and then usually 2 degrees separating. 

The influence of these planets is often subtle as they approach.  The energies then intensify as the planets move closer to being direct with the natal placements.  When the transiting planets are within 1 degree of orb in aspect to these natal placements, their influence intensifies and becomes quite apparent.  When the transiting planets are within tight orb, (1 degree or less) look to transiting Mars, the progressed Moon and even the transiting Sun as they stir up activity in the areas of life (houses) that are being activated.  Transiting Uranus when exact often creates some action in the area of life that is being affected, even by itself (no other triggers required such as Mars, the Moon or the Sun).

These triggering factors will make an aspect to the natal planet being affected by the transiting outer planet and activate or cause something to occur.  This will tighten the timing factor significantly and is used in conjunction with the solar (return of the sun to birth position) chart for the year in question to ascertain a common denominator for what might potentially be happening in the life of the individual commissioning the chart. 

You must also take into consideration what other natal planets are connected to the natal planet being transited by these outer planets.  If there are other factors in the natal chart, say for example that transiting Pluto is conjuncting your natal Venus and Venus natally is aspected by Mars and Saturn, the transit of Pluto will also affect these aspecting planets.  The influence of Pluto will not be over until it is out of orb with Mars and Saturn as well (in the example).

When taking all of these triggers into consideration, predicting a time when action or internal adjustment might take place will be quite accurate.  If you use this method, it narrows down the time frame even though the affects of the outer planetary influence is in effect for the whole period of time.  Using these secondary influences, we will have a much better idea of when events should take place.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 27 April 2017


If someone were stand in front of you holding out their hand for assistance, what would your response be?  How would you react?  What could you do to help?  If the person facing you were of a vindictive nature, would you answer be different than if it were a gentle individual?  Would your help for the first personality type ever be enough?

Does not everyone deserve help if they reach out for assistance?  Have we walked a mile in their shoes to understand why they react the way they do in life?  If we turn our backs, is our reaction not compounding their infamous character traits?  Do you have something significance to offer them that might not only change the current issues but help them to refocus their general attitude towards life?

If we decide to help, we never have to go overboard in presenting our advice or opinion.  We can simply state our opinion in a gentle manner.  Dealing with frustration or anger with force never has a good outcome.  Honesty has great value, and love and compassion are invaluable. 

You can only say or do what feels appropriate.  Sometimes it may feel as though you have not found the right method but it is always up to those asking for assistance as to what course of action they themselves will take. 

These individuals have been sent to you for a reason and you can only do your best.  Perhaps the lesson is as much for you and is it would be for them.  Could the lesson be “we cannot help everyone”, or “we can only help those who truly want our help contrary to their asking” or could it be “just a little attention and affection solves much”? 

No matter what the lesson may end up being, never jeopardize you own wellbeing but your own personal lessons of compassion and love can be greatly developed by reaching out to those that no one else wants to.  It is always a personal choice.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


On April 26, 2017, we will enjoy the energies of a New Moon in the sign of Taurus at 6 degrees.  Those with angles or planets particularly in conjunction to this degree will certainly feel the influence.  The actual aspect in your chart will define how the energies will be unleashed for you.  The conjunction, square and opposition usually suggest some turmoil or struggle, while the sextile and trine suggest opportunities and easy flow.

The energies of the new Moon are linked to planning (planting seeds) and moving forward to initiate action and to set things in motion.  The Full Moon on the other hand is the culmination of action taken during the New Moon phase (the harvest so to speak).

On an internal level, Taurus’ energies are taking a steadfast approach to life’s challenging conditions and by doing so, you can create on solid footings, and will be able to stand the test of time.  This could be accomplished through acts of communication, inner reflection and social contact with those that are able to understand the complexities that stem from within.

On a physical level, Taurus seeks and strives to secure their future through financial acquisition, saving their hard earned money and laying the foundation that will withstand the future.  If by chance you find yourself in a position of potential advancement during this New Moon phase, now may be the time to step forward and let those in authority know that you want to move ahead and help build a solid future for the company you work for.  Some will get promotions and others will get recognition for their efforts.  The overall outcome, however, may depend on the aspects in effect within your personal chart.  If the aspects in force are challenging, you will have to work hard to accomplish advancements and you may run into some snags along the way, but you should still proceed and push forward.

Taurus is also a sensitive sign linked to the sensual aspects of life.  It is ruled by the planet Venus.  If you find that you are in love, this might be the time to make that proposal, or set in motion what needs to take place to secure the relationship.  If you are already married and the relationship has been under stress, this might be a good time to work towards a conclusion that benefits both parties. 

The steps you take now will bloom over time and often when the Full Moon is in the same sign (Taurus) that could be the time that you finalize any actions taken during the New Moon phase.  Take advantage of the energies at hand and use them to your advantage.  Take the steps now to build something solid.  You will reap the benefits in time.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Periodically throughout our life’s journey there will be times when it seems like everything is coming at us.  It seems that no matter which way we turn challenging conditions come out of nowhere. 

These are tests of our beliefs, our resolve and our commitment.  If these cannot be challenged, how can they be forth having?  If we can find solace in these, they are real and worthy of our commitment.

There may be times when events and emotions feel too difficult, and we may want to let go or run from these complications.  We understand the process and even though we believe that good things are just around the next corner, we may feel as though we do not have enough determination to make it though.  Part of us tells us to push our way through and another part says to give in or let go. 

Letting go is not giving in.  It takes faith to let go and allow.  If we have done all we can do and there seems to be no reprieve, then letting go and letting God/Source/Higher Energy (call this whatever is comfortable for us) is always an option.  There are some individuals who completely live their lives this way recognizing that life happens the way it does for a reason and we are not at the mercy of life, although it appears this way.  We have to let go to connect with our higher relationships which includes the one within.

This is not a weakness.  The leap of faith takes strength.  Reaching out and recognizing our connection with source is a valuable lesson.
Life surely does take us down many different roads; some are very difficult to navigate.  At times we run up against what appears to be dead ends or unscalable walls.  When the wall is too high to climb, we can find ways to tear it down or be lifted over.  We should not be afraid or ashamed to ask for help but if we do, we must be open to the answers that come our way.  The answers may not always be what we may be expecting or want to hear.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 24 April 2017


If you were born between mid-1957 to mid-1972, you are the Pluto in Virgo generation, give or take a few months either side of this time frame, as Pluto went retrograde during this period (appearing to move backwards in the heavens). 

This generation may be somewhat obsessive about their health and cleanliness.  They are intensely interested in keeping their body in top shape if they are able, through rigorous exercise routines and proper diet.  This may vary, however, depending on what house Pluto is in within their natal chart and the aspects applied to Pluto.

Virgo can become obsessively involved in many things, as they have great analytical perception and the ability to uncover life’s minute details.   

In general, most Pluto in Virgo individuals find their working life rather important to them and they push themselves trying to find perfection and uncovering all the minute flaws within the working environment.  Some prefer to remain in the background rather than being up front and getting all of the attention.  Behind the scenes analytical and research work will suit most individuals born with this combination.  They would make excellent detectives and specialists in fields such as psychology, parapsychology and virtually any field that requires deep concentration and deep focus.  They are usually absorbed in their work and comfortable in knowing that they are doing their best.  Doing their best is a compulsive need and this is why they are highly sought after in the working environment.

These individuals are inwardly intense, analysing themselves, identifying flaws and could become overly critical of themselves and others to the point of obsession, yet have difficulty accepting criticism.  When angered they usually become quite heated yet they can keep most of what they feel inside.  They need to find a way to release this pent up anger and stop worrying over issues.  This can lead to health related issues as life progresses, especially nervous conditions.  Rigorous exercise such as running, the martial arts, and anything that pushes the body and releases the mind from the day’s activities will assist in letting go of these feelings.  Gentle exercise routines such as Yoga, Tie-Chee can also do wonders for these individuals.  Without such physical release, restrictions and dis-ease in the body can occur.

These people are inwardly intense and need deep study as there is a yearning for understanding any subject in great detail, especially themselves.  A profession in research, institutional occupations or working in government positions would be of interest to these individuals.  They make good counsellors, pharmaceutical engineers, and mechanics, anything related to detailed work.

There may also be an interest in all hidden matters, such as the occult and the fields of metaphysics.  Any mystery holds their interest and they are great at solving deep internalized issues in others.  Most at some point in their lives will redirect their energy outward after transforming their lives, through self-actualization techniques, but not until they have completed a compulsory self-study and understand entirely what makes them tick.  Once they make this transformation to a higher sense of being, there is great healing power in many of these individuals.  They can use this gift to assist others and help them overcome many of their life’s deficiencies.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Lunar Node Astrology Chart

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have questions or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit