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Tuesday, 23 January 2018


Many of us carry out various practices such as meditation, energy healing, delineating synchronicities and self-help techniques that add to enlightenment and awareness in our lives.  These are all viable practices and are certainly a tool to assist us to progress and grow.  These are not a want; they are a need.
When we are focused on the intent to continue forward and believe in what we are doing, the energies unfold and the changes and awareness are enhances.  Enjoy and truly experience the process, whatever this may encompass.  Those individuals that simply go through the motions or do it because they believe it is what is needed may notice little advancement from a personal perspective although they are still advancing in general terms.  Once we open the door, advancement is always part of the process.

We can never go back to where we once where or to whom we once were prior to this transition.  Our eyes have been opened.  I am quite certain that most of us would prefer to walk towards the light of awareness and be taught the lessons that bring enlightenment, no matter how difficult. 

Many of us are guilty of the lack of patience and the journey, in many cases, is slow and can be somewhat tedious at times.  Patience is obviously one of the important lessons.  If, however, you take the time to look back even over one year, you will come to the conclusion that much has changed and you are moving along rather nicely.

The more you are in line with the steps to move ahead and enjoy the lessons that are required, the greater the advancement.  The more you go with the flow, the better the results.  You have to want to succeed and appreciate the steps that are taking place in your life. 

There are countless individuals that are sleeping and feel no need to move beyond their current level of life.  This is certainly their choice and may be an important lesson in their life. 

If you are reading this, however, you have a stirring within.  Do not become complacent.  Recognize the honour in sharing life with those around you.  Open up to the gifts that are available to you.  Never waste an opportunity.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 22 January 2018


In astrological terms, a conjunction of Transiting Saturn to Natal Saturn happens around the 29th, the 58th and the 87th birthdays.  Any of these Saturn conjunctions to its natal positioning is known as the Saturn Return. 

The house position of Saturn in the natal chart describes the area of life that is emphasized during this aspect and the sign position (currently Capricorn, January 2018) describes what some of the characteristics might be.  Any natal aspects to this position will also have an influence on what takes place and how the energies unfold.  The influence of the conjunction can take as much as one year to complete as sometimes Saturn will go into retrograde and pass over the same degree again (within 8 degrees approaching and 5 degrees separating) before it completes its cycle.

If Saturn is challenged in the natal chart (squares, oppositions, and many conjunctions and to a lesser degree semi-squares, quincunxes and Sesquiquadrates) this period can be quite difficult.  Many do find that the first return of Saturn to its natal positioning in particular to be quite difficult.  Saturn does have a reputation for making things challenging and seems to test our resilience but also rewards us for hard and diligent efforts.

The conjunction of transiting Saturn to its natal positioning is often a pivotal time in our life’s journey.  It often a very important time and herald’s life changes like never before (especially with the first return of Saturn).  Quite often the time leading up to this return cycle can be tumultuous but much depends on how you have been living your life up to this point.  This is often a time of great change and often our view on life significantly alters because of life’s circumstances that seem to be out of our control. 

At this time (January 2018) transiting Uranus is squaring this position and pushing for change in rather dynamic ways.  If you are experiencing this aspect after January, 2018, you may not feel so impacted by life events that are out of your hands, because Uranus will be out of the orb of influence.

Quite often people speak of changes in relationships and changes within the working environment.  Some move out of the parental home (usually at the first return at 29 yrs old) and take up residence somewhere else.  Others buy their first home or sell their house and move into another house.  Some finish their schooling (although many go through this process around the age 21-22 when the last square of Transiting Saturn to its natal position is in force).  One thing is for certain, the person you were and the life you were living prior to your Saturn Return will be significantly changed over the course of a year or two.  What you are looking for in life will have changed too but in a positive manner.  You are now setting yourself up for the future as this seems important at this time in your life.

Things in life that warrant change are subject to great scrutiny, and your evaluation of these conditions is actually what creates this change of direction.  You may feel that you are somehow at the mercy of life right now, but in reality, the changes that are now beginning to settle or have just begun are a requirement in life as a shift is required.  It is best to move forward with some anticipation but also to prune away anything in your life that has become dormant and/or no longer serves a real purpose.  This could be particularly true in areas related to your occupation and goals in life as Saturn is currently in Capricorn.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 20 January 2018


Holm Astrology offers free intuitive oracle card readings for hosts of home parties.

Invite a minimum of four guests (five including the host) for parties held in and around the City of Barrie area to qualify for the host’s fee reading. The minimum number of guests is negotiable outside the Barrie area. We do travel to the City of Toronto.

All guests of the home parties receive a one-on-one minimum 30 minute private reading at a discounted rate of $60.00 each. As a thank you to our host, their reading is free!

These parties are quite popular and can be an evening out for your guests or an afternoon "tea". 

We have been asked what an Oracle card reading is.  Tarot cards for example are oracle but they speak a language specific to Tarot and that is the language the reader has studied.  Holm Astrology uses Astrology symbol cards which speak the language of Astrology.  This is the native language of this Astrologer.  It is the reader’s job to translate the message of the oracle cards to the language understood by the client.

Contact  to book your party or to obtain more details.

Friday, 19 January 2018


The Sun moves into the sign of Aquarius on January 21 in 2018.  This post will be a character reference to those with this Sun sign and also for those with an ascendant of Aquarius. 

There are a few differences between the Ascendant in Aquarius and the Sun in Aquarius, the main difference being that the Ascendant (for all signs) is our expression to the world, which can include our appearance.  Our Sun sign is our expression but this expression comes from internally, our true core self.  Those that do not know us well may not recognize the inner person.  The Sun is also more closely tied to our goals and aspirations.

Keep this in mind when reading this highlight on Aquarius.  This information will also apply but to a much lesser degree if your Sun is located in the eleventh house, which is naturally ruled by Aquarius. 

There is something that is unique, even unconventional, about the character of an Aquarian.  This can be expressed in the way these individuals dress, especially those with Aquarius rising but above all else, it is expressed in their definition of character.  Many Aquarius individuals appear to be rather aloof in their behaviour.  They march to the beat of their own drum and are quite comfortable with this, at least as they age.  In early life they may have realized their differentness and may not have felt comfortable in their skin as with most young individuals.

Many Aquarians have a difficult time expressing their emotional side unless of course there are other moderating aspects within the birth chart, particularly aspects to the Moon or the sign of the Moon.  If the Moon is in one of the water signs, the emotional side of these individuals might be more out in the open, although not so much if in the sign of Scorpio. 

Aquarius individuals will focus their attention towards humanity as a whole and are deeply concerned in moving people out of their complacency into the light of a new self-expression. 

Aquarians can be rather eccentric in their mannerisms, are open to new and interesting concepts although not easily swayed by popular opinion.  These individuals would rather walk the road never travelled than follow others blindly.  Aquarians are open hearted, open minded and expressive when they are speaking or listening to something that holds their interest. 

Astrology is right up their alley as well as scientific exploration, modern technology and anything that could be considered forward thinking. 

They are intellectuals who prefer to use their mental capabilities in problem solving rather than gut instinct, although some are intuitive and meditative.  Aquarius is the sign of the water bearer, meaning that they pour the water of knowledge over the world.  They want to contribute in some grand plan to help with the shift taking place in our world.  They could also be leaders in this evolutionary new order slowing gaining momentum in society.

Aquarius is an air sign which suggests intellectual abilities and farsightedness.  They are also a fixed sign suggesting that they can be opinionated and not easily swayed.  They are, however, curious and learning anything that could be considered different in some way attracts their attention. 

It has been said that equality and fairness are the hallmarks of this sign and they do not focus on race, religion or colour.  To an Aquarian, we are all equal and we all walk this road of life as one.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 18 January 2018


 The journey to self-realization has many steps but getting to know and understand yourself is a challenging yet very satisfying journey.  It is one of wonder as we slowly release all of the ego (conscious or unconscious) alignments that have been influencing us most of our lives.  Some of these traits were learned in very early childhood, and we have identified with them and believe that they are a part of who we are.

This is where the difficulties arise.  We actually believe that these learned traits are a part of our true selves, our true identity.  This belief can be painful.  If we recognize that they have never been a part of the true self, they can easily be acknowledged and released with little to no pain or suffering.  Most people spend much of their lives identifying with these qualities and then when and if they come to recognize these traits, they feel that they have to battle to remove a part of themselves. 

In reality, these have never been a part of them.  They are simple a habit or learned belief.

We have to accept these habits but see them for what they are.  Let them go and watch how the real core energy shines through.  The real person has always been there yet frequently denied or overlooked because of ego’s intent on directing our lives.  We are not at the mercy of ego.  Ego can be an interference or it can be a positive benefit, depending on the focus.  Ego’s proper place is at our side providing us with confidence but not arrogance to move forward.

Allowing our core person to shine through does not have to be painful.  Realization and getting into the moment are wonderful experiences and very gratifying.  These are great initial steps.  We have to remind ourselves that we are spirit having a human experience, living a temporary earthly existence. Our higher state of consciousness is ever present, as is our alignment with source.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Transiting Saturn has a tendency to make things a little difficult while it transits different houses in our charts (each house represents specific areas of life).  Saturn makes things difficult when it aspects other planets and luminaries and also when it aspects the angles and even the house cusps in our charts.  Saturn has difficult, yet valuable lessons to teach.

Transiting Saturn is now in Capricorn (as of January 2018) and is opposing the Moon.  As a result, the energies of the Moon are affected if you have your natal moon in the sign of Cancer. 

Transiting Saturn is at home in the sign of Capricorn, as Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn.  It works well in areas of business, careful and serious studies, as well as with certain goals in life.  These goals should be far reaching and long range goals, not goals that you wish to accomplish quickly.

When in opposition, this often signifies that other people will be involved somehow, (often the energies come from someone else or the action is initiated by someone else).  The energies are challenging and the emotions will run high. 

Moon in Cancer, as mentioned, is very sensitive but especially sensitive towards the family, the children and anyone needing to be nurtured.  If, for example, this opposition involves one of your children then you would be having difficulty protecting them or they might be challenging your authority. 

You may find that although you feel very emotional, part of you will want to control your emotions during this period.  This is not an easy task for someone with their Moon in Cancer as often you may find that you back off, when in fact you should be pushing forward.  In most cases, you should be standing your ground and do what must be done, as being strict and steadfast in your approach might be just what Saturn is requiring of or teaching you.  Remember Saturn is the teacher and the disciplinarian.

It undoubted will not be an easy lesson to learn; however, if you need to take a stand, in the long haul, it will work in your favour.  Perhaps, in the immediate moment it will not feel as though it is working too well. 

Saturn does offer rewards for conscientiousness and careful planning.  Take time to plan out the steps you need to take.  It is highly suggested that you evaluate your circumstances and plan and prepare. 

If you find that you are fighting back from an emotional standpoint, you may find yourself on the losing end of these lessons (for the time being).  Give it your best shot to react with the passion that resides in your emotional nature.  Respond in kindness and with loving affection, if the potential exists, that is.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 16 January 2018


We will form many bonds throughout our lives, some short lived and others lifelong.  Those that we do become well close to and those that form part of our family can become very significant.  Some friends will mean as much or more than those in our inner family circle.  These specific people have an important role in our lives, as (usually) do most of our family members.  Each and every person that you spend time with is important within different aspects and lessons of your life.

From an incarnate point of view, many of our friends and family have come to spend valuable time with us.  We should think of this as a blessing and an honor.  These individuals have decided (along with our acceptance) to play roles in our ongoing evolutionary story.  We have chosen to come together, often after a previous incarnations together, to continue our journey with these specific people being a part of the process.  How magnificent is that? 

In past lives, it is speculated that we may have been related, or married or close friends or enemies for that matter.  This is why some specific people are just so comfortable to be with and others it takes a little work to enjoy their energies.  In some cases, we have some unfinished Karma to push through and the alignment may not be that comfortable.  However, these uncomfortable alignments are important life lessons taught in part by these individuals.  Although they may bring challenging conditions into our lives, these are often the most valuable lessons that we learn. 

Next time you have a difficult situation that must be handled, wrap your arms around the experience and realize that it is an important message that you are now ready to receive.

Although there are a few people throughout time that have very sheltered lives or that live lives of a recluse, most of us will share our lives with others and especially with those we love.  Even those that feel or believe that they should live lives that circumvent others can open the door to a greater life experience and reach out to those they may be able to give assistance to.  Sharing life brings with it marvelous experiences and close wonderful encounters that would otherwise be missed.

Recognize the importance of those around you.  Do not become complacent with these individuals.  These are significant relationships that help foster your growth. 

Enjoy this life and share it with all that step into your reality.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit