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Thursday, 10 May 2018


If you were to take a close look at the people around you, (co-workers, close associates or family members) you would discover that several of these individuals in some way harbour some form of negativity. They insist that reality is dark, people are shady and the world is full of hurt and devious concepts. They maintain their point of view and believe that if you have a clear, concise, close look around you, you cannot deny this reality.

In a very sad way, they have a point. When you view our world and focus on all the negative attributes, such as war, murder, violence and injustice, (just to name a few), you may find it difficult to rise above the weight of these. Those with this continual outlook only see their world in terms of shortages and rarely capture the true essence of life.

There are individuals that have allowed other’s corruption to control them. All the less than favourable events in this world cannot be denied and it is factually impossible to say that there is only good in this world.  We must, however, take a closer look. If we truly look, we will see that for every negative act, there is or is the potential for a positive act. For every negative emotion, there is, if we so choose, a positive emotion. In most cases, the positive reaction holds much more substance than the negative reaction.

If we choose to not own any of the negative or ill-willed actions, how can we be deeply affected by them? If we do this are we not just turning a blind eye? Our general attitude and that which we focus on – be it doubt and fear - only serves to produce more of the same which results in filling our existence with doubt and fear. 

Are we not hiding under a veil of illusion if we purposely focus our attention on only the good in life? Are we not misinterpreting reality?

Most of us are all quite aware of the facts and the issues in our world today but if we entertain or place our focus on these, what good comes of it?  We must acknowledge those things that need our attention but these do not have to define our existence.

By focusing our attention on what we have, the beauty that surrounds us, the love, the experiences instead of what is conceived as “missing” in our lives, we capture something much more worthwhile. If we choose to focus our attention on what is missing, we create the illusion of lacking, wanting, needing and the list goes on.

Happy individuals find contentment from everyday affairs, from those people that surround them, from the beauty of nature – from each and every different aspects of their life on which they choose to place their focus. These individuals are aware of the world around them. They simply choosing to keep their attention on the meaningful, positive aspects that life has to offer.

Our focus on life’s events becomes a choice at that moment that we learn we have a choice. Parents and teachers mold our intentions at a relatively early age (whether they are aware of this concept or not), but as we mature, we develop our own awareness of alternatives. If positive thinking was not taught earlier in our lives, we now have the choice to begin to form our own objectives and focuses in life. 

As mentioned in many previous writings, we choose; we allow and we accept. It is our choice to pursue life’s rewards, life’s beauty and life’s offerings. We were never intended to pursue a route that only produces indignant reactions. Open yourself up to the willingness to explore the potential wonderment that life offers. It is your right to choose which road to follow – a road of bewilderment and dismay or a road of endless potentials. Which will it be?

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday, 9 May 2018


We still continue with information on patterns in an Astrology chart but we thought we would change it up a bit for today.

We have promised in the past to take a look at progressions and today we thought we would highlight progressed Jupiter.

Jupiter deals with fair play.  Its energies reflect moral and religious energies.  Jupiter involves expansion, brings good luck and optimistic potentials.  It is the planet of growth in material terms as well as expansion when it comes to life circumstances and how you can relate to this from a positive perspective.  When Jupiter makes positive aspects to other planets and points in the Zodiac, there are great opportunities for conditions to turn out favourably. 

The house position occupied by progressed Jupiter is where you will find opportunities to expand your knowledge.  Jupiter also has to do with travel, courts of law and lawsuits.  In general, when Jupiter progresses through the chart, these areas mentioned are some of the areas of life that may be highlighted, especially if Jupiter happens to be in the ninth house. 

Jupiter also governs publishing, higher education and the ability to learn through experience.

With progressions, each house cusp advances one degree per year and Jupiter moves closer and closer until it finally moves into the next house.  It should be noted that Jupiter moves slower than the progressed houses.  It is important to notice where Jupiter is in the natal chart and the houses it moves through during progression.  These few houses (usually not more than three) will become areas of life that are affected by the progression of Jupiter in your chart.

You will also need to take into consideration any aspects that might come into play from the other progressed planets as well as transiting planets that make contacts during Jupiter’s slow progression through the specific houses in your chart.

If Jupiter passes across your MC (Midheaven) the opportunities for growth in your profession have great potential especially if Jupiter is well aspected.  You will also have to look at the overall condition of Jupiter in your natal chart as this will determine how great the success will be.  A poorly aspected natal Jupiter does not promote in the same ways that a well aspected natal Jupiter does.  When Jupiter passes over your MC, you may have opportunities for a promotion or may gain positive influence from people in higher positions.  Travel or relocation might be on the agenda during the year Jupiter sits directly on this angle.  I personally use an orb of 20 minutes for Jupiter as it approaches and 15 minutes when it separates. 

Progressed Jupiter on the ASC (ascendant) opens doors in very personal ways with less restrictions or obstacles for you.  It might indicate a new relationship or expansion in the family.  Prosperity and good luck seem to find their way to you.  Since Jupiter has to do with law suits and legalities, when Jupiter is on the Ascendant or Midheaven, the potential for legal things to go well is increased.

Jupiter on the DC (descendant) once again offers opportunities for marriage or opportunities to promote a new organization or affiliation with someone who can be of benefit to you in a business opportunity. 

Jupiter on the IC suggests changes within the home or with family members usually on a positive note.  It is a good time to buy real estate or your monetary value may increase. 

As mentioned previously, however, always take into consideration other transits and weigh in the energies that they are indicating.  Also, a reminder to review the overall condition of Jupiter in the birth chart in order to understand the full story Jupiter is relaying.  

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


Do you keep a check and balance of all acts of kindness and giving?

Some individuals carry out their daily routine continually providing for others but questioning if their acts are appreciated by the recipients.   (This can be seen frequently especially with married couples).  We have heard it said by wives and husbands that their spouses do not seem to show their appreciation for all that they do.  We have also heard it questioned that if their spouse or children do not appreciate what is being done, why should they continue? 

Showing and confirming our appreciation is always recommended.  No one wants to feel that they are taken for granted.  Both spouses today are quite busy in the home as well as in the work place.  A simple thank you to show our appreciation takes little effort but has great value. 

Should we expect something in return for everything that we do?  Should we expect that others show their appreciation?  Is confirmation of our efforts a indicator of ego hindrance? 

In reality, all things in life are balanced, in some way or another.  Life looks after these things and even when it appears that others are not reciprocating our actions with a few words of gratitude, life balances this out in ways that we may not understand.  As the old saying goes everything goes full circle. 

Personally, I believe that we should not put a price on everything we do.  It is priceless to give without expecting to receive.  Giving should be carried out simply because we want to give or because someone needs our assistance.  Is this not the meaning of “true love”?  Our efforts should stem from love not a desire for something in return.

Any act of giving is noted in the karmic records or on other levels of understanding.  We do not need to keep score.  Each gift we give has its own merit and value.  If our intension comes from our heart then measuring it in terms of effect does not matter. 

We would never suggest that you allow others to take advantage of you.  You have value and are not a servant to anyone.  Our lives on many levels are geared to service but in a manner to help and assist through love. 

There are many ways to assist and countless different approaches we can take.  The outcome of our actions may never be seen by outsiders or even recognized by others, but it is registered in our hearts. 

Is that not payment enough?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 7 May 2018


We are continuing with our focus on the many different patterns that can be found in an Astrology Chart from April 23, 25, May 2 and 4, 2018.


The Fan Pattern is similar to the Bundle pattern discussed on May 4, 2018, in that all the planets are contained within a trine pattern (120-130 degrees) except one or two in close conjunction with one another.  This is known as the handle of the fan.  This planet or conjunction of two planets (tight conjunction) in the handle have to be placed no less than 60 degrees from the closest planet and has to have at least one of the planets within the cluster (trine 120-130degrees) in opposition to the handle.  

For example, if one of the planets (Jupiter) contained within the trine configuration is at 15 degrees Gemini, the handle or planet not part of this trine cluster will have to be at least 60 degrees away from the cluster and in opposition to Jupiter.  This handle planet in our example could be Mars which would be at 17 degrees Sagittarius.  The closest planet formed out of the Cluster would be Saturn for example at 12 degrees Libra.

The individual with this Fan pattern accentuated in their natal chart will implement the handle planet or tight conjunction of planets as their foundation for sustenance and fuel which is used to fulfill or gratify their needs.  In our example, Mars is in opposition to Jupiter and is known as the handle in this configuration.  Mars could be used to facilitate action or as a push for this individual when attempting to satisfy their needs.  The house position of Mars would be the area of life that the energies of Mars could be used to give the required push to move forward.  The opposition between Jupiter and Mars should also be delineated to get a full picture.  

You always have to look at all the different ingredients within a chart for full interpretation, however.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 5 May 2018


For a limited time, if you have ordered a chart from HolmAstrology in the past, we are offering a combined Transits & Progression Chart together with a Solar Chart reading for $85.00 (Local Call) or $100 (Long Distance Call) ……that is two chart reading for the price of a single chart reading.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

To take advantage of this offer visit

Friday, 4 May 2018


We continue our look at patterns in the Astrology chart.  See our posts from April 23, 25 and May 2, 2018 for more information on other patterns.


The Bundle or Cluster pattern has similar energies to that of the Grand Trine as the individuals with this patter are self-contained, often self-motivated and in many cases, will not reach out to others for support.  This, of course, is not written in stone but these individuals will feel very self-reliant and focused on specific areas connected to the area concentrated within this bundle.  

The Bundle pattern is identified by the planets being found within a 120-130 degree are of the whole Astrology chart.  They are connected by a trine (120 degrees) up to and including 130 degrees.  An example of this might be an individual who has Mars as the first planet beginning this configuration at one degree of Cancer and at the opposite end this individual could have Jupiter in Scorpio at 10 degrees.  The rest of the planets and luminaries fall between these two outer planets and do not create a Stellium.

These individuals are somewhat limited in their perspective.  The houses and signs which the planets are located in within the chart are the specific areas of their personal focus.  For example, someone with the signs ranging from Aries to Leo will use the energies of this pattern quite different from someone with the signs from Scorpio to Pisces.

The area of focus will be the area of intensity and understanding and they will be able to develop these areas of life to the utmost throughout their life’s journey.  The first planet that begins the configuration moving clockwise is often found to be the driving force or describes the energies used that will bring development to the midpoint of the area encompassed by the planets.  So continuing with the description of Mars at one degree Cancer and Jupiter at the other end at ten degrees Scorpio, the midpoint would be Virgo at five degrees and thirty minute.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 3 May 2018


Love, to many individuals, is an elusive dream that seems to always escaped them.  They look to others to fill an empty space within, and often because of this pursuit, they will go through bouts of depression and anxiety.  Their need for love and affection runs deep (as with anyone) and if they allow themselves to be obsessed with this search, this obsession can lead to feelings of rejection, self-deprecation and loneliness.

Many people believe that they need someone else to fulfill their longing for love.  They search for a potential partner or lover that they believe will fill the void.  They are in constant search through external sources and speculate on who might be the one to satisfy this yearning.  Some individuals go to such an extreme with their efforts that they actually drive others away because of their obsessive behaviour.

Before we can truly love anyone else, we have to be capable of loving ourselves.  This love can never be found through outside sources. 

Love is something that is found within and once allowed, it is mirrored in our outside world.  Our external condition is often a reflection of what is transpiring within. 

Do you feel worthy of love?  Do you see yourself in a realistic light or do you simply focus on the qualities you see as negative?  Positive reinforcement is certainly part of the process.

Do you tear yourself apart searching?  Do you question, “What is wrong with me?”, “Why doesn’t anyone love me?”, or “What do I need to change in order for someone to love me?” 

Acceptance of who we are is a massive step forward.  The main ingredient for lack of self-love and self-appreciation is our ego’s interference.  It constantly nags at us and loves to create destructive dialogue towards self.  We can get caught up in this constant chatter and if we decide to hold on to this negative chatter, we make it our own. 

We have said this again and again, WE ARE NOT OUR EGO.  Our ego has to be put in its proper place which is at our side and in turn aiding us through this journey not stifling our growth.

See yourself through loving eyes.  Love yourself; only then can someone else join you in this powerful experience.  You and you alone, the loving you, is the only missing ingredient in your search. 

We are all a spark of source.  How then can we be anything short of loveable? 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit