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Saturday, 19 May 2018


For a limited time, Holm Astrology is offering an exceptionally special rate to previous clients (whether you purchased an Astrology chart reading, Oracle card reading or have taken an Astrology class).

We are offering a combined Transits & Progression Chart together with a Solar Chart reading for $85.00 (Local) or $100 (Long Distance Call) ……that is two chart readings for the price of a single chart reading.   Both charts will be read during one sitting.

Transits and Progression speak of the past and near future energies and opportunities (although any time in the future can be talked about) while the Solar chart speaks of the general theme of the year from birthday to next birthday.  While both charts speak of the timing of possible events, the transiting and progressed chart’s information is fleeting as the energies pass out of orb rather quickly.  The solar chart is a forecast of the year to come from birthday to birthday.  A perfect combination to obtain a detailed forecast lasting approximately one year.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

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Friday, 18 May 2018


The Sun and Moon aspects within the Astrological natal chart are important.  

On a parental level, the Sun represents our father or disciplinary parent while the Moon represents our mother or nurturing parent.  Our parents are also linked to the MC and IC.  In some cases, the sign and house positions of these luminaries will define our parents.  

When transits and progressions involve our luminaries, they often speak of our parents.  Our parents certainly are not the only focus for these luminaries as the Sun and Moon can also speak of our emotions (Moon) and our identity (Sun), among other things.  

The aspects in our natal chart between the luminaries often depict the relationship between our parents and because of this also define the messages we received and internalized concerning our own part in this life (as man or woman) and our thinking of the opposite sex.

We would like to point out some important roles linked to the Sun and Moon.  

The Sun as mentioned identifies our father and also the role that men or the more dominant individuals play in our lives.  This can be an authority figure although in most cases the authority figure is represented by the planet Saturn.  The Moon on the other hand as mentioned is indicative of our mother or the role women or the nurturers play in our lives.

The Sun has to do with ego and is the ruler of the sign Leo, in which ego plays a significant role.  The Moon, rules by Cancer, has to do with emotions and instincts.  

If you were to identify the Sun you would find the motto to be “I am” and link it to self-assuredness, self-sufficiency, the urge for control of our destiny, our objectives and our goals.  

The Moon has a direct connection to our emotional makeup and what we feel and know instinctively (thinking is related to the planet Mercury).  The Moon is sometimes linked to intuition although the Moon’s placement by sign has a huge influence on this.  The Moon has to do with our emotional security, our moodiness and reaction to outside influence as well as our internal dialogue.  It also relates to our ability to moderate ourselves within our environment and our connection to others.  

The Sun, on the other hand, along with Mars is powerfully connected to our drive in life.  The Moon describes how we go about satisfying our emotional needs.  The Moon is our emotional connection to our world, while the Sun is our urge to satisfy our desire to succeed.

When deciphering the aspects between the Moon and our Sun placement, as with all aspects, the closer the aspect is to being direct the more important it becomes in the Astrology chart.  It is also important to recognize that applying aspects (moving towards each other) are more relevant than separating aspects (moving apart).  If, for example, the Sun and Moon are in conjunction and they are in the sign Libra and the Sun is at 7 degrees Libra while the Moon is at 10 degrees Libra this is a separating aspect.  If things were the other way around, so the Moon was at 7 degrees and the Sun was at 10 degree then this would be an applying aspect.  The faster moving planet moving towards the slower moving planet is called an applying aspect while if the faster moving planet is moving away from the slower moving planet this is called a separating aspect.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday, 17 May 2018


In our physical world, we can exercise, eat properly, have regular medical checkups and in general look after ourselves, but will these practices keep us young? 

Is being young a state of the body or is it a state of mind? 

I am sure you have experienced a very child who is obviously a very old soul.  These children are much too wise for their years.  Is this an example of being old?  Does knowledge and an ingrained knowing indicate age? 

Most young children play and enjoy their lives.  They live completely in the moment.  They have few cares but when they have one, they can become obsessed with their issue within that moment.  However as soon as they move away from an issue by altering their focus, the issue is often gone forever or holds little relevance.  Is this considered being young or a youthful thing to do, or is this practice one we can all enjoy?

Staying forever young, certainly in part, deals with living in the moment.  Children enjoy the moment and live within it.  They experience fully the details of their focus.  We, as adults, tend to live in our minds and think in terms of what will be or what has already been.  Rarely are many adults content with living in the now.  Staying forever young, in part, deals with attitude especially if we stay open and allow. 

Do we suddenly stop learning because we are old? 

Does life no longer provide us with any new lessons and do we really have all the information and all the answers?  I think not.  We are never too old to learn.

If we want to stay young, we certainly have to allow ourselves to have fun, stay open and continue learning.  We can never believe that there is nothing left for if we do than we are old. 

Even the most advanced souls, or should I say especially the most advanced souls, know that the journey of knowledge is just beginning.  The further along we venture, the more we realize how little we know.  This does not indicate ignorance, it indicates maturity.

Stay young by attending this moment’s school of life.  Pay heed to your focus.  Watch and learn from the young.  They have so much to teach. 

Enjoy your journey!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Wednesday, 16 May 2018


It is important when delineate an aspect between transiting Neptune to Mercury to take a close look at how Mercury is aspected in the birth chart.  The natal aspect can either soften the transit or challenge it, regardless of what the current transiting aspect might be.

For example, if Mercury is trine to Jupiter, sextile to the Sun and conjunct Venus in the birth chart, any transiting aspect would not be very challenging.  If, however, Mercury is square to Saturn, in opposition to Uranus and also square Neptune, this would cause great stress when activated through transit or progression regardless of the transit aspect.  Any aspect to Mercury in the birth chart will also be activated during this transit, especially so if in close aspect by degree of separation in the birth chart.

It is also necessary to look at the house Neptune is currently transiting as well as its placement in the birth chart, as this will help define what area of life is being affected.

With this information at hand, a conjunction between Mercury and transiting Neptune can be quite difficult to handle.  As Mercury rules the mind and thinking process, analytical abilities can be misunderstood or unclear.  You can be “way off” in your assessment of a situation and restructuring of your life is not recommended until this transit is over.  Decision making can be clouded and if connected to business, you may not be getting the proper information or someone could be deceiving you.  Others may also have trouble making sense of what you might be trying to convey as well.

On the positive side of this aspect, the mind is now open to the subtle influences of mystical and inspirational messages from beyond.  You could experience amazing clarity in vision as your mind is more open to such things.  Your intuitive faculties are highlighted and although you might have found something very significant (unless others are in the same vibrational frequency and open to mystical events), you might want to keep this information to yourself as they may simply not be ready to hear what you now understand.

The energy of the square between these two planets is similar to when the thinking process is off or vague.  Your mental focus will be off, and what you think may be way off as well.  It is wise not to make any important decisions during this period as mistakes can have profound effects.  You most likely are not seeing things clearly and it is easy to misjudge important matters.  Communication with others has its challenges as well and misinformation can be taken as truth and disillusion could be the result.

You may also find that you worry about outcomes during this time or feel confused or even depressed.  It is important to recognize that this is as a result of the influence of Neptunian energies and the tests that you are experiencing will eventually lead to clarity and understanding.

The opposition aspect is often related to misinformation or lost communication with others.  Other people are usually involved in the equation.  This could involve partnership, family, friends, acquaintances and even co-workers.  There seems to be misunderstanding, and you may have quite the time getting things in proper perspective.  It is usually about communication or false information and it may lead to actions that are not suggested.  You may jump to conclusions or mistrust others.  Knowing that this is a possibility is a wonderful tool.

The trine and sextile aspects can be very inspirational and offer potential insight into the workings of the subconscious.  You may find answers to questions you have been searching for, for quite some time.  You may come to understanding the hidden universal language spoken only by a few.  This can be an awakening time and is very noteworthy as you can easily recognize the difference between illusion and creative thinking.  Dreams could also be inspirational and you could use these tools for writing a book or to going deeper into meditation.  You could also share this information with like-minded individuals.

This can be quite the magical time and an open mind is suggested so that the information can come through.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Tuesday, 15 May 2018


There are many people who can get caught up in the past and what once was.  They spend countless hours reminiscing and they wish they could go back to that time.  They think of those times as the good old days.

If we think about it, today will be the good old days in twenty years from now?  Rather than looking back at what once was, why would we not take a much closer look at what is, right now.  Look closely at what is right in front of us, in this very moment and pay particular attention to what feels “good”. 

We can be so accustomed to complaining about what we do not like or do not have that we ignore those things that we should be grateful for.

Time waits for no one and if we spend our lives living in the past or wishing we were there, we miss out on the eternal moment and the magnificence of what is happening now.  The moment is all we have and our attention to this is paramount.

Do not spend another moment longing for what was.  Do not waste your time worrying about what might come in the future for what we worry about seldom comes to fruition.  If you hold on to yesterday, you halt what potential that lies in today.  You cannot move forward without letting go of the past.  The past can include people, memories, wishes, dreams and ways of life ...anything that you tend to cling on to.

Live in today.  Experience your life by living it.  Do not waste time on yesterday.  Believe that you are entitled to be happy but remember that happiness can only be found in the present moment. 

Believe in the potential for happiness.  This potential lies within your focus on all that is and this will serve you well.  If life feels difficult, what is the lesson to be learned?  Once you are able to figure out the lesson, you can then acknowledge it and let it go.

Enjoy the moments that you have.  Share them with those that matter.

All the best in finding your way to bringing into focus a wonderful moment.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 14 May 2018


Tomorrow, May 15, 2018 at 7:49 a.m. EST, we will be experience the New Moon in the sign of Taurus at 24 degrees.  

Individuals with planets linked to this placement (especially by conjunction, opposition and square) will particularly be influenced by the energies. 

A conjunction will intensify the energies of this New Moon; the opposition often denotes outside influence from others, while the square indicates stress or tension from energies pushing you to advance through this period.  

The influence of these energies will depend on the planets and houses involved with this configuration.  Pay particular attention to the house placement of the New Moon in the natal chart.  

Those individuals who do not have planets or angles involved with this New Moon’s placement may find that nothing much happens and this period will go by unremarkable.

The New Moon phase always suggest beginnings or the time to plant the seeds of change.  The energies of this New Moon and the energies of the sign of Taurus often work well together as the Moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus.  With the Moon at 24 degrees, it is in the 3rd decan of Taurus and this decan bringing with it qualities linked to Capricorn as well.  Because of this there are stability factors in place especially when related to your occupation and goals in life.  However this may not just fall in your lap as Saturn’s ruler ship of Capricorn often suggests hard work and diligent effort is required.  If you do not skip any steps and are diligent in your efforts, the chances for success or some form of achievement is quite possible.  Much, of course, depends on the other factors (aspects from other natal planets to this configuration) in the horoscope.  

The natal potential found in our birth chart always has to be determined before making judgements and predictions on possibilities from current aspects.

There currently is a trine to transiting Pluto which is at 21degrees Capricorn.  This speaks in terms of transitions and transformations possibly coming to the forefront during this phase of the new moon.  Pluto nearly always speaks of changes that are a requirement for the inner self and which will promoting growth often through adversity or confrontation.  In this case transiting Pluto is in trine to this placement and as a result is offering up opportunities and the potential if easy flow of energies.  If this is still linked to the occupation or goals then this might be a good time to advance forward in your chosen direction, although once again the whole chart needs to be evaluated before advancing.

There is also a distant trine from transiting Mars out by 5 degrees as transiting Mars will be at 29 degrees Capricorn under the influence of the New Moon.  Mars often provides the momentum to push forward (sometimes this momentum is in aggressive manners).  Tied with Pluto, the energies will be strong for change and there should be a real push to advance, however it should be pointed out that aggressive actions always have ramifications.  We should always advance with some caution or at least make sure that we are ready for this move and have taken the required time to prepare for what we may be undertaking (Saturn will insist on this). 

The energies that are in place are offering up the potential for more stability due to the influence of Taurus.  Security is also possible if we make sure things are in place and we are well prepared.  Taurus is often a stabilizing factor and Capricorn suggests hard work and discipline but also offers up concrete results through hard work and preparation.  

Take advantage of these energies.  Allow and be open to all energies that have potential to manifest during this upcoming period.  The next Full Moon in Taurus (October 2018) should brings to fruition the seeds (efforts) that have been planted now.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 11 May 2018


We come back to our look at patterns in the Astrology chart.  See our posts from April 23, 25, May 2, 4 and 7, 2018 for more information on other patterns.

Splay or Tripod Pattern

The Splay or Tripod pattern is very similar to the Grand Trine.  There should be three main groupings of planets involved in the equation.  A tight grouping would allow each individual group to be no more than 60 degrees apart from the next group.  If by chance a Grand Trine forms within this grouping and the groups are all enclosed within a 60 degree area then the energies of this pattern becomes much stronger and adds to the story being told by the grand trine.  

A reminder, a Grand Trine’s energies are strong when all of the planets are found in the same element.  If planets and luminaries are not in the same element, this is considered a weak Grand Trine.  

A tight Splay pattern would consist of the three groups involved all forming conjunctions or close aspects and the three groups all trining one another.  This would be difficult as the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have not been in the same element for many generations.  However, this can be found when these outer planets fall within a few degrees of the adjoining element or sign.  

If Uranus and Pluto were both in Virgo for example and Neptune was in close sextile in the sign Scorpio and the other planets lined up in either the element earth or water, this would form a Splay pattern. 

Those with this configuration would be considered quite unique and would confidently follow their own set path.  They adhere to their own set of rules and are self-contained.  This would be particularly so for those who have a Grand Trine in the mix.  

Well known author and Astrologer, Noel Tyle, defines those with a Grand Trine as, “closed circuits of self-sufficiency”.  These individuals can be self-motivated and do well within the confined of the elements involved in the Grand Trine.  The houses involved and the signs of the planetary links will help define what areas of life are involved.

In closing, we have covered a lot of information on patterns in the chart over the past few weeks.  However, personally, I have found that although these patterns are a useful tool and add to the story, it is more important to review the aspects and major configurations (The Stellium, the Grand Trine, the Grand Square, the T-Square and the Yod) within a given chart.  These configurations provide a much more definitive and relevant description of the unfolding story the chart is relaying.  The overall chart patterns simply add a finishing touch.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit