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Tuesday, 26 June 2018


We have had a number of clients tell us that they feel as though their journey is being hindered in one way or another.  They feel weighted down and overwhelmed by life’s events which they feel they have no control over. 

It is important to remember that these stages or events in life are not punishments.  They are, however, valuable lessons from which we can experience our greatest growth. 

Because of their attitude, they can feel at the mercy of life and they take the events personally.  As a result, they react in ways that do little to resolve the issues or that take advantage of the lesson at hand.  Their reactions do, however, compound their feelings of moving backwards in their growth. 

What should they do to relieve these tensions?  How can they find hope when everything seems too harsh to deal with?

There are many tools available to us during our trials and tribulations.  It is important, however, to recognize that they are never alone.  There are countless others that walk this journey with us and many others have had or are having experiences exactly as we are experiencing.  Some of these individuals that are with us are angels in earthly bodies and then there are those that are not of this physical world.  These are guiding forces beyond this earthly dimension that can be relied upon.  They are always available to us and we need to realize that we are not alone. 

Quiet your mind.  It can be quite difficult in the beginning but with practice it does get easier.  Again, quiet your mind.  Listen to that gentle, quite voice.  Listen to the inspirational messages that are always being passed on.  Pay heed to those quiet messages for the information they contain is powerful.

Our guides are with us always and working for our benefit.  They are always pushing us in the best possible direction but most of us ignore them because their message is so subtle.  When we are most emotional, the message can be clear if we quiet our minds.  The majority of us tend to get so caught up in events and emotions that we do not notice the gentle nudges that points us in the direction of a solution.  Their guidance or assistance is never overwhelming or forceful.  As we learn to listen to our guides, their voices can become much more direct, and we begin to realize that it is important to listen.  Even with these more clear messages, the delivery is still subtle.  It always comes through in a gentle manner and love is in their expression.

Recognize that we are never alone.  Our guides are always with us. 

We are one of the many sparks that form the fire of life we call source.  If we are all sparks of this one fire, who truly then are our guides?

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Monday, 25 June 2018



On June 22, 2018 we wrote about the Moon’s influence in our astrology chart.  Today we will continue our focus on the Moon and its effects. 

The energies of the Moon in the birth chart and the aspects it makes to other planets play a significant role from an emotional point of view.  It is also a good indicator of our nurturing capabilities.  The aspects between the Moon and other planets are far reaching and needs to be deciphered carefully.

The aspect itself will define much of the energies shared between the aspecting planet and the Moon.  Conjunctions (0 degrees) in particular are emphasized and are very powerful agents for emotional release.  They merge the energies of the planet in question and the Moon.  As you can imagine the energies of Saturn and the Moon combined, for example, will be quite different from the energies of Venus and the Moon.  The interlinking sign, as well as the house position will be how these energies are released.

The opposition (180 degrees) always involves others, while the square (90 degrees) usually represents some challenge to overcome.  Both are generally considered difficult, although the energies are inclined to push us to find solutions to the issues suggested by the planet, the house and sign positions of both energies involved.  Squares in particular have obstacles and challenges attached to them and push us to find a resolution to the issue at hand.

Trines (120 degrees) and sextiles (60 degrees) often suggest easy flow and opportunities.  Once again, we must take into consideration the signs (especially the Moon’s sign position) and the house positions of both the Moon and the planet involved as this will help define how these energies might unfold. 

Now although Saturn for example is challenging, even with easy aspects, it also provides structure and security.  We learn to assimilate these energies and work constructively with them.
Saturn can provide a suitable resolution and eventual provide a tool to repair the issue associated with these aspects. 

Pluto suggests change and transformation due to the necessity for growth and evolution. 

Neptune suggests spiritual enlightenment through emotional connectiveness or could speak of illusionary emotional issues.

Uranus speaks of sudden and dramatic emotional interaction and a new route or direction often opens up. 

Jupiter speaks of opportunities to enrich our lives through emotional interaction and positive belief structures being formed. 

Mercury speaks of emotional and mental linkage and depending on the aspects involved will either help us decipher our emotional expression or cloud this expression.  Much will also depend on the signs involved. 

Venus speaks of an emotional connection made through expressions of love and affection.

Mars brings out our emotional expression through acts of aggression, not necessarily formidable aggression, but action on our part or through those we interact with. 

There are many combinations due to the possible, planets, houses and aspects involved but these are a few expressions of our Moon and the planets linked to this luminary.

On June 27 we will look at the Moon and the Astrological elements.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Saturday, 23 June 2018


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday, 22 June 2018



When the Moon is in aspect to other planets in the natal chart, the energies take on an emotional flavour because of the Moon’s influence.  The other planet in aspect to the Moon will also have influential energies. 

As mentioned, the Moon’s energies are linked to our emotional state which can be reflects in our various expressions, our internal and our external reactions.  The connection the Moon is making to other planets will suggest how we release these expressions.    

The Moon influences our nurturing instinct, our feelings of security, our psychic and intuitive inclinations and sometimes speaks of the mother or important women or nurturing individuals in our lives.  The Moon is primarily related to our emotional vibration and the sign it is found in within our astrology chart will help us to define this. 

The Moon is ruled by the sign of Cancer.  The energies of the house position within your birth chart will be indicative of a link between your emotions (the Moon) and a specific area of life. 

Astrologer, Noel Tyle, suggests that the expression of the Moon is our “reigning need”. 

There is a huge difference between someone who has the Moon in Pisces for example and someone who has their Moon in Capricorn.  Although both of the signs are linked to emotional connectedness and heightened emotional intensity, Capricorn tends to hide its emotions.  In many cases, a Capricorn individual can seem emotionally aloof or reticent.  Pisces, however, cannot withhold their emotions and could be considered an emotional vacuum. 

The sign and house placement as well as aspects to other planets or important angles play a significant role in how the energies of the Moon play out in our natal chart.

In transit, the Moon moves so quickly that its energies are fleeting and have little impact in our overall lives.  However, if we take the movement of the progressed Moon (one degree per month) this influence will play a significant role in our ongoing life’s story.  The progressed Moon has an impact in our lives for three months, one degree approaching, one degree direct and one degree in separation.  The progressed Moon often speaks of change and emotional interaction and can also speak of our mothers and our involvement or interaction with her.

The progressed Moon may have an influence when moving to a different location.  It can speak of changes with our occupation, with our marriage, with our children, with group involvements, with the working environment and people within that environment, with mystical involvement and religious pursuits to name a few (house position).

On June 25, we will continue our look at the Moon’s influence in our astrology chart. 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday, 21 June 2018


The Sun moved into the sign of Cancer at 6:08 a.m. (EST) today, June 21, 2018. 

Cancer is a cardinal sign offering those with this free flowing Sun the push to succeed particularly when it comes to nurturing and caring for those that they love. 

Cancer individuals are emotional and sensitive and genuinely care about the welfare of others, especially family.

Many with strong emphasis in the Sign of Cancer (or fourth house) have a real difficult time separating their feelings from their thoughts. They feel what they think and this unique insight can often lead to the opening of channels to intuition and psychic perception, as these gifts are generally not part of the intellect.

With strong emotional ties to their personality, Cancer individuals are usually known for their gentleness and tranquil nature. Do not be fooled by perhaps their standoffish manner especially when ridiculed or when they feel attacked emotionally for there is a lot that goes on beneath the surface.

The sensitivity that is so inherent within this group of unique individuals can become their greatest asset as time passes or become their weakest element in their psyche if self-expression is hindered.

Currently, those individuals with their Sun sign in and around the 20 degree Cancer mark (allow an orb from about 13 degrees to 22 degrees Cancer) have an opposition to Pluto in their astrology chart.  As at June 13, 2018 transiting Pluto was at 20 degrees and 42minutes in the sign of Capricorn.  The closer transiting Pluto moves to forming a direct opposition to your Sun, the stronger the energies will becomes.  Those with their Sun in earlier or later degrees of Cancer will have to check an ephemeris for dates when this opposition was direct or is going to be direct in their charts.

Pluto’s energies focus on transformations and the need to uprooting due to required change.  Often the changes that come to pass are permanent in their nature and what once was will no longer exist....they will be a thing of the past.  These changes can be personal and stem from delving deep within to uncover anything that needs to surface or be faced.  This can involve relationships of significance, working conditions, health regiments, children, spiritual enlightenment, finances, security issues and self-undoing just to name a few.  Much will depend on the areas of life involvement which will be signified by the house positions affected in your personal astrology chart.

Oppositions often involve others and frequently they speak in terms of actions taken by others which force change and disruption for you.  This is not to say that you have nothing to do with what might be transpiring but often the instigators stem from other people or outside influences.  This can be quite disruptive but when the energies finally complete their cycle which is usually when transiting Pluto is at least 2 degrees past being direct and completely finished its contact (retrograde motion can bring back the issue), then life settles and the changes put in place can be viewed from a different perspective than when we were caught up in the transition.

The energies of this transit from Pluto to the Cancer Sun are long lasting, often challenging and many times, life changing and permanent in nature.  People need to make significant alterations to the issues at hand and stick with what they are aiming to put in place.  If you become complacent or try to avoid the needed changes, outside influences seem to step in and alter life’s course so that things line up the way they should.  Be ready for transformation, regeneration and resolution over a period of time.  Acknowledge that the changes set in place are always for your greater good, even when it does not appear that way in the beginning.  This change is necessary and beneficial.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Wednesday, 20 June 2018


We will be celebrating the summer solstice (Northern Hemisphere) on June 21, 2018 at 6:07 a.m. EST.  This powerful solar energy serves to recharge our spirits, minds and bodies.

All things are energy and is interconnected.  Some of us are quite aware of these influential external energies and others, not so much.  With or without this awareness, all living things are affected by the position of the planets at their birth, by the continual movement of the planets as time passes, by the influence of the rotation of our earth including the changing seasons and with any and all other shifts that occur in nature. 

When guided by spirit/our higher selves (call it what you may), our focus is to walk and live our truth, during the easy times but especially during the times that we are being tested or being taught.  Take advantage of the strong solar energies of the Summer Solstice to push forward with this focus.  Use the more aggressive energies of the Sun to catapult forward and allow yourself to bloom into your own true creation.  Rise above your thinking mind and allow.  See the world around you for what it is without judgement for it is this judgement that can and will make life stressful. 

Just as the Sun is currently at its fullest potential (from our earthly position,) you too can allow all of your inner power and beauty to radiate out.  By doing so, you express your true self.  There is nothing more perfect that your true self.  By allowing your true authentic self to bloom, each and every other living thing that your energy touches will also benefit from your beauty.

What a glorious time of year.  Allow yourself to mirror the seasons.  We have just experienced a season of wonderful renewal, Spring.  We have worked hard to create buds of promise.  Now is the time to allow those buds to gently open and to eventually bear the fruits of our efforts.  This beauty and abundance will be seen and experienced by all that share with us this garden of life. 

Happy Summer Solstice!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Tuesday, 19 June 2018


Take advantage of the moments when the metaphysical window of opportunities opens.  It is what we do with these opportunities that either curtail or expand our connectedness.  There seems to be specific times when the gateway to spirituality is open and mystical unfolding is unleashed in leaps and bounds. 

Some individuals suggest that these opportunities are periodic with long breaks in between.  For others opportunities are long lasting and are presented often.  For many, however, they get glimpses off and on throughout their lives.  This can result in frustration and impatience.

It is important, therefore, to seize the moments when they are presented.  Sometimes we receive nudges that something significant is about to unfold.  Other times, we have little to no warning when the window of opportunity swings wide. 

When these opportunities present themselves, the energies flow without restriction.  An abundance of information becomes available and insight can be quite profound.  These are unique moments of inspiration and magical in their expression.

Some of us get glimpses of the future.  Some of us get revelations about the past.  Some experience the ever present now in a new and wonderful way.  All of these experiences, however, can be profound.  The revelations that unfold can have a significant effect on us for many years to come if not life long.  Some of these experiences can never be forgotten as their impact is life changing.  Very little of what is learned and understood will be forgotten and the event can be relived in its entirety. 

Grab hold of these events.  Record them in some way in their original form, although our memory seems to be able to do this efficiently.  For most of us these events are few, far between and invaluable.  We are privileged during these moments of inspiration.  These truly are moments of awakening. 

We are not suggesting that valuable lessons are not at hand always, for they are.  At times, however, we are gifted with monumental revelations that are life changing and once experienced we can never return to whom we were previously.  These are milestones that we never forget but are infrequent in our lives.

In the meantime, pay attention to the subtle messages and quaint discussions that take place in your life regularly as these are what create even further understanding after these transformative events.  In 

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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