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Wednesday, 15 August 2018


We are continuing our look at tight aspects in Astrology from August 8, 2018 (Natal aspects) and August 13, 2018 (Transit’s aspects).  Today, we are winding up our look as tight aspects by focusing on progressions.

We reiterate that when deciphering a chart whether this chart is a natal chart, a transit, a progression, a solar, a composite or any type of chart for that matter, it is important to consider specific points of interest.  The planets or significant points (Ascendant, Midheaven and to a lesser degree the IC and DC) closely joined to one another by aspect are points of interest and should be noteworthy. 

When it comes to progressions the unfolding of events is quite similar to transits, although many progressed aspects often come from an internal perspective and may not actually manifest in the external world.
The progressed Sun has an orb of influence of three degrees, one and a half degrees approaching and one and a half degrees separating.  This means that its impact will last approximately three years.   Its most powerful influence is when it is within thirty minutes of being direct and the closer to being direct the stronger its energies will be. 

The progressed Moon has a three degree influence as well, one degree approaching, one degree direct which is the peak energy and one degree separating.  The progressed Moon moves one degree each month while the progressed Sun moves one degree each year.  As a result the progressed Moon will be in effect for a total of 3 months.

As mentioned in our earlier post, the transits of the Sun, Mars and Uranus act as timers.  This also applies to the progressed Moon.  These luminaries and planets will help initiate events when transits are in place.  Many transits (an example might be transiting Pluto squaring natal Venus still off by half a degree of being direct) can be set off by as much as half a degree before being direct by these transits.

In comparison, when deciphering a progressed aspect to the natal positioning, many Astrologers use a 12 to 15 minute approach to being direct.  This is due to the slow movement of the progressions, particularly the outer progressed planets.  I would suggest that you only take in to consideration a five minute angle when speaking in terms of the outer planets in progressions. (Outer planets being Saturn through Pluto)

A natal aspect becoming direct using progressions and the exact timing when it becomes direct either moving from retrograde to direct or direct to retrograde over the precise position in the birth chart is also very important.  Remember to take into consideration that one day in the progressed chart equals one year of actual time.  The natal potential can unfold during these times. 

An example of this might be a natal sextile becoming direct with Neptune and Pluto having a profound effect in the month or several months leading up to when if forms an exact sextile.  It might be out by as much as 2 degrees in the birth chart but when it becomes direct through progression it is emphasized and can have profound effects.

There are many multi layers that must be examined when translating the story an Astrology chart is telling.  What we have touched on in these three posts on aspects is only scraping the surface.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Tuesday, 14 August 2018


Intuitive guidance can be utilized at any time if you are open to the message.  It has no prerequisite.  Intuition could be called the voice, the seeing, the smell, the touching, the tasting, the understanding of the unconscious.  In most cases it is subtle but in some cases it speaks clearly and concisely.  These are the times we cannot question its validity.

Intuition can come as a warning, can contain needed information and can be counted on.  It provides insight when you cannot find the answers with our rational mind.  It is available when you need it most if we quiet the babbling mind.  Intuition is a profound tool at our disposal, although it is rarely forceful.  We can utilize the information (in whatever form) that comes to us or we can allow is to pass us by.  It is a choice.

The mind will continually question information obtained intuitively.  It will question its validity most always.  We will instinctively know or feel that the information we receive is truth.  Our gut will tell us so.  Sometimes we can be so wrapped up in events that the information go by with little notice and we will recall, after the event is over.  It is then that we wish we had listened to that “hunch”. 

When the situation is dangerous, intuition can be anything but subtle.  The message can be very pronounced.  The more you pay attention to your intuition, the clearer the messages will become and the easier it is to recognize their importance.

Let your intuitive insight be your guiding. Recognizing that it stems from your higher self, and it can always be relied upon. 

Intuition is your guiding companion.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Monday, 13 August 2018


We are continuing our look at tight aspects in astrology from August 8, 2018. 

As mentioned, when deciphering a chart whether this chart is a natal chart, a transit, a progression, a solar, a composite or any type of chart for that matter, it is important to consider specific points of interest.  The planets or significant points (Ascendant, Midheaven and to a lesser degree the IC and DC) closely joined to one another by aspect are point of interest and are more noteworthy. 

Our August 8 focus was on natal aspects.  Today we will continue by looking at transits and on August 15 we will wind up our look by focusing on progressions.

All transits are at their peak experience when they become direct.  Saturn is the only planet that is the exception.  Saturn’s influence is often felt more strongly once it has passed being direct and is two degrees separating, after which its energy wanes off.  Many of the transiting planets particularly the outer planets (from Saturn out to Pluto {yes Pluto}) can be felt up to 5 degrees approaching and are still in force but weakening up to 2 degrees past direct.

The transits of Uranus, Mars and the Sun can be used as timing tools as they are reliable indicators of events when their degrees are direct.  Uranus, in particular, is a good indicator of an event when it is direct.  It is important, however, to acknowledge that you require at least three planetary links that are similar in their expression to ensure a potential life event.  One link alone will often not produce sufficient energies to create an important event and may even go by with little to no noticeable consequence at all. 

It is also important to take into consideration the aspects between the planets involved in the transit and how they are linked in the natal chart.  The birth chart always tells the story or the potential and is the motivating force behind all transits.  An unaspected or weak natal positioning will work quite differently from a powerfully positioned aspect in the natal chart.  The natal potential always has to be taken into consideration.  A person will not win the lottery unless it is written in the birth (natal) chart.

Again, we will continue with tight aspects with progressions on August 15, 2018.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday, 10 August 2018


We had indicated on August 8 that we would continue our look on tight aspects in Transits and Progressions today.  However, we thought it much more important to discuss the New Moon, Solar Eclipse which will take place tomorrow, August 11, 2018.  We will continue our look at tight aspects on August 13 and 15.

The New Moon (Partial) Solar Eclipse begins at 5:57 am EDT and is 18 degrees in the sign of Leo.  It should be noted that because the moon is visible during daytime hours, the night skies will be quite dark which is ideal for viewing the Perseid meteor showers (if Momma Nature co-operates) which peak, I believe, on August 13.

Those with their Sun, Moon, angles or other planetary links to this position will not only be influenced by this New Moon position but also by the Solar eclipse.  This will be the third and final solar eclipse of 2018.  This eclipse can be viewed (again if Momma Nature co-operates) in the north Atlantic in northern Canada, the Arctic, northern and eastern parts of Europe and some northern and western parts of Asia.

The energies of a Solar eclipse is said to last the equal amount of years as hours of the time span of the eclipse.  The average Solar Eclipse lasts 3 to 4 hours, so the average duration of the energetic influence would be 3 to 4 years.  This partial eclipse will be much shorter than this in totality.  There are times when an outpouring of events and insights (particularly with this eclipse being linked to Mercury) occur on the given day of the eclipse. 

The issues or knowledge that arises during this event (although not limited to this period) will be what needs to be discussed over the upcoming duration of the eclipse influence (in years).  So what is brought to the surface will need dealing with over the whole period when activated by transits to this location in the Astrology chart.  The eclipse becomes much more relevant when we have positions within the birth chart that are within 3 degrees by aspect to the 18 degree mark of Leo. 

Progress is often made during the upcoming years, although some changes that do take place can be very transformative and will require adjustments due to the correlation of transiting Pluto which is quincunx this position at 19 degrees of Capricorn. 

Unfortunately, some people fear eclipses as they have found that it brings the unconscious into consciousness and makes them aware of subtleties that would not normally be recognized. 

Some, on the other hand, experience a hyperawareness with a feeling or knowing that they are capable of doing most anything during this period and this is certainly not to be feared. 

We will also have a quincunx to transiting Neptune during this period.  Neptune is currently at 15 degrees of Pisces.  A quincunx speaks of adjustments and awareness consciously or unconsciously of what can be done, sometimes through intuitive understanding due to Neptune’s influence.  You will have to take note of where this eclipse falls in your natal chart as well as the houses where transiting Neptune and Pluto are found.  These will be areas of life that will be affected during this upcoming period.  Transits that form an opposition and the conjunction over this placement in the upcoming years at 18 degrees Leo can have a most profound influence if activated in your chart.

The sign of the New Moon Eclipse (Leo) is also very significant and the energies are linked to the sign and its natural unfolding.  Leo is a fixed fire sign often suggesting enthusiasm for life, engagement and a strong belief in self and personal capabilities.  Leo is not easily sways, although the best intensions are always at heart in matters of importance.  Leo is eager to help and assist and often feels as though they know what is best for others.  During this period, perhaps we should pay attention to this and follow our heart and do what is best.

The New Moon also stimulates activity and is a good time to begin new things (Planting seeds in the garden of life).  It is said that a solar eclipse can help us break patterns of behaviour that no longer serve a viable purpose and we can reboot our vigar in moving ahead in our life’s matters.  Encourage your eagerness and utilize these energies appropriately.

The transiting planetary positioning suggested by the Sun/Moon conjunction in Leo and the quincunx’s from Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn form what is called a Yod or Finger of God formation.  This configuration often speaks of emotional or psychological readjustments and the focal planet (Sun/Moon) by house and sign positioning is the area of life that needs our attentiveness.  Yods often indicate turning points when we can meet the demands set up often due to a crisis in our lives.  We can then work on a constructive resolution to the dilemma and come out ahead in the end. 

This can be the perfect time to move away from problem areas of life and to make creative changes that not only affect our life’s course but will also help others in ways that we may not even be aware of. 

The sextile between Neptune and Pluto can bring opportunities for resolution often through direct confrontation with self and an honest focus, which in turn creates positive impacts in our life.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday, 9 August 2018


Have we reached our tipping point?

The world in many ways seems to heading for collapse. 

Politically, specifically, there seems to be much unrest.  Could this signal the point of collapse?  If so, how will this affect us? 

Does this state in politics reveal that the duties and motives of some politicians are misrepresented? 

In the free world, politicians are supposed to reflect and act upon the choices and sentiment of their people.  If our politicians are not doing this than either they are not fulfilling their duties or our understanding of leadership is incorrect.

It feels at times that we are in the midst of a storm and it appears that many are being swept into the turmoil of its force.  After any storm, however, is there not a clearing and then the sun returns? 

Some of us recognize that what is currently taking place is a simple storm and nothing more.  It does not have to be catastrophic and debilitating, but once it clears, it should enhance a welcomed change.

There are many that are awakening to a clearer understanding of self and in turn a clearer understanding of the path our world is moving towards.  It does not have to be devastation or disillusion.  It is a foreseeable turning point where we can learn to work together.  There can be a unique interchange which has not been adhered to up to this point.

We are on this road together.  Many are awakening to their true self and their authentic light is shining bright.

We cannot help but see it if we are looking for this energy.  We feel it within the core of our being and we understand that it is unfolding and expanding at an increasing rate.

In the face of adversity, stand tall.   Know that you are meant to be here and experience today’s events. 

Have faith in the process.  Believe in yourself and stay open.  Allow love and compassion, and you will bring love and compassion to our world.  

You do not have to own the sentiment or energies of those around you.  Their energies and focus are theirs, not yours.  Stay true to who you are and do not own the turmoil around you.  This storm too will pass.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 8 August 2018


When deciphering an Astrology chart whether the chart is a natal, transit, progression, solar, composite or any type of chart for that matter, it is important to consider specific points of interest.  The planets or significant points (Ascendant, Midheaven and to a lesser degree the IC and DC) closely joined to one another by aspect are points of interest and are more noteworthy. 

All aspects in a chart play a part in defining the individual or events in question but the closer a MAJOR aspect is to being direct the stronger its influence.  (Direct being defined as being at the same degree.) (Major aspects are 0° -conjunction, 60° -sextile, 90° -square, 120° -trine and 180° -opposition).

MINOR aspects are important as well but major aspects hold the greatest relevance when interpreting a chart.  It should be noted that a minor aspect within minutes of being direct can have a more profound affect than some major aspect that is, for example, at 2 degrees of separation.  (Minor aspects include but not limited to inconjunct -150°, semi-sextile -30°, quintile -72°, semi-square 45° and sequiquadrate -135°)

The conjunction followed by the opposition and then the square are the most powerful aspects in Astrology.  The challenging aspects are usually more significant because they challenge us and force us into action.  The planets that are making aspects to one another have to be taken into consideration as well as the energies of the aspect itself to get a clear picture of the story being told. 

For example, Pluto square Mars is a much more powerful combination than Mercury square Jupiter, even if the square between Mercury and Jupiter were tighter (closer to the exact degree).  Once again the distance between planets and their energies with one another have to be taken into consideration. 

This information applies to natal interpretation as well as in composite charts while transits behave quite differently.  We will look at transiting planets in our next Astrology post on August 10 and then on August 13, we will focus on progressions.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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