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Friday, 17 May 2019


We will be experiencing the harvesting energies of a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 18, 2019 at 5:11 p.m. EDT.

For longer range plans and motivations set in place some 6 months ago under the energies of the New Moon in Scorpio look for end results now.  The Full Moon’s energies are conducive to reaping the rewards from all of your efforts made to this point.

For shorter range objectives, look back to the last New Moon was in Taurus on May 4. 

Under this current Full Moon both of these previous “planting” periods that would have been taken advantage of can now reaching the final stages of development (if you have put the necessary work into your goals that you set). 

With a Full Moon at 27 degrees Scorpio, this is a powerful connection with potentially deep-seated ramifications.  This is a very emotional placement and also likely a very sensual and driven placement as well.  If you have planets located close to this degree (up to 3-4 degrees separation) and either in conjunction, opposition or to a lesser degree square, trine and sextile to this placement (see for information on these aspects), this Full Moon will be affecting your natal planetary placements.  Be sure to look at the position of the Full Moon by house position as this will be the area of life that is being activated and then have a look at the aspects to the natal planetary positions (house position, aspect and planetary energy) as this will give you further insight.

This is a very high-strung energy where the emotions are high, and you can expect a certain degree of volatility with this placement. 

This can be a sensual positioning with strong sexual drives linked to the emotions which, to say the least, run deep.  It is a mysterious connection where secrets may come to the surface or at least be brought to the surface for those involved and then hopefully appropriately dealt with.  The connection is also likely tied to the mystical or occult.  Delving deep into these profound subjects with an analytical eye on self is highly suggested, even if you have nothing touching this position. 

Self-reflection is never a bad idea, although honesty is a general requirement for all essential information to be revealed.  If you don’t like what you see, you can make changes and if you like what you see, adhere to what is exemplified.

There is also a connection to the planet Mercury.  The Moon will be making an opposition to Mercury in Taurus at 24 degrees.  Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, is suggesting that although Scorpio is rather subdued and internalized, you need to communicate to receive more information and collaboration with what you are coming to terms with. 

Mercury in the sign Taurus wants to take a rational approach to what is surfacing and Scorpio, which is the Moon’s placement, is all about emotions.  As a result, it is important to rationalize emotional impacts and sensitivity to the sub-conscious can be quite the challenge.  Oppositions usually suggest that other people are involved in the equation and this is, in part, why you should take into consideration open and honest communication with others. 

Communicate your emotions. 

Remember the tighter the orb of influence from the Full Moon to your natal planets, the stronger the energy and impact.
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Thursday, 16 May 2019


Neither our family members who have passed over nor our guides are ever very far away.  They are with us frequently especially in times of need. 

Our guides can change over time as they are there to help us during specific times in our lives and when their specific energies and expertise match our area of required growth at the time.  Many guides can come and go but there can be specific guides that are with us throughout our life time.

For those wanting to enjoy a clear connection with their guides, meditation is an invaluable tool. 

For those that have never meditated before, to help get started, there are guided meditations available through many online sources, and you will undoubtedly find at least one or more that will work well for you.  Our particular personal vibration will fit certain procedures or methods more than some others.  We can keep trying difference methods until we find one that works best or resonates with us. 

Do not expect some over-the-top experience.  The connection is very subtle at least in the early stages.  It is like a muscle.  It takes practice and experience to get consistently proficient at clearing our mind.

Alternatively, we can meditate without guidance and simply use the sounds of nature or complete silence in our meditation practice. 

Some meditation experiences are simple silence and peace.  Do not underestimate this experience.  It is a wonderful one.  This is an ideal method to reduce the chatter and rejuvenate the soul, mind and body.  This mediation can certainly brings us strength and courage during trying times.  To quiet the mind also helps us to de-stress.

Meditation practices are a tool to clearing the stress and chaos of life.  This can be an invaluable practice to opening up to our guides.

There are certainly times when we are connecting yet we are completely unaware of the subtle communications.  This lack of awareness often deters some of us from continuing our practice as we feel as though we are getting nowhere or that our progress is stifled. 

Watch for ego interference.  Ego will tell us that we are never ready for this connection.  Rest assured that we are always ready and we would not even be attempting to connect if we were not.

Some meditations allow the subtle voice within to provide us with helpful information.  This quite voice does not operate the same way that our speech does.   We may catch our minds repeating the message offered by our guides because this information does not come through on normal channels.  Some people’s experiences are that the words received from spirit/guides/higher self are not actually in the form of normal spoken words as the message is received instantaneously.  The message received does not take the normal time for the information to be processes such as when we are listening to oral conversation.  It is as though everything is said in an instant and comprehension is complete and clear also within the instant that the information is provided to us.  It is as though a whole sentence or even a paragraph is said instantaneously, all at once and this is foreign to the physical mind so our mind repeats the words.

Experiment with different ways of meditation over the next several days and we will continue our look a connecting with our guides on May 21, 2019.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Wednesday, 15 May 2019


Transiting Neptune has a veil of uncertainty attached to its energies.  Neptune especially in challenging aspect has some vagueness to it.  It can make things very unclear or uncertain and can leave us in a bit of a fog. 

Neptune’s energies suggest that we go beneath the surface and uncover the truth of the situation or life conditions which are in front of us. 

Neptune in transit has a psychic or intuitive flavour to it; and in many cases, if we listen closely, we get information that is relayed to us through the unconscious or our sub-conscious mind.  Neptune is closely tied to mysticism and spirituality and as we lift that veil of uncertainty, we are guided by forces greater than our mere mortal energies.

Venus on the other hand has to do with love and affection and is sometimes tied to the finances.  It can also refer to a young female or women in general, but if linked in some way either through transit or natal aspect to Mars, it often has to do with sexual alignment and love connections. 

The house positions involved will give greater detail into what area of life is involved and as usual, check the natal placement of Neptune and the aspects that natal Venus makes in the birth chart. 

If this connection between transiting Neptune and natal Venus is tied to relationships of significance as indicated by those things we have suggested you check in your chart, then there may be some confusion or idealism in this relationship.  It may be best to have input by close reliable friends and family as you may not be getting the whole picture or your mind may be playing games with you. 

If, for example, transiting Neptune or Venus is tied to the fifth house this may indicate that a romantic relationship is what this aspect is speaking about.  If this is tied to the seventh house then the marriage may be going through some challenging conditions. 

Square aspects, however, can be quite aggravating and often force us into action.  As we maneuver our way through the obstacles, we eventually uncover the truth and see things as they are.  Sometimes we will not get the full picture until Neptune passes out of orb which is at about 2 degrees past being direct.  If Neptune goes into retrograde and passes over the same position again then there is further work yet to come, but in most cases the first direct alignment is usually the most powerful.

Many individuals reading this post may feel somewhat dismayed by what the story is suggesting.  However, it should be noted that all aspects over time have favourable conclusions.  One way or another, the truth is revealed and the veil is removed, and we continue moving in our guided direction.  There are no mistakes along the way even if after the fact we find out that what appeared to be the wrong direction in the moment is actually the best route we could have travelled.  It may not be a pleasant experience but it was what was needed to learn the lesson at hand or to move through to our needed final outcome. 

All conditions are favourable on some level regardless of aspect configuration and they are meant to be.  All lessons are for our greater good, even if it does not look or feel that way during the experience.  We learn from life and many times we don’t clearly understand the “why” behind events.  The outcome may not seem favourable at the time, but the lesson learned is what was important.
Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Tuesday, 14 May 2019


No matter what our expectations may be, life is always on track. 

This journey is not always a smooth ride.  After exhausting efforts to paddle up stream and getting nowhere, we hopefully at some point allow the boat of life to turn around and flow with the current.  By doing so, we allow our faith in the process to take over.  The current of the water (energies of life) is set in motion to guide and assist us throughout our journey.  Our expectations and attitude can make the ride rather rough or these expectations and our attitude can make the journey enjoyable.  More often than not, we do not recognize that we have this choice.

We can certainly make adjustments along the way but we will never conquer the current by trying to paddle up stream.  Our focus and our attitude towards the journey are what guide our boat. 

If we are unhappy with our journey, we have to examine why we feel that way.  What expectations have we put in place? 

What lesson do we need to learn to continue downstream smoothly? 

Nothing within the river is there to hinder our journey.  The rocks are not there for our convenience or detriment.  They just are.  If we run into one, maybe it was time to stop and utilize the rock as an anchor to take time to appreciate the view. 

When we come to a “Y” in the river, we can take either route.  Both will lead us to the ocean.  One route may have more rapids than the other but once we have committed to which direction we are going, there is no turning back or we would be paddling against the current again. 

We can’t place the blame for the current in our river of life on anyone or anything.  The route with the rapids may be more of a struggle but the lessons learned to navigate safely are invaluable. 

Life has many choices and paths to follow.  There are many avenues of expression along the river of life.  We cannot wish the obstacle to be gone but we can certainly learn to maneuver around them or use them to our advantage.    

Remain focused throughout all of life’s experiences.  Stay true to yourself and do what must be done.  Never take the lessons being taught to be a personal provocation. 

It is also important to understand that allowing is not a form of giving in or giving up.  Letting go and giving up are two very different choices. 

You have what it takes to overcome whatever comes between you and contentment (usually your attitude). 

If you get stranded as most of us do from time to time, do not be afraid to reach for the life lines thrown to you.  Remember, we are not alone in this journey. 

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology. Visit our calendar for dates at

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Monday, 13 May 2019


The potential for success and growth during a conjunction between Pluto and Jupiter depends much on the effort and the approach you use during this period.  You will have the ability to pursue your goals and aspirations when this aspect is in your chart, but will you move ahead with the energies offered? 

Will you allow the mind to interfere and obstruct your efforts because of ego intervention? 

Ego can certainly have an impact when dealing with the energies of Pluto.  The proper frame of mind and the ability to motivate self is essential for taking advantage of these energies.   You have the availability for a powerful push if you need it and will find persevere in the face of adversity, if presented. 

You have the ability to succeed in many areas of life with this aspect.  Take a look at the houses involved with this conjunction when and if you have this aspect in your chart.  The house of the conjunction and the house where natal Pluto is located will be the areas of life that are being affected by this conjunction.

You may be reviewing your goals in life and how you fit into the overall flow of your journey.  Do you fit well with others?  Are your objectives for the betterment of all concerned? 

You will have to examine your priorities before you push ahead.  Make sure that your actions are not to build your ego and that others can also benefit because of your actions.

This can certainly be a metaphysical or spiritual connection if this is where you choose to place your focus.  Both planets are geared in this direction and Jupiter will foster growth and expansion, while Pluto brings forth a rebirth of your focal ideologies.  Regeneration and a resurgence of spirituality may be high on the agenda and a new religious (we are not speaking of traditional religion though this too may be the case) outlook may be the outcome. 

You have the perseverance and aptitude to move forward in almost any endeavor you wish to undertake now.

You may need to take a good close look within and see what you need to cultivate and what needs to be revamped or removed.  It is best to be honest as you cannot fool yourself and the energies at work can bring forth change that might not be pleasant if you are being untrue to yourself. 

Growth and some form of prosperity are the rewards for a job well done and Jupiter offers this, but some digging and hard work are required.  Get to the bottom of any situation that needs rectifying at this time.  You have what it takes right now to walk this road with integrity and move ahead in leaps and bounds.  You will never look back once you make your decision.  The changes brought forth will be permanent and also what is required for the growth that you seek under this influence.

Pluto is all about transformation and regeneration and will aid in truth in your endeavors undertaken during this aspect.  Pluto will only make this conjunction once in your life, (if this is founds in your chart) so make sure you use the energies at hand to accomplish something worthwhile and satisfying.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday, 10 May 2019


The transiting Nodes take 19 years to move through all of the signs of the zodiac in an Astrology chart.  It takes approximately 1 ½ years to move through one single sign.

As houses depict areas of life, the nodes moving through a house will define areas of life where we are gaining knowledge.  We get a deeper understanding of the areas of life governed by the house position of the nodes. 

Remember that there are two nodes, a North and South node, and they are always in opposition (opposite) to one another.  Both houses will be affected by our nodes’ placement.

The Nodes are attached to our soul’s mission and we have come to experience life more fully in each area of life that the nodes are influencing in the birth chart.  In general, we are here to serve on one level or another and although the Nodes definitely teach us valuable lessons in life, once learned and understood, we can offer up information and assistance to those that are interested in the information we have to offer which will assist them in whatever way needed. 

The nodes are tied to our destiny so when we are experiencing our nodes in action, stimulated through house contact and planetary links, we have obligations to fulfill.  Remember we came into this life to fulfill our life’s goals which are closely linked to the nodal positions at birth.  We have to give a little of ourselves in order to complete our soul’s requirements, as we have much to offer.  Our higher connection to self (from a spiritual perspective) and the earthly measures we take assist us in getting one step closer to our higher purpose.  We have come to serve a purpose and to learn lessons through experience and to add to the greater whole.

We are at the controls of our experiences but often when the nodes are under hard aspect, or activated through transit, we may feel as though we are at the mercy of life’s events and life seems to have control over us.  This is when we have to use our inner guidance, our spirit guides, our astrology charts or those wise individuals that walk this journey with us to work through life’s events.  Many times the overall plan behind our experiences may escape us consciously, and we have to find the faith in the process that is required and recognize that there is something much bigger at work than what is obvious to us in human form.

The North Node always pointing us towards our objectives.  When the North Node is transiting a point in our chart, it asks us to go deep into our lesson.  It asks us to think about what we might want to do or where we might want to address change or gain through experience.  The North node operates in the same fashion as Jupiter, so it offers us opportunities and provides us with good luck and generally makes us happy and more content in our life’s progress when we follow its energies.

The South Node acts in similar ways to the planet Saturn. The South Node wants us to pay attention to what can be learned through the potential rough spots that we may encounter along the way.  It offers lessons and responsibilities and makes us aware of our liabilities.  The South Node makes us work on these areas of life which are in focus and the energies of the planets that are being activated through this contact.  Although we may have to sacrifice or let go of something, it also offers up chances for spiritual growth through these experiences and lessons that need to be well learned.  This knowledge will be used as our lives progress.

Stay open to advice being offered from both nodes and use the energies of the North Node to facilitate growth in your life’s quest.  Use the energies and lessons of the South Node with caution and care but recognize the importance of what is being said for your greater good.  All aspects (regardless of which aspect it is) has something important to give.  Leaving the door open to this understanding will allow the positive energies of all aspects to generate opportunities in our lives.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Visit our calendar for dates at

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Thursday, 9 May 2019


From the very beginning, our lives are conducive to creating including ideas.  The ideas for our future probably began before we were born.  Our parents may have dreamed and imagined what they wanted for us. 

Some plans may have been formulated by someone else, but the action to put a plan in action must always come from us as an individual. 

On a primary level, these plans can, but do not necessarily have to, refer to our occupations or material goals in life.  These dreams could be the characteristics and qualities that our parents wanted to instil in us as we were growing up.  Some parents might be forceful with their ideas of the way our lives should be; perhaps some were fixated on their own concepts and in ways that they believed they personally had fallen short. 

Some of our parents may have believed that if we stepped out alone it would not be safe for us.  They wanted to keep us safe.  By doing so, were they denying us opportunity to grow or did they actually keep us safe from harm? 

Some parents want to ensure their children have strength and the abilities to move forward on their own without having to rely on others.  By doing so, were they denying their children the ability to learn to share their fears and emotions or did they build strong independent people? 

Some parents wanted their children to fulfill their own needs in some way.  The possibilities of all parents dreams and goals for their children are endless.

Many of us, as we matured, make changes where we believed changes are required and we hold on to things that we felt resonated with our core beliefs or that we take for granted (never questioned) or do not realize that there are other alternatives.  Some of us still struggle with what was taken for granted during our younger years.  We knew no different and now we cannot help but question things that we always considered unquestionable.  Some of us have never given what they were taught as young children a second thought.  Is this wise?

Questions are invaluable.  Through study, discovery and openness we gradually built that which we hunger for in our lives.  Some of us continually change our concepts and belief structures along the way.  This is sometimes essential so that life itself can keep up with our ever expanding growth.  We must release the guilt that we may feel towards shifting away from the fundamentals we were taught as children.  We must go with what truly feels correct in our hearts (not our memory banks). 

We are not suggesting that all that our parents or teachers have taught us was wrong but it is certainly progressive to think outside of the box and be open to new ideas.  Questioning can actual verify that which we already know or it can also help us realize that we may have been mislead (intentionally or innocently).

With external connections, we can also practice the same openness...with our profession, with our day to day lives.  Do not fear learning new concepts and ideas.  Follow your dreams.  What we need in life may be somewhat different from what we conceive we need but this too is okay.  Dream anyway. 

The overall picture of our lives can and will transform into whatever it is meant to become.  We personally are our own greatest achievements and our lives are a manifestation of what we have materialized over time.  We have brought life to life by our expectations and our belief structures.

What we now have in front of us is an accumulation of all of the details we have set in motion over time. 

What more can be accumulated (and we are not just speaking of material things)?  

Life continues to develop and grow.  What is your contribution?   

There are many avenues of expression for each of us.  Each avenue of expression is built in perfect harmony for what we require in our lives in that particular moment.   

Life is created.  You are your life’s creator.  What are you creating?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology is now taking registration for its 2019 Spring courses. Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit