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Monday, 8 July 2019


Uranus and Saturn are opposing forces in many ways.  Saturn represents discipline, stability, structure and gradual movement towards a goal.  Saturn’s energies do not like change or any kind of disruption and they are quite willing to wait for things to settle before moving forward.  Saturn’s energies are reliable, secure and offer rewards for perseverance and hard work. 

Uranus, on the other hand, represents the need for change and its energies are disruptive which often initiate change.  Uranus is a freedom seeking planet, once again, through the agent of change and seeking the new because the old, outdated ways no longer serve a viable purpose.  

As you can see these planets’ energies oppose each other and are quite different. 

In opposition, which often suggests that the energies in place stem from outside sources (often from the actions of others), we will find that Uranus will uproot what once was a stable and secure situation in life.  Often, if intimate relationships are part of the equation, people will separate, new relationships are formed and changes in the most secure relationships take place.  If the relationship no longer satisfies the need for more space or more freedom of expression, changes will take place.  If someone new and exciting comes into the picture, people may leave what was once a comfortable and satisfying relationship.  

The feeling that a change must take place may be felt for some time and this aspect will create an event to take place that will force the change.  

More often than not, it is someone else that instigates the change or some other outside influence with the energies of an opposition aspect.  

One thing that is frequently associated with this aspect is that longevity is not often a common factor (when it comes to any new relationships).

If this aspect somehow involves the workplace or occupation, changes often take place in these areas.  Uranus’ action is often sudden and unexpected, and people will leave places where they have been employed for many years in search for something more in line with what they want or what they need currently in life.  

One thing is almost certain, the changes that take place are often seen as drastic with little forethought and the behaviours can be rash.  These changes are, however, often put in place because a change of direction needs to take place and as we settle into whatever area of life is going through this process, we will come to realize the reasoning behind what took place, although this could take up to a year to come to light.

As transiting Uranus has moved into the sign of Taurus permanently in March, 2019, your Saturn will be in Scorpio for this opposition to take place.  Check your natal chart.  If your Saturn is in Scorpio, you will probably be feeling the pull for something new or for change in your life up to 5 degrees approaching and it will take up to 2-3 degrees once it is past the degree of your Saturn before the energies finally settling in. 

Check you chart to see which house transiting Uranus is moving through when this aspect takes place.  Check which house your natal Saturn is located in.  Also have a look at the condition of Saturn in your natal chart, as well as the house that natal Uranus was in within the natal chart to get a clearer picture of what areas of life are involved and how the energies might play out.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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Friday, 5 July 2019


In general Saturn and Mars are opposing energies.  Mars likes to push forward and energetically moves into life’s adventures with much enthusiasm.  Saturn has a lot to do with restrictions and delays and will always take the tried and tested route.  It will not push forward until all of the “T’s” have been crossed and all the “I’s” have been dotted.  As you can imagine, these two energies work at odds against one another.

The only time they work well together is when you have spent the required time studying a subject or goal and are truly prepared to move ahead.  Unfinished work or untidy conditions due to rushing will never work out under a Saturn/Mars aspect.  Perhaps you will have a greater chance of success with a trine or sextile but even under those aspects, you will still have to do the ground work and never cut corners.

Saturn is very restrictive in its nature but does provide opportunities for success when the ground work is completed.  Mars is always ready to move ahead, so when these two are combined, there is a great push and pull.  The energy of Mars is thwarted and stagnated but if we were to pursue something that requires deep study and concentrated energy, following Saturn’s requirements, you just might succeed.

Since Mars stimulates the urge for action and is always pushing ahead, the energy of Saturn can cause problems – even confrontations due to frustration.  Arguments and anger often results because of this combination.  Accidents are also associated with this combination as we tend to want to rush even when we should be cautious. 

We may feel frustration when attempting to move ahead in our objectives, although if we take our time and realize that in order to achieve what we set out to do it will require steady unobstructed hard work, we can actually achieve a great deal.  We must learn to be patient and recognize that it takes time to achieve positive results when Saturn is involved.

As mentioned, we can become quite irritable which in turn creates arguments and disruptions in the flow of things.  Aggressive action will lead to troublesome times.  It might not take much to make us angry as progress is often hindered in some way and at times, seemingly by others.  Everything seems to be moving at a snail’s pace, and we just want to get on with things.  I suppose Saturn, the task maker, is teaching us patience.  We will have to persevere if we want to make any progress at all.

If we focus and stay with our task at hand regardless of intrusion and delays, we have the opportunity to accomplish big things, but not without some challenge that we will have to endure and rise above with this aspect.

If Mars is located on our Ascendant or in the sixth house, we may experience frustrations around our working conditions.  Because of these feelings of stagnation, we can begin to feel sick and our health can be affected in adverse ways. 

The best thing to do is to accept whatever life conditions seem to come our way with this aspect and realize that it will take longer to complete tasks even if they are important.  Sometimes we just need to accept that life does not always go the way we would like it to go, although with a persistent effort and concentrated energy, we will accomplish quite a lot.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 4 July 2019


We are not here to be a mere spectator to stand by while life presents us with opportunities to assist in this material experience.  We are here to be a participant in our awakening, even a light to guide others in finding their own personal insight and meaning to their lives.

Many people become trapped within the idea that material wealth will satisfy their deep inner yearning for understanding.  Maybe for a few brief moments we may find some contentment or even excitement but this is short lived if what we are actually seeking is inner fulfillment. 

Do not get me wrong.  There is nothing wrong with material wealth and it can certainly make the physical life a little easier but it will not make you feel complete or provide happiness, for these things cannot be bought.  We can become lost in the search, unfortunately. 

If only we would stop looking outward for our fulfillment and answers.  Our investment in these things never seems to provide true contentment and as a result, we keep striving for more.  We eventually come up feeling empty and ever reaching for that one thing that will make us feel happy only to find that that next “thing” does not satisfy what is missing. 

Look within for answers. 

Live within the moment, without expectations of others. 

It does not hurt to remind ourselves that we are spiritual beings living an earthly existence...nothing more, nothing less. 

Be the listener.  Be the watcher, the one within who watches each event and who listens to the story as it unfolds.  We have never been lost!

We already are the wealth that we are search for.  We have heard others speak of the one within.  That is who we truly are.  We are not separate.  We are one with everything.  We resonate within the divine light of knowing.  We are pure energy momentarily experiencing this physical form. 

We are light!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.    See the schedule at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


We have received inquiries as to what activates a planet’s energies in an Astrology chart. 

We are going to use Pluto as our example for this purpose.  Let’s say that Transiting (Current position) Pluto has been in Conjunction with your natal (birth position) Venus for some time now.  Pluto will move very slowly through the heavens.  It can affect your Venus for up to three years and for people very sensitive to the energies of Pluto, Pluto’s influence could last as long as five years.  Pluto on Venus suggests transformation in your love life or changes directly related to your finances.  There are other translations but we will stick to these predominate obvious couple.

We will not discuss the meaning of Transiting Pluto on Venus in detail.  What we are concentrating on is “when” this aspect will be enhanced and when to expect activity.  The closer transiting Pluto moves towards being direct in this example, (in other words when it is less than one degree in separation or moving towards the specific degree of Venus in your chart), the stronger it becomes.

You ask, however, “what actually activates this transit?”  It might become activated when it sits directly on Venus, within 10 minutes or so, but more than likely, it will become activated when Pluto is within range, (so under a half of a degree from Venus’ position), and an inner planet will activate this transit.

The inner planets that activate energies or stimulate action are Mars and the Sun (also Uranus, an outer planet, when it is direct).  You can often use Uranus to pinpoint the timing for events within a couple of days.  The progressed Moon also stimulates activity and this takes place the closer it is to being direct (same degree).  The progressed Moon has an influence for a period of three months, when in aspect.  The influence from the progress Moon is when it is one degree approaching, while direct and one degree separating.

For example, if Venus is 15 degrees Capricorn in your chart, as Pluto begins to affect Venus, you will notice some activity, at least on a mental level.   When Pluto is about 1 degree or less of being direct, its energies will grow in intensity as it approaches.  If transiting Mars or the transiting Sun is moving towards this 15 degree Capricorn, or in opposition (180 degrees) to this degree or in square (90 degrees) to this degree, it will stimulate activity and bring out the potential of what these energies suggest in your chart. 

You will also have to look at which house is being transited by Pluto as well as the house natal Pluto resides in within the birth chart as these will be the areas of life that will be affected by this transit of Pluto to Venus.

The trines (120 degrees) and sextiles (60 degrees) from transiting Sun and Mars will also affect the timing but it may not be as noticeable as the square (90 degrees) or opposition (180 degrees) and especially by the conjunction (0 degrees). 

The conjunction is widely used as a timer in Astrology.  Checking to see when this is activated either from the Sun or Mars will help you to pinpoint the potential for activity.  You may be able to narrow down the time to one or two weeks.  As mentioned, the progressed Moon especially by conjunction will often activate any planet it makes contact with, and you can often use this as a tool for pinpointing timing as well.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology?  Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.  Visit our calendar for dates at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 2 July 2019



In our physical world, we can exercise, eat properly, have regular medical checkups and in general look after ourselves, but will these practices keep us young? 

Is being young a state of the body or is it a state of mind? 

I am sure you have experienced a child who is obviously a very old soul.  These children are much too wise for their years.  Is this an example of being old?  Does knowledge and an ingrained knowing indicate age? 

Most young children play and enjoy their lives.  They live completely in the moment.  They have few cares but when they have one, they can become obsessed with their issue within that moment.  However as soon as they move away from the issue by altering their focus, the issue is often gone forever or holds little relevance.  Is this considered being young or a youthful thing to do, or is this something we can all practice and enjoy?

Staying forever young, certainly in part, deals with living in the moment.  Children enjoy the moment and live within it.  They experience fully the details of their focus.  We, as adults, tend to live in our minds and think in terms of what will be or what has already been.  Rarely are we content with living in the now. 

Staying forever young, in part, deals with attitude especially if we stay open and allow. 

Do we suddenly stop learning because we have experienced many decades? 

Does life no longer provide us with any new lessons and do we really have all the information and all the answers?  I think not.  We are never too old to learn.

If we want to stay young, we certainly have to allow ourselves to have fun, stay open and continue to learn.  We can never believe that there is nothing left for if we do than we certainly are growing old (with living). 

Even the most advanced souls, or should we say especially the most advanced souls know that the journey of knowledge is just beginning.  The further along we venture, the more we realize how little we know.  This does not indicate ignorance, it indicates maturity.

Stay young by attending this moment’s school of life.  Pay heed to your focus.  Watch and learn from the young.  They have so much to teach. 

Enjoy your journey.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.    See the schedule at

Please “Like” us on Facebook  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Monday, 1 July 2019


We will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Cancer at 10 degrees on July 2, 2019, at 3:17 EDT.  At the same time we will also be experiencing a Solar Eclipse.  Those individuals that have planets between 7 and 13 degrees of either Cancer or Capricorn (in conjunction or opposition to this placement) will particularly be influenced by this Eclipse/New Moon positioning. 

Solar eclipses are strong in their effect for about 6 months, but the overall effect of Solar Eclipses is equivalent in years for every hour that they lasts; so a three and one half hour eclipse will still be in force 3 ½ years from the time of the eclipse, if it makes close aspects within your natal chart.   The energies associated with the Eclipse can usually felt prior to the actual eclipse for several weeks.

New Moons are associated with a time to start something plant the seeds for goals in the garden of life.  When in the sign of Cancer, the new moon deals with nurturing and often our subconscious is involved.  Cancer is a sensitive and gentle sign and family is important.  Depending on which house is involved in our personal astrology chart, the nurturing part of you will work in these areas of life represented by the house involved in your chart.

Because Neptune is involved (out by 8 degrees and forming a trine), sometimes love and affection can be part of the process.  It will be important not to romanticise the relationship.  Do not let your imagination run wild or grasp for far-fetched ideologies.  Neptune tends to elevate love and affection and often people put others on a pedestal under this influence.  Guard against this, although this might be a match made in heaven and the relationship may flow very well.

Being tied to the North Node suggests that life’s path and important people may come into the picture and push you out of complacency (if you have been in need of a push).  Solar eclipses are equipped to make this happen and are known to bring about new opportunities.  They can wreak havoc and push for change. 

There is a lot of feminine energy associated with the sign of Cancer and intuition may be strong. 

Many people, unfortunately, fear eclipses but truth and change are what eclipses actually foster.  Many people dislike change and forget to see what great benefits change can bring.  You might not feel ready or well equipped to maneuver your way through what these energies are relaying to you, but sometimes change is what is required and the eclipse will bring about the momentum to push ahead.

Domestic matters may be part of the process and if the energies are abrupt, remember they will eventually be positive in their expression. In many ways, these changes will carry good Karma although work is involved with Saturn being in opposition. 

Over time, however, Saturn does tend to offer stability and structure to anything that needs structure and/or solidity. 

Make sure you recognize and act upon any of your own personal needs that are not being met.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.    See the schedule at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 27 June 2019


Those that believe in reincarnation trust that they have spent many lifetimes gathering information to enhance their development and growth. 

No matter if we accept the concept of reincarnation or not, we are not here to be a mere spectator and stand by while life presents us with opportunities to assist in this material experience.  We are here to be a participant in our awakening, even a light to guide others in finding their own personal insight and meaning to their lives.

Many people become trapped within the idea that material wealth will satisfy their deep inner yearning for understanding.  Maybe for a few brief moments we may find some contentment or even excitement but this is short lived if what we are actually seeking is inner fulfillment. 

Do not get me wrong.  There is nothing wrong with material wealth and it can certainly make the physical life a little easier but it will not make you feel complete or provide happiness, for these things cannot be bought.  We can become lost in the search, unfortunately. 

If only we would stop looking outward for our fulfillment and answers.  Our investment in these things never seems to provide a true return on our efforts and as a result, we keep striving for more.  We eventually come up feeling empty and ever reaching for that one thing that will make us feel happy only to find that that next “thing” does not satisfy what is missing. 

Look within for answers.  Live in the moment, without expectations. 

It does not hurt to remind ourselves that we are spiritual beings living an earthly existence...nothing more, nothing less.  Be the listener.  Be the watcher, the one within who watches each event and who listens to the story as it unfolds. 

We have never been lost!

We already are the wealth that we are search for.  We have heard others speak of the one within.  That is who we truly are.  We are not separate.  We are one with everything.  We resonate within the divine light of knowing.  We are pure energy momentarily experiencing this physical form. 

We are light!

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology offers courses in astrology.    See the schedule at

Please “Like” us on Facebook  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit